HomeMy WebLinkAbout226451 11/19/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367761 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DON RAMSEY € CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 14517 NORWALK DR CHECK AMOUNT: $1,839.69 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 226451 CHECK DATE: 11/19/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 1, 839. 69 REIMBURSEMENT Carmel Utilities`-' City of Carmel Utilities 760Third Avenue SW,Ste. 110•Carmel.IN 46032 Phone:(317)571-2443•Fax:(317)571-2265 www,cermel.ingov November 26, 2013 Memo To:Clerk Treasurer's Office RE: Donald Ramsey Reimbursement The attached invoice from Hamm and Sons totaling $1839.69 came about when on/or about September 8'h, 2013,the residence located at 14517 Norwalk Drive encountered a large amount of discolored water in their irrigation system and downstairs plumbing that included the home water softener. The iron came about when during very high demands iron deposits either left the treatment plant or were stirred up within the system. The high iron content was confirmed when water distribution employees went to the property to flush off the closest fire hydrant. The plumbing work was needed to unclog the water piping within the house and to replace the water softener which had been clogged from the high iron content.The claim for$1839.69 is to reimburse Mr. Donald Ramsey who is the property owner. Submitted By, John Duffy Director of Utilities am �> qr.,. _.H � ,r .�I INDIANAPOLIS AND SERVICE; ' - SURROUNDINQ CQUNTIE9 INVOICE ' l 4' yet FAX 317-202-986o ' ... , PLUMBING 317'202-0850 rE. `13 ' tNiri «;Z ' CPd0000101 ',i%a 63 SO.Sommer Blvd.,-Indianapolis,IN 46220 ;'_ iFis.`iTt•i • ion. - - 41,4 ;- Quin Material. . n Price 'eme _ . ` .1xr 1Tk�h n.- • r- Phone - iL i lit. ky T, � �- Contact Person giDispatch.Time Begin Time End Time Tech i Date Hours Y. ,_— C.C.# • Date Completed v Exp.Date n"° Author# '2tc, CASH •• CHECK ' VISA ' M.C. DISC Fx�, 1; 1tjV� _ _ KNAVE NAHORITYTO ORDER THE WCNLAS MINED AM A 1'1'16 AGREED THAT THE SEVER WILL RETNN FIRE TO ANY ",1'.(',1"?_: - • EQUIPMENT CFI MATERIAL THAT MAY 6E FURNIS HWUNIILRNALF64VME NT IS MADE AND IF6c'TTLHAENTIB:NOT MADE AS • ""liIPTIiiN itr lV(J. • VHiiFiINPf FIi �THVILE f'.HAI?BLS AGREED,THE HEWER SHALL HAVE THE ROW TO REMOVE SAME AND1HE SELLER PALL SE HELL HARMLESS FDR ANY DAMARA r p .:04• AES LT1Ne FROM REMOVAL THEREOF I AGREE TO PAY ALLCDWYS AND REASONAEILEATrcWEY'S FEE IF THIS INVOICE ISPLMED I NTIEHANDS OFAN ATTORNEY FOR COLLECTION;. ,eOi, L I" ` , - ® �RNIdECIAL CFIARDF.BeL11v due ww 30 dare 11 1216 HS.Rd)per Mont(1 UAL 11161111630330(nMn eppda6M1. N I f- .a y , °' dl x x � �YY� Aeon adore wok lW hen aWhatree la mak teNATU rani -_ . ,�3 " Ft TOE-0461C ICHC.c. E-Ykaiaf, rA p' ' ANY QUESTIOMS OR CONCERNS • . . ' N ; . p . PLEASE CALL rot- PLUMBING SERVICE 317-202.9850- . -� ---~\,, . PLEA$E REMIT PAYMENT FROM THIS INVOICE • " 1' " NET DASH-ON COMPLETION OF JOB t to Lr a" ? ..t . . , II li II oil- l�� e-I`) W ti p i- 6ERt9CE7EGlMINIL L r RE Outran _�..."3-�n..._: Residential "" INDIANAPOLIS AND SERVICE Commercials ! SURROUNDING COUNTIES INVOICE �� lie FAX 317-202-9860 Apr PLUMBING 317-202-9850 CPIDDDDIDI 6350 Sommer Awning Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46220 Location Source Quan Material �nce - Price �, L-1 Gil -r4�' 9ii CI Li— Name ��19T/ 'Ct�25£% i. T . .. Address i:c LC; 1 3d7R�-- u,A . -,W.. City E State , ; Zip Phone 72,CL 6111 To (' ,(i: Address City State Zip Phone Contact Person — - Dispatch Tlme Begin lime End Time Tech# Date Hours ns % I `z C.C.# Date Completed Exp.Date r - Author 4 CASH CHECK VISA M DISC C,1 .: . - i . _ /J -, , -." I HAVE AUTHORITY ID ORDER THE WORK,AS OUTLINED ABOVE.IT IS AGREED THAT THE SELLER WILL RETAIN TITLE TD ANY EOUIPMENT OR MATERIAL THAT MAYBE FURNISHED UNTIL FINAL PAYMENT IS WADE,AND IF SETRlMENT IS NOT MADE AS DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED SERVICE CHARGES AGREED,THE SEILERSHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE SAME AND THE SELLER WILL BE HELD HARMLESS FOR MYDAMAGES RESULTING FROM REMOVAL THEREOF I AGREE TO PAY ALL COSTS AND REASONABLE ATTORNEYS FEE IF THIS INVOICE IS PLACED (�-�� + -t c.r �; IN THE HANGS OF AN ATTORNEY FOR WLLECTICN. "�I� �.IrOI-4f�1 -, ?<��t� Maenad I j �, !- I IFlNANCIAI CHARGE:Ba4anoa due over 3o Uays It lf2.InteresnpermoMhIIBX ANNUAL RATE]w111 6e iad(wlrere aaClrcaEH), I - h( a. 11-A p,.. ,t-Li.. ILtintverLSTIN 4 EluiGmerd Cralpa fkI x k- �UG 1!J r)fGy75 SUBTOTAL i 1 Atov.oreen work aAOenairbag-na+erMOO CUSTOMER SIGNATURE v SATES TAX Ci '' ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS J l E9 e 4A3 796 N ertK LABOR CHO. , LI t;' '.° I PLEASE CALL SE®VICEAII.GNDSTIC .- PLUMBING SERVICE 317-202-9850 k ASE REMIT PAYMENT FROM THIS INVOICE ' i -~ I l.- ---ISH CASH ON COMPLETION OF JOB SERVICE TE HNICUW'S SIGNATURE PRINTED Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee ! T0674 RAMSEY, DON I Purchase Order No. 14517 NORWALK DR Terms CARMEL, IN 46032 Due Date 11/15/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/15/201; 111813 $1,839.69 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 u/i�//3 7 a - Date Officer VOUCHER # 136864 WARRANT # ALLOWED T0674 IN SUM OF $ RAMSEY, DON 14517 NORWALK DR CARMEL, IN 46032 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 111813 01-7360-08 $1,839.69 Voucher Total $1,839.69 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund