HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICATION FOR PRIMARY PLAT DATE: May 19, 1994 DOCKET NO. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction,enlargement, reloction or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to all applicable laws of the state of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Cannel, Indiana- 1980", adopted under the authority of acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et seq, General Assemby of the State of Indiana, and all acts ammendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Estridge Development, Inc. Phone No. 585-2437 Address of Application: 1041 West Main Street, Carmel, IN 46032 Name of Owners: Regency Realty, Inc. Jewish Federation of Indianapolis Bridlebourne Development Co., Inc. Donald Ford & Carolyn Pennington Name of Subdivision: Weston Communities Legal Description: (See Attached) Area (in acres): 181 Number of Lots: 388 Length (in miles) of new streets to be dedicated to public use: 4.0 Surveyor certifying plat: Curtis C. Huff Address: P.O. Box 509007, Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone No. 577-3403 ************************************************************************ State of Indiana, County of (4Arn1L-rou1 ,SS: The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she is informed and believes. Signature of applicant:. 4114 0/ ring Kenneth R. Brasseur Estridge Development, Inc. subscribed and sworn to before me this!.i jday of �� 19 qt.(' . 4740 :, h Maxine . Webb, Notary Public i AL ti My Commission Expires: December 12, 1995 i - ****************************************************************************** 5.1.10 Application for Primary Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the primary plat and of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Building commissioner with this application and the application fee as indicated in Section 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. These plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. Fee: Received by: EXHIBITS/19584PPA _,_.,, STOEPPELWERTH & ABSDCS TEL 317-849-5942 Aug 18 94 8 :23 No .00 0 0 0 tom/) � N M 04 • 4.0 0 Q0 0 0 a `0 00 0 � w '0 0 v a N 000 N S b 'c e++ Fs CT M 0-0 4 M a N N P O A' 4 (-4 N . N a z X A � 0 V DMA ..0, V 00 0 0 vs In S in 00 CA V • W a — — 1 M o ! 4t 1 I RI at ed Ts D 1 i d a 4, � U a V E'er,,, a_ H 1 2 NELSON • & FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON 3021 EAST 98th SriEer CHARLES D.FRANKENBERGER SurrE 220 JANET WOLF SWISS INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA 46280 JAMES E.SHINAVER 317-844-0106 of counsel FAX:317-846-8782 JANE B.MERRILL September 12, 1994 Mr. David Cunningham Department of Community Development One Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 Dear Dave: In connection with the Primary Plat application for Weston Communities, enclosed is a chronology of the approval process as taken from my Daytimer. You will note the July 13, 1994. entry as being the date on which the docket number was assigned, per my telephone call with you. My further verification of the assignment on July 13th was the fact that on July 14,1994 I faxed to The Noblesville Ledger for publication, on July 21, 1994, a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing which contained the docket number. If you should have any questions or feel that the entries need to be expanded, please feel free to call. Thank you, and With kindest regards, NELS FRANKENBERGER James J. elson JJN.Ih CHRONOLOGY OF APPROVAL PROCESS (Weston Communities - Primary Plat) May 17, 1994 Resolution of Plan Commission repealing Cluster Option May 17, 1994 Petition for Primary Plat executed.by Applicant May 19, 1994 Petition for Primary Plat filed by Stoeppelwerth with DOCD May 20, 1994 TAC letters mailed by Stoeppelwerth June 22, 1994 TAC meeting July 7, 1994 Revised Plans July 13, 1994 Docket Number assigned per telephone call with DOCD July 13, 1994 Certified List of Property Owners by Auditor July 18, 1994 Repeal of Ordinance by City Council July 19, 1994 Filing fee paid and accepted July 20, 1994 TAC meeting July 21, 1994 Public Notices published July 22, 1994 Public Notices mailed July 27, 1994 Revised Plans Sept. 1, 1994 Revised Plans