Oct. 24, 2005
3h. West Carmel Center, Blk C, lot 1- Maplecrest Commons
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance:
Docket No. 05090014 V ZO Chapter 25.07-02-09.b signage oriented west
The site is located just west of Commerce Dr & Carwinion Way. The site is zoned B-3/Business,
within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Mike Jett of American Consulting, Inc. for PR Block C, LLC.
General Info:
The petitioner is seeking variance approval to allow
multi-tenant building signage to face west, instead of
east, which is the Commerce Drive road frontage for
the site. The site does not have frontage on Michigan
Road, but it can be seen by drivers.
Signage oriented west will shield the residential
subdivisions to the east from unnecessary signage &
light. Also, signage facing west can be seen from
Michigan Road, giving the site better visibility and
ease in identification.
Findings of Fact:
1.) The approval of this variance will not be
injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and
general welfare of the community because: signage
oriented west will prevent the residential
neighborhood from experience the signage and signage light at night, and it will aid in
businesses receiving greater visibility from Michigan Road, rather than Commerce Drive.
The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be
affected in a substantially adverse manner because:
signage oriented west will prevent the residential neighborhood from experience the signage
and signage light at night, and it will aid in businesses receiving greater visibility from
Michigan Road, rather than Commerce Drive
The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in
practical difficulties in the use of the property because:
the businesses on the site may not be able to adequately identify their location, and the
residents to the east may experience a lower quality of life, due to the signs being a nuisance.
The department recommends positive consideration of Docket No. 05090014 V.