HomeMy WebLinkAbout225859 11/05/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366092 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,680.47 ti.�t•�o ATTN LAUIE SILER a ,o� 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 225859 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 11/5/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350900 SEPT 1, 680 .47 OTHER CONT SERVICES INDIANA DESIGN CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 October 17, 2013 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Indiana Design Center and The City of Carmel dated December 1, 2011. INVOICE - September Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 08/29/13 Duke Energy Garage/Stairwell Electric $ 1,428.13 $ 1,428.13 09/03/13 Carmel Utitilies Water $ 500.37 $ 166.84 09/07/13 AT&T Fire/Elevator Phone Lines $ 256.42 $ 85.50 Total Amount Due $ 1,680.47 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 DUKE ENERGY Amount Due . Account Number 6340-3678-02-5 CM of Sep 24,201 3 $1,428.13 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right -� HeipingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #63FO S6LH 02CM SWO# (tor Customer Assistance) 0000044 at nv 0.357 -AUT,I t+ za ..c,o37-u,t6 u -c.oi-�iirnr a-i , °BIBIB��i? '4°BB'B€`fl B°B°i��`B61'@°IB1°t°l °EeBdBBBI��B' �� BB1 u Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn. Laurie Siler PO Box 1326 770 3Rd Ave SW Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Carmel IN 46032-2036 I 900 0000142813L 63403678025 092420132 DOD01468170 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 of 1 ;;:;::<:-';: 'ii:- ::;::::.:;:::::;<; r::: .....:.:.::: t�aratlSery a �tdcB Pz?r taltu r.fe F:afi :A�ctctsl€3umlze#.>.t Indiana Design Center,LLC Duke Energy 1-800-521-2232 6340-3678-02-5 200 Range Line Rd S Misc:Hse Pan i + Carmel IN 46032 ti � r 00 .aylrire37ts;Ts;::>. f.:,.. ecount,l rtlpematiois >:>:;;>i:°<::::>::»;<:::«;:::< PO Box 1326 Payments after Aug 30 not included E01 prepared on Aug 30,2013 Charlotte NC 2820 1-1 326 Last payment received Aug 12 Next meter reading Sep 30, 2013 r.:R� - attTirig.Daf ' 1letar€ieaa4in t . I Meier Number ! Fi orris Ttt Days B F�rerrfous Rreserst I Multi t -Usage Li Elec 106996865 Jul 31 Aug 29 29 6472 6562 160 14,400 30.40 Usage- 14.400 kWh 8.40 kVar Amt Due- Previous Bill $ 1,442.55 Duke Energy- Rate LSNO $ 1,334.70 Payment(s) Received 1,442.55cr Current Electric Charges 1,334.70 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges 1,334.70 Taxes 93.43 Current Amount Due $1,428.13 Taxes _ $3143 Beware of recent fraudulent activity targeted at Duke Energy customers. Recent scams in Duke Energy service territories have left some customers out of money. Visit duke-energy.com to learn more and how to protect yourself. 0 5 7 , 's { .After Due Date A rrlOLtftC:�1i1E'� Sep 24,2013 Average Cost: $0.0927 per tl Sep 24,2013 $1,428.13 $ 1,468.17 DUKE ENERGY. 24'r5.0,-rm-unurx,v n-rnwt-000u l ra,i www.duke-energy.corn - C1,41 Of Vt ies --- , Account Number 0662496401 ! P.O. Sox 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $500.37 wwv�f.carmelutilities corn D00= 317) 571-24-42 I _- Man Fri Sam- 5pm i_,t Cue Ir After Due Date INDIAN A DESIGN CENTER - .•....,.-;_�_: - - - 3RD AVE SW - - ttC pARffMEL. IN 46032 CONSOLIDATED BILLING 6F1lFd @��6I��IIFi @CIE @F�lt@d£I @� PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (454.11) 07/31/13 09/'03/13 63083245 530 564 WATER 34 $124.95 SEWER 34 $186.28 STATE TAX $8-47 Total Location Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#B S315.70 07/31/13 09103/13 63083248 766 776 WATER 14 $82.83 SEWER 10 S96.04 STATE TAX $5-80 1Total Location.Charges For: 200 S RANGE LINE RD#A $184.67 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS 3500.37 T 0 T A L AIFA0UNT CHUB $500.37 s AMOUNT DUE AFTER 10/03/13 8534.92 ` Q I o - J iG_c"!I tic,... .<tt%!t!P!1- -c. :f; Service Location Account Number 0662496401 i ^....:;__-Car of Utilities illi �Il l l!� it l 111 l $500.37 .J3_'.0/0'3/_a 3: � X534,92 - CARMEL UTILITIES PO BOX i 09 F��mount lEnc-losed CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope,provided when paying by mail. Pelvke sure address shows in window. PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Pap 1012 ENTER I!C Account Number 317 7(16�M 867 7 Y \ 720 3RD AVE SW Billing Date Sep 7,2013 CARMEL.IN AIGM24MG Web site att.com at&t Invoice Number 31770630509 Monthly Statement Aug 8-Sep 7,2013 Bill-Ai-A-Gla tic e 'ATLT.Bene its Previous Bill 256.62 •Total AT&T Savings Payment Received 8-19-Thank Youl 256,62CR Adjustments .00 'Plans arid:Services Balance .00 Monthly Service-Sep 7 thruact 6 Charges for 317 706-M Current Charges 256.42 Monthly Charges 11.48 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Total Amount Due $256.42 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Sep 27,2013 Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving S39.60 Over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Billing Questions?Visit attcomr/billing Charges for 317706.0332 Monthly Charges 5.98 Plains and Services 256.42 Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 1.800-400-8088 individual Message Business Repair Service: Measured Plan I-EM727.2273 