HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidential Open Space Ordinance RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE ORDINANCE
33 . 0 Title .
This zoning ordinance shall be referred to and known as the
Residential Open Space Ordinance for Carmel / Clay Township,
Hamilton County, Indiana.
33 . 1 Purpose .
The purpose of this Residential Open Space Ordinance is to
provide for the development of certain areas within Carmel /
Clay Township which have special or unusual development
problems or needs for compatibility by providing an
alternative development process which: allows for a greater
degree of flexibility in the design and development of
single-family and two-family subdivisions; encourages
innovative residential environments; provides for more
efficient use of land including the reduction of land area
disturbed for utility lines and motor vehicle access;
protects topographical features; and, encourages the set-
aside of common area and open space for the use and
enjoyment of the residents of the overall subdivision.
33 . 2 Applicability .
This Residential Open Space Ordinance is available for use
on any real estate zoned to the S-1 , S-2, R-1 , R-2, R-3, R-4
or R-5 zoning districts; provided, however, it. shall only
be applicable to the development of single-family or two-
family subdivisions . The application and use of this
Residential Open Space Ordinance to any real estate shall
require the prior approval of the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission following a public hearing. . The approval of the
Carmel I. Clay Plan Commission may be obtained by filing a
petition for Residential Open Space Development Plan
Approval for the overall subdivision that complies with the
requirements of this Residential Open Space Ordinance .
33 . 3 Minimum Requirements .
33 . 3 . 01 Project Area (Minimum Size of Overall Subdivision) .
The minimum acreage for any overall subdivision to be
developed pursuant to this Residential Open Space
Ordinance shall be five ( 5 ) acres .
33 .3. 02 Project Density .
The overall maximum number of lots within an overall
subdivision to be developed pursuant to this
Residential Open Space Ordinance shall remain the same
as that permitted by developing the same real estate
into developable lots in full compliance with all
zoning, health, flood control and subdivision laws,
ordinances and regulations applicable to such real
33 . 3 . 03 Water and Sewer Availability .
Attachment to public or semipublic water and sanitary
sewer facilities shall be mandatory for any overall
subdivision to be developed pursuant to this
Residential Open Space Ordinance .
33 . 3 . 04 Public Streets .
Each lot located in an overall subdivision to be
developed pursuant to this Residential Open Space
Ordinance shall have frontage on a public street and
gain direct access from said street.
33 . 4 Development Standards Alternatives .
To accomplish the purpose of this Residential Open Space
Ordinance, the Carmel / Clay Plan Commission may approve a
Development Plan which complies with the alternative
development standards set forth in this Section 33 . 4 and all
other standards of the applicable zoning district. All
standards of the Carmel / Clay Zoning Ordinance for which an
alternative is not provided for in this Section 33 . 4 shall
be applicable to a subdivision section developed pursuant to
this Residential Open Space Ordinance and shall be complied
with unless a variance thereof is granted by the Carmel /
Clay Board of Zoning Appeals . All standards of the
Subdivision Regulations of Carmel / Clay Township applicable
to a subdivision section developed pursuant to this
Residential Open Space Ordinance shall be complied with
unless a waiver thereof is granted by the Carmel / Clay Plan
Individual lots within an overall subdivision that receives
Development Plan Approval from the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission to be developed pursuant to this Residential Open
Space Ordinance shall be exempted from the following
development standards of the Carmel / Clay Zoning Ordinance
to the extent permitted below:
33 . 4 . 01 Minimum lot size, except as provided below -
The minimum lot size requirements shall remain
applicable to all lots which abut the perimeter of a
subdivision section except where the real estate
adjoining the perimeter of the subdivision section:
(a) is also subject to the same petition for
Development Plan Approval of the overall subdivision;
or, (b) has previously received Development Plan
Approval pursuant to this Residential Open Space
33 . 4. 02 Minimum lot width, except as provided below -
The minimum lot width requirements shall remain
applicable to all lots which abut the perimeter of a
subdivision section except where the real estate
adjoining the perimeter of the subdivision section:
(a) is also subject to the same petition for
Development Plan Approval of the overall subdivision;
or, (b) has previously received Development Plan
Approval pursuant to this Residential Open Space
33 . 4. 03 Minimum front yard, except as provided below -
The minimum front yard requirements may be reduced to
twenty-two (22 ) feet for any portion of a structure
with a front loading garage or fifteen ( 15 ) feet for
any portion of a structure containing living area or a
side-loaded garage;
33 . 4. 04 Maximum Lot Coverage, except as provided below -
The maximum lot coverage may not exceed fifty ( 50 )
percent; and,
33 . 4. 05 The minimum, rear yard, minimum side yard and aggregate
side yard requirements of the applicable zoning
district shall remain applicable to all lots .
33 . 5 Protect Open Space .
The open space created by the development of an overall
subdivision pursuant to this Residential Open Space
Ordinance shall : 1 ) be preserved in its naturally occurring
state; 2 ) be developed only to the extent required to
provide for the passive recreational activities of walking,
biking, hiking, picnicking or other recreational activities
approved by the Carmel / Clay Plan Commission; or, 3 ) be
developed into an active recreational area. The development
of such open space shall be subject to the following
additional requirements :
33 . 5 . 01 The amount of permanent open space created by the
development of an overall subdivision pursuant to this
Residential Open Space Ordinance shall be equivalent
to, or more than, the total reduction in lot area
contained within developable lots based upon a
comparison of Site Plan One and Site Plan Two as
required by Section 33 . 7 ;
33 . 5 . 02 At least seventy—five (75 ) percent of the total open
space created by the development of the overall
subdivision pursuant to this Residential Open Space
Ordinance shall consist of tracts of land at least
fifty ( 50 ) feet wide in its smallest dimension;
33 . 5 . 03 The open space provided for in Section 33 . 5 . 02, above,
shall be accessible to the residents of the overall
subdivision and their guests by way of sidewalk,
footpath or combined walkway/bikeway; and,
33 . 5 . 04 At least fifty ( 50 ) percent of the open space created
by the development of an overall subdivision pursuant
to this Residential Open Space Ordinance shall be
preserved in its natural state or utilized for passive
recreational activities.
33 . 6 Calculation of Open Space .
Open space shall be calculated by taking the total land area
within lots contained in Site Plan One (as defined in
Section 33 . 7 . 03 ) and subtracting the total land area within
lots contained in Site Plan Two (as defined in Section
33 . 7 . 03 ) .
33 . 7 Procedure for Residential Open Space Ordinance
Development Plan Approval .
33 . 7 . 01 The procedure for filing for a Residential Open Space
Development Plan Approval shall be the same as that
required of any other petition for Development Plan
Approval before the Carmel / Clay Plan Commission,
except as otherwise provided for in this Section 33 . 7 .
To facilitate the use of this Residential Open Space
Ordinance, a petitioner may file a companion petition
for primary plat approval in connection with the filing
of a petition for a Residential Open Space Development
Plan Approval . If a petitioner elects to file
companion petitions, such petitions shall be docketed
before the Carmel / Clay Plan Commission for a joint
33 . 7 . 02 Filing of a Development Plan for Conceptual Design
Review by the Department of Community Development .
The petitioner shall submit a Development Plan
consisting of the two site plans for the property •
proposed for development pursuant to this Residential
Open Space. Ordinance for conceptual design review by
the Department of Community Development prior to filing
a petition for Residential Open Space Development Plan
Approval with the Carmel / Clay Plan Commission. Said
plans shall satisfy the requirements of
Section 33 . 7 . 03 .
33 . 7 . 03 Required Development Plans .
a. Site Plan One.
Site Plan One shall be a sketch plan which depicts
the development of the overall subdivision in full
compliance with all use and development standards
of the underlying primary zoning classification
and all other applicable health, flood control and
subdivision laws, ordinances and regulations of
Carmel / Clay Township.
b. Site Plan Two.
Site Plan Two shall be a sketch plan which depicts
the development of the overall subdivision
pursuant to the Residential Open Space Ordinance
proposal .
c . Required Development Plans shall contain a
proposed breakdown of sections to be contained in
the overall subdivision .
Section One of such overall subdivision shall
include an amount of open space equivalent to, or
more than, the total reduction in lot area
contained within developable lots within that
Section One of the overall subdivision and shall
be the first section of the subdivision to be
Any subsequent section of the subdivision may
. utilize the "excess" permanent open space created
and existing in the first section (and all prior
sections ) of such subdivision to provide for lot
size reductions within that subsequent section
provided that the total amount of open space
remains equivalent to, or more than, the total
reduction in lot area contained within developable
lots within all approved sections of the
subdivision ( including the section in question) .
33 . 7 . 04 Conceptual Design Review of Development Plans by the
Department of Community Development.
a. The Department shall compare Site Plan Two with
Site Plan One while also taking into consideration
information regarding the terrain of the site and
any unique natural features of the site to
. determine the appropriateness of the proposed open
space design for the site . In doing so, the
Department ' s review may include, but not be
limited to, the following:
( 1 ) Protection of unique topographical features
on the site, including, but not limited to,
slopes, streams and natural water features;
( 2 ) Protection and preservation of wooded areas,
individual trees of significant size,
wetlands, or other environmentally sensitive
(3 ) Development of common open space and
recreational areas (passive or active)
accessible to the residents of the overall
subdivision by way of sidewalks, footpaths or
combined walkways/bikeways;
( 4) Implementation of and providing for the
future development of Potential Greenways as
designated in the Carmel / Clay Comprehensive
(5 ) A more efficient use of the land including
the reduction of land area disturbed for
utility lines and motor vehicle access ;
( 6) Creation of innovative residential
(7 ) Minimize the alteration of the natural site
features through the design and situation of
individual lots, streets and buildings;
(8 ) Diversity and originality in lot layout;
(9) Utilization of individual building designs
which achieve an enhanced relationship
between the development and the land; and,
( 10 ) Relationship to surrounding properties .
b. Determination by the Department.
The Department shall notify the petitioner of any
comments related to the conceptual design of the
project submitted for Conceptual Design Review
pursuant to Section 33 . 7 . 02, above, within ten
( 10 ) business days of the submittal for Conceptual
Design Review. The Department, at its discretion,
may schedule the Development Plan for review by
the Technical Advisory Committee at its next
available meeting. Petitioner may modify the
proposed conceptual design to comply with the
recommendations of the Department prior to the
filing for a petition for Residential Open Space •
Development Plan Approval and primary plat
33 . 7 . 05 Review and Determination by the Carmel / Clay Plan
a. In its determination of the appropriateness of the
proposed Residential Open Space Development Plan
and whether to grant Residential Open Space
Development Plan Approval, the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission shall be guided by the extent to which
the Development Plan: (a) accomplishes the
purpose set forth in Section 33 . 1 , above; and,
(b) provides for the protection or provision of
the site features and amenities outlined in
Section 33 . 7 . 04, above .
b. In recognition of the superior accomplishment of
the purpose set forth in Section 33 . 1 , above, and
the use of outstanding design features for the
protection or provision of the site features and
amenities outlined in Section 33 . 7 . 04, above, the
Carmel / Clay Plan Commission may, at its
discretion, authorize an increase in overall
project density up to a maximum increase of ten
( 10 ) percent over the density established pursuant
to Section 33 . 3 . 02, above .
33 . 7 . 06 Commitments Required by the Carmel / Clay Plan
a. The Carmel / Clay Plan Commission may require or
permit the owner of a parcel of property to make
written commitments concerning the use or
development of the subject property in connection
with a petition for Residential Open Space
Development Plan Approval required by this
Residential Open Space Ordinance as a condition of
The commitments shall be reduced to writing in
recordable form and signed by the owner( s ) of the
real estate . The commitment( s ) shall be in effect
for as -long as the real estate to which they apply
remains zoned to the classification to which the
real estate was zoned when the commitments were
made or for the life of the Development Plan
Approval, whichever is longer. The commitment(s )
shall authorize their recording by the Department
of Community Development in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana upon the
final approval of the Development Plan by the
Carmel / Clay Plan Commission. Following the
recording of the commitments, the Department shall
return the original recorded commitments to
petitioner and shall retain a copy of the recorded
commitments in its file.
The Carmel / Clay Plan Commission may require in
such commitments the designation of any specially
affected persons, who shall be entitled to
enforcement thereof pursuant to I .C. 36-7-4-1015 .
The commitments required by the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission shall be in substantially the form set
forth in Exhibit "A" of this Residential Open
Space Ordinance.
b. Modification of Commitments by the Carmel / Clay
Plan Commission.
Commitments required or permitted by the Carmel /
Clay Plan Commission may be modified or terminated
by a decision of the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission, or its successor, made at a public
hearing after proper notice has been given. Any
modification or termination of the commitments
shall not be effective until : (a) reduced to
writing; (b) approved by the Carmel / Clay Plan
Commission; (c) executed and notarized by the
present owner(s ) of the real estate; and, (d)
recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton
County, Indiana.
The modification or termination of commitments
shall be in substantially the form set forth in
Exhibit "B" of this Residential Open Space
33 . 8 Maintenance of Common Open Space.
Prior to obtaining secondary plat approval, the petitioner
shall file documentary assurances with the Department of
Community Development that the permanent dedication and
continuous maintenance of open space shall be made in
accordance with the Development Plan approved by the Carmel
/ Clay Plan Commission, and that the common areas and
recreation areas shall be made available to the residents of
the overall subdivision at a reasonable and
non-discriminatory rate of charge. Such documentary
assurances shall be incorporated into the plat that is
recorded in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder or
otherwise provided for through legally binding perpetual
agreements as approved by the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission.
Such open space shall perpetually run with the subdivision
section and shall not be developed or separated from the
subdivision section at a later date (unless no development
of any portion of the overall subdivision which utilizes the
open space contained within that subdivision section for the
purpose of lot size reductions has occurred and the entire
area subject to the subdivision section is presented for
replat) .