HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence: TAC09/96/94 08:01 ":;'317 776 9814 HABMILTON CO HWY. 4-3-x`1 Carmel DOCD 1001/001 ��y�yZk September 6, 1994 Mr. Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonvi1le Road P.O. Boat 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: Weston Subdivision - Primary Plat N. of 106th Street \ W. of Shelburne Road Clay Township #PS -94 -0006 Dear Dennis: This letter nerves to acknowledge receipt on August 1,, 1994, of a revised Primary Plat for the above referenced project. As we have previously discussed, we will not recommend any approvals for this project unless a safe and efficient point of ingress and egress is provided off 106th Street. This means, that in order to provide the protected left turn movement into the subdivision from the eastbound 106th Street lane, we have proposed that Estridge Development commit to the construction of additional lanes along the north side of 146th Street, in order to provide half of a two -way left tura lane, a. through lane and a accelfdecel lane, along.Weston's and the commercial property's frontage on 106th Street. Per our discussions with you and with the developer on the south side of 106th Street, it has been agreed that each developer will construct the additional pavement onto 106th Street. Therefore, as all of our previous concerns have been addressed, no further comments apply. Should you -have any questions or comments regarding this project, please contact me at 773-7770. Sincerely, Jose Kreut'z Transportation Development Engineer cc: Carmel DOOD Surveyor's Office Ken Brasseur JK :ddo 09- 06 -94.A 1717 PLEASANT STREET NOBLESVILLE, INDIANA 46060 (317) 773 - 7770 09/06/94 16:32 03177761101 HAM. CO. SWCD 44-' STOPPELWERTH [x]001 HAMILTON COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 925 Division Street - Noblesvi1le IN 46060 - (317) 773 -1405) FAX 1778 -1101 • E To:. Carmel /Clay Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 From: John B. South P.E., SWCD Engineer Project: iteST"Ott COMPW014 e5 Detail soil information is available atIthe SCS -SWCD Office. The map on the plans only locate the soil types with abbrevihted soil names. According to the USDA-SCS inventory of potential wetlands and USDI -NWS inventory maps there is- the potential of a wetland on this site. Maps may be viewed at the SCS-SWCD office. Private consultants will make an on -site determination. It appears from the size of this project a Notice of Intent letter does -nett need to be filed with Indiana Department of Environmental Management. p{ f si +t dr4iv,4 C 1c.0 d cells Id 'red c f 4' fL lay oV+ of 14%e pry"" y p i °r i>rvrosae )))414. does Gene. form fa Am Crooked C.re_ek Dra444Tc Comments: Copies are being sent to the following: Steve Cash Sfcerpe[wert 09/06/94 14:17 V3177761101 HAM. CO. SWCD +-a-> CARMEL PC e001 ETON COY SOIL AND! RATER C IOW DISTRICT 925- Di-vision Street - Nob1 -es i-11e IN 46050 - (317) 773 -14Q6) FAX 775 --1191 To: Carmel /Clay Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 From John B. South P.E. • SWCD Rngritneer Project: Lt /t: oit �D idMiIIC� Detail soil information is available at the SC5vWCD ilfiice. The map on the plans only locate the soil types with abbreviated soil names. According to the USDA -SCS inventory of potential wetlands and uSiJI -NWS inventory naps there isqmpt. the potential of a wetland an this site. Flaps may be viewed at the SCS -SWCD office. Private consultants will make an on -site determination. It appears from the size of this project a Notice of Intent letter does-net need to be filed with TnaTena Department of Environmental Management. Comeau : 1 AciA i iGut z [ im fd r4m+t4iio 114. s'Cc r.. a er w lrnFj fie Coc 1 ale% Cat b^y .c i' Pte( of ft. offs t c r e G ei c9 i14 a L. a K.,� C 1 i bt�� [t Copies are being sent to the following: Steve Cash Carmel Clay Schools BOARD OF EDUCATION President STEPHEN A. BACKER Vice President BRUCE BREEDEN Secretary PAUL BOLIN Members HAROLD O. CASALI CAROL CHEGAR September 6, 1994 Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Dear Mr. Olmstead: ADMINISTRATION Superintendent R. STEPHEN TEGARDEN, Ph.D. Director of Curriculum NANCYLEE C. BUCKLEY Director of Employee and Student Relations JAMES F. BURRELL, Ed.S. Director of Personnel SCOTT CHANDLER Director of Support Services ROGER D. HARPER, Ed.S. Director of Finance ROGER McMICHAEL Director of Curriculum BARBARA UNDERWOOD, Ed.D. We appreciate notification of the Weston Communities primary plat application. The school corporation has two primary areas of concern. In the interest of safety, the installation of sidewalks should be mandated within the subdivision. In addition, any cul- de -sacs should be a minimum of 93 feet to accommodate the turning radius of our 84- passenger school buses. While we do not feel it appropriate for us to "approve or disapprove" residential additions to our community, it is critically important for us to be informed and kept current with community planning. It is only in this way that we can sufficiently and appropriately plan for the long -range educational needs of the present and future residents of our school corporation. Sincerely, R. Stephen T garden Copy: Mr. Dave Cunningham DOCD EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER • 5201 E. 131ST STREET • CARMEL, IN 46033 • TELEPHONE (317) 844-9961 • FAX (317) 844-9965 SEP 02 '94 04 :.5 ;PM P.1/1 S.�/ aretoR C aaRC tSaMarva & e nod egtI Ste ntblesoft Jlndiana 466o-eII20 77S-8495 Stoeppelwerth 9/2/94 Re. Weston Communities Primary plat 1 have reviewed the revised primary plat and have following comments. 1. The primary plat is satisfactory. 2. The condition of the creek south of 106th should be discussed further. Depending upon further investigation, some offsite improvement may be warranted. This will be determined at a later date. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 776 -8495. cc: Carmel DOCD $CS Co. Highway Jim Nelson Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer 08/05/94 15 :50 123177781101 HAIL. CO. SWCD 4-4 -3 CARMEL PC 51003 ETON COUNTY SOIL AND MATER COESERVATION DISTRICT 925 Division Street -- Nob1esvi 1 Ie IN 46060 (317) 773 -1406) PAX 776 -1101 To: Director, Carmel Planning Commission One Civic Square Carmel In 48032 From: John South, SWCD Engineer 54%1. 4 7,47 R-74r1H Project: Weston Communities August 4, 1094 Detail soil information is available at the SCS -SWCD Office. The map on the plans only locate the soil types with abbaeviated soil lames. According to the USDA -SCS inventory of potential wetlands and i7SDI -NWS inventory maps there Is the potential of a wetland on this site_ daps may be viewed at the SCS -SWCD office. Private consultants will make an on -site determination. It appears from the size of this project a Notice of Intent letter is required to be filed with Indiana Department or pnviron ental Management. Comments: i. This is a follow -up of the revised plans and discussions at the Carmel TAC meeting. 2. Potential wetland areas not shown on the revised plan should be checked and appropriate action taken. 