HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 07-20-94 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE JULY 20, 1994 Members present were: Dave Cunningham, Mike Hollibaugh, and Terry Jones, Department of Community Development; Steve Cash and Jennifer Kinyon, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Jose Kreutz, County Highway Department; LuAnna Stephens, Carmel Communications 9-1-1; Stanley Puckett, Carmel Fire Department; Dan Davenport, Indianapolis Power & Light; John B. South, Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation; SUTTON PLACE SECTION 2 SECONDARY PLAT Petitioner seeks approval (Secondary Plat) to plat 48 lots on 36.39 acres of land located on the east side of Towne Road and south of 116th Street. Filed by Inland Group Development Art Kaser of Evergreen Planners appeared before the Committee on behalf of the petitioner. COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South referred to swales being excessively deep; petitioner will check. John South needs revised plans. - County Surveyor, Steve Cash sent letter to petitioner 7/8, cannot comment until revised plans are reviewed. - County Highway, Jose Kreutz will send review letter. Re: Towne Road, 45 foot half shown on east side, problem is Towne Road will be four lanes, two lanes on east half plus left turn lane into 116th Street and probably right turn--no room for four lanes. County Highway wants additional 15 feet of R.O.W. and corner cut 35 foot sides. Dave Cunningham stated that because of the non-access easement along Towne Road, DOCD can reduce the 40 foot setback line to 20 feet. County Highway would also like more R.O.W. on 116th Street. Petitioner will work with Highway Dept. - Communications, LuAnna Stephens stated that street names need to be changed due to duplications; Section II has not yet been addressed. - Indpls Power & Light, Dan Davenport says petitioner to provide conduit and whatever required by Shell for crossing pipeline. Need entrance detail for Towne Road. - DOCD, Dave Cunningham re: covenants, pg. 3, #9 typo re square footage--otherwise OK. Signage detail needed for entrances; need Clay Regional capacity statement, request letter from Marvin Pike. Landscaping still outstanding item. Petitioner to go to committee on 8/2. 1 WESTON COMMUNITIES PRIMARY PLAT Petitioner seeks approval (Primary plat - cluster) to plat 388 lots on 181 acres of land located on the north side of 106th Street and approximately one quarter mile east of US 421 Michigan Road. Filed by Estridge Development. Present for the petitioner were: Ken Brasseur of Estridge Development Co.; Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Assoc.; and Jim Nelson. Dennis Olmstead gave a brief overview of the proposed project. Dennis Olmstead reported that lots along Brandywine had been increased and the street re- aligned. Access has been provided for commercial area and common area. Recreational use in common area to include clubhouse, tennis courts, swimming pool, etc. COMME NTS: - County Surveyor, Steve Cash says letter sent on 7-19; 3 general comments: petitioner should conform to previous studies re watershed for entire site; Kent Ward may be requesting offsite improvements from Weston to Ashbrook; Surveyor's office needs drainage calcs. and requests regulated drain. - County Highway, Jose Kreutz not yet reviewed plans; sounds like most comments addressed. Request petitioner remove and replace structure under 106th Street. Will send review letter. Petitioner to get with Jose regarding roadway improvements. - DOCD, Mike Hollibaugh requested revised landscaping plans, otherwise, no major issues. - Communications, LuAnna Stephens reports street names OK - County Soil & Water Conserv., John South states that besides drainage comments already made, needs a copy of wetland report. (DOCD would also like copy) - Indpls. Power & Light, Dan Davenport needs clarification of service boundary, will work out with PSI - DOCD, Terry Jones re access point to this parcel as it relates to commercial develop. (off 106th, main entrance) Terry would recommend ONE entrance into residential and commercial areas--two drives into entire area not the best design or plan. Would also recommend aligning streets to the north and south. - DOCD, Dave Cunningham requested covenants from Jim Nelson. Signage detail needed; public notice info needed; also wetland study, landscaping, and traffic study. - Carmel Fire Dept., Stan Puckett has not completed review; needs water plans, (single sheet) hydrant and water line locations. COLLEGE CROSSING DEVELOPMENT Petitioner seeks approval to construct a retail center including a convenience center on the southwest corner of 106th and College. Site is zoned B-1 Business. Filed by James Nelson for Don Tharp 2 - Don Tharp, wner of the real estate, and Doug Miller of Miller Engineering- a eared before the asP g PP Committee representing the petitioner. Also in attendance was Jim Nelson who gave an overview f of the project. The proposed site is located in Homeplace on the southwest corner of 106th and College Avenue. The site plan shows the orientation as being northeast to southwest; there will be a privacy fence along the west property line and south property line in keeping with discussions with neighbors in the area. Decorative fencing will match that of the cemetery. The petitioner believes that no formal BZA or Plan Commission approval is required for this development. Revised plans are being furnished to show detail of fencing and detail on trash refuse area (moved to rear). The mechanical equipment will be roof mounted and not visible. Petitioner is in process of preparing a signage package and will return at a later date when details are known. Regarding sidewalks, Jim Nelson is in process of preparing commitments for installation of sidewalks at such time as a plan for the area is completed. COMMENTS: - County Surveyor, Steve Cash has reviewed and met with Doug Miller re off-site storm sewer and improvements. Substantive matter of plans approved; would like details on plans. Comment letter already submitted. - County Highway, Jose Kreutz has reviewed project (4/11); conceptual approval obtained for location and number of curb cuts on both roads; issues or details to be added. Dedicated right of way to be recorded as a separate instrument, separate legal, with drawing of site as an Exhibit. - DOCD, Mike Hollibaugh concerned about adequate buffering to property to the south and lighting. Mike questioned if homeowner to south had been notified and what his feelings were as far as buffering. Petitioner has not talked with individual homeowner, but states Homeowner's Association endorses project. Petitioner states utilities does not want anything established on easement. Mike defers further comment until lighting plan is known. Petitioner needs road cut permit from Commissioner; should tie in with sanitary sewer. - DOCD, Dave Cunningham referred to letter of 3/23. Petitioner states Crystal Flash will probably want ground monument sign for pricing. Will require non-opposition to annexation letter. Lighting plan needs to be discussed. Letter of approval required from Steve Cash of County Surveyor's Office and Jose Kreutz of County Highway. Petitioner will not need to return to TAC if approval letters are received. Petitioner to contact homeowner to south and work out buffer/lighting. - Carmel Fire Dept., Stan Puckett needs set of plans; questioned 15 feet at rear of bldg. to be paved? Ans. Yes; No basements. - County Soil & Water, John South has no plans--no comments; need erosion control, petitioner will comply. 3 TRAIN EXPRESS/TROPICS NORTH Petitioners seek approval (Improvement Location Permit) to construct adjacent buildings on West 96th Street. Site is zoned I-1. NO SHOW WALTERS PLAZA Site is just north of Carmel Motel. Plat was originally approved and recorded in 1979. Steve Pittman of Pittman Partners,Inc. appeared before TAC for petitioner. Petitioner will be finishing the cul-de-sac, City will be finishing water and sewer. Petitioner will be going thru BZA for variance to build duplexes. COMMENTS: - - City Engineer, Randy Powell says City will install sanitary sewer for potable water and storm drains under road at two locations. Open item is drainage ditch to south which petitioner must improve or binding provisions made that when builders build on lots adjacent to ditch, they are obligated to make improvements such as clearing, re-grading, shaping, flow line. DOCD, Terry Jones states that rather than sidewalks, maybe paved paths/walkways would be preferable, not necessarily on both sides, wherever it makes sense and is creative. End Meeting. 4