HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence January 19, 2006 050 tfb{JZ~ 12~ c I DP~lS Ms. Jessica 1. Hartman, P.E. Parsons, Cunningham & Shartle Eng~g:IBRAINARD, MAYOR 46 South Tennessee Street ;4 Danville, IN 46122 4. EL ..... RE: Dr. Lynn Burford's Office, North Pennsylvania Street-Project Review #2 Dear Ms..Hartman: The City has received your comment letter and drawings dated December 1,2005 based upon the City review of May 11,2005. The comments from the City review have been satisfactorily addressed with the following exceptions: PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 10. Please label the existing and proposed rights-of-way for Pennsylvania Street from the centerline of Pennsylvania Street. Thank you for labeling the proposed right-of-way. However, we did not find a label for the existing right-of-way. 11. Please provide a 10-foot wide asphalt path per the Alternative Transportation Plan. Please include the City of Carmel asphalt path detail in the plans. 12. ADA ramps will be required where the drive crosses the asphalt path. 15. Please delineate street cuts for utility installations on the plan that indicate the limits of sawcut, . removal, and replacement. Please include the City standard street cut patch detail on the details . sheet. On Sheet C2.0, the street cuts are labeled "limits of sawcut." Please change this label to "street cut." Also, did not find City of Carmel standard street cut patch detail on the details sheet. 19. Any new pavement placed in the Pennsylvania Street right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for the entrance up to the mainlineright~of-way limit shall meet the following section: "t 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inches lIMA #8 binder on 3 inches HMA U5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legeno. In the MAINLINE PAYEMENT SECTION on Sheet.C2.0, the binder should be "#8" instead of "#B." The 7" COMPo AGGREGATE BASE #53 should be 7" #53 STONE and the 4" AGGREGATE, #2 20. ~~:~I: d~~:a~; ~~d:;dar~ curbs, waJ land pavem~nt withinthe~gl1t-of-Way in ~e event that the details for the development do not meet or exceed the City details. 21. Please provide a maintenance of traffic plan. Instead of referring to an INDOT standard drawing, please show all of the details of the required traffic. control ~evices on the Maintenance of Traffic Plan included within this set of plans. . 22. Please mcorporate the Department's cover and backfill standard for all storm sewers within the right-of-way or to be maintained by the City and for sanitary and water mains and laterals within the right-or-way. Based upon additional review, the City provides additional comments: 1. There are areas of existing driveways that need to be indicated for removal and replacement per the Board of Public Works and Safety approval for open cuts. These additional areas need to be indicated on the plans. The conditions of the Board approval must be added to the plans. 2. The curbing within the right-of-way removed for the off-site sewer must be replaced with City standard curb. 3. Please include the City standard driveway detail on the plans. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAfu'vIEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering@ci.carmel.in.us .. , 4. Plans need to indicate replacement of drive material to match the existing drive material where existing drives are open cut off-site. The trench shall be backfilled in accordance with City street cut patch detail, but fmal pavement within limits of drives shall match existing or minimum standards per City details. Asphalt drives can be repaired in accordance with street cut patch detail. Concrete drives must be installed per City driveway detail. Please continue to work with Crossroad Engineers to resolve the requirements of the drainage review. In the next submittal, please address both the comments from th~ City of Carmel Department of Engineering and the comments from Crossroad Engineers. ' These comments represent the Department of Engineering's second review of the construction plans for this project. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. All bonds and performance guarantees must be posted prior to Engineering Department approval. Also, Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) must be obtained prior to Engineering Department approval. The Department of Engineering reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571-2441. ( I I cc: Matt Griffm, Department of Community Services Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko, Crossroad Engineers Project File Engineering Department Review S:\PROJREY05\DRBRFORDOFFICE . m . . . . 0 ~ ~ , .0' 0 I I \ II , C') ~~~III;i;~I!I~liiai iia I I; III ~ ~i n IIAGNt:rIC I 1~"~~iJl.\!~iSiS.~~li g i en ... il ;J~1Ii ...... ~'i'l ilia . n ~... l'l~ ~i > s; . ~ Iii! ~ III ! ;ii ! ~~p rn.rn.1 .lti~ i< i ~ ~ _-............-.--....,'1 / 'vi - ~D 200.00' I \ ijll 8~ lcf -I ~ r ---~ NOO" 'OOt -m;r r-- ~ \q, tll~ ISD H:~~ . ~.I I I L ~ ~ c::; i -< i z s:) 8 ,.... _,-J---, 0 =b III ..-- IK _ lIHE -rL- lIHE ~~___ -lIHE _ -~ - IK _lIHE - []HE --- IK --!-IK - lIHE - lIHE - lIHE - D!----"": ~ -c..... - - - - -.....--:;;; - '" - '" '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" - '" PBNNSYLVA}GA STRBEI' . . ~ ~ "Q~ ~ a ~ ::f i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.~0., /: .~~ \\t.Ct.\'Jt\) jU~ '2. 9 lr::,~S UQCS From: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hartman 10504 North Delaware Street Indianapolis, IN 46280 June 29, 2005 To: 1st Planning Commission Committee Cc: Greg Hoyes, Matt Griffin Re: Dr. Lynn Burford Building Project which is immediately south of our property Dear Committee members: Since our letter of June 24, we have meet with Greg Hoyes at the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, JOml South at the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation Office, Scott Brewer, City Forrester, Environmental Planner, as well as having a telephone conversation with Dick Hill at the City of Carmel's Department of Engineering. There is no near term construction plan. Mr. Hill estimated that any construction of this section of Pennsylvania was at least 2 to 3 years in the future. We were shown a Burford project plan showing a proposal to drain the "dry detention area" on the north end of the project to the east ditch on Delaware street. The long standing surface and water table problems of this area must not be exacerbated. We were pleased to be assured by Mr. Greg Hoyes that neither this proposal nor a dry retention area without an outlet will be approved. Presently all surface water from Delaware Street from 106th to approximately 103rd, Washington Blvd. from 106th to l04th and the south side of 106tl1 east of Pennsylvania to 325 East 106th go to a small tile on private property running from the west side of Delaware to a larger tile on the Schneider property thence to the Clare Knotts drain.. Dr. Burford's attorney, James Shinaver, informed us he would provide the number and types of trees to be planted in the northern and eastern perimeter of the site as well as their approximate height 2 years and 10 years after planting once this information has been obtained. We have not yet received this information. The Hackberry trees tentatively planned to be planted on our property line could be planted with smaller trees. The mature height of the Hackberry tree is forty to sixty feet with a spread of approximately forty feet. In Scott Brewer's correspondence of June 01 to Shawn Curran (Mr. Brewer gave us a copy) states the following: ".... The landscape plan shows a wide expense of lawn along Pennsylvania Street. It is not clear why this could not (be) used for planting the required plant material the parcel seems to be lacking." And .... "Though this development may be "allowed" under the zoning code, it may be very difficult to fit this much on this narrow lot adjacent to a residential neighborhood." ~=~tf/YJMr~ 111 Jfld/~ 11~~~~ .-. ..-:j e e City of Carmel VIA email: JimS@nf-law.com Original by mail May 13, 2005 Jim Shinaver Nelson and Frankenberger 3105 E. 98th St. Ste. 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 COPy RE: Burford Office Park DP/ADLS (05040026 DP/ADLS) Dear Mr. Shinaver: This letter is in response to your Development Plan! ADLS application for the proposed Burford Office development. The following is our list of comments and concerns: 1. This project will require a Replat of the Penn View Heights Subdivision. Please submit a replat application and associated materials for docketing and review. 2. Submit a photometric lighting plan for review. Please ensure that this plan complies with the lighting standards found in ZO 23 E: Home Place District Overlay. Include fixture details. 3. In regards to hedges planted for parking lot screening, commit to allowing hedges to grow to maturity and form a "hedge wall". Over pruning hedge plantings does not allow them to function as intended. 4. A minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces/racks are required. Please provide and indicate on plans. 5. Label the Pennsylvania Street right of way distance. 6. Identify the desired location of the proposed ground sign. Note that the sign must be at least 5 feet from the right of way of Pennsylvania Street. The ground sign must be no larger than 75 square feet. . Please show the actual sign area dimensions (and not the outer measure of the entire sign structure). Ifwall signs are desired please indicate their location and provide details. 7 . Remove the development standards on the cover sheet. This site lies within the West Home Place Commercial Corridor, not the Business District. The existing setbacks are 40 foot rear and side, and a 15 foot front. DOCS is working to amend these standards to the following: Front Setback 5 feet; Side Setback 10 feet; and Rear Setback 15 feet (next to residence), 10 feet (next to business). These revised standards are the ones you should use for your layout. As submitted your proposed buildings are in compliance with these standards. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARlvffiL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ..~c___ . ..=~.~. --~-- ._-"~.~~~--~~----------"-- _. ---_._------~...;- - _.~~-.-............-----,-_._.._- --. -"--.-"" .- -- -_.__._._------_._.~-_._--_._._-_._----_._------------..---..---.----------- 0~o()~(, Yf/~5 rvlay 11, 2005 Ms. Jessica J. Hartman, PE Parsons, Cunningham & Shartle Eng1AL\1~s:If3Rt\IN~.vill ML\YOR 46 South Tennessee Street ' Danville, IN 46122 C1 EL RE: Dr. Lynn Burford's Office, ~orth Pennsylvania Street-Project Revie,v #1 Dear Ms. Hartman: \Ve have revie\ved the construction plans submitted for the 11ay 18, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. \Ve offer the follo\ving comments: GENERAL INFOR1\fATION 1. A portion of this site is \vithin corporate limits, specifically the dedicated right of way of Pennsylvania Street. The remainder of the project site is currently located outside of current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. Although the annexation of the area outside of corporate limits has been approved by Carmel City Council, the process is still in the remonstrance phase and the annexation is not official as of this date. 2 . Jurisdictions: · Street and Right of\Vay - City of Carmel (Pennsylvania Street). Hamilton County High\vay Department (Delaware Street) . \Vater - Indianapolis Water Company. . Sanitary Sewer - Clay TO\VDship Regional \Vaste District · Storm Se\ver - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office 3. Board of Public vvTorks and Safety Approval Requirements: · Commercial Curb Cut, Pennsylvania Street only. The request for Board approval should include 8 ~" x 11" exhibits that will indicate the existing curb cut (if applicable), the proposed curb cut arid all appropriate data and dimensions including \vidth, radii, etc. Please indicate all existing and opposing driveways and their relationship to the proposed curb cut for this development. · Temporary Construction Entrance. Separate BPWS approval will be required if this entrance is to be located anywhere on Pennsylvania Street other than the site of the permanent curb cut. · Consent to Encroach approvals for any permanent improvement to be installed within dedicated right of way. . Secondary Plat approval (if applicable). · );edication of Public Right of\Vay (if applicable) · Open Pavement Cut~ for any utility connections. The request for Board approval should include 8 ~" x 11" exhibits that will indicate the open cuts and all appropriate data and dimensions including width, radii, etc. Please indicate all existing and opposing drive\vays and their relationship to the proposed open cut for this development. I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public \V orks and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. AllY submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carnlel Clay Plan Comnlission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals alld conlpletion of review by the Technical Advisory Conlnzittee. All written requests to be place on the Board's agenda "'llSt include the appropriate Docket Nlll1zbers and the date (or dates) of approval bJ' the Plall Comnzissioll and/or BZA. 4. T AC Revie\vlDra\vings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be ans\vered in writing and be accompanied by a dra\ving reflecting requested revisions. Final dra\vings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all dra\vings submitted for final approval. This pffice \vill require a minimum of three-sets (maximum of five-sets) [)EPARTME:\T OF ENGE\EERlNG ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAA\lEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 E:\L-\JL engineering~~/ci .carn1el. in. us e e ,. of approved dra\vings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by the City Engineer. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Our Construction Manager will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum of three-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) must be submitted with the three required sets. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way will require Consent to Encroach approval. 6. I am including copies of the following with this correspondence: . Performance and Maintenance Guarantees . Commercial Project Approval Procedures. . Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . . Commercial Permitting Procedures. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 7. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance GuaranteeslEngineer's Estimates It does not appear that Performance Guarantees/Engineer's Estimates will be required for this project. However, if this project is required to construct a public sidewalk or asphalt path in the Pennsylvania Street right of way, these items would be required. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements Any work in the dedicated right of way of Pennsylvania Street will require a Right of Way Permit. If the work in the right of way is not included in the scope of work of a Performance Bond, a separate License & Permit Bond will be required. The bond amount will be determined by the number of instances of work in the right of way @ $2,000.00 per instance. Open pavement cuts in dedicated streets require separate approval by our Board of Public Works and Safety. It appears at a minimum that there is a water service line crossing, a storm sewer pipe crossing and the curb cut that would require a Right of Way Permit and Bonding. Please contact our Right of Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right of way permitting and right of way bonding. 8. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to review all drainage plans and calculations for all projects submitted to this office for review and approval. We will share all Crossroad reviews as they are received. Even though only the Pennsylvania Street portion of this project is within corporate limits, we request the submission of drainage calculations for review. If you have not already done so, please send I-set of plans and drainage calculations for this project to: Mr. Greg Ilko, PE Crossroad Engineers, PC 3417 South Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 PROJECT COMMENTS-CONSTRUCTION PLANS 9. Please label the widths of all internal drives, drive aisles, alleys, and streets. 10. Please label the existing and proposed rights-of-way for Pennsylvania Street from the centerline of Pennsylvania Street. 11. Please provide a 10-foot wide asphalt path per the Alternative Transportation Plan. Please include the City of Carmel asphalt path detail in the plans. 12. ADA ramps will be required where the drive crosses the asphalt path. 13. Is the entrance an existing entrance? If it is proposed, the City requests making the north edge perpendicular to Pennsylvania Street rather than angled. 14. Is the curb cut for the entrance an existing or proposed curb cut? If it is proposed or a modification of an existing curb cut, Board of Public Works and Safety approval is required. 15. Please delineate street cuts for utility installations on the plan that indicate the limits of sawcut, removal, and replacement. Please include the City standard street cut patch detail on the details sheet. 16. Please indicate the sanitary sewer connection. 17. Please indicate and label the width of the entrance. 05a-tco~G };>?/ A-J>L8 Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: Dr. Lynn Burford's Office County: Hamilton Plan Submittal Date: 05/04/05 Hydrologic Unit Code: Project Location Description: North Pennsylvania Street Latitude and Longitude: Lat Long Civil w LY Quarter: Section: w Range: = - -. -r " &&"6&&&...... 0 n'., .,.. " ....- Project Owner Name: Dr. Lynn Burford ~ e Contact: Dr. Lynn Burford J. ~ Address: North Pennsylvania Street c ~ Carmel State: IN Zip: 46032 ~ City: ~ Q) Phone: FAX: E-Mail: .~ 0 J. ." """"" ..,.'.,.,., ~ Plan Preparer Name: Jessica Hartman P .E. Affiliation: Parsons Cunningham & Shartle Engineer Address: 46 S. Tennessee Street City: Danville State: IN Zip: 46122 Phone: 317745-9061 FAX: E-Mail: Review Date: 05/17/05 :: Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC .~ Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District Q) ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street ; City: Noblesville a: Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317 -776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org PLAN IS ADEQ'U"Al"E: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NOI A NOI must also be sent to the SWCD, o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NOI A NOI must also be sent to the o PI./A,N IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. , DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1