HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Cripe ~. An::hrtects... Engineers 3939 Priority Way Sauth Drive Suite 400 Indianapolis. IN 46250 317.842.6777 FAX: 317.841.4798 www.cripe.biz TRANSMITTAL SalUItanD ~ DUlgn Slnco 'Il87 Date: 8/4/08 I Cripe Job #: 990488-107C)0 To: Halliilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 188 Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: Carmel street Department Building Addition Attention: GreQ Hoyes 776-8495 We are sending you the following items via: 2-hour Courier Shop. Drawings Prints X Plans Samples Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order Attached Report Of her Copies Date Oescription 1 6/24/08 Construction Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Aooroval X Submit Approved as Submitted Copies for Approval For Your Use Return Approved as Noted Copies tor Distribution .As Reauested NoiAooroved Reviewed for Compliance. Slanature Reauested Resubmit Corrected Prints X For Review and Comment Remarks: We are submitting plans for approveil and will be working with individual departments rather than appear at the lAC meeting. Please contact Graham Lewis at 317-845-7065 or alewis@cripe.bizwith any questions. c: Angie Conn, Carmel DOCS Gary Duncan, Carmel Engineering Scanned to File Signed: Sherri Wilson, Permit Specialist, 845-7119 Transmittal Only: Mike Grubb, Cripe Notice: The drawing/computer fiies listed above are the property of Cripe Archifecls + Engineers and are transmiHed for reproduction use only. Any modification or reuse of the documents wiihout written permission from Cripe Architects + Engineers is prohibited. Any person or entity using these documents for any purpose other than fhe project for which they were originally intehded, with or wifhout permission from Cripe Architects + Engineers, by their use agrees to indemnity and hold harmless Cripe Architects'" Engineers from any loss, including. but not limited to attorney's fees occurring from their use. 0:\ 1999\990488\ 1 0700\DOCS\PERMITS\BUILDING ADDITION\TRANSMITTAL_HCSO_2008_08_ 4.DOC 13] 51 & shdborne rd 2007 aerial photo EL JAMES BRAINARD, .MAYOR July 28, 2008 Mr. Graham Lewis . . Cripe Architects + Engineers 3939 Priority Way South Drive, Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: Carmel Street Department Building Addition-Projed Review #1 Dear Mr. Lewis: The City received the drawings for this project on June 26, 2008. We understand that this will not be submitted for formal T.A.C. Review. We have reviewed the plans submitted for this building addition. The building addition is being constructed on City property, there will be no increase in impervious surface and the total area of land disturbance will be less than Y4 acre. It does not appear that there are any entry issues, Right of Way Pennit requirements or Perfonnance or Maintenance Guarantee requirements. Therefore, unless there are significant revisions or additions to the plans, the Engineering Department offers no connnents related to these plans. On the title sheet is the text "STORAGE BINDS." It is probably intended that this be "STORAGE BINS" instead. If you have questions, please contact me at 511-2441. cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services 101m DuffY, Cannel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Greg Itko, Crossroad Engineers, PC Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyors Office Department ReviewlFile Copy \\Aops2\user data\eng\Shared\DHill\PORJREV08\CARMELSTREETDEPTBLDGADD.doc DEPARtMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUAIlE, CAI(MH, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@c;1nnel.in.gov June 27,2008 Sherri Wilson Cripe 3939 Priority Way S. DL, Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46240 RE: Job #: 990488-10700 Carmel Street Department Building Addition Dear Ms. Wilson: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts~ If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, ~ J)./'1~ Michael D , Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services ----~ :n~,: II rL'!/'" ":' \ ~\,!~I;.~,(. " ,~ " ' ~ - t1s ~/~ ' !JJ.~~:' . ~ '()~ -:, " , ...'5- A Nationally Accredit FeU (311.7) 57Jl.2&Jl2 \3171 671-2500 'forcement Agency J'j c:; '!o.. .. Architects + Engineers 3939 Priority Way South Drive Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46250 317.842,6777 FAX: 317.841.4798 www.cripe.biz tLolct +v () S01/0C l>e) rn-c TRANSMITTAL~ &' aECE\'lEO c\ \ ,- jlJt.~ ?. 'i :IQG~ - ~ nOCS '<~ ~~/ , y v 'lIJ'l ~ \~V Carmel street Departmen~c Building Addition Solutions by Dejigtl s;~ce 1937 Date: 6/25/08 I Cripe Job #; 990488-10700 To: Department of Community Services One Civic Square, 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Attention: An ie Conn/Christine Barton-Holmes We are sending you the following items via: 2-hr Courier Shop Drawings Prints X Plans Samples Specitications Copy of Leiter Change Order X Attached Report Other Copies Date Descrlctlan 1 6/25/08 Cover Letter 2 6/24/08 Construction Pions THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X For Aooroval Submit Aooroved as Submitted Cooles for Approval For Your Use Return Approved as Noted Copies tor Distribution As Reauested Not Approved Reviewed for Compliance Siqnature Reauested Resubmit Corrected Prints For Review and Comment Remarks: We are submitting plans for approval and will be working with individual departments rather than appear at the TAC meeting. Please contact Graham Lewis at 317-845-7065 or qlewis@cripe.biz with any questions. c: Gary Duncan, Carmel Engineering Michael Fogarty, Cannel Police Ryan Hartman, CTRWD Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Dave Huffman, Carmel Street Dept. Signed: Sherri Wilson, Permit Specialist, 845-7119 Scanned to File Transmittal Only: Mike Grubb, Cripe Notice: The drawing/computer files liSted above are the properly of Cripe Architects + Engineers and are transmitted for reproducllonuse only. Any modification or reuse of the documents without written permission from Cripe Architects + Engineers Is prohibited. Any person or entity using these documents for any purpose other than the project tor which they were originally intended. with or without permission from Cripe Architects + Engineers. by their use agrees to indemnify and hold hmml." Cdp. A,chD.c" + '09'0.." from ony 10", 'OC4t b~~to O~"9fb :~'~d1\j 0:\ 1999\990488\ 1 0700\DOCS\PERMITS\BUILDING ADDITION\ TRANSMITT AL_DOCL2008_06_25DOC .~/~rCt5!'loY1S.. ,. . Cripe ~@ Architects + Engineers 3939 Priority Way South Drive Suite 400 Indianapolis. IN 46240 317.844.6777 FAX: 317.706.6464 www.cripe.biz Solutions by D&$igl'\ Sil'\~e 19)7 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Duncan, Carmel Engineering Chris Ellison. Carmel Fire Department Michael Fogarty, Carmel Police Department Ryan Hartman, C1ayTownship Regional Waste District cc: Angie Conn, Carmel DOCS Dave Huffman, Carmel street Department FROM: Graham Lewis, Project Manager DATE: June 25, 2008 RE: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT BUilDING ADDITION Dear T AC Member: Per Angie Conn. Carmel DOCS, we are submitting plans for approval and will work with your individual department rather than appearing at the T AC meeting for the above-mentioned project. The building addition for the Carmel Street Department is located at the northeast corner of 131 sl Street and Shelbourne Road. This is a 3,400 sq. ft. addition to one of the existing vehiCle/equipment storage buildings. The addition will be constructed over existing asphalt therefore there is noincrease in impervious surface. The total area of disturbance will be less thanl;' acre and the entire property is owned by the City of Carmel. We will not be disturbing any landscaping or yard areas. Please review fhe plans and contact me at 317-706-6365 or glewis@cripe.bizwifh any questions. We look forward to your comments. Page 1 of 1 0:\ 1999\990488\ 10700\docs\Permits\Building Addilion\Cover Memo_2008_06_25.doc Page 1 of2 Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Graham Lewis [glewis@cripe.biz] Monday, June 16, 20084:45 PM Conn, Angelina V Sherri Wilson Subject: Carmel Street Dept. Building Addition Attachments: Overall Site.pdf; Street Dept. Addition.pdf Angie. I have attached a couple images for another project we are working on for the Carmel Street Department. The site is located at the Northeast corner of 131 st Street and Shelbourne Rd, Here are some of the details; 1. This is a 3,400 sq. ft. building addition to one of the existing vehicle/equipment storage buildings at the City of Carmel Street Department. 2. The addition will be constructed over existing asphalt, therefore no increase in impervious surface. 3. The total area of disturbance will be less than 1/4 acre. 4. The entire property is owned by the City of Carmel We ore wanting to know if a T AC review process is necessary for this project? If no, what is the necessary permitting process? Please let me know if you have any questions. Graham M. Lewis Project Manager Cripe Architects + Engineers 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: (317) 845-7065 Cell: (317) 250-0079 Fax: [317) 845-7065 u \ d. me. 6'SolCl CJ Thank-you, ..**.*..........*.....** Please note that, as of June 23, 2008, Cripe Architects + Engineers will be moving to a new office. My new contact information will be: Address: 3939 Priority Way South Drive, Suite 400, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Direct line and direct fax: 317.706.6365 Cell phone: 317.250.0079 Email: glewis@cripe.biz Please update your records accordingly. 6/1 712008 ---~ - \] \ . \ I \ . \ I I. I ~ ------ ------------ ..-----_...---- --~---~-- ~ - - - --------.~ - - ------- - --- ----------- ------------------ I-- I I L '- __ -_1-- ," n' ill~ ,(k'" ,,- U JJ',' ",,' T ~ "" .r ~ ~ . ::; l":':-".~'=-:":""_~ I I I , I I I 1_ GG :z:Z i=-B U" --' xS Wetl GO ZZ f=O ~-' >25 LUW ............1 I I.., .~:---- .1\1,\; -~,!.nU,ll ~! J9,\::f,),~H ,:),.: -'z w~ 2,2 -~~----I uec: . ~ I~ 8CJ >-'..w .=I---LJ -~~ en \ I J - ----- / / ___~--_~----------/ // I ~ I --------------- /./)" ------------~~ / "- I I I ! -...f:'?l;---;' f~,::..:::tJ, I L -L ._J [I C;:I I; I : I I I I : _I: I I 00 ZZ ~o VI--' xS LULl --------... ....... ===='7 i"1 ~ ~ ~ ~ :-: . J / / / / / / (' I I I I I I ~~~ I I i I I i I 'I " ";"0 I ~ ~~" t...~ "r1 1. I ! !~~g~ I ~l:~~=:~ I r ~-"'l Date: November 13, 2003 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Phone: 317-773-2181 or Email: john-south~iaswcd.org Project Name: Carmel Street Department Facility Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, Dave Miller w/S&B Construction This report was provided to: Mr. David Klingensmith Carmel Street Department 211 2nd Street S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 Dave Miller Carmel DOCS S & B Construction Surveyor Fax: 733-3483 File TYPE OF EVALUATION: Initial X Routine o Follow-upO Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327IAC 15-$ (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined itt the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: A majority of the site work is completed. The pond is seeded and the buildings are being constructed. Roadways and parking areas are paved. The ground along 131 ~t Street east of the old house has been seeded. Construction traffic is entering the site off Shelborne Road. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control M (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. S (2) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. (3) Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. (4) Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. (5) Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. S (6) Outlets have been adequately stabilized. M (7) Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. M (8) Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. n/a (9) Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site O Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: X Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Compiled By: __John South Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 PROJECT NAME' Page 2 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS _Carmel Street Department Facility The items checked below must be corrected prior to __September lOth__, unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. X Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: o sediment traps/basins, o behind silt fence/straw bales, o around storm drain inlet protection devices, O streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: Soil stockpiles Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade:__ Protect storm drain inlets: o curb inlets, o drop inlets Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of' o sediment traps/basins, o detention/retention basins X Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): __Construction entrance off Shelborne road is needed and to be maintained. Shape and stabilize conveyance channels:__ Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. Other Requirements: All disturbed areas not actively being disturbed need to be protected going into winter. Straw mulch secured with a crimper is a good practice. Report Prepared By: John B. South P.E. CPESC Revised 4 / 98 Date: August 26, 2003 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Phone: 317-773-2181 or Email: john-south~iaswcd.org Project Name: Present at Site: John South, Hamilton Co. SWCD, Dave Miller w/S&B Construction This report was provided to: Mr. David Klingensmith Carmel Street Department 211 2nd Street S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 Dave Miller Carmel DOCS S & B Construction Surveyor Fax: 733-3483 File TYPE OF EVALUATION: lnitial X Routine Follow-up Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shah meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined itt the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Current Site Information: A majority of the site work is completed. The pond is seeded and the buildings are being constructed. No paving, grass seeding or gravel pads have been completed. Construction traffic is entering the site off Shelborne Road. The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control U (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and sediment control measures. s (2) u (3) u (4) u (5) S (6) M (7) s (8) n/a (9) Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. Outlets have been adequately stabilized. Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: X Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Compiled By: John South Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PROJECT NAME: Page 2 COMMENTS _Carmel Street Department Facility The items checked below must be corrected prior to~ X September 10th__, unless otherwise noted. Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4 -6 in.) and stake straw bales. Remove accumulated sediment from: sediment traps/basins, behind silt fence/straw bales, around storm drain inlet protection devices, streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch:___Seed lots along 131st Street, soil stock pile X Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade: Completed swales Protect storm drain inlets' curb inlets, drop inlets Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of' sediment traps/basins, detention/retention basins Install/Maintain construction entrance(s): __Construction entrance off Shelbourne road is needed X Shape and stabilize conveyance channels:__ Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized on all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. Other Requirements: Fabric inlet protection for functioning inlets is not an acceptable practice. Please use details shown on the plan. Report Prepared By: John B. South P.E. CPESC Revised 4 / 98 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville, IN 46060 Ph' 317-773-2181 Fax: 317-776-1101 Date' .q- ~0 -'0 ,,~ Project Name: ~ all,~8[b ~Tt~8.'r Present at Site: John South, Hamilton This Repo~ Provided To' ~~ TYPE OF EVALUATION: ~' Initial tp o Complaint This evaluation is intended to assess the level of compliance with 327 IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). It is also intended to identify areas where additional measures may be required to control erosion and sedimentation. All practices recommended in this report should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. All erosion and sediment control measures shah meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handboolt for Erosion Control in Developing Areas" or similar guidance documents. Cm-rentSiteInformation: fft~$$ &t~t~6 /$ /II'O61~'$/$/,I/6, /ltr~j~Oti'~' o~ 77/,~ /t~D tS ~'gt$O~;~,O The Following Items Have Been Evaluated and Assigned a Designation of: S = Satisfactory M = Marginal U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not Applicable Construction Site Management for Erosion and Sediment Control S ~) U NA (1) Disturbed areas have been adequately protected through seeding or other appropriate erosion and S M O NA (2) s M U ~(3) 0 M U NA (4) S M UI~]~(5) S M U G(6) (~;}M U NA (7) (~ M U NA (8) s M U ~(9) sediment control measures. Appropriate perimeter sediment control measures have been implemented. Conveyance channels have been stabilized or protected with appropriate sediment control measures. Erosion & sediment control measures are installed properly. Storm drain inlets have been adequately protected. Outlets have been adequately stabilized. Existing erosion & sediment control measures are being maintained. Public & private roadways are being kept clear of accumulated sediment or tracked soil. Erosion & sediment control measures have been installed and maintained on individual building sites. Status of Sediment Retention On-Site o Site conditions present a high potential for off-site sedimentation. o There is evidence of off-site sedimentation. Describe: Please Refer to the Comments Section of this Report Satisfactory: Marginal: Unsatisfactory: Not Applicable: Definitions The item is currently in compliance with the Rule A concern has been identified; corrective action is strongly recommended to remain in compliance A violation has been identified and the site is not in compliance; corrective action is required Does not apply at this stage of construction Revised 4/98 i PROJECT NAME: Page 2 ON-SITE EVALUATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMENTS The items checked below must be corrected prior to ,~" '~'0~' , unless otherwise noted. o Install an appropriate sediment control practice between construction areas and lower lying areas. O Replace/Repair silt fence and/or straw bale barriers. o Entrench silt fence (6-8 in.) and/or straw bale barriers (4-6 in.) and stake straw bales. o Remove accumulated sediment from: o sediment traps/basins, o behind silt fence/straw bales, o around storm drain inlet protection devices, o streets and gutters (Do not flush with water) o Temporary seed, fertilize, and/or mulch: Permanent seed, fertilize, and mulch areas that are at final grade: o Protect storm drain inlets: o curb inlets, o drop inlets o Reshape and stabilize sideslopes of' o sediment traps/basins, o detention/retention basins o Install/Maintain construction entrance(s)' o Reshape and stabiliz~ conveyance channels' Place greater emphasis on erosion and sediment control on building sites; contractors, subcontractors, material vendors, and others should be made aware of erosion and sediment control requirements. Appropriate perimeter sediment controls (e.g. silt fence) and stable construction entrances shall be utilized On all sites. Sediment tracked into the street shall be removed (do not flush with water) at the end of each work day. Other Requirements' _! Revised 4 / 98 MAR 10 P.I?I .,-.' ~..- ,.~.~,~ March 7, 2003 .:, ..... .. Crip¢ ~ ~-'~' ~ ~ ~~' C~',~/l/~D~l ~J Attn: S~nda S~d~j~ /- ....~?~ 7172 Gr~am Road ""' ~] ~di~a~Iis, ~ 46250 ,,~ UOC~ Re: Carmel Street Facility Dear Skanda: Further review of this project indicates that the storm sewers will become regulated by the 'Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. The storm sewers will become an arm to the Shelborne Park Drain. - Please complete the petition and non. enforcement application. There are no fees for the non- enforoemont or petition. Please call me with any questions. Thank you. Sincer©ly, qenny ~hapm~ Plan Keviewer Cc: Carmel-Engineer Carmel-DOCS Hamilton County Depa~ent of Soil Conservation Services Hamilton County Highway Department 02/0512003 ": r.~...:; 15:11 : ,, 317-776-1181 ., HAMILTON CO USDA ,, SEDiMgNT CONTROL '"i' TEC'RNICAL RE W AND COMMENT ,, H~i~on Comity 8off and Water Conservathm Dis~ 1108 Soa~h. ga"Street, Noblesville IN 46~{I Ph- 317-773-1432, or Email at Street D~pam~nt Facility City of Car~el C~ Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 31%571-2403 1~: "[ Mayor James Brainard . :,, :+,,:" BY~ Jehn lB, South P.E. Mr. Paul Doniea (email) ' Clipe 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, IN .46250 ',':[:,' i. Ce~ti_q~ Professional in Erosion and Sed/ment Control · ,- il~ ~AN REVIEW"rtc ,~,. 'EDURF.: PI~ Review Date: 1-23-05 ,;, , · , ~A.TION. NE' ~on .~' of'. 131 ~t and She}bot~, Roads · ~JL',~ DESCRiPTDDN: S.c. 29 . . , ? , TO.WNS~: 18N RANGE: 3E ' i. ' , ~: SURVEY M, AP, iSHEET: 49 Amago: lSac CIVIL TOWNSItlt,: Clay PAGE 83 i : , technicatrev~.'a~'co~t~ are intended ,o evaluate the completeness of the ~on ~ $~~ ao~dp~} t~ ' ~e ~o~i~ ~ze~~ Co~pl~ s~iffed ~ not ~~~r t~ ~~ ~t~ ~~ ~i~ All .., ~I~ ~ t~l~.:.~ ~lt ~ t~ rec~m~ ~ ~e co~~ sh~d ~ ~~ ~ to ~~tbg~ by a prao~ ~i~d ~ a qual~ ~n~~. ~ pl~ h~ not ~ r~for local, ,;~'o'.' ' ' ''I' 1~ t~ ~o~n a~ ~e~ co~ol ~l~ -. , ;v,', , ~ Carmel DOGS Andy Vaani~, S&B Constru~on (faxcd) Irv Giam~: s .c!ai,'Rhino Consmm~on (emailed) File 02/05/2003 15:11 317-77G-1101 :* , ., , : '1 . i, 2.- : .. ....... , ' .,~. , , ., : 02/85/2883 15'11 ,, .,,,-f: ,, 317-776-1181 HAMILTON CO USDA PAGE 81 · , ' · ."i ., i , , ;' ! '1 ,L [m EROSIO~'AND SEDIMENT CONTROL I~LAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south~iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: SUBMITTED BY: Carmel Street Department Facility ~:>~_.~ LXo' Mayor James Brainard Mr. Paul Donica (email) City of Carmel Cripe One Civic Square 7172 Graham Road Carmel, 1N 46032 Indianapolis, 1N 46250 317-571-2403 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 1-23-03 Acreage: 18 ac LOCATION: NE comer of 131 st and Shelboume Roads LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 29 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 49 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments shouM be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed for local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan' Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. x Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 / 97 PROJECT: Carmel Street Department ~ity Page 2 of 3 ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS ? (All Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends, Scales, and North Arrow) (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by NA) Yes x x x x x No lA lB lC ID 1E PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas of the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) Yes x x x x No 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 2I TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation ( Identify and Delineate ) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) Soils Information ( If hydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waters ( If Discharge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identify the Name of the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) Yes x No 3A 3B LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (Show Locations or Note if None) YeS No x 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 41 4J 4K EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Temporary Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stable Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Revised 4 / 97 EROSI~ AND SEDIMENT CONTROL I~AN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: Page 3 of 3 Carmel Street Department Facility Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handboolt for Erosion Control in Developing Areas"from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Additional information needed for the construction sequence: 1. Construction entrance- expand and improve the existing driveway, include in sequence 2. Include temp. seeding after mass earthwork 3. Include finish grading and erosion control blanket on pond banks after mass earthwork 4. Finish swales, seed and blanket after storm sewer is installed. Design for temporary outlet pipe with slotted riser is needed. Include elevations on the drawing. Show location of sediment basin and temporary pipe outlet on construction plan Sheet C401. Cci Carmel DOCS Andy Vannice, S&B Construction (faxed) Irv Gianneschi, Rhino Construction (emailed) File JAN-l?-8003 11:88 FROM:HAMILTON nO HWY DEP $1777~9814 TO: ~ ~ ? S?I 848~ HAMILTON COUNTY HIGH WA I/DEPA t? F EN T January 17, 2003 Mr. Paul Donica, P.E. P. I. Cdpe Inc. 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 RE: Carmel Transportation Facility Revised Construction Plans N of 131"~ Street I E of Shelf>oma Road Clay Township Dear Mr. Donica: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received '1f11103 containing the revised plans for the above, mentioned project, After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the following commenL~ (I have maintained the numbering from the October 28, :2002 letter): 1. A Commercial Odve Permit will be needed for the entrance and street construction. The permit and information concerning the permit can be obtained from Robb Chadwell. Highway Department Permit Inspector, Permits have been applied for, however, no construction may begin until all permits have been approved by the Hamilton County Highway Department, 2. OK. 3. Will this property be platted? If not, the dedication of right of way forms will need to be forwarded to my attention for review. The dedication fon~s wlll need to be delivered before the permits will be issued. 4, The entrance plan and widening of 131~ Street will be discussed at the meeting scheduled for November 4. 2002 at 9:00 am at the Highway Department offices. Please be sure to attend. Please verify with Mr. Dennis OImstead of Stoeppelwerth and Associates that the widening plans match the plans generated for the widening of 131't Street east of the new street. 5, Please show a cross section of the interior street, The pavement section, sub surface drain and all slopes and right of way slopes will need to be included, The pavement section for the street must consist of a 12" stone base, 4" HAC binder and t" HAC surface. 6. OK. 7. OK, §, Include the flow lines on the site plans as well as the entrance detail. Elevations should also be included on the entrance detail. Please verify with Mr. Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth and Associates that the widening plans match the plans generated for the widening of 131't Street east of the new street, 9. OK. P. 001 x008 1700 South 10'" Street Noblesviile, II.n, 46060 ww~.~,_c_o;ha auto n,J,vt ,u.~ Office (31'7) 773-7770 ,Fax (31.7) 776-9814 JAN-l?-8003 11:80 FROM:HAMILTON no HWY OEP 3177769814 TO:3~ ~ 571 8486 P. 008x008 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. A Traffic Control Plan will be needed. The plan should show all sign placement and include the appropriate HCHD standard details. Standard detail S,4 must also be shown, as well as the end of the road markers at the end of the street, OK. OK. OK. OK. OK. OK. A valley curb is needed across the entrance to the facility, Als{) include HCHD Standard Plan C-3 for the valley curb. Please be aware that further comments may be necessary at a later time. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me at anytime. , Sincerely, Steven J, Broermann Staff Engineer CC: Jon Dobosiewicz Jenny Chapman Robl3 Chadwell G;~USER~$B~03~ae~01-~ 6-03c.3rmelbldg.do~ TAC OCTOBER 16, 2002 Urban Forester Notes Carmel Clay Historical Society: There are no objections to the Use Variance, but no landscape plan has been submitted with the Development Plan. Comments will be made after a landscape plan has been submitted. Lakeside Park, Section One: The Landscape Plan for the Secondary Plat and Construction Plans does not meet the Open Space Plan, Landscape Plan, Buffering requirements, and Tree Preservation Plan commitments submitted for the approved Primary Plat received by this office on August 29, and September 10, 2002. The Secondary Plat plans and Construction plans must meet, or equal these approved plans.. Sheet 6 shows the installation of a storm sewer between yard inlet 159 and yard inlet 160. This sewer installation bisects a tree preservation area (Common area #1). The installation by trenching through this tree preservation area is not acceptable. Sewer installation through tree preservation areas must be accomplished by tunneling to sufficient depth not to injure trees in the woodlands; otherwise, drainage should be accomplished by grading, earthwork, or trenching outside the tree preservation areas. These woodland preservation areas are primary natural openspace conservation areas. Lakes at Hayden Run, Section Two: Four "street trees" shown along Lorenzo Boulevard on the Primary Plat are missing from the Secondary Plat landscape plan for Section Two. These need to be replaced. The developer's commitment to plant at least one large maturing shade tree near the street but outside the right-of-way in the front of each lot not on Lorenzo Boulevard (a county thoroughfare) must be included in Section Two as it was in Section One. The individual amounts for species are missing from the submitted landscape plans. These must be added to the plan. The Primary Plat Landscape plans show the woodland on the north perimeter being saved in its entirety. The Section Two plans show an encroachment into the woods by lots, a drainage easement, and a 6' asphalt path. Sheet 22 shows Tree Preservation Detail F (fencing), but there is no corresponding fencing on the Landscape Plan. This woodlands in its entirety is a primary conservation area on the open space plan for this subdivision as submitted to the Carmel Clay Plan Commission on October 21,2001, and subsequently approved. This issue must be resolved before this plan can be approved. Fence row or native trees along the north-east perimeter should be preserved by utilizing tree protection measures as well. Village of West Clay, Helen Wells Building: The Villas at Sweet Charity Farms: Landscape plans must include planting notes and graphic planting details. Please also include a diagram detailing required bufferyard plantings and proposed plant numbers. Any additional shade trees committed to be planted in the front yards of lots must be near the street but outside the right-of-way. Please detail the species of the 102 shade trees committed for the 51 lots on the landscape plans. Additional plant materials for buffering should be added behind Lots 1-7 and along the path between Benevolence Court and Beaument Boulevard South to screen views into the PSI property. More should be added along the east perimeter south of Lot 27. It my suggestion that the open drainage on the south east corner be graded outside the existing strip of brush and woods. Laura Vista Subdivision: Due to the wildlife in this area, connectivity of the common areas should be a priority. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has acknowledged this riparian corridor (forested floodplain) as an ecologically sensitive area (possible habitat for the federally protected Indiana bat) that should not be disrupted. A written tree preservation plan needs to accompany the secondary plat including graphic details of the tree and all woodland protection measures. Wooded common areas need to be listed as tree preservation areas on the plat and in the neighborhood covenants. Requirements and allowed activities must be detailed for tree preservation areas within the neighborhood covenants. If a monument sign is proposed, a plan of the sign the required landscaping must be submitted. There has been no landscaping plan submitted at all. if one is not proposed, a written explanation must be provided. I will be glad to meet separately and on site if needed. Shade trees should be planted along the portion of the multi-use path from Laura Vista Drive west to the woods. (Path on plat?) Clay Terrace: There have been significant changes between the Rezone PUD plan and the Development plan currently submitted. The current plan does not include any landscaping, tree protection, or reforestation plans as required with the Rezone application. Comments will be made when those are submitted. The areas to plant the required landscaping and reforestation seem to have significantly lessened due to changes in storm water detention and change of layout. Motorcycles of Indiana: No change of use? Cherry Creek Estates: No submittal Providence at Old Meridian: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspur thornless hawthorn, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. American Standard for Nursery Stock (1996) not ANSI. Significant changes to PUD development plan - doesn't match original plan (Mark Timmons) or installed (Rick Riddle). Label all plants individually and give #'s in schedule. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. Remove large dead Oak at entrance and others that are risk trees. Donate large White Oak sections for community use. Plant evergreen screen on Arbors border as agreed when development plan approved. Areas of constructed soils? Clarian Hospital North: Haven't had sufficient time to make a complete review. Construction causes a removal of a significant section of trees. No planting schedule, needs table of requirements vs. plan, NO Austrian Pines, NO Pin Oaks, replace Tilia cordata with Tilia tomentosa. Planting details - flare root at grade level. Why planting pits for containerized trees? Suggest constructed soils. Carmel Transportation Facility: Correct mistakes on plant schedule. No Austrian pine, no red maples, no cockspur thornless hawthorn, change Malus Coral Burst to recommended species. Plan shows trees in pond. Plant trees on west side of lake along parking lot. Note: remove wires and stakes after one year. Label individual plants. Planting details - plant trees with root flare at grade level (not same as nursery), don't pile mulch up on trunk of tree. ER6'~ON AND SEDIMENT CONTlk~q~L PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW AND COMMENT Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9m Street, Noblesville IN 46060 Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at john-south~iaswcd.org PROJECT NAME: Carmel Street Department Facility SUBMITTED BY: Mayor James Brainard City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317-571-2403 Mr. Arumugam Skandarajah Cripe 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, IN 46250 REVIEWED BY: John B. South P.E. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE: Plan Review Date: 10-15-02 Acreage: 18ac LOCATION: NE corner of 131st and Shelbourne Roads LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Sec. 29 TOWNSHIP: 18N RANGE: 3E CIVIL TOWNSHIP: Clay SOIL SURVEY MAP SHEET: 49 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comment,; should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed for local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion and sediment control plan. The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan- Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Refer to the comments section for additional information. x Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5); deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violations of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: · Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute practices as necessary. Revised 4 / 97 PROJECT: Carmel Street Depart~nt Facility Page 2 of 3 ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE PLANS ? (All Plans Must Include Appropriate Legends, Scales, and North Arrow) (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by NA) Yes X x x x x No IA lB lC ID IE PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location Map (Show project in relation to other areas of the county) Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of the Project Location of Planned and/or Existing Roads, Utilities, Structures, Highways, etc. Lot and/or Building Locations Landuse of Adjacent Areas (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) Yes x x x x No 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 21 TOPOGRAPHIC, DRAINAGE, AND GENERAL SITE FEATURES Existing Vegetation ( Identify and Delineate ) Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site 100 Year Floodplains, Floodway Fringes, and Floodways (Note if None) Soils Information ( lf hydric soils are present, it is the responsibility of the owner/developer to investigate the existence of wetlands and to obtain permits from the appropriate government agencies.) Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater Discharge Will Leave the Site Identify All Receiving Waters ( If Discharge is to a Separate Municipal Storm Sewer, Identij~ the Name of the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) Potential Areas Where Storm water May Enter Groundwater (Note if None) Location of Stormwater System (Include Culverts, Storm Sewers, Channels, and Swales) Yes x No 3A 3B LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES Location and Approximate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas [i.e., Construction Limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Preserved Should be Clearly Designated) Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas (Show Locations or Note if None) Yes No x 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 41 4J 4K EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Sequence of When Each Measure Will Be Implemented (Relative to Earth Disturbing Activities) Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Temporary Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Stable Construction Entrance (Location, Construction Detail, Dimensions, and Specifications) Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) Permanent Seeding (Specifications; Including Seed Mix, Fertilizer, Lime, and Mulch Rates) Revised 4 / 97 ER~ION AND SEDIMENT CONTR'~L PLAN TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMENTS PROJECT: Page 3 of 3 Carmel Street Department Facility Note: All erosion and sediment control measures shown on the plans and referenced in this review must meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the "Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas"from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. 4A and 4C The erosion control plan needs to prevent offsite sedimentation immediately when construction starts. This site flows from west to east with a total of 30 acres of watershed. A silt fence does not have the design capacity for this much stormwater. A sediment basin is needed to collect the water. An appropriate outlet pipe for the basin needs to be designed and diversion swales are needed to direct the storm water into the basin. The erosion control sequence should specify when these practices are to be installed. The site work will be substantially completed before the buildings are finished. Seeding should not wait until the buildings are finished. Additional mobilization for seeding may be needed in the contract. 4F. Seeding the future expansion parts of the site this fall would be an excellent way to reduce the amount of potential area. If not this fall it should be seeded in the spring of 03. Please specify in the construction sequence. The areas of future expansion are labeled on the erosion control plan as being graded and seeded. How much grading is planned? If the grades and elevations are changing the new grades should be shown on the plans. The construction limits should also encompass the future expansion if"grading" will occur. The phone numbers for contact info on the front sheet are incorrect. Ph 773-1406 Fax. 776-1101 4G. The Filter Fabric Inlet Protection is not an approved practice. It should only be used as a temporary practice until the streets are paved. Cc~ Carmel DOCS Ha. Co. Surveyor Ha. Co. Highway File OCT 10 ~02 10:S6AM P.1/1 ,'PI/one October 10, 2002 Mtn: S 'lo. ntis Skandarajah, ? 172 Graham Road Indianapolis, IN 46250 VIA FACSIMILI~: 317-841-4798 ~Oblt's]a[[¢, lndUzna ~6o6o-223o Re: Carmel Transportation Storage Facility Dear Skanda: We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's office on October 2, 2002 for the Carmel Transportation Storage Facility and we have the following comments: 1. An outlet request will need to be flied for use of the Regulated Drain. Outlet requests include a $I50.00 filing fee made payable to the Hamilton County Treasurer. The forms are available on our web site at ~__o.~baa~J, lt01Ljll,~ (link to Depm'tments, then to Surveyor). 2. Provide the drainage calculations. Also, the maximum discharge from the site is 0.24els/acre. Should you l~ave any questions please contact me at 776-8495, Thank you, Sincerely, J~ny C~m~ u Plan ~ovi,w~r C¢: Carmel-Engineer Carmel-Community Development Hamilton County Department of Soil Conservation Services Hamilton County Highway Department October 8, 2002 Skanda Skandarajah, P.E. Cripe 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: Carmel Transportation Storage Facility Dear Mr. Skandarajah: I have received and reViewed the information for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Michael D. Fogart/y Chief of Police MDF:vb CC.' Dept. of Community Services (517~ 57~I-2500 Agency F,~x {5~17) 57]1-25~12 City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571.2600 Skanda Skandarajah, P.E. Paul I. Cripe, Inc. 7172 Graham Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE' Carmel Transportation Storage Facility LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Carmel Transportation Storage Facility and has approved the plans subject to the following' Our office is requesting a Knox box on the administration building and the Maintenance building. We are also requested the purchase of Knox fire department connection caps for the fire department connection. An application for Knox products is available through our office. . . . Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: October 3, 2002 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property