HomeMy WebLinkAbout226670 12/03/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355214 Page 1 of 1 . ONE CIVIC SQUARE GENUINE PARTS COMPANY-INDIANA P%% ` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5959 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $779.21 �' toh.�o 3u CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK NUMBER: 226670 CHECK DATE: 1213/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4237000 08517983 566 .38 REPAIR PARTS 911 4351000 08517983 212 . 83 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN Genuine Auto Parts November 26, 2013 5959 Collection Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 Acct: 08517983 - City of Carmel Police Department Invoices paid: Date Invoice# Debit Credit 11/19/13 904866 $383.88 11/22/13 905342 $212.83 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $596.71 mg, 1.UUU0601 I 130 5�,4 2 NA A 08:3'o 1 1-41 S GUILFORD ,,VL .ATE i-'O I i 7ui AMR= REF B':'— R BY 000 ifv 160.Q-2922 131 84i9-i973 17983 rfrployei:�: 19 , ,Iifl' CITY OF CAR14EL POLICE DEPT sales Rep: -',6 r-, y 3 CIVIC SQ Acco*,,n,-nc; Day,: 22 OCR CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179053424 Part Number Line Descr-i pi-I On Quan t i t Price Neu Total SE5788A CAL BRAI F CALIPER I. ()I .7z 16. U c, 73 SE5788A CAL Coro 1)(,posi c 1 7.53 M0 47."I D 201 1 Ford Truc.,: ',O 1/2 Ton ckup 5.0 1, 31'2 CIA. '1.1,8 UP-8528-Y, UP DISC PAD 9.5'704 79.57 Delivery- Our Truck W- 3-09:32 21.'..83 Attention: T7-6ia:,.a Sales Tax 7.0000s 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO4: Terms: Total 212 . 83 Charne Sale 212.83 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICCL REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTO:"ER COPY ivvvvvvi CARMEL NAPA Time: 07:33 Invoice Number- 904866 pD 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 �Npa REF BY VER BY Date: 11/19i'2013 ---<n CAR-M,---L, IN 46032-2922 (317) 844-3973 Paoec Iii 17983 Employee: 1 Duane 0 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tiae y y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 19 OCR a CAR11EL, IN 46032-7770 1000060179048663 Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 7534 BAT BATTERY 4.00 137.52 80.9700 323.88 R 7534 BAT Core Deposit 4.00 15.00 15.0000 60.00 D pick up cores Delivery: Our Truck w- 99-19:33 Subtotal 383.88 Attention: battery Indiana Sales Tax 7.0000% 0.00 Tax Exemption: POD: Batteries Terms: Total 383 . 88 Charge Sale 383.88 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY VOUCHER NO. WARRANT-NO. ALLOWED 20 Genuine Auto Parts IN SUM OF $ 5959 Collection Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 5°1(10 11 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department 0F517g9.3 PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I 904866 I 42-370.00 I $383.88 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 34 2 S 2-�2.�3 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the °� l\ °1c5ao materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday November 26, 2013 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/19/13 904866 repair parts $383.88 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer Genuine Auto Parts November 27, 2013 5959 Collection Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 Acct: 08517983 - City of Carmel Police Department Invoices paid: Date Invoice# Debit Credit 11/26/13 905877 $39.64 11/26/13 905876 $33.57 11/26/13 905810 $6.86 11/26/13 905806 $117.39 11/26/13 905854 $111.98 11/27/13 906017 $110.00 11/21/13 905173 $236.94 BALANCE $419.44 $236.94 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $182.50 10000601'1 w. CARMEL NAPA Time: 11:54 invoice Number 905877 INA4 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 • REF BY VER BY Date: 11/26/2013 EMNMM0WMftWW CARMEL, IN 46032-2922 J (317) 844-3973 Page: 1/1 17983 Employee: 19 Jim • CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tige Y Y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 26 OCR . CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179058777 Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 38158 NBH DR BLT TENSIONER ASSY 1 .00 68.34 39.6400 39.64 Delivery: Subtotal 39.64 Attention: 9 Indiana Sales Tax 7.00002 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO#: Terms: Total 39 . 64 Charge Sale 39.64 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY 100006017 CARMEL NAPA Time: 11:52 Invoice Number 905876 NAPA , 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 m REF BY_ VER BY Dace; 21/26/2013 CARMEL; IN 46032-2922 (317) 8411-3973 Page: 1/1 17983 Employee: 19 Jim o CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tice Y Y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 26 OCR CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179058768 0 Part Number Line: Description Quantity Price Net, Total 7-3461 NPS PRESSURE HOSE 1 .00 63.94 33.5700 33.57 Delivery: Subtotal 33.57 Attention: Indiana Sales Tax 7.00008 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO#: Terms: Total 33 . 57 Charge Sale 33.57 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY lUUUUUUl � CARMEL NAPA Time: 08:59 Invoice Number 905810 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 190 NAPAfAM P= REF BY— VER BY _ Date: 11/26/2013 CARMEL, IN 46032-2922 (317) 844-3973 Page: 1/1 r 17983 Employee: 1 Duane ® CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tige Y Y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 26 OCR ® CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 v 1000060179058107 Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 75-600 NOL NAPA EP GREASE CART 2.00 6.08 3.4300 6.86 Delivery: Our Truck W- 2-09:44 Subtotal 6.86 Attention: Indiana Sales Tax 7.0000% 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO#!: Terms: Total 6 . 86 Charge Sale 6.86 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY IUUUUbU11 CARMEL NAPA Time: 08:55 Invoice Number 9058OG 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 N APA s REF BY_ VER BY Date; 11/26/2013 CARMEL, IN 46032-2922 (317) 844-3973 Page: 1/1 27983 Employee: 1 Duane o CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 TiyO Y Y 3 CIVIC SO, Accounting Day: 26 OCR. e CA-MEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179058063 o Part Number Line Description Quantity. Price Net Total 8448 BAT BATTERY 1.00 166.64 102.3900 1.02.39 R 8448 BAT Core Deposit 1.00 15.00, 15.0000 15.00 D 2011 Chevrolet Truck Tahoe 5.3 L 325 CID V8 Delivery: Our Truck W- 2-09:40 Subtotal 117.39 Attention: Indiana Sales Tax 7.00006 0.00 Tax Exemption.: POH: Terms: Total 117 . 39 Charge Sale 117.39 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY 1VVVVVVS, CARMEL NAPA Time: 11:03 invoice Number 905854 1991 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 AUT REF BY VER BY Date: ',1/26/2013 �--- CARMEL, IN 46032-2922 c (3271 8.24-3973 Page: 1/1 !7983 Employee: 19 Jim CITY Or' CARMEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tige Y Y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 26 OCR CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179058544 Part Number Line. Description Quantity., Price Net Total 81-929OF NSP 'REMAN PS PU7-1P 1.00 115.04 60.9800 60.98 81-9290F NSP Core Deposit 1.00 51.00 51 .0000 51.00 D 2001 Chevrolet Truck Silverado 250OHD 3/4 Ton - Pickup 6.0 L 364 CID V8 Vortec Delivery: Our Truck W- 2-11:48 Subtotal 1.11.98 Attention: Indiana Sales Tax 7.0000% 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO4: Terms: Total 111 . 98 Charge Sale 111.98 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DP.. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY 1000UbU1/ CARh;EL NAPA Time: 10:29 Invoice Number 90601 ' n 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 140 �APA m REF BY_ VER BY _ Date: 11/27/2013 CAFYEL, IN 46032-2922 (317) 844-3973 Page: 1/1. 17983 Employee: 4 Chris o CITY OF CAP14EL POLICE DEPT Sales Rep: 36 Tige Y y 3 CIVIC SQ Accounting Day: 27 OCR CARMEL, IN 46032-7570 1000060179060176 m Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 55MINUS20 L*JS 55 Drum Solvent 1.00 318.99 110.0000 110.00 Delivery: Subtotal 110.00 Attention: Indiana Sales Tax 7.00008 0.00 Tax Ex rTer-, 31381 Total 110 00 Charge Sale 110.00 Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY -LUUUUbU-, / CARMEL NAPA Time: 08:47 !-,Vo4ce 005; 1441 S GUILFORD AVE STE 1140 AMPAW is REF BY— VER BY — Da; 11/21/2.013 CM=N0N0xZaW CARMEL, IN 46032-2922 (317) 844-3973 2/2 17983 Employee: I Duane ,a CITY OF CARMIEL POLICE DEPT Sales Rol): 36 Ticy, y y 3 civic SQ Accounting Day: 21 OCR o CARI•IFL, IN 4,6032-7570 1000060179051738 Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 7534 BAT WARRANTY -1.00 137.52 80.9700 80.97(-R R This item was purchased on invoice= 904866 11/19/2013 7534 BAT Core Deposit -1.00 15.00 15.0000 i 5.0(1 C P D Purchased Date 11/13/2012 Delivery: Subtotal 236.94CR Attention: 305537 Indiana Sales Tax 7.0000% 0.00 Tax Exemption: PO4: Core Credit Terms: Total 236 . 94CR Cr,�(I.i t- Milano 236.94 CR Customer. Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 •USTOr4ER COPY 100006017 CARMEL NAPA 08:4 N 1441 S CUTLFORD AVE STE 1140 AMR= REF 13Y_ VER BY Dr_-t e: 1/21/201-1 CARMEL, IN 460-32-2922 E3 (317) 844-3973 Pace: lit 27983 Employee: 1 Duane o CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEEPT, Sale!; Rep: 36 Tice y y 3 CIVIC So Accounting Day: 211 OCIR CAR_M.7L_ TN 46032-7570 1000060179051738 Part Number Line Description Quantity Price Net Total 7534 RAI P Core Deposit -2.00 15.00 15.0000 3 0.0 0 CR. D This item was purchased on invoice 14 9021b9 10/10/2013 8465 BAT Core Deposit -1..00 i5.00 15.0000 15.00 CR, D This item was purchased on invoice 4 9U3S18 11."081"2013 7534 BAT WARRANTY -1 .00 137.52 80.1)100 80. This item was purchased on invoice 904866 1111912013 7534 BAT Core Deposit: -1 .00 15.00 111.0000 Ih.00 R D Purchased Date 12/15/2012 Delivery: Attention: 305537 Tax Exemption: PO4: Core Credit Terms: CONTINUED Customer Signature ALL GOODS RETURNED MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS INVOICE REMIT:GPC-IND 5959 COLLECTION CTR.DR. CHICAGO ILL. 60693 CUSTOMER COPY VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Genuine Auto Parts ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ 5959 Collection Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 $182.50 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 42-370.00 $182.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or I I I bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the q materials or services itemized thereon for OF> r7 ` F3 which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/27/13 repair parts $182.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer