HomeMy WebLinkAbout226387 11/19/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364896 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BLAINE MALLABER CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 19571 LANDRUM CIRCLE CHECK AMOUNT: $200.00 NOBLESVILLEIN 46062 CHECK NUMBER: 226387 CHECK DATE: 11/19/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 200 . 00 PER DIEM - pi OF C4 CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) EXHIBIT A EMPLOYEE NAME: _Blaine Mallaber DEPARTURE DATE: I/q 1)3 TIME: 0,00 AM/(PM DEPARTMENT: _Sewer RETURN DATE: 11 /-7 J13 TIME: S CEO AM/ M REASON FOR TRAVEL:_Training DESTINATION CITY: French Lick, Indiana EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals ,. Date Lodging Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem 1114/13 $50.00 x$50:00 11/5/13 $50.00 11/6/13 $50.00 a $50:00 11/7/13 $50.00 ; ;$50:00 $0.00 ;$0:00 " $0'00 el. ,$000 a�$0.00 k $0.00 #'a&; x,.$0.0,0 °. $000 000 aTOt81 - :$0:00 "" 4 $0:00 za `$0,00 a $U 00 $O.QU $0.00 x..$0.00 e$U:UU ej:$U.00 $2U0 UO DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 11/1312013 Page 1 For advance payments, claim form must be submitted ten (10) business days in advance of travel. _Claim will not be processed without the following documentation: 1) Conference or course registration form, if applicable 2) Travel itinerary or car rental agreement, if applicable 3) Original itemized receipts for all expenses (or affidavits if appropriate), except for meal per diems (which require hotel receipt) Prorated meal allowance: For travel that commences before 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and $65 for out-of-state travel For travel that commences after 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and $32.50 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends before 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and $32.50 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends after 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and $65 for out-of-state travel EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEAL ADVANCE AND OBLIGATION TO DOCUMENT EXPENDITURES: I hereby acknowledge receipt of$ , such funds being advanced to me by the City of Carmel solely for the purpose of purchasing meals while traveling to participate in official business for the City. I accept responsibility for these funds and agree to repay them if lost or stolen. I understand that within ten (10) business days of my return (as stated on opposite side), I am responsible to: 1) Submit original itemized receipts to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer documenting all meal expenditures; and 2) Return all unused funds to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer I further understand that failure to provide the required documentation shall result in.the total amount of the advance being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Failure to return unused funds will result in the amount of the unused funds (total advance minus documented expenditures) being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Employee Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 11/13/2013 Page 2 VOUCHER # 136522 WARRANT# - 367639 MGH 100 PAINTERS MILL RD SUITE 600 - OWINGS MILLS, MD 21117 --- - Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT ,091713 01-7040-01 $2,075.00 Voucher Total $2,075.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 3b�1 X35 100 PAINTERS MILL RD SUITE 600 OWINGS MILLS,MD 21117 t 410 902 5000 F 410 902 8712 INVOICE Invoice Number: 091713 City of Carmel Water Pollution Control Facility Date : 9/17/2013 Attn: Blaine P. Mallaber 9609 Hazel Dell Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46280 Current Job: 017493-Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference 5"3 Night Packages" Early Bird Government Rate ($416) . 2,075.00 4*Nr====-'°----------------------=---°-_ _-_ Total for Job =---------_--___-----_-__======2,075.00 To rc,ve a ca- `u.N Coo�r c G eiVtn�er hRCYnlcl.l ,i"1GSSiNt,i i' 1„JIGNvz] /`"ta�141O�f t 2013 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference - Event Summary Online Regist... Page 1 of 2 2013 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference Join us for the first M W DPTC In French Lick,IN The inaugural Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference(MWDPTC),hosted by title sponsors Kentucky 811 and Indiana 811,will be THE event this fall for facility operators,locators,excavators,regulators,engineers and all other professionals who work near underground facilities. The combination of informative training sessions,relevant exhibitors and networking opportunities creates the perfect event for everyone interested in protecting our region's buried utilities,the professionals who work near them and communities at large. The conference,which will likely attract upwards of 300 attendees based on recent Kentucky 811/Indiana 811 research,will be held Nov.5-7 at the French Lick Resort in French Lick,Indiana. To view detailed conference session descriptions,please click on the sessions tab above.Session themes include: • 101 on 811:Damage Prevention Basics • DOT Drug Abuse Compliance . • Focus on Upcoming Legislation-Indiana and Kentucky • Indiana Advisory Committee • Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Update • Kentucky Public Service Commission Update • Locating Technology-Presented in Partnership with Indiana Rural Water Association • Partnership:Working Together to Promote Damage Prevention • Poison Ivy:Unexpected Danger • The Benefits of Hydro-Vac Excavation • Trench Safety • U.S.Department of Transportabon/Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Administration Update • Work Site and Work Zone Safety • Wherrto Make the Second Call We're also seeking sponsors and exhibitors who are looking for a new way to support damage prevention education or promote products and/or services.Click here for a list of sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities,and feel free to contact Indiana 811's Chuck Muller at cmulleraindiana811.orq for additional information. Please check back regularly for.updates.You can sign up for conference updates by emailing 2013mwdutc(cDgmail.com. Inaugural Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference " Details When_...........................__..................__....._._.................._............................_.._..._................._......._............-....._........._.._....................._............................_............._............_.................................................:......._......................................___........................ ....__._....._................ Tuesday,November 5,2013-Thursday,November 7,2013 .W....hSrq..,..._.........__....._._._._.._......._.._....... ...........................................__.................__........._... ........................................................_......._..................---_....._.............._...................................._.._...._...............----.......................... _._....____........._..... ....._.........___ French Uck Resort 8670 West State Road 56 French Lkk,Indiana 47432 USA Planner.....................__..................................._..............._.............._........._......_._..__.................._......_. ........_.........._....._. Emily Meier. http://www.event.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/eve... 11/12/2013 2013 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference - Registration Packages Online ... Page 1 of 2 Detailed below are a variety of registration packages available for the Inaugural Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference.Prices listed reflect the late rates.If you have any questions or want to Inquire about special government rates,please email emeier @mghus.com. Please click the"REGISTER"link above to pay with credit card.If you would like to pay by check,please complete a Registration Form and mail with a check made payable to MGH to: 'Emily Meier MGH 100 Painters Mill Rd.,Suite 600 Owings Mills,MD 21117 ,All packages purchased through the Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference are non-refundable,but all are transferable up until 5 p.m.on October 25,2013. Golf registrations can be modified until Friday,November 1 at 12 p.m. Wednesday Conference Only-$130 • Includes access to all conference activities on Wednesday,Nov.6 • Hotel Is not Included Registration Only-$170 • Includes conference registration for all activities from Tuesday,Nov.5 through Thursday,Nov.7 • Hotel Is not Included One Night+Registration-$300 • Includes conference registration for all activities from Tuesday,Nov.5 through Thursday,Nov.7 • One hotel night(either Tuesday or Wednesday) • Meals Two Nights+Registration-$425 • Includes conference registration for all activities from Tuesday,Nov.5 through Thursday,Nov.7 • Two hotel nights(Tuesday and Wednesday) • Meals Three Nights+Registration-$550 • Includes conference registration for all activities from Tuesday,Nov.5 through Thursday,Nov.7 • Three hotel nights(Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday night) • Meals All Inclusive-$625 • Includes conference registration for all activities from Tuesday,Nov.5 through Thursday,Nov.7 • Three hotel nights(Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday night) • Meals Round of golf on Tuesday morning http://www.cvent.