HomeMy WebLinkAbout226758 12/03/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358990 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES CHECK AMOUNT: $5,372.38 '' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPOSITORY ACCOUNT 75 REMITTANCE DR STE 3135 CHECK NUMBER: 226758 CHICAGO IL 60675 CHECK DATE: 121312013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4356003 452776 194 . 49 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 466820 227 . 43 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 24499 466825 2, 184 . 00 HOODS 102 4467002 24502 466833 782 . 65 WATER RESCUE EQPT 1120 4356003 466858 191 . 64 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 467483 300 . 00 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 468079 101 .41 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 469595 250 . 76 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 469677 90 . 00 SAFETY ACCESSORIES 1120 4356003 24499 469678 1, 050 . 00 HOODS Invoice a M S MES - Indiana Number ......:00469678_SNV iwE 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/25/2013 Page .........: 1 of 2 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Sales order ..:SO_403439 MUNICIPAL EMEHGENCY SERVICES,INC.� Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......: kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....:Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount PACII-DS-FDN 100%NOMEX DOUBLE 50.00 EA 21.00 1,050.00 - - LAYER;DOUBLE-SEAM, — ----- -- CONSTRUCTION, FULL DRAP Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 1,050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,050.00 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All returns must be processed vAWn 30 days of rece/pt and require a return and izatlon numbar and are subject to a msdoddng fee. Custom orders are not returnable.Effective tax rate EMIT be applicable at the time of inwice. Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00466825 SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/15/2013 KAES Indianapolis, IN 46250 Page .........: 1 of 2 Sales order ..:SO_403439 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......: kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....: Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount PACII-DS-FDN 100%NOMEX DOUBLE 104.00 EA 21.00 2,184.00 LAYER, DOUBLE SEAM CONSTRUCTION, FULL DRAP Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 2,184.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,184.00 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All mtums must be processed wftbin 30 days of rece/pt and require a heft=aut6ortzatton number and are subject W a iestvdidng fee. r•wMm--f.-ero Mf-f.—Sae f—-#--111§- of ff-limn-f 1--L- ' Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00469595_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/25/2013 KA E S Indianapolis, IN 46250 Page .........: 1 of 2 Sales order ..:SO_407640 MUNICIPAL EMENGENCYSEWCES,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......: kschulthei Fax ........: 317-596-1701 Payment .....:Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount BYB21935 bin Leather Front with Velcro 6.00 EA 40.00 240.00 Sewn Passport Patch -REF. BYB21935 Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 240.00 0.00 10.76 0.00 0.00 250.76 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All retume must be processed w(thin 30 days of receot and require a mhm aWwrt ation number and are subject in a res&xWng lee. Custom ceders are not retumabio.Ef/ecffm tax into will be appilcabb at the time of invoice. Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00469677_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11{25{2013 wwwE Indianapolis, IN 46250 Page .........: 1 of 2 Sales order ..:SO_407633 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......:kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....: Prepaid on credit card Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount 6PP PASSPORT ONLY FOR 6" 3.00 EA 16.00 48.00 PASSPORT FRONT - - -RED WITH WHITE NUMBERS SEWN ON"44" 6PP PASSPORT ONLY FOR 6" 2.00 EA 16.00 32.00 PASSPORT FRONT -GREEN WITH WHITE NUMBERS SEWN ON"44" Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 80.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 USD Thank You For Your Order ! A I retums must be processed WMIn 30 days of reoe/pt and require a retum autlarhatbn number and are subpwt to a mstocNng fee. Custom orde►s are rat returrmbb.EHecave tax rate Wil be app/kabb at the time of Inyvice. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Municipal Emergency Services IN SUM OF $ 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 3135 Chicago, IL 60675 $3,574.76 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#f Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 24499 469678 43-560.03 $1,050.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 469677 43-560.03 $90.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 469595 43-560.03 $250.76 materials or services itemized thereon for 24499 466825 43-560.03 $2,184.00 which charge is made were ordered and received except DEC -2 2013 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 469678 $1,050.00 469677 $90.00 469595 $250.76 466825 $2,184.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00466820_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/15/2013 IjES k Page .order ..: 1 of 2 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Sales order ..:SO_401008 Mufl�cIPAL ERiERCENCY SERVICES,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......:AUlrich Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....: Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount ALTERATION-COAT S/N:0812004361 1.00 EA 79.56 79.56 -CHANGE HEM PATCH AND LABEL TO READ"S. REYNOLDS" ALTERATION-PANTS S/N:0812004210 1.00 EA 134.67 134.67 -REDUCE RISE AT WAIST BY 4" -CHANGE LABEL TO READ "S. REYNOLDS" REF. RMA#68438 Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 214.23 0.00 13.20 0.00 0.00 227.43 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All rehor►s must be promased within 30 days of reoelpt and require a retum audwrt wdon number and are auboa Eo a mshxNng fee. i'l—t n 1-4----—#rofi snsiJn Off—M—0——#-ud1l M uM/MeMln of Nye#1�-#1--L.n Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00467483_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/19/2013 jES Page .order ..: 1 of 2 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Sales order ..:SO 409043 M unicMiEMMaRcrsexncfs,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......:kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....:Net 30 Sales Rep ...:kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount BT9010 10.0E BLACK PRO 14 inch-Leather/ 1.00 EA 300.00 300.00 Defender Power Toe/Heel Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All retums must be processed wltf In 30 days of receipt and require a return eudwt don number and are subject to a mstoddng fee. Custom orders are not returnable.Effecthe tax rate will be applicable at the time of Invoice. '� Invoice MES- Indiana Number ......:00466858_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/15/2013 jES Page .order ..: 1 of 2 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Sales order ..:SO_408253 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......: kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....:Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color _ Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount 13002 10.5W BLK 019 ATAC 8"Station Plus(MES 1.00 EA 90.00 90.00 Exclusive) 13002 14.OReg BLK 019 ATAC 8"Station Plus(MES 1.00 EA 90.00 90.00 Exclusive) a Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 180.00 0.00 11.64 0.00 0.00 191.64 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All refwm must be processed rrrllhln 30 days of rece/pt and mqu/re a mftm aLidxxtadon nurrffier and are sLd*d b a msftxNng fee. I%..e#—-icier.—Mf #e rofn wE/1 M ei ff—#&—-f 1--L- Invoice MES-Indiana Number ......:00466833_SNV 6975 Hillsdale Court Date .........: 11/15/2013 KAES Indianapolis, IN 46250 Page .........: 1 of 2 Sales order ..:SO_404686 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICE$,INC. Requisition ... Your ref. ...... Telephone : (888)322-8402 Our ref. ......: kschulthei Fax ........:317-596-1701 Payment .....: Net 30 Sales Rep ...: kschulthei Inv Acct ......:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount 430202 CMC Rescue Rope Bag##2- 8.00 EA - 51-13 _'" -409.04 - Blue 492155 SUNBRERO,ADJUSTABLE 1.00 EA 25.50 25.50 BLK,CIVIC 300253 CARABINER, PS XL AUTO 7.00 EA 49.73 348.11 RED Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 782.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 782.65 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All rettons must be processed WMIn 30 days of mcelpt and require a retum audwizatilon number and are a9yect to a msbvcldng fee. /'!ielnin nwdero aro Mf =ff, M—my rob udll M nM/L.nMln of Nan h ;--L- Invoice MES-Indiana Number..........:00468079_SNV *MhAE5 Inds Hillsdale Court Date ..............:11/20/2013 of I Indianapolis,IN 46250 Page..............:1 of 1 Sales order....:SO_387858 Muwavu oarncacscav�ccs,iec. Requisition.....: Your ref..........: Telephone..:(888)322-8402 Our ref............:kschulthei Fax.............:317-596-1701 Payment.........:Net 30 Sales Rep......:kschulthei Inv Acct..........:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,IN 46032 CARMEL,IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount 13002 13.OW BLK 019 ATAC 8"Station Plus(MES 1.00 EA 90.00 90.00 Exclusive) Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 90.00 0.00 11.41 0.00 0.00 101.41 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All returns must be processed within 30 days of receipt and require a return authorization number and are subject to a restocking fee. Custom orders are not returnable.Effective tax rate will be applicable at the time of invoi Invoice MES -Indiana Number..........:00452776_SNV j E5 6975 Hillsdale Court Date...............:9/27/2013 Indianapolis, IN 46250 Page..............: 1 of 1 Sales order....:SO 395258 MUNICIPALEMERGENCY SERVICES,INC. Requisition.....: FOR SIZING Your ref..........: Telephone..:(888)322-8402 Our ref............:kschulthei Fax.............: 317-596-1701 Payment.........:Net 30 Sales Rep......:kschulthei Inv Acct..........:30195 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL FD CARMEL FD 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 Denise Snyder Item number Size Color Description Quantity Unit Unit price Amount 13002 08.5W BLK 019 ATAC 8"Station Plus(MES 1.00 EA 90.00 90.00 Exclusive) 13002 08.5Reg BLK 019 ATAC 8"Station Plus(MES 1.00 EA 90.00 90.00 Exclusive) Merchandise Restocking Fee S&H Sales tax Discount Total due 180.00 0.00 14.49 0.00 0.00 194.49 USD Thank You For Your Order ! All returns must be processed within 30 days of receipt and require a return authorization number and are subject to a restocking fee. Custom orders are not returnable.Effective tax rate will be applicable at the time of invo VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Municipal Emergency Services IN SUM OF $ 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 3135 Chicago, IL 60675 $1,797.62 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 24502 466833 102-670.02 j $782.65 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 466820 43-560.03 $227.43 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 452776 43-560.03 $194.49 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 468079 43-560.03 $101.41 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 467483 43-560.03 $300.00 received except 1120 466858 43-560.03 $191.64 DEC Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 466833 $782.65 466820 $227.43 452776 $194.49 468079 $101.41 467483 $300.00 466858 $191.64 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer