Docket No 13110004 V
Petitioner: Richard J and Tamara E Hall 000$
Board Member
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Docket No.: 13110004 V
Petitioner: Richard and Tamara Hall
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
community because:
The addition will not be near any or within the sight of any neighboring residence. It will be in keeping with the
current architecture of the home and will fit into the existing landscaping. No adjoining property owner will be adversely
affected in any way by allowing the variance of the rear set back.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because:
Addition will be done with materials in keeping with the current materials of the residence, No one will lose any
use,enjoyment,or value of their property. The value of the neighborhood will be increased as this increases the value
of the residence. Additionally,the addition will be obstructed from view en the rear of the property with existing tree
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the
use of the property because:
The addition will allow for a remodel of the kitchen to bring it up to standards expected in a home in this neighborhood. Not
allowing the the setback to accomodate the sunroom will greatly restrict the ability to properly remodel the existing
kitchen and preserve a breakfast nook.
IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance
Docket No. 13110004 V is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this
Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Adopted this day of , 20
CHAIRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals
SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals
Conditions of the Board are listed on back. Petitioner or representative to sign.
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Statement of Variance
Docket# 131100004 V
Petitioners: Richard and Tamara Hall
We are requesting a variance of the rear setback requirement to accommodate The addition of
a sunroom/breakfast nook on the back of our home. The rear setback by code is 20 feet. The
neighborhood covenants require a 25 foot setback.
The addition will protrude less than 5 feet into the 20' setback in the Carmel City code. The
neighborhood association has approved the addition and waived the setback requirement.
(See attached email from the HOA president).
Tami Hall
From: greg.w.gilmore @cummins.com
Sent: Thursday,August 08, 2013 4:22 PM
To: tamihalli@icloud.com
Subject: Fw:Addition to home-CSHA Approval
Flag Status: Flagged
Thank you for the formal notice and detailed information. The Building Committee has approved you addition. Please
keep me advised of any changes that may surface.
—Forwarded by Greg W Gilmore/Distributors/Cummins on 08/08/2013 04:19 PM—
From: Tami Hall [mailto:tamihalll @ icloud.com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 10:20 AM
To: Schuman, Brian K- I NDI ANAPOL IN; gwgmores @sbcglobal.net; area.w,gilmore@cummins.com
Subject: Addition to home
I mportance: High
Brian and Greg:
I'm attaching the architects drawings for the new addition. It does infringe into the building line..BUT at the point it
does, it is far greater than 25'from the back. The side of the addition is just past the corner of our lot (corner closest to
the house). If you go diagonally from the back corner of the addition to the property line, it is less than 25 ft. If you go
straight out from the back corner, then it is not within 25 ft of the property line..but is outside the building line. Note that
the building line in our back yard is about 150' in from the property line.
The addition will be built on an existing retaining wall that was constructed when the house was built. It is set on
footings below the frost line, is reinforced with rebar, and is tied into the foundation of the house. So the retaining wall
as constructed was within the building covenants(building lines and easements).
Kent Shaffer Builders will be doing the work. They are an original builder in the Village of West Clay, and built our house
there. When we purchased the Prestwick property, we again hired Kent to do the interior remodel. His work is high
quality and in keeping with the neighborhood standards. The addition will add a great deal of value to this house as the
existing kitchen is quite small. The views afforded from the wrap around windows of the sunroom will be incredible in
every season.
The landscaping will be addressed by 6d Arkenau, of Arkenau Landscaping. Ed has done all the restoration and other
small projects to date on the property (which was a mess when we purchased it). This will be done as weather
Our only option for an addition is the rear of the house. This house was built as a replicate of Gunston Hall, in Virginia.
Gunton Hall was built by George Mason, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Dr. Noble, the original owner of
our home, was very meticulous in every detail of the front of the house to match the original colonial home. The front
porch and even the garden gazebo are exact replicates. Thus, you can understand why it isn't an option to mess with the
original design as viewed from the front.
Statement of Support
We are in need of a variance of the rear setback to accommodate the addition of a
sunroom/breakfast nook onto the rear of our house.
We have a very large lot (over 2.25 acres) at the end of a cul-de-sac. The adjoining neighbors
also have very large lots. Three of the adjoining properties will not be able to see the addition:
One other adjoining property would be able to see the addition during the winter months when
the woods are bare. Finally, we back up to Crooked Stick golf course. There is a thick tree line
obstructing the view of the addition.
Our house sits at the very rear of the property, which is causing the difficulty with the setback.
The angle of the house and the unusual shape of the property cause the one logical location of
the addition to be where the setback is closet to any portion of the house.
The home has a very beautiful English style garden to the other side of the kitchen. This garden
has been here over 30 years and it just is not practical or desirable to tear it out for an addition.
In addition, given the location of the kitchen,the requested location is the most logical.
The addition is needed to accommodate the current plans to remodel our outdated kitchen.
Many of the neighboring properties have remodeled the kitchens and we desire to bring our
kitchen up to the expected standards of our wonderful neighborhood.
One side of the addition will be build onto an existing concrete retaining wall. This retaining
wall does go past the rear set back line. The retaining wall is tied in to the house foundation
and has been there over 35 years (since the house was built). We are not building beyond the
end of the retaining wall.
Not allowing us to build past the building setback will adversely affect the ability to remodel the
kitchen properly.