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/cust... 11/12/2013 2013 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference - Schedule I Online Registration ... Page 1 of 2 General Schedule Additional details will be provided in the coming months regarding scheduling.In the interim,below is a general conference schedule to help with planning and travel arrangements: MONDAY, NOV.4 3 p.m. Hotel check-in begins TUESDAY,NOV.5 9 a.m.to 3 p.m. Golf tournament(Included in all-inclusive package or can be purchased a la carte for$80) 2 p.m.to 4 p.m. Exhibit hall set-up - - 3 p.m,to 7 p.m. Conference registration/check in 5 p.m.to 7 p.m. Exhibit hall open/welcome reception WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6 7 a.m.to 5 p.m. Continued conference registration 7:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. Opening breakfast 8:30 a.m.to 8:45 a.m. Welcome 8:45 a.m.to 9:45 a.m. Jeff Saturday-Keynote Speaker 9:30 a.m.to 3:15 p.m. Exhibit hall open Breakout session block#1: 10 a.m.to 11 a.m. Worksite and Work Zone Safety(Part 1) • Poison Ivy:Unexpected Danger • 101 on 811:Damage Prevention Basics 1.1 a.m.to 11:15 a.m. Break - Breakout session block#2: . 11:15 a.m.to 12:15 p.m. Worksite and Work Zone Safety(Part 2) • US Department of Transportation/Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Update • Locating Technology 12:15 p.m.to 1:30 p.m. Lunch Breakout session block#3: 1:30 p.m.to 2:30 p.m. Trench Safety(Part 1) • Partnership:Working Together to Promote Damage Prevention • DOT Drug Abuse Compliance 2:45 p.m.to 3:15 p.m. Exhibit.hall door prizes 3:15 p.m.to 3:30 p.m. Break Breakout session block#4: 3:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m. Trench Safety(Part 2) • Indiana Advisory Committee • When to Make the Second Call THURSDAY, NOV. 7 .7 a.m.to 11 a.m. Continued conference registration 7:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 a.m.to 9 a.m. Featured Speaker-Bob Kipp,Common Ground Alliance Breakout session block#5: 9:30 a.m.to 10:30 a.m. Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Update • Kentucky Public Service Commission Update The Benefits of Hydro-Vac Excavation Focus on Upcoming Legislation-Indiana and Kentucky 11 a.m.to 12 p.m. This session will cover upcoming proposed legislation related to underground utility safety and damage prevention in both states,including an open forum for questions and comments.Presenters: Dan Meiners,Underground Safety Alliance and Tim Vaughn,Kentucky 811 http://www.cvent.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/cust... 11/12/2013 /-V I-) 1V11UWCJL 1Jd111dPC Jr FrVC11L1U11 training k onierence - iraining sessions I vnnne xegi... rage 1 of 1 MWDPTC Session Descriptions Detailed information abort our education sessions can be found below.To access a full conference schedule,please click on the schedule tab above. To view the conference program,please click here. The Midwest.Damage Prevention Training Conference has received approval to offer up to six hours of general Continuing Education Units(CEOs)for wastewater and up to six technical CEUs for drinking water from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management(IDEM). 101 on 811:Damage Prevention Basics(Wednesday;Nov.6,10-11 a.m.)-You know that you have to contact Indiana 811 or Kentucky 811 before your next project begins,but do you have the proper information to process the locate request?Do you know what to do after your ticket has been processed?This session. will provide a snapshot of how to effectively process a locate request from beginning to end.Attendees will learn best practices for ticket processing,Internet ticketing,ticket life,excavator and facility operator responsibilities,test-pitting needs,white-lining advantages,and the role Indiana 811 and Kentucky 811 play in the damage prevention process.Presented by Chuck Muller,Indiana 811 and Tim Vaughn,Kentucky 811 DOT Drug Abuse Compliance(Wednesday,Nov.6,1:30-2:30 p.m.)—Despite the increasing role of technology in utility damage prevention,human error often is the driving factor in damages and near miss incidents.Avoiding errors is challenging,but one way to reduce their likelihood is by having a workforce of sound body and mind.This session will educate employers and managers on the steps they can take in their organizations to eliminate substance abuse issues among their workforce.Specifically,this session will focus on Department of Transportation regulations for employees who operate vehicles and heavy machinery and will focus on areas of compliance that are often overlooked or misunderstood.Presented by Susie Fields,Midwest Toxicology Services,LLC Focus on Upcoming Legislation Indiana and Kentucky,(Thursday,-Nov;7;11 a.m.-Noon)-.This session will cover upcoming proposed legislation related to underground utility safety and damage prevention in both states,including an open forum for questions and comments.Presented by Dan Meiners, Underground Safety Alliance and Tim Vaughn,,Kentucky 811 Indiana Advisory Committee(Wednesday,Nov.6,3:30-4:30 p.m.)—Enforcement of the Indiana damage prevention law,specifically as it applies to gas and other hazardous materials facilities,has greatly increased in recent years.Under this law,the Underground Plant Protection Advisory Committee was established to act in an advisory capacity to the IURC concerning the implementation and enforcement of the Damage to Underground Facilities Act.The Advisory Committee may recommend penalties with respect to persons that the IURC's Pipeline Safety Division has found in violation of the Act,including civil penalties,participation in education or training programs developed and implemented by the IURC,warning letters,and development of plans to avoid future violations of the Ad.This session will cover the recent activities of this group and its plans for the future. Presented by the members of the Indiana Advisory Committee Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Update(Thursday,Nov.7,9:30-10:30 a.m.)—The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission is the state's government agency tasked with pipeline safety enforcement,including damage prevention.This session will cover the IURC's role in enforcing the IC-8-1-26(Indiana 811)law, an overview of IURC's Pipeline Safety division and its purview and details about current IURC priorities and initiatives.Presented by Michael Orr,IURC(shares session block with Kentucky Public Service Commission) Kentucky Public Service Commission Update(Thursday,Nov.7,9:30-10:30 a.m.)—Across the Ohio River,the Kentucky Public Service Commission operates similarly to the IURC in its regulatory responsibilities in the Bluegrass State.This session will cover a short history of the Kentucky PSC,specifically its Pipeline Safety branch,as well as recent changes to federal regulations and how they affect state operation,namely the elimination of dig law exemptions and increased enforcement of dig laws.This session will include a preview of upcoming PSC initiatives.Presented by Jason Brangers,KYPSC(shares session block with IURC) Locating Technology—Presented In Partnership with Indiana Rural Water Association(Wednesday,Nov.6,11:15 a.m:12:15 p.m.)—Whether locating is part of your job description or if you rely on locate marks to dig safely,this session is sure to fit your educational needs.This session focuses on the science and technology behind underground utility locating,including electromagnetic theory and its application to the process.Additionally,this session will cover guidelines for. locating metallic and non-metallic facilities,the recommended frequencies to use to produce the best results for various conductors,and troubleshooting for difficult locates.Presented by Brad Horton,Tracer Electronics Partnership:Working Together to Promote Damage Prevention(Wednesday,Nov.6,1:30-2:30 p.m.)—With limited budget and increasing public awareness requirements,companies must be more creative and strategic with their spending.This session will offer insights into ways facility operators and one-call centers can work together to increase the effectiveness of their respective campaigns through direct mail programs,sports sponsorships and media outreach.Presented by Tracey Bryant,Vectren Poison Ivy:Unexpected Danger(Wednesday,Nov.6,10-11 a.m.)—Working outdoors comes with many risks.One risk factor that is often overlooked—and can disrupt productivity for days for multiple employees—is poisonous plants,such as poison ivy,oak and sumac.This session will cover the characteristics and photographs of these plants,common and unusual symptoms and statistics about work time lost due to allergic reactions.Attendees will also have the opportunity. to learn tips for protecting themselves and their workers from these plants,how to decontaminate equipment and what treatments are available.Presented by Steve Sisler,Zanfel Laboratories,Inc. The Benefits of Hydro-Vac Excavation(Thursday,Nov.7,9:30-10:30 a.m.)—The purpose of this presentation is to show the general process of Hydro-vac excavation as well as the safety benefits of this process.There are several ways to excavate earth;choosing the correct method is influenced by several factors including cost,productivity,safety and access.The Hydro-vac excavation process takes all of these into account with safety being the primary focus.This process of excavation is fairly new but has been accepted as the preferred process of excavation around sensitive areas where utilities are present.This session will also feature a general history and evolution of Hydro-vac equipment that is used in the field.Presented by Jim VonHandorf,Badger Daylighting Trench Safety(Wednesday,Nov.6,Two parts:1:30-2:30 p.m.and 3:30-4:30 p.m.)—This two-part session will cover the key elements of OSHA Standard.1926 subpart P,including general trenching requirements and competent person responsibilities;approved protective systems such as shoring,shielding,sloping and benching;requirements for protective systems;correct soil classification procedures;and interpreting manufacturers tabulated data for shoring and shielding systems.Presented by Chad Lindsiey,United Rentals Trench Safety U.S.Department of Transportation/PHMSA Update(Wednesday,Nov.6,11:15 a.m.-1 2:15 p.m.)—The Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Administration (PHMSA),part of the U.S.Department of Transportation,is the federal agency responsibility for regulating the transportation of gas,oil and other potentially hazardous materials.PHMSA's Office of Pipeline Safety is very active in damage prevention,working in partnership with state regulatory agencies.This session http://www.event.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/cult... 11/12/2013 ZU13 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference - Training Sessions I Online Regi... Page 2 of 2 will cover several key PHMSA initiatives,including increased enforcement of state laws,an analysis of the role of exemptions in state laws,the opportunity for State Damage Prevention grants for 2013 and PHMSA's role in promoting the 811 message nationwide.Presented by Annmarie Robertson,PHMSA Work Site and Work Zone Safety(Wednesday,Nov.6,Two parts:10-11 a.m.and 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)—This two-part session will kick off the conference and provide attendees with a wealth of information,starting with general work site safety issues and transitioning into safety issues specific to working the right of way and near traffic.This session will cover OSHA regulations,hazard recognition,inspections,citations and penaltiesto equip you with the information you need to make your worksite safer.It will also focus on the importance of having a safety program in writing and a group of people dedicated to executing it.Presented by Elise Langenberg,Indiana Public Employers'Plan(IPEP)and Rich Domonkos,Indiana's Local Technical Assistance Program(LTAP) When to Make the Second Call(Wednesday,Nov.6,3:30-4:30 p.m.)—For some projects,making one call isn't enough.When private or other difficult-to-locate facilities may be in the vicinity of a proposed dig site,a second call is needed to reach an expert in locating these lines.This session will cover the most typical scenarios when private utility locating services are needed,the alternate methods used to locate them and troubleshooting techniques that are"used to find the most challenging lines.Presented by Larry Oliver,Blood Hound,Inc. http://www.cvent.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/cust... 11/12/2013 2013 Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference - Jeff Saturday Keynote Speake... Page 1 of 2 Jeff Saturday Announced as Keynote Speaker The Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference is pleased to announce Jeff Saturday,former center for the Indianapolis Colts,as its keynote speaker. Saturday will deliver his motivational speech at the conference on Wednesday,Nov.6. After playing college football for the University of North Carolina,Jeff Saturday remained undrafted in the 1998 National Football League draft,despite multiple conference awards.Saturday was signed by the Baltimore Ravens as a free agent in 1998 but was released two months later.Out of football for six months, Saturday then signed with the Indianapol is,Colts in January of 1999.For 12 straight seasons,he was the Colts'starting center and anchor of its offensive line. Saturday signed with the Green Bay Packers in March 2012,and following the 2013.Pro Bowl Game,he signed a one-day contract with the Colts and retired. Saturday traveled a unique road to Pro BowVAll-Pro success in the National Football League.His combination of leadership and teamwork built a winning framework for the Indianapolis Colts and Green Bay Packers,resulting in a Super Bowl win and many personal awards.For football fans,Saturday exemplifies the workman attitude of the offensive lineman. Personally,Saturday searched for an identity amongst the success and unusual lifestyle of the NFL.After attending a team Bible study,Saturday allowed Christ to define and re-define his identity and was able to face the success and challenges brought by life competing in the NFL with an inner sense of peace. http://www.cvent.com/events/2013-midwest-damage-prevention-training-conference/cust... 11/12/2013 VOUCHER # 136788 WARRANT # ALLOWED T1998 IN SUM OF $ MALLABER, BLAINE CARMEL WASTEWATER Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code MALLABER 01-7042-05 $200.00 Voucher Total $200.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee T1998 MALLABER, BLAINE Purchase Order No. CARMEL WASTEWATER Terms Due Date 11/13/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/13/201: MALLABER $200.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Offic r