3. The offsite drainage ditch, south of 106th Street. needs improved. CC: Steve Cash Pile Stoenpelwerth 07/28/94 08 :31 /1317 776 9814 HAhIILTON CO HWY. - -44-, Carmel DOCD Z002/004 Mr. Dennis Olmstead Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 RE: Weston Communities - Primary Plat N. of 106th Street \W. of Shelborne Road Clay Township .C. .D. #PS -94 -00.05 Dear Dennis: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt on July 15, 1994, of a revised Primary Plat and Traffic Impact Study for the above referenced project. The majority of the concerns outlined in our review letter of June 22, 1994, have been addressed; however, the following comments remain: 1. In view of the large -scale commercial development proposed immediately to the west and south of this site, your traffic study's determination that a passing blister is required on both 106th Street and Shelborne Road needs to be pursued before we will issue any recommendations for the approval of the Primary plat. As we have discussed at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting, it is our recommendation to incorporate a two -way left turn lane (center -left turn lane), rather than a blister, into your 106th Street entrance design. Based on my computations, a relocation of your entrance to the west by 60' to 70' (no lot dimensions are impacted), and the construction on the north half of 106th Street of half of a 16' wide lane, plus the two 12' ]lanes, will allow safe and efficient left turn movements into your project. Note that our alternate to the blister does not require the acquisition of additional right -of -way on 106th Street. 2. The passing blister for the entrance on Shelborne Road that you propose should have the required right -of -way already in place. 3. Based on our field inspection of the existing reinforced concrete box culvert under 106th Street, our initial request for your replacement of the structure stands. The 1717 PLEASANT STREET NOBLESVILLE, INDIANA 46060 (317) 773 -7770 07/28/94 08:32 ty317 776 9814 HAMILTON CO HWY. - >->-> Carmel DOCD [j003/004 reinforcement bars in the top slab of the culvert are visible, with the concrete that is supposed to cover the bars chipped away. In addition, the transversal pavement cracks noticeable on 106th Street indicate that the culvert is deflecting (bending), as it was not constructed to carry the loads' evident. Per the guidelines set forth for the inspection of highway culverts, the damage that is visible indicate a rating for this culvert of 3 to 4 (out of 9) , which warrants its replacement, rather than its extension. In view of our determination regarding the turn lane on 106th Street, we propose that a meeting be scheduled with you, as well as the developer, to discuss this issue further prior to your appearance before the Plan Commission. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this review, or if you would like to go ahead and schedule a meeting at this time, please contact me at 773 -- 7770. Sincerely, Jose Kreutz, Transportation Development Engineer Hamilton County Highway Department JK/sf :07- 27 -94.Z cc: Carmel DOCD Steve Cash, Surveyor's Office Ken Brasseur CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jelfory W. Darling, PLS July 13, 1994 Hamilton Cou _ .'l & Water Conservation District 925 Divi • Nobles Re: Weston Communities Primary Plat Review Enclosed you will find one copy of each sheet submitted as the Primary Plat which were revised in accordance with comments listed in your letter dated June 13, 1994. Those comments were addressed as follows: 1) Estridge contracted with J.F. New & Associates to delineate the existing wetland and prepare a report. Their report will be submitted to you by separate transmittal. The location of the wetland was added to the Primary Plat and the streets and lots were reconfigured to honor the wetland. 2) We investigated the possibility of taking some of this site's runoff to the proposed Fehsenfeld Pond. We found this not to be a feasible alternative. 3) We redesigned our storm system design. We are not going to discharge our storm water thru Brandywine. The Primary Plat was revised to show discharging the lakes near Shelborne Road into the storm system which ultimately outlets into Lake #1 which outlets into the waterway which crosses under 106th Street. 4) Our design will control the stormwater discharge to the allowable 0.27 cfs /acre per the drainage study for that area. 5) There will be an access provided for each lot to the subsurface drains on the construction documents. 9940 Allisonville Road • P.O. Box 509001 • Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 • (3111849.5935 • 1. 800 - 128.6917 • FAX: (3111 849-5942 is recycled oaoer Hamilton Co. Soil & Water Conserv. District Page Two July 13, 1994 Please call me at 577 -3405 if you have any additional questions or comments regarding this site. Best Regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dennis D. Olmstead, P. L. S. cc: David Cunningham, Carmel DOCD cc: Paul Rioux, Estridge cc: Ken Brasseur, Estridge DD094 /19584HSW CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Sioeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS July 12, 1994 Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 146 Noblesvi■0 230 Atte► Vn:�.�y�c �Cas 'lanReviewer Dear I % Re: Weston Communities Primary Plat Review Enclosed you will find one copy of each sheet submitted as the Primary Plat. This plat contains certain revisions which were made to address TAC comments. We have more specifically addressed comments listed in your letter dated June 20, 1994 as follow: 1) We understand that a petition to regulate the drains will be necessary. As you can see, there has been several changes and reconfigurations. The lot widths were increased to allow for easements containing storm sewers and subsurface drains as part of the aforementioned changes. All regulated drain easements were changed to a total width of 30 feet as you requested. 2) A full set of drainage calculations with exhibits will be included with our submittal of the development plans. Please call me at 577 -3405 if you have any further questions or comments. Best Regards, STOEPPELWERTH & AS IATES, (5 Dennis D. Olmstead, P. L. S. cc: Paul Rioux, Estridge cc: Ken Brasseur, Estridge cc: David Cunningham, Carmel DOCD DD094/19584HCS li 1 9940 Allisonville.Road • P.O. Box 509007 • Indianapolis. Indiana 46250 • (3171849 -5935 • 1- 800.728 -6917 • FAX: (3171 849-5942 a recycled oaner CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Sioeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS July 7, 1994 Hamilton County Highway Department 1717 Pleasant Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Attention: Jose Kreutz Re: Weston Communities Primary Plat Review H.C.H.D. #PS -94 -0005 Dear Mr. Kreutz: Enclosed you will find two copies of each sheet of the Primary Plat which was revised in accordance with comments listed in your letter dated 6/22/94. Those comments were addressed as follows: 1) The locations of all adjacent driveways along 106th Street and Shelborne Road were added to the Primary Plat as you requested. 2) There are stub streets located on the North and West lines. 3) The Primary Plat does show a continuous auxiliary lane along the North side of 106th Street from U.S. 421 to the proposed entry of Weston Communities being 24 -feet from the centerline to the outer edge of pavement. You will need to contact Paul Rioux at Estridge regarding the status of the commercial ground West of the Weston Communities. 4A) A note was added to the Primary Plat to widen the North side of 106th Street to 12 -feet from the centerline along this site's entire frontage using a cross - section consisting of f- inch of surface, 5- inches of binder and 14- inches of base with stone shoulders. 4B) A note was added to the Primary Plat to widen the West side of Shelborne Road to 12- feet from the centerline along the site's entire frontage using a cross - section consisting of 1 -inch of surface, 4- inches of binder and 12- inches of base. Hamilton County Highway Dept. Page Two July 7, 1994 4C) Pursuant to a field inspection and preliminary drainage calculations, we feel that the existing structure in question is in good condition and has plenty of capacity to adequately accept out post - developed run -off. We maintain that this structure does not need to be replaced; therefore, our plans will include extending the existing structure North to adequately construct 24 -feet of pavement with 3 -foot shoulders. 