Callmig Name Display Caller Identification Total of Current Charges 256.42 BY Choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are saving 539.110 ever the cost of die same services purchased separately. Charges lot 317 706.0334 Monthly Charges 5.98 Bus Local Calling Measured 35.30 Individual Message Business Measured Plan Calling Name Display Caller Identification BY Choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, you are suing 539.60 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 706-0365 Monthly Charges 598 • A S Ma 7—'77 7, WrAUS-6 PREVENT DISCONNECT •LONG DISTANCE INFO -PRICE INCREASE See'News You Can Use'for additional information. Luesl S--i—P­i,6d by AT&T Mimic AT&T Indiana,AT&T NG.Jigiin, ATtTOld--AT&T VA..wisinbased up..the—I.adickee.1—ti.. Reuse bottom portion,vAth Your rjwcji in the andosed envolope. GO GREEN-C-4 in p�pd.xa timing. . .... ON Z DUE BY: Sep 27,2013 $256.42 LATE: After Sep 27,2013W$271.42 PEDCOR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Billing Date Sep 7.2013 Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 INTER LLC Please include you accouninumbar on your chock. 7203RD AVE SW at&t CARMEL IN 46032-2036 Make Checks Payable to: AT&T PO BOX 5080 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5080 I-11 11111111111--1-11 7317070600305867792700020000000000000000000256420000027142 PEDCUR IT DBA INDIANA DESIGN C Page 2 of 2 ENTER LLC Account Number 317 706-0305 867 7 a'��� RD Billing Date Sep 7,2013 CAR IN CARME4 IN 410 -I036 Invoice Number 317708030509 News YoLi'Can Use. 71 Homily Serviee_Cantinoed PREVENT DISCONNECT Bus Local Calling Measured 36.30 Thank you far being a valued customer.It is important to inform you Individual Message Business drat all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Measured Plan and prevent collection activities.In addition,please be aware that Calling Name Display we are required to inform you of certain charges drat MUST be paid in Caller Identification order to prevent interruption of basic local service.These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 5256.42. By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, If you don't agree with die amount due,you shuuld dispute die portion you are saving 539.60 over the cost of die same you disagree with before the payment due date. services purchased separately. LONG DISTANCE INFO Charges for317706-002 Our records indicate that you have chosen not to have a Monthly Clhaiges 5.98 local toll or a long distance company. Bus Local Calling Measured 35M individual Message Business PRICE INCREASE Measured Plan Effective October 3,2013,die month-to-month price of Business Local Calling Name Display Calling 16LC)Unlimited A,Unlimited B,Black of Time and Measured Caller Identification packages will increase.BLC Unlimited A will increase[ram 546.20 to 551.00,BLC Unlimited B will increase from S40.70 to 545.00,BLC Block By choosing Bus Local Calling Measured, of Time will increase from S39.60 to S44.00 and BLC Measured will you are saving 539.60 over the cost of die same increase from 53630 to 540.00.Customers currently an a BLC term plan services purchased separately. will continue to receive their current BLC term package price.For questions about this change,please contact an AT&T Service Total Moodily Service 216.90 Representative at the tog-free number on your bill. Local Calls Callls)Charged to 317 706.0365 Measured Plan Plan Summary 30 Minutefs►billed atSDO3 per minute .90 Total Callls)Charged to 311706-0365 .90 Callls)Charged to 317 706.0632 Measured Plan Plan Statutory 32 Mirmtels)billed at 50.03 per minute 96 Total Calls)Charged to 317 706.0632 96 Total Local Cells 136 Surebaries and Other fees 9-1-1 Emergency System Billed to:the State of Indiana 4.50 Federal Universal Service Fee 7.75 IN Universal Service Surcharge .95 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 2.08 Telecommiumications Relay Service .15 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 15.43 Taxes Federal at 3% 6.54 State atl% 15.69 iota)Texas 22.23 Total Plans and Services 256.42 7592-W5,03d904.01.01.0000001)NNNNNNNY 2549.77889 .,�.m .��+�.�r'`L :��''--�+ :i yvhBu„`.h�i�t;! .4' it kY,(�'�I•+u:' 3f�.�' ty" tcu�=am'^�'"':L:J.C�'i : ., ;�:;X_.;3iF�;,�•�lµw.�^' °.a1 'aV 9o-�^i!'il� 3P • —°...-^_-�-"•. — --".�,� " ._a.�r ..a,�.;'�g^,.° .i�.e-_—:.�.+iD20a6 AT6Tillnov�tedar.Ninuwa.AlingAtsnwv.d. _,�&'-"+_ —ate:-.•r•_;�,...-.....�,,;;--r�� - .ems—•;.,-.. - °'u �urn.Peifmc^- -'^,Kya;[-�a�,t^-'��w:� •rc! 9EOZ-Z£09P NI I3WHV3 MS 3AV ONE OZL 3111131N3 ONOIS30 VNVIONI VEi011 HO003d II III"II'Ii�l(I11(Ir(Ilir�lllrll'(I(Irrllrirlllll(Irillllt"I(�1 sa 09C'O AV I.VOG8C'L9L'S'Z6SL Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/17/13 September $1,680.47 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Indiana Design Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF $ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $1,680.47 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE I AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I September I 43-509.001 $1,680.47 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, October 31, 2013 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund