HomeMy WebLinkAbout226725 12/03/2013 ,� \f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,806.14 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK NUMBER: 226725 CHECK DATE: 12/3/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 107016365001 845 . 33 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 107016906001 628 . 76 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 107199427001 264 . 38 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 107218993001 67 . 67 OTHER EXPENSES ___ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 74918 Sl 3 763 PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH KEVIN R FORD DIRECT JOE FAUCETT FISHERS 317-598-6170 11/11/13 2X4 LED FLUSH MULTI VOLT 50WATT KRPNM —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107016365.001 Subtotall 756.001 If paid by 12/10/13 you may deduct$7.56 S&H Chargesi 89.33 Invoice is due by 12/31/13 net of any cash discount. Sales Taxi 0.00 Kirby Risk Page I of I vinis vvy) cwNDITIONS OF SALF, A[CAPTANCE OF THE GOODS 10IRM&ASED ON 1111S INVOICE CONSTITU'lluS AND A0CEPqANCEK}FTIFIT.TERINIS ANH)0)NBWT00NS OF SALP' WIKNCH FOLLMO (U Skock MemuhmndIse is u/b/ec/(wazc|unn charge. No Ja muy be/e\umcd wiUhnu/v '71i��iog ticket ood/minvn�conmhurondphorundxntzoaioo (%) Non-Stock NImruhaadiseia not znmmubicunicuumccanaecurcu'1Rcmrncd Goods Awbod1y^ Aom dormudnc (3) Pic cbstom«z ]nx|odgcu and ugrccs tbur in uJl poujzuwu ofpnku and mxdccx h-on, S�dler !kasno express vvun:n/ioo,o,implied wunanUcnnfnnazhun(ubUi1y and Mmaso [nrunypmbm)u, pu[yos�- FQ Tbr[iusumc/ugr cu U`u|8cUn, wiU no1ke iiuNe for any consequential and iw�ideoad damutesurising bomuuy cuuscusuouio^cd whh We gouVxyu/nbaued [romSoDoc (5) lKeu— Prices diuvodo not |nc|vdcsdesornUur taxes imDoadun -the�ak, of""nod,. luvc�no�mr bomuUcrimpuaod upou yuiuu ozsbipmcma W be udVcz(to the gorchaxuDhcc. Buyezuqrrca to wimlu/rue Seller[oruoy ouch my or provide Sw|hr with acceptable ms k�wnrp|ionccrdfica1�- (�) i) u�i n De Hver,� —3d1c'is 11 o1 m be uocounoyNc hvddayu\n ddive oy occu,i oucd by ac�S o[(�od nc od��ruinun�x|�no�yuvo,,/hioh&'|let-has no c]i/ccccontrol. Puctu/ysbijpunom nr del i, dozcy are the hcst Mauvy of our soppOrn and in no cuyc xbaU Bclller hr]iublc tbr any cnoaogncntioJ oc sporial dumugeuurinlo� fi-onrl any dc!:Iinddiv�/7, (7) lfulrer—Ibci�aUcv�of Sol1crnobsinru[xm die pW`cmonocofanyni'Unswuuanccondihx,uoof(biy mn /ructor m axorcixc any QMhurwioder uha|| nm bedcemod m 110 Wuivcrnfsucb cemoo, oundi6onx or right in me fuu'cn nor shaO it be doemed to be u wmiwrufany uher cerm, coodtdun, or d .hr under chix cont raci (Q) 1XwuHiuuMmoy Tunis awl M�U&hom—yJoWzma and coudidonaodooOodoncsoiodbodn. and no ag/vemoamruudcnruodiva. in any v/my purporUog,iu modify lbroc tcuuu, *runudizions. dial bc --- ------------ ------ ------------- ----------------- - DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT _ •MEF�KUWk CUSTOMER.PO 74918 S13763 PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH SHIP DATE . OFFICE KEVIN R FORD PAR PARCEL DLVY JOE FAUCETT FISHERS 317-598-6170 11/13/13 NT CASH DISC .•. • . • 3ea 3ea RAB HBLED13A 181.34 lea 544.02 10.88 LFLOOD 13W COOL LED BULLET W/HOOD& LENS 3ea 3ea RAB MP19B 21.47 lea 64.41 1.29 BLK MIGHTY POST Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107016906.001 Subtotal 608.43 If paid by 12/10/13 you may deduct$12.17 S$H Charges 20.33 Invoice is due by 12/31/13 net of any cash discount. Sales Tax 0.00 AMOUNTDU E 628.76 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERMS AND OF SALE ACCEPTANCE(}FTHEG,{ 0WS PURCHASED ONN TB0INvORT CONSTITUTES AND ACCEPTANCEOFTH[TERMS AND ONDITIWNS{}F SALE NVIBC8FOLLOW: (1) Stock Merchandise ix subject u` urctorocharge. 0o goods may bcrcmrucd \�dbouto shipping ticket aod o«invoice numberaod prior authorization, (2) Nou-StorkN]Icrubaodiweis not returnable oo|os» we can yccor*a"Returned (JooJs Ao|bnritN ` from tbz,vcudor. (3) m-idmgnccs that in all pvohu0000fguudauod *umiccwFroonScOcr` Seller ,gives no express, vmomxios.orimp|io6 warranties mfmrohuntahili|yu,x] flmros 6nrmn�, purtico|ur pu/poyc, AU ThrCuxtoocrn��ry that Seller will riot bc liable 6xooyconurgucnhu( arid incidental duou�cxmi�o� Foii, orvmo.Woaauduted \vbbthe U-00 yPuIVImSed6nmS6ler. E� 1azc* Prices showri do not 111,:lude ,,ties or other taxes imposed on the saie oil'goods, [:M�ynowor hcreatter imposed upon sales orshipmzumwU\ 6cuJ&Ju,the yurcbaucpdoc- Bovmroaruoszo roboburuC SrOoi6«uuysuc6/u�,orp/uvkbSoUor with oorrpLab\c tax.zxempuooc�oi�oo�� (6) Delay in Delivery—Seller is riot to be accountable for delays in delivenr occisioned by of,God or oihnrcimumsmouco over which Seller has ou direct control. Faororyubip/nontor delivery dozeemzthe 6C*tCsdma(uoofuurxupp\izm,uodinno case sbuU Seller hcliable for ooy Coil oegueoba| orspociol dmnugcs arising hnm any dcinyiodc6very. (7) ',,Vaiver—The fildhire ofSeller to insist upon tire performa rice of any ofthe Tcrm,,or coiiditiow; ot'ifil", con/mctor\noxcrcixo tiny right hereunder shall riot 6edccmcJmbruvvui,(�ro[xoohtrnnn, cnnditioneorriuh/ inihcfumro. nurahoUitheJccuncdtohe u,sa/rero[unyn|her1enn. mmdidmx,or right under this conhncc (0) Modification ofTerms and Conditions—No tcrms and conditions other than those staied herein,and 10 aPeonundor mnJcrsmodiu�, in any way yurpoMnQ|m modify hcxc eoos, orcond doom, ekullbe biflldhl�,,Oil SCIICI-WithOUt Seller's written consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT -GUSTOMER o a -- 74918 FLAG POLE PT 10TH PROX NET 30TH SALESPERSON SHIP'VIA - •-. . . • MARK S BAYS PK PICK-UP JOE FISHERS 317-598-6170 11/20/13 40ft 40ft WIRE UF-12/2-G-CUT REEL 356.99 1000ft 14.28 0.29 lea lea HIGH 1015-lG2GHDE2 40.67 lea 40.67 12"RECTANGULAR HDPE BOX lea lea IDEA 46-400 12.72 lea 12.72 OF SPLICE KIT Billing Questions:Billing—request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Number S107218993.001 Subtotal 67.67 If paid by 12/10/13 you may deduct$0.29 S$H Chargesi 0.00 Invoice is due by 12/31/13 net of any cash discount. Sales Taxi 0.00 • 0 67.67 000t:000t Kirby RiSk Page 1 of 1 'YERNIS AND C',0NDITIONIS OF SALE ACCEPTANCE.0J;TUFTJ-ERMS ANY) FOU4,01, ((3. ! _ . No poic r-€a b-,� tichci > .indl-i4i invo?C_ "I,E=7.i"bcl and E)r=,i.:.iiall,C.71�1��.i'.L„€. (2) Nown-Vock Ni s .lum1ise is no! iv'.tit°riabl : (:i'it(lh A t:zlwA - ain Uo { B its C'ustianicr.I.. mo l .#``__ ” to en Man An 'iil pumhasus ol j W mod n . .,imy 1=t}ilt E w `9olle and „ _.on € rk up r1, << cW?- s ,e on- e Riot s_ _ t a dl not be _4 =e fiat , € P s Pow E Uses-- q.=.:Fib.:tits T30i i3r"faLt. -,.1 c�y or t iraz_ CctT,c:'t .,E3(.a,-, on thy"'),k iaC ..)L)tz:^. "s )M?--'L)i' i. ire`arse SAO a o?_ any such wx or pro iiit,-Scher .J III acceptul?lo tax ex ti? C,.Ittxti.°i', f i Way ii 8 _l4 Deliver" --sclor is not ul i)a- for S in do Eery t)f .laau€«-d i.� t3. .al-(,od of wwanwinwos ova I1.h h St'.Av has no -!.2Ew i;(?71vok l ci o t shilm,xv or i oi w f;`3VA w;., B� wKnown4ow'>upplitt s. 'm! in m)cmw 401 selit'l-b 11""l-tic I}T<,;y =wln tat la�'it)ajt t'dl'4?t`y_ t s} Waiver er--Thc Wum of RIO to is Ast hl.?€,d. die jwWwwcof Et q lja U ....,.iris n wti l t s of(i2I`= co io-,,CY of !€), ,pit. jaiy 6g 1:t1si1�.�3T"de dud i not h A io bn 3 r,=a„i"1°o f Q t:. . €ic'C.}=>i It f`I Cci3 n` , ol,]udn iU I.he Yow.IWI slai:ll it b°, .h:'-cti2cd to rlc a .,;',1wr o win olfic i:it'ln7 L.i Fr.;I1t?Ii..f)7" €`TI Nh'�<i tkWi€ ti of ai`.l`[ils Qitid! W4TRi#3II bs`--Ns;, Ia;c it l';and Ci,tl.€£:-'Cl.is s.)d.Ie::t On Wn su_.t Wmin.and no w rta:,,a3lent or i E;tis,(' {<1fT i2{2i_ in any any hflf;5:':ti ing to €i€.t€;Y We ta;r m 3J°e,Uwww w. Tim he ti it ;tL_on sC kae kJttlt)w: 6`c;(%t wri(E Ti tit31',cnt, VOUCHER # 136902 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S107016365.( 01-7202-06 $845.33 510,70'(09%. 001 01--7309-c)(' l a$.7io 510-7alg173,e01 01--79,0-3-0t0 r r i Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 11/26/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/26/201: S107016365. $845.33 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer ' -' _ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT hill 11788 KRl 1713 NET 30 DAYS IDMS-XML 23 INDIANAPOLIS KEN RHODES FISHERS 317-598-6170 11/08/13 2ea 2ea AB 80OT-J2A 82.60 lea 165.20 SWITCH,SELECTOR 600V AC MAX 10 AMP MAX DUCT COVER, PVC, 1.5W X 6',WHITE SLOTTED DUCT, PVC,1.5X2X6',WHT Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numbed S107199427.001 Subtotall 264.381 Invoice is due by 12/08/13. Sales Tax 0.00 AMP11-2 264.38 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 _ TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE MA"I';I''I'ANCE 01,7111E 1E$sO(.DS PURCHASED,USED O THIS INVOICE E '�' D ACCEPTANCE(.)F'l<'II'TI,RINI>AAM(.:;I DITIONS O S;LF,,1" "(-(s..(11 1"O a,MY: ratfl:or invoice t tz ubi 1'and prior"'uIthorization. (2) Non-Stock Meri'.°ilandise is €tip? ret111"iltble € nl 5s lkt can sccure a RetLlrnc,,t Goods Atnito ii.`; '`€oln HW ,`c",-Iitho, (l) Tin CustE.rnu del ntiwla1ges and agrces 1:llat in au (?tlrrh:1ys of (}€)iis'and av6ws oi.)(n 864q 43 i.4 CI— "Jv"s no c.xp'Cs� W'Urrar Cios'or Wiplik"d w a€t €ks i)f'tEmac dia4iitnhilitL iiY d € nness For chit- ( ) , 1v t t7nitl w, agices that Seller %i ill not be .Fable Aw any tf}'sijc°tluential 'arid incident"! Cl € ra k ti'ni" vnh (lie`L1ods lrtti,%`ia';ed li-wil Seller - (5) ';:IsEs..Pnr s ;Irw n do riLin.('".tCILICia. .:i;L.,tit 10',hei. taxes?(21pos,,d on t11e,zal:-of 'Lit clR. ti MA:01, htu reaftcr i€npo""ed t1l? n son or tilii()ment5 t,H €w it€l€l'I tG1 t;lt° t)€Si' )"€i4L)?t.'• ';, Buyc;r a r s tO reimburse Sol O €w a:ii L- °;€I h €x or F)('i?t'€de Seiko win <tccci.t.,.l le tax G,w€"it£? ion cerdhL.im, 5 Islay in Iku err `°gLlor is t, rt to to acs: nuimblc for delays in€3chv c°4 k mc .R,i€d by....:;(4(Nd or i c cu­cwnqmN,n t? ar which Seller has no d(=`eo control. l"ticttx y 4lil € .;°;t 0 =«lira°i t iz€t c [lie best emi._aw . i ii€s€'6tipplOrk and in no caw .haH Sellcr lit.i€pit?i lto any Cc Sit?{'Lzt.>.€ltial or"pui<l kon rtes:i Ei'i)lil any delay in delivery, (7) 'vV°s$iver l lil atiltlte o `ellc€"to Wig til"?m to l)::1't`UI'€t€si4wo of any of Be;l:l'€m to Ctii ducts,of this i0i€::;i;E or t0 r21}l. iittM lie;it'titi€l('t' :lull nm lit'Cl 01MS d t{)1),,it W4Jt :i' )t s'uc 3 t`G,rn , `_ E=i3€€dili u,,o ,r.tit the futttio. iron shot it be deemed t0 b of ny (Mar term,c irdihon, or right,under this, contra;t. (8) md.$€l l'4t;<aiun or Terms and t.,d?.IEbl6fi£?i s—No tc'l'€"€"is and c(1ritbtt€i€ts odwr(,ion these sunn, lE;:.MA.and no i',ia,E;C3"i€.'tit"(Tli€i(lc',i"dta€i{l €in in any soy purlit)Iting to rnodKy Me e iL,tt.i>.. €)ra;on t(.-il n , 001 ho t.£ilry on S..€l r"i'ttl OUt 67 it i'ti z i°itti'Tl C€ II.,V;it.. VOUCHER # 133419 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 i Carmel Water Utility I ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 107199427.1 07-1052-12 $264.38 4 Voucher Total $264.38 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 11/21/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/21/201; 107199427.1 $264.38 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Offi er