5) Estridge is in the process of contacting Panhandle Eastern to request written permission to construct the proposed decel lane and required widening along 106th Street. 6) A typical roadway section showing two 13 -foot lanes with 2 -foot rolled curb on each side was added to the Primary Plat detail sheet. Notes were also added specifying 20 -foot radii at all right -of -way corners and 25 MPH design speed on all roads. The separation between the intersections of Brigade Circle and Vanguard Circle with Weston Drive was increased to 150 -feet. 8A) The 25 -foot half right -of -way was extended across each of the eyebrows as you requested. 8B) There will be "valley curb" across the intersections with the private drives and the main "dedicated streets ". The delineation between public and private portions of street was labeled. 8C) The covenants will assign responsibility for maintenance of the eyebrow areas to the homeowner's association. 9) You were correct with your assumption that Lake #1 outlets into the existing waterway which crosses under 106th Street. The lake from Common Area #6 will discharge into the storm system which ultimately drains into Lake #1 also. 10) Swales along Shelborne Road and 106th Street across Weston Communities frontage will conform with the Hamilton County typical road cross - section. Hamilton County Highway Dept. Page Three July 7, 1994 Please contact me as soon as possible at 577 -3405 if you have any further questions or comments regarding how any of your comments were addressed. Best Regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASiIATEth C. wrS �_ Dennis D. Olmstead, P. L. S. cc: Ken Brasseur, Estridge cc: Paul Rioux, Estridge cc: David Cunningham, Carmel DOCD DD094/19584HWY June 22, 199 Mr. Curt Huff Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Road P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 RE: Weston Communities - Primary Plat N. of 106th St. / W. of Shelborne Road Clay Township H.C.H.D. #PS-94-0005 Dear Curt: This letter serves to acknowledge receipt on May 31, 1994, of a Primary Plat for the above referenced project. The following comments apply: 1. The plat needs to show the location of all adjacent driveways along 106th Street and Shelborne Road. This is required to determine whether the location of the proposed entrances make sense, from a traffic point of view. 2. Similarly, please show the location of any previously stubbed streets northwest and southeast of this site. 3. The acceleration lane of the 106th Street entrance is to tie into the auxiliary lane required for the corner parcel west of the Weston Subdivision. Please advise me what the status, as well as the plans, are for that parcel. Note that the edge of all the speed change lanes is to be 24' from centerline. 4. We request that the following adjacent roadway improvements be completed as part of this project: A. Widen the north side of 106th Street, along the entire frontage, to a full 12', as measured from the centerline, plus stone shoulders, per a cross - section consisting of 1" of surface, 5" of binder and 14" of base. B. Widen the west side of Shelborne Road to 12', plus shoulders, along the site's frontage; the typical section consisting of 1" of surface, 4" of binder and 12" of base. C. Replace the existing structure 500' east of your entrance, along 106th Street with a structure that carries 24' of pavement plus 3' shoulders and is hydraulically adequate. This may require that right - of -way be ontained along the south side of 106th Street, depending on what is available. 5. Before we will recommend any Primary Plat approvals for this site, you are required to contact Panhandle Eastern, and obtain from them written 1717 PLEASANT STREET NOBLESVILLE, INDIANA 46060 (317) 773 -7770 commitment that they will permit the construction of the decel proposed along 106th Street, as well as the widening we require. 6. The plat is to have a roadway typical section showing two. (2) 12' lanes, as a minimum, plus curb. Also, please add a note calling for a 20' radius (minimum) on all right -of -way corners, and a 25 MPH design speed on all roads. 7. The offset between the two (2) street intersections near lot 153 is to be increased to 150' (minimum). 8. The three (3) eyebrows proposed do not meet our ordinance's horizontal curve requirements; therefore, the following applies. A. The 25' half right -of -way line is to be continued across the front of the median (the eyebrow is to be outside of right -of -way). B. Valley curb is to be shown, to have a delineation between the public and private portion of the road. C. The subdivision covenants are to assign the responsibility for the maintenance of the eyebrows to the homeowner's association. 9. I assume that lake #1 outfalls into the waterway crossing 106th Street, which will be addressed when we discuss item 4C above. Where is the lake in area #6 to discharge? Note that additional comments regarding the drainage will apply upon your submission of the road's vertical profile data. 10. Roadside swales that convey the road runoff into the site's storm sewer will be required along Weston's frontage on Shelborne Road and on 106th Street. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this review, please contact me at 773 -7770. Sincerely, Jose Kreutz, Transportation Development Engineer Hamilton County Highway Department JK:sso 06- 13 -94.E cc: Mr. David Cunningham, Carmel Department of Community Development Mr. Steve Cash Salton C WcZt & aveyoh tSuits s¢6 776-4495 One Samilton (aunty Squats Noblesvii1e, (Indiana 46o6o -a23o — iwie..211. 1994 Stoeppelwerth & Ass. Re: Weston Communities; Primary Plat I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments. 1. The drainage facilities for this project will need to be petitioned to become regulated drain. Because of this, all drainage easments for storm sewer pipes and subsurface drain will need to be increased to a 30' total to comply with the drainage code. 2. please include a full set of drainage calculations with the development plans. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 776 -8495. Sincerely, Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer cc: SCS Co. Highway Carmel DOCD FAX TO: KENNETH BRASSEUR CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PIS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 16, 1994 Mr. David Cunningham Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Weston Communities Primary Plat Dear David: This letter & enclosures are preliminary responses to the comments listed in your letter dated June 3, 1994. (Blank responses require further discussion with DOCD.) These comments will be addressed as follows: Overall Design 1. A meandering six (6) foot wide biking /walking path is proposed along the North side of 106th Street as shown on Sheet #4 of the landscape plans. This is proposed to provide safe access to the proposed commercial area for the residents of this community. We believe the accesses you recommended would not be desirable for the following reasons. Pedestrian traffic between residences. A break would be needed in the 50 -foot wide landscaped buffer between the commercial and the residential areas at each of these locations which diminishes the screening effect. These accesses would outlet into the rear delivery area of the commercial buildings. We noted that the plans do not clearly show the proposed path extending all the way to the commercial area so this will be clarified. 