HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-12-10-13 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 10,2013
6:00 p.m.
` Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
Carmel, IN 46032
The Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation will govern in a proactive manner as it applies to providing safe and well maintained
parks, recreation facilities and programs in a fiduciary and responsible manner. The Board is a policy governing board,fulfilling its
duties as mandated by state statute, putting the welfare of the citizens of Carmel and Clay Township first,and enabling staff to
manage the park and recreation system in a manner that reflects the vision and mission. Our promise to our citizens is that we will
leave the parks and recreation system better than we found it.
Tentative Agenda
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order&Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments
A. Brookshire Golf Course Feasibility Study,Jim Keegan of Golf Convergence
IV. Staff Reports
A. Customer Service—Kurtis Baumgartner, Recreation Manager
V. Committee Reports
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee—Richard Leirer
2. Finance Committee—Richard F.Taylor III
3. Properties Committee—Wendy Franklin
VI. Action Items
A. Minutes—Richard Leirer
1. November 26, 2013 Park Board Meeting
B. Financial Reports—Richard F.Taylor III
1. City of Carmel Financial Report;
2. Clay Township Financial Report;and
3. CCPR P&L Statements.
C. Claims—Richard F.Taylor III
1. Claim Sheet December 10, 2013;and
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet December 10, 2013.
D. Monetary Gifts,Grants, Partnerships,and Sponsorships—Audrey Kostrzewa
E. Consideration of Salary Resolution B-2013-005 Establishing Salaries for Budget Year 2014—Michael Klitzing
F. Consideration of Resolution G-2013-004 Adopting the Position Description for the Director of Parks and Recreation—
Michael Klitzing
G. Consideration of Filtration System Replacements for the Monon Community Center and The Waterpark—Michael
H. Consideration of Repairs and Replacements for Splash Pads in Lawrence W. lnlow and West Parks—Michael Klitzing
I. Consideration of Matters Regarding the Founders Park Pavilion Project—Mark Westermeier
VII. Attorney's Report
A. Tort Claims;and
B. General
VIII. Director's Report
IX. Discussion Items
X. Information Items
A. Plan Commission—Joshua A. Kirsh
B. School Board—Kathie Freed
C. Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin
I. Board Comments
XII. Adjournment
Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
Monon Community Center
Members Present: Donna Cihak Hansen,James Engledow, Wendy Franklin, Kathie Freed,
Joshua Kirsh (left meeting at 6:22 p.m.),Jenn Kristunas, Richard Leirer,
Linus Rude, Rich Taylor
Others Present: Mark Westermeier, Director; Michael Klitzing, Assistant Director;
Audrey Kostrzewa, Business Services Manager;Debra Grisham, Park Board Attorney
r .
Roll Call,Call to Order&Pledge of Allegiance `,
Board President Engledow welcomed everyone to the meeting.at 6:00 Orr. After Mr. Leirer called the roll,
r 74
Board President Engledow led the Pledge of AllegianceA
Public Comments
Brookshire Golf Course Feasibility Study,Jim Keegan of Golf Convergence � 4\\
Assistant Director Klitzing introduced Jim Keegan of Golf Convergence who proceeded with�the summary of
his findings of the Brookshire Golf Course Feasibility Study. -"''
The following individuals addressed the Park Board regarding the Brookshire Golf Course:
Nat• Jason Randlett; 12018rABrookshire Parkway; Carmel, Indiana 46033
x , =x441 41a#4' V� . ` ,
doff• Benjamin Taylor;;12207 Crestwood Drive Carmel zlndiana '46033
(Mr. Kirsh left the meeting a this time.)
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Staff Reports ��� �„ (�"` ,�� �' , �@. FK,
Customer4Service—Kurtis�Baumgartner, Recreation Manager
Assistant Director Klitzing introducedKurtis Baumgartner Recreation Manager, and Nichole Haberlin,
'on, Managers w,ho presented information relative to customer service at the Monon
Community6Center. Mr. Baumgartner state-Mat the MCC continues to experience growth with about 9,600
members at th s me. Ms. Haberlin provided a brief overview of the new Top Attendant Program.
Assistant Director Klitzing reminded the Board of the Luminary Walk on Saturday, December 14, 2013,with
2,000 luminaries around the lagoon at Central Park. This free event includes entertainment and hot
chocolate while enjoying the:fes'tivities of the season.
Committee Reports
Personnel Committee—Richard Leirer
Mr. Leirer stated that the Personnel Committee met last week regarding the Director's job description,
which is on the agenda, and the Director's goals. Mr. Leirer said the goals should be completed by the end
of the year.
® Finance Committee—Richard F. Taylor III
Mr. Taylor stated that the Finance Committee met November 6, 2013 and recommended that the Park
Board approve the salary resolution on the agenda.
Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 10,2013
Monon Community Center
Properties Committee—Wendy Franklin
Ms. Franklin announced that the Properties Committee will meet January 21, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Action Items
Minutes—November 26,2013 Park Board Meeting
Mr. Leirer made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Ms. Franklin, and passed 7—0
with 1 abstention (Ms. Kristunas).
City of Carmel Financial Report may.
Mr.Taylor made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the City of Carmel Financial Report for November 2013,
seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and unanimously M
y y passed 8—0. �"
Clay Township Financial Report 44-0
Mr.Taylor made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Clay Township Financial Report for November
2013, seconded by Ms. Franklin, and unanimously passed 8-0.