9940 Allicnnvills. Pnad • P fl RnY 509001 • Indianannlis, Indiana 46250 • (311) 849.5935 • 1- 800 - 718.6911 • FAX: (311) 849-5942 recycled paper CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS June 16, 1994 Mr. David Cunningham Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Weston Communities Primary Plat Dear David: This letter & enclosures are preliminary responses to the comments listed in your letter dated June 3, 1994. (Blank responses require further discussion with DOCD.) These comments will be addressed as follows: Overall Design 1. A meandering six (6) foot wide biking/walking path is proposed along the North side of 106th Street as shown on Sheet #4 of the landscape plans. This is proposed to provide safe access to the proposed commercial area for the residents of this community. We believe the accesses you recommended would not be desirable for the following reasons. Pedestrian traffic between residences. 2. A break would be needed in the 50 -foot wide landscaped buffer between the commercial and the residential areas at each of these locations which diminishes the screening effect. 3. These accesses would outlet into the rear delivery area of the commercial buildings. We noted that the plans do not clearly show the proposed path extending all the way to the commercial area so this will be clarified. 99,111 Allicnnvilla Pnad • P (1 Rnr 509001 • Indianannlic Indiana .46750 • 11171 R19.5915 • t- R00:17R -6917 • FAY. 17111 RA9.5917 1'N rervrled nannr Department of Community Development June 16, 1994 Page Two 2. 3. 4. Common Area #1: Playground, Pool, Clubhouse, Tennis Courts, Basketball Court, lake and landscaped open areas. Common Areas 2, 3 and 4: Landscaped buffer areas. Common Area 5: Existing Woodland Preserve Common Areas 6 & 7: Lakes and landscaped mounds and open areas. 5. 6. Support Items 1 Jim Nelson will supply. 2. Statement of non- opposition to annexation will be added to the covenants. 3. This site is utilizing the cluster option for the reasons stated in paragraph 33.0.1 (Purpose and Intent) of the Cluster Ordinance. 4. We are awaiting response from the County Highway Department. 5 The covenants shall be modified to address your comments regarding dusk to dawn lights, maintenance and replacement of material in common areas, non - opposition to annexation and fencing restrictions. A traffic operations analysis has been ordered. Department of Community Development June 16, 1994 Page Three A copy of the Clay Regional Sewer capacity availability and conditional connection permit is enclosed. 8. Enclosed are copies of correspondence received from TAC members to date. 9. The landscape Architect is meeting with Mike Hollibaugh regarding his comments. 10. Estridge has ordered a wetland study of this site including delineation and evaluation. 11. Primary Plat 1. We will add dates of submission of latest revisions to the plans as they occur. 2. We have a partial list of street names approved by Luanne and have submitted additional names for approval 3. We have indicated the use of all easements. 4. We are awaiting the County Highway Department comments regarding this design. 5. We will revise this plat to eliminate the west cul -de -sac by connecting that street into the street that stubs to the South. 6. We are awaiting County Highway Department comments. There is no 100 -year food area on this site according the FIRM #180081 -0011 dated 5/19/81. The passing blisters are dimensioned in accordance with the requirements. 9. We acknowledge that the storm sewers, water system and sanitary sewers must be reviewed by the appropriate departments. Department of Community Development June 16, 1994 Page Four 10. Sidewalks will be added to the plat along 106th Street and Shelborne Road. 11. The sidewalk/intersections detail on Sheet #4 should be acceptable as shown. 12. The lot layout does show lot dimensions and lot numbers. We have indicated on Sheet #1 a site data table that states the minimum lot area for each community. 13. We will label Common Area #1 as providing private recreational facilities for the residents within the subdivision. There are no areas proposed for public use. 14. We will add all existing monuments and markers. 15. There are no FP, FF or FW districts on this site. 16. A wetland study has been ordered. 17. We will add a stub street to the West out of Weston Ridge, however, we do not believe it should be located between Lots 58 and 59. 18. Sign easements will be added. 19. On 106th Street an additional 12 -foot lane will be added on the North side from the entrance West to U.S. #421. 20. We acknowledge Special Use approval will be required for the recreational uses in Common Area #1. 21. A typical parking plan for a 3 and 4 bedroom houses is shown on Sheet #4. Supportive Materials, Per Cluster Ordinance 1. Typical floor plans and pictures of typical houses are shown in the booklet on file. Department of Community Development June 16, 1994 Page Five 2. Treatment of greenbelt buffer areas and open spaces is shown on the landscape plan. 3. Landscaping and signage is shown on the landscape plans. Site lighting will be accomplished with two (2) dusk to dawn lights on each house. A typical parking plan is shown on Sheet #4. The covenants shall be modified to state the means of maintaining the Common Areas and revise the statements regarding the maintenance of the 20' greenbelt easement to be maintained by the lot owners. 6. We acknowledge that minimum separation is required between structures. 7. The typical parking plan should be acceptable as it has been in the past. Public Notice 1. Jim Nelson will provide this information. Filing Fee 1. We acknowledge that the filing fee must be paid to obtain a docket number. These are preliminary responses to your comments. After our meeting with you on June 17, we will revise our plans and complete this letter accordingly. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P. L. S. Enclosures cc: Estridge Development, Inc. Jim Nelson CCH94 \19584CL G. Tu . ;t Lawl Lamtiseofil CW�W�tK( 120' 1.4x not -to Oct,Actrilne I prase +vt .. WocokeS ✓��► St` 9,4 I 'ectite epGt✓ S e ( I 1 t4iem t4 Q Zi• rp✓Vhi l — 40 toir1G 1-to rlerwtt'(_ refkrvecQ er1l Q t — (0 AC✓FS Ofpt ✓ 9 ) iorPio v� ,,f r � 11 (pod/ doll w reeogO a ha'�I o4 tide rvNtiTS i tna.S `pG etas t c\v4k -t o v► d 5A4 5-leve MAI DATE: TO: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. Box 509007 9940 Allisonville Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Phone (317) 849 -5935 FAX (317) 849 -5942 June 15, 1994 JOB NUMBER: 19584 A & F Engineering 5160 E. 65th Street Indianapolis, IN 46220 ATTENTION: Steve Fehribach RE: Western Communities WE ARE SENDING YOU [ XX ] ,+u [ ] umi sewac cuver v;, tie fallowing ;tan.: COPIES SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 200 Scale Overall Layout THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ ] For Approval [ ] For Your Use REMARKS: [XX] As Requested [ ] For Review and Comment [ This is the plan for the Estridge project at U.S. 421 & 106th Street. Please call me at 577 -3405 if I can be of any further assistance. Best regards, Dennis D. Olmstead f j HAMILTON COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1 1 925 Division Street - Noblesville IN 46060 - (317)773 --1406 i FAX 776 -1101 ; June 13, 1994 To; Director, Carmel Planning Commission One Civic Sauare Carmel In 46032 From: John B. South P.E., SWCD Engineer n I a. Project: Weston Communities Detail soil information is available at the SCS -SWCD Office_ The map on the plans only locate the sail types with abbreviated soil names. According to the. USDA -SCS inventory of potential wetlands and USDI -NWS inventory maps there is the potential of a wetland on this site. Maps may be viewed at the SCS -SWCD office. Private consultants will make an on -site determination. It appears from the size of this project a Notice of Intent letter is required to be filed with Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Comments: 1. The large green area in the'south- central part of the property is shown as a potential wetlands on the SCS maps, and from the aerial photo it looks likely to be so. Any existing drainage should be considered abandoned because it has not been maintained for the last five years. IDEM and the Corps of Engineers must approve the construction of a pond in a wetland area. 2. If it can be worked out, the proposed Fehsenfeld Pond to the north- west could use additional storm water runoff_ There is a property in between. Contractors United, Columbus, Indiana was the project engineer. 