CCPR P&L Statements At
Mr. Taylor made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the CCPRAr,Statements for November 2013,
seconded by Ms. Franklin, and unanimouslypassed,t8-0.
Claim Sheet December 10,2013
Mr.Taylor made a motion pp
togarove the Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and
Vt,A, "8'
unanimously passed 80 .Q
Clay Township Claim Sheet December110,2013 4
Mr.Taylor made a motion to approve theClay Township.Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by Ms. Cihak
Hansen, and unanimously passed 0,
Monetary Gifts, Grants,Pa tnerships Viand Sponsorships i-Audrey Kostrzewa
Ms. Kostrzewa provided information regarding three sponsorships that were received in November. A
motion was made by Mr. Leirer toaccept thersponsorships as presented, seconded by Ms. Franklin, and
unanimously passed 8—0.
Consideration of SalaryRes olutionB 2013-005 Establishing Salaries for Budget Year 2014—Michael
Assistant Director Klitzing stated that this is an annual item requiring Park Board approval according to State
law. The information was reviewed by the Finance Committee on November 6, 2013 with a
recommendation to the Board for approval. Ms. Franklin asked about the marketing staff changes to full-
time status should the Department assume management of the Brookshire Golf Course. A brief discussion
Mr.Taylor made a motion to waive the reading of Resolution B-2013-005 and enter it into action. The
motion was seconded by Ms. Franklin, and unanimously passed. A second motion was made by Mr.Taylor
to approve Resolution B-2013-005 as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Franklin and
unanimously passed 8—0.
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Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 10,2013
Monon Community Center
Consideration of Resolution G-2013-004 Adopting the Position Description for the Director of Parks and
Recreation—Michael Klitzing
Assistant Director Klitzing stated that as the Department moves forward with the accreditation process, it is
necessary to formally adopt the Director's position description. The enhanced, position description is
updated to reflect the job as it is today. The Personnel Committee reviewed the position description and
subsequent changes were made prior to bringing to the Park Board for approval. Mr. Leirer concurred and
requested Park Board approval.
Mr. Leirer made a motion to waive the reading of Resolution G-2013.004'and enter it into action. The
motion was seconded by Mr.Taylor and unanimously passed 8- .VA second motion was made by
Mr. Leirer to approve Resolution G-2013-004 as presented. The:motion was seconded by Mr.Taylor and
unanimously passed 8—0.
Consideration Filtration System Replacements for the..Monon Community Center and The Waterpark—
Michael Klitzing
Assistant Director Klitzing said it is time for replacements,The existing units are no longer manufactured so
it is best to update with state of the art equipment. Indiana law allows4,the Department' use special
pricing for the replacements including the 10%discount. A briefadiscussion followed.
Ms. Kristunas made a motion to accept the proposal from Spear Corporation for the filtration system
replacements at the Monon Community Center and The Waterpark in th�eamount of$126,185 using Special
tV Purchasing Methods based on, e th dollar and percentage discounts receive off market price. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Freed.and$unanimously passed 8 0 '
Consideration of Repairs;and Replacements for SplashiPads in Lawrence W. Inlow and West Parks—af
Michael Klitzing �`
Assistant DirecttorKlitziing stated thiss^is a simil�ar�rsi tion w�h�ere it is time to repair and replace equipment
: tea ;,:.
where necessary to exte d the life`of the spray features A brief discussion followed.
4.Mr. Leirer made a motion to accept th`proposal from Spear Corporation for the repairs and replacements
to the Splash Pads in Inlow and W t Parks i=n the amount of$73, 317 using Special Purchasing Methods
based on the dollar and percentagediscounts received off market price. The motion was seconded by
Ms. Kristunas and unnanimously passed a8—0.
k At Consideration of Matters Regarding the Founders Park Pavilion Project
Director Westermeier announced-that the agreements, which were approved by the Park Board, have been
signed. No Park Board action is needed at this time.
Attorney's Report
Tort Claims;and General.
Of the three tort claims that have been filed,two have been denied. The investigation of the third was
closed today, and we expect resolution shortly.
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Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
Tuesday, December 10,2013
Monon Community Center
Director's Report
Director Westermeier advised that his written report was included in the Park Board packet. Additional
information was provided as follows:
• Founders Park: Steel and footers are in
• Central Park: In January 2014, Duke Energy will replace poles in the right-of-way along 111th Street;
vegetation will be cleared and a number of risk trees will be removed at no charge
• Dog Park: Permits should be obtained by the end of year
• Hazel Landing Park: Access road to park may take as long.a s twonyears
Discussion Items
There was no discussion at this time. ��
Information Items �_ ��
Plan Commission—Joshua A Kirsh
There was no report in Mr. Kirsh's absence. \ x ,e
School Board Report—Kathie Freed ki _ . .
Ms. Freed thanked the Department its work lat the schools.
Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin � ,,
Ms. Franklin said that the Parksi Foundation is working on raising funds and should be completed by the end
�`"' s , -AWE Vex '
of the year. 4-;, .�
Board Comments ' � ,4 14% ,�
Board President Engledow rem nded the Board Members that the second meeting of the month would
be at 7:30 a.m.on Monday D cember 1,20 3,at the Administrative Offices. The agenda will be for
approval claims only� r - 7K, Y
Board President Engledow emphasized that-the Brookshire Golf Course Feasibility Study is a draft and must
not be releasedto the public.
Adjournment \P,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
There being no further business, Mr. Leirer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Cihak Hansen with
no objections.The meeting'was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Approved, \
Signature Date
Signature Date •
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