3_ The drainage system in Brandywine needs to be upgraded before storm water runoff is discharged Lite the current system. 4. The drainage facilities south of 106th have not been completed. How will this project impact the offsite drainage system? 5. The onsite storm drainage plan is comprehensive. A subdrain access is needed for each lot. CC: Steve Cash File Stoeppelwerth PLEASE SEND BY JUNE 10, 1994 TO: AND COPY TO: Mr. David Cunningham, Assistant to the Director Department of Comtnunity Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Curtis C. Huff Stoeppelwerth dz Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 PETITIONER TO FILLQUT & SEND COPIES TO TAC MEMBERS: Petitioner Name: Estridgee Development, Inc. Project Name: Weston Communities Property Use: Single- Family Residential Subdivision Type of Review: Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cunningham: I have received and reviewed a location map and site development plan and other needed supporting information for the above state project, and make the following comments: None. 3. I understand that the Petitioner wished to be included on the agenda for the Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for July 19. 1994 meeting. I have no problem with the Carmel Department of Community Development issuing a docket number and placing this project on the appropriate Commission/Board agenda for formal review. Sincerely, Btanley Puckett. Chief Inspector Carmel Fire Department EXi- IIBITS/RESP PLEASE SEND BY JUNE 10, 1994 TO: AND COPY TO: Mr. David Cunningham, Assistant to the Director Department of Community Development I Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Curtis C. Huff Stoeppelwerth & Associates. Inc. P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 PETITIONER TO FILL OUT & SEND COPIES TO TAC MEMBERS: Petitioner Name: Estridge Development, Inc. Project Name: Weston Communities Property Use: Single - Family Residential Subdivision Type of Review: Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cunningham: I have received and reviewed a location map and site development plan and other needed supporting information for the above s ate project, and make the following comments: 1 (y ) 3. I understand that the Petitioner wished to be included on the agenda for the Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for July 19. 1994 meeting. I have no problem with the Carmel Department of Community Development issuing a docket number and placing this project on the appropriate Commission/Board agenda for formal review. EXHIBITS /RESP PLEASE SEND BY JUNE 10, 1994 TO: AND COPY TO: Mr. David Cunningham, Assistant to the Director Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Curtis C. Huff Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 PETITIONER TO FILL OUT & SEND COPIES TO TAC MEMBERS: Petitioner Name: Estridge Development. Inc. Project Name: Weston Communities Property Use: Single - Family Residential Subdivision Type of Review: Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cunningham: I have received and reviewed a location map and site development plan and other needed supporting information for the above state project, and make the following comments: 2. 3. 4. 5. I understand that the Petitioner wished to be included on the agenda for the Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for July 19. 1994 meeting. I have no problem with the Carmel Department of Community Development issuing a docket number and placing this project on the appropriate Commission/Board agenda for formal review. EXHIBITS /RESP PLEASE SEND BY JUNE 10, 1994 TO: AND COPY TO: Mr. David Cunningham, Assistant to the Director Department of Community Development 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Curtis C. Huff Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 PETITIONER TO FILL OUT & SEND COPIES TO TAC MEMBERS: Petitioner Name: Estridge Development. Inc. Project Name: Weston Communities Property Use: Single= Family Residential Subdivision Type of Review: Primary Plat Dear Mr. Cunningham: I have received and reviewed a location map and site development plan and other needed supporting information for the above s ate project, and make the following comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ° I understand that the Petitioner wished to be included on the agenda for the Plan Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals meeting for July 19, 1994 meeting. I have no problem with the Carmel Department of Community Development issuing a docket number and placing this project on the appropriate Commission/Board agenda for formal review. EXHIBITS /RESP City of Carmel Curt Huff Stoeppelwerth & Assoc. P. O. Box 509007 Indpls., IN 46250 June 3, 1994 Re: Weston Communities - Primary Plat - Preliminary review Dear Curt, Upon review of' your submitted materials, I have found the following items will need to be addressed: Overall design - The following are recommendations that the Department has developed after a review of the project: - Recommend the inclusion of access points (believe this was committed to at the rezone stage of the development) sidewalks, walkways, bike paths to the commercial area, between the following lots; 14 & 15, 91 & 92, 100 & 101, 108 & 109. - Strongly recommend reconfiguring lots 97 - 110 to match min. zoning sized lots in the Brandywine subdivision 120' lot width, 15,000 square feet. - Recommend eliminating lots 92 -96 and 115 - 119 to add to the common areas and open access (physical and visual) - What are the proposed uses in the common areas? Please include detail on any improvements. - Recommend accessway be incorporated between lots 91& 92 in Weston Ridge for access to the common area. Additionally allow for access along the south property line of lots 92 & 93 between the two common areas. - Please refer to the attached drawings for additional lot reconfiguration for the incorporation of more common area and added features to the development - See three attached drawings- Support items - Public notice information from the County Auditor's office - Non - opposition to annexation of the property - Statement justifying using the cluster option for this property ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2400 Page 2 Weston Communities June 3, 1994 - Statement from the County Highway Department regarding the impact of the development on the surrounding roadway system and recommended improvements for each adjoining street and entrance point - per section 5.3.5 - Covenants and restrictions for this development per section 5.3.7 - have received a preliminary copy, have following requests; - dusk to dawn yard lights to be installed on each lot by the builder /developer per 7.1.7 of the Cluster ordinance. - specific sections on the maintenance and replacement of material in the common areas - non - opposition to annexation section to be added for all lots - restrictions on fencing within the common areas and along roadways Pursuant to Carmel \Clay Plan Commission Resolution 021892 a traffic operations analysis will need to be prepared and submitted prior to complete review of the project - A statement from Clay Regional Sewer needs to be submitted confirming adequate capacity and conformance with the Master Sewer Plan for the Clay West - per section 5.3.10 - Correspondence from the TAC members needs to be submitted upon receipt, as of the date of this letter no correspondence has been received - per section 5.3.3. - Landscape plan - has been reviewed by Mike Hollibaugh of our office, preliminary review, indicates the following: - Master Plan is not legible nor is the concept effectively communicated, provide a more detailed conceptual plan. - It is not clear how existing vegetation is top be incorporated and preserved as a part of the buffering requirements. - Can plans be submitted showing the similar detail of the entrance plans for all of the perimeter buffer areas - Please submit a tree preservation plan for the existing wooded areas. - Delineate all wetlands on site - provide statements form the Army Corps and IDEM, DNR on the proposal and its potential impacts on jurisdictional wetlands - Signage plan - please dimension proposed signage area - to confirm compliance with the sign ordinance - will the sign at 106th, be the only development identification sign? Sign Easements need to be added. Will there internal directional, phasing or predevelopment signs for this project? Primary Plat - Add date of submission latest revision to the plans for ease of identification of updates - Street names will need to be completed and submitted for approval from the Carmel \Clay Communications Center - Luanne Stephens - per 'section 5.2.3 - All easements need to be shown indicating their use for drainage or utilities and legal drains or water courses - per section 5.2.4 and section 6.6.2 Page 3 Weston Communities June 3, 1994 - Please contact the County Highway office regarding the entrance configuration of islands and street design. - The cul -de -sac off of the cul -de -sac in the north section will require a variance for length - length is measured as the combined total of both cul -de -sacs. - The entrance islands off of 106th Street and Shelbourne Road and the islands in the eyebrows will need County approval as currently shown. - Will the streets in the wetland area be located within the 100 year flood line be privately maintained? If not please contact the Hamilton County Highway Dept. office for requirements of locating streets within the 100 year floodline. - Please dimension all passing blisters and accel \decel lanes shown on the plans to confirm conformity with the requirements. If passing blisters are not to be installed at the entrances or Subdivision Regulation variances will need to be applied for and included in the public notice. - Location, size and capacity of storm sewer, water system and sanitary sewer will need to be reviewed by the appropriate Departments, County Surveyor, SCS for drainage. - Sidewalks along 106th Street and Shelbourne Road will need to be added to the plans and installed at the time of development. - The sidewalk \intersection detail on the Detail page needs to be adjusted son a pedestrian does not have to enter the street to change direction on the sidewalks - Layout of lots, showing the dimensions and lot numbers, and the approximate square footage - per section 5.2.6 - Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public schools, parks, playgrounds or other public use, private recreational facilities for the people within the subdivision, and other areas to be used for community purposes need to be shown and labeled - per section 5.2.7 - Add all existing monuments and markers to the plans - per section 5.2.9 - Indicate the location of flood plains as established by the FP, FF, and FW flood plain districts cited in the Zoning ordinance per section 5.2.10 - Indicate and dimension the wetland area on this site. Have you submitted to DNR and Army Corps for wetland delineation and encroachment into the wetland, and if so what is the timing of approval form the DNR on the encroachment into the wetland study? per section 6.2.1 - Certain proposed streets need to be extended to the boundary for future development per section 6.3.3; - Add a stub to the west between lots 58 & 59 in the north section to allow for access to the parcel to the west in the future - Sign easements need to be added at all sign locations - What of 106th Street and Shelbourne Road will be improved with this project and how will the rest of it completed or be guaranteed to be completed? - Special Use approval will be required for the amenity and recreational uses proposed within your plans. - A full parking plan will need to be submitted per Cluster section 7.1.8 Page 4 Weston Communities June 3, 1993 Supportive materials - per Cluster ordinance - Section 7.1.3 of the cluster ordinance requires the following items to be submitted to complete the file; - the location and style of building units - treatment of the greenbelt buffers and other open spaces - site lighting, landscaping, and signage - number of and location of all parking spaces - means of adequately maintaining all common areas - Minimum sideyards will need to be maintained between structures during development - I would strongly recommend that you study the placement of the different footprints on lots to avoid conflicts with the sideyard setback requirements - As stated previously, a typical parking plan has been submitted, the Department would request that full parking plan that meets section 7.1.8 (especially the 4 bedroom criteria) be prepared and submitted. Public Notice - as of the date of this letter, I have not received any of the Public Notice information required by the ordinance. Filing Fee - A $2240.00 + $100.00 for each required variance of the Subdivision Regulations will need to be submitted prior to docket number issuance. The above comments will need to be addressed and updated plans need to be submitted no later than June 17, 1994, to assure our office adequate time to review your proposed project. Due to the length of the above comments, I have tenantively scheduled you for a .preliminary review of the Primary Plat by TAC at the June 22, 1994 TAC meeting. At this time, I will tenantively schedule you for the July 19, 1994 Plan Commission meeting. Page 5 Weston Communities June 3, 1994 If you have any questions to the above comments or the process before you, feel free to contact me at (317) 571 -2444, at your convenience. Sincerel David D. Cunnin am, AICP Director of Cu ent Planning Department of Community Development City of Carmel, Indiana Enclosures - 3 DDC cc: Paul Rioux, 1041 West Main Street, Carmel., IN 46032 Plan Commission File DDC file Mike Hollibaugh file Cityof C Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Stoeppelwerth & Associates • 9940 Allisonville Road P. O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 RE: PRIMARY PLAT WESTON COMMUNITIES Dear Mr. Huff: Col rmel June 2, 1994 I defer comment on this new development to the Department of Community Development of the City of Carmel. Thank you, David W. Klingenl;S'mith Street Commi loner DK /bc cc: Dave Cunningham, D.O.C.D. 211 2nd STREET, S.W. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2637 Cityof (•l rmei Police Department Headquarters 3 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2500 May 26, 1994 Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Dear Curtis: I have received a copy of the primary plat plans for Weston Commu- nities located on 106th Street and west of Shelborne Road. After reviewing your plans, I do not see any immediate problems for law enforcement or emergency services. I see no reason to deny your plans to proceed. If we can be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, :7 / -, oge C. Conn Chief of Police Carmel Police Department RCC /de City of (11 rmel Carmel Clay Communications Center 31 1s[ AVENUE, N.W. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2580 May 25th, 1994 Mr. Curtis Huff Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allionsville Road P.O. Box 509007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Mr Huff, The following is a list of streets that may be used for your new development: Bunker Hill Gettysburg Marion Pickens Putnam Place Richmond Sumter Way Yorktown Valley Forge Constitution Cornwallis Independence Minuteman Morristown The other streets submitted were duplications. Respectfully, �9t.at.�v Lu Anna Stephens Weston Ridge Additional Proposed Street Names June 10, 1994 Brandywine Brigade Freeman . Hudson • Patriot . ▪ Percy • ▪ Trumbull • Vanguard • Victory Volunteer Wellington CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, P13 May 19, 1994 Office of Police Chief 3 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Roger C. Conn RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Chief Conn: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. e Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Office of Fire Chief 2 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mr. Stanley Puckett, Chief Inspector RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Puckett: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Also, please acknowledge your approval of the fire hydrant locations. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • leffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Carmel Clay Communications Center 31 First Avenue Northwest Carmel, IN 46060 ATTENTION: LuAnne Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Ms. LuAnne: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is lcoated on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. Please review the community names and street names for this plat. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P. L. S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, P13 • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Carmel Clay School Administrative Offices 5201 East 131st Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mr. Roger. D. Harper Director of Business RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Harper: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. This development is within the Carmel Clay School District. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and verifying the ability of the Carmel Clay School District to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH 8c. ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, P13 • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Public Service Indiana P.O. Box 876 Carmel, IN 46032 ATTENTION: Tony Taylor RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Taylor: Enclosed please find two copies of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. The streets within this project are proposed to be public streets. Please review this plat and return one (1) copy of the plat showing any additional easements necessary. Also, please send us a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P. L. Enclosures CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 •Indianapolis Power & Light Co. 25 Monument Circle P.O. Box 1595 B Indianapolis, IN 46204 ATTENTION: Mr. Dan Davenport RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Davenport: Enclosed please find two copies of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. The streets within this project are proposed to be public streets. Please review this plat and return one (1) copy of the plat showing`any additional easements necessary. Also, please send us a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosures CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PIS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PIS • Jeffory W. Darling, PIS May 19, 1994 Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 ATTENTION: Ms. Jane Messenger RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Ms. Messenger: Enclosed please find two copies of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. The streets within this project are proposed to be public streets. Please review this plat and return one (1) copy of the plat showing any additional easements necessary. Also, please send us a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and the ability of your utility to serve this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosures CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Hull, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Indiana Gas Company 15900 Allisonville Road P.O. Box 250 Noblesville, IN 46060 ATTENTION: Mr. Jeffrey Autry RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Autry : Enclosed is a copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. Please review this plat and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. C Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Indianapolis Water Company 1220 Waterway Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46202 ATTENTION: Phil Algood RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Algood: Enclosed is a copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivison. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. We have shown a possible watermain and fire hydrant layout. Please review this layout and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat with any comments you may have. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P. L. S. Enclosures CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David 1 Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 City Engineer I Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mr. Thomas E. Welch RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Welch: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. The Department of Community Development (DOCD) requires your approval of this watermain and fire hydrant layout. The Indianapolis Water Company will be preparing the final watermain design. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PIS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PIS May 19, 1994 Carmel Utilities 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Mr. James Dougherty RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Dougherty: Enclosed is a copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. The Department of Community Development (DOCD) requires your approval of this watermain and fire hydrant layout. The Indianapolis Water Company will be preparing the final watermain design. Please review this plat and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat with any comments you may have. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S Enclosures CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. P.O. Box 38 Zionsville, IN 46077 ATTENTION: Mr. Burt Smith RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Smith: Enclosed is a copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. Please review this plat and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your cooperation. Enclosure Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. go,& C Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Clay Township Regional Waste District P.O. Box 40638 Carmel, IN 46032 ATTENTION: Mr. Marvin Pike RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr Pike: Enclosed, please find two (2) copies of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision and two (2) copies of the Sanitary Sewer Connection Application for Clay Township Regional Waste District. Weston Communities is located on the North side of 106th Street between U.S. #421 and Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. It is.our desire to connect the proposed gravity sewers to the existing sanitary sewer at the Northeast corner of 106th Street and U.S. #421. Please review the plat and supporting data and address any concerns or comments to my attention. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P. L. S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS L A N D SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Hull, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Hamilton County Sanitarian One Hamilton County Square Suite 30 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Mr. Barry McNulty RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. McNulty: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. This development is proposed to be served by a sanitary sewer connection to the Clay West Regional Waste District. The Indianapolis Water Company will provide the water service. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, P15 • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Mr. Kent Ward Hamilton County Surveyor 1 Hamilton County Square Ste 146 Noblesville, IN 46060 -2230 ATTENTION: Mr. Steve Cash RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Cash: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres, Drainage for this site will be accomplished by a combination of surface drainage, storm sewers and retention ponds. Please review the plat and supporting data and send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and addressing any questions or comments regarding this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. e Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEY O R S R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, P13 • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, P13 • Dennis D. Olmstead, PL5 • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 925 Division Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Attention: Mr. John South RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. South: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. This development is proposed to be served by a sanitary sewer connection to the Clay West Regional Waste District sanitary sewer at the Northeast corner of 106th Street and U.S. Highway #421. The Indianapolis Water Company will provide the water service. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PIS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Carmel Street Commissioner 211 Second Street SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 Attention: David Klingensmith RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Klingensmith: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS May 19, 1994 Mr. Les K. Locke, P.E. Hamilton County Highway Department 1717 E. Pleasant Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Mr. Jose Kreutz RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Dear Mr. Kreutz: Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street West of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single- family homes on 181 acres. Please send me a letter acknowledging your receipt of this plat and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David. J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, P13 • Dennis D. Olmstead, P13 • Jeffory W. Darling, P13 Hamilton County Planning Dept. One Hamilton County Square Suite 138 Noblesville, IN 46060 May 19, 1994 RE: Primary Plat Weston Communities Enclosed, please find one (1) copy of the primary plat for Weston Communities Subdivision. Weston Communities is located on the north side of 106th Street west of Shelborne Road and will consist of 388 single - family homes on 181 acres. Please send me a letter acknowledging the receipt of this plat as required by the Carmel Department of Community Development and listing any questions or comments you may have concerning this development. Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. Curtis C. Huff, P.L.S. Enclosure SfOEPPELIWERTH HSSOCS TEL May 13 94 13 :35 No.015 P.02 SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATION CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA A. Data to be submitted by the Owner /Engineer to: Clay Township Regional Waste District P.O. Box 40638 Indianapolis, IN 46240 -0638 Location: 10755 North College Phone: 844 -9200 Fax: 844 -9203 1. Project Title: Location: 2. Project Owner: Address: PART I - GENERAL Weston Ridge North of 106th St. between U.S. #421 and Shelborne Rd. Estridge Development. Inc. 1041 West Main Street Carmel. IN 46032 Phone: (317) 582 -2437 3. Engineer: Stoeppelwerth & Associates. Inc. Address: 9940 Allisonville Rd. /P.O. Box 5Q9007 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: (317) 849 -5935 4. A site map showing location, acreage and zoning is attached? 5. Design Flow Number of Units XXX yes no 1 Bdrm. apts ® 192 gpd /unit 2 Bdrm. apts ® 256 gpd /unit 388 Single family homes ® 256 gpd /unit Commercial Lots Acres 181 Total Acreage 0 TOTAL Average Flow Peaking factor 4.0 Peak Flow gpd = gpd = 99,328 gpd gpd gpd gpd _ _gpd = gpd 99.328 gpd 397312 gpd STOEPPELWEPTH & ASSOCS TEL :317- 849 -5942 May 13 94 13 :36 Mo.015 P.03 6.- (a) Is the property zoned for the intended use? XX Yes No (b) If yes, what is the zoning class? 7. Project Description: 181 Acres + proposed for a total development of 388 single family residential lots (see attached legal description) 8. Construction Schedule: Start Construction Complete Construction Spring 1995 Summer 2000 9. The Clay Township Regional Waste District Application Fee made payable to the District is hereby submitted is the amount $ as required by ordinance. Estridge Development, Inc. Date There is sufficient sewer capacity and Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity for the proposed development and a Conditional Permit to connect to the Clay Township Regional Waste District Michigan Road Corridor is hereby issued with the following conditions as marked: A. ✓ Conditions and Limitations Recommended by the District for issuance of a Final Construction Permit from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. (See Supplemental Information Sheet). B. Applicant's Development Project be approved by the Carmel Plan Commission and /or such other Board's, Agencies or Governmental Units having Regulatory jurisdiction over said Project. C. That connection of the Development Project to the sewerage system will require a Sewer Service Agreement between the Project Owner and the / District relating to the Construction and installation of Public Sewers. D. y That the Project owner pay all availability charges and other fees imposed by the District in connection with the Project which may include costs incurred by the District for Engineering, Accounting and /or Legal services. STOEFPELWERTH HSSOCS TEL May 13 94 13 :37 No.015 F.04 E. V That the Applicant pursue the approvals and permits necessary to allow the project owner to proceed with construction of the project. F. Other Conditions (See Attached) Construction on any phase of the Project shall not commence until all conditions of the Conditional Permit are met and the District has issued a Final Permit. Issued this day of �!% —� , 199_,/ CLAY TOWNSHIP REGIONA !. TE DISTRICT Marvin Pi. e Utility Manager FORMS /SSCLAY CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS R.M. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • David J. Stoeppelwerth, PE, PLS • Curtis C. Huff, PLS • Dennis D. Olmstead, PLS • Jeffory W. Darling, PLS TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE : S (lo /' \4- TO: 1.1�ww.sa. �'STGtenS FROM: �5 FAX NUMBER (317) 849 -5942 NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover sheet): 2. SENT BY: 11)b &, "le\ Fo-Ac g 511 — 25$S RE: MIMI+ NOTES: iPea s c Q i 0,16. @ 511 -34oS n 2 l.tt •-;;2- wie 10 alit:,3v\-(We • �• il._ sz •,• 04 -11n cxym 1 Ye r ei \ SENDING COPIES BY MAIL YES NO k'C THE ESTRIDGE GROUP 106th and MICHIGAN Community Names Custom: Weston Ridge Production: Weston Place Suggested Street Names 400: The Village 600 -700: The Park Beacon Hill Bunker Hill Charleston Colonial Way Continental Court Clark Franklin Gates Way Gettysburg Howe Jefferson Marion Pickens Princeton Putnam Place Revere Richmond Saratoga Savannah Sumter Way Trenton Yorktown Valley Forge Constitution Cornwallis Independence Jamestown Minuteman Morristown North Church Plymouth