HomeMy WebLinkAbout226971 12/11/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352832 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FIFTH THIRD BANK CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ACCT#XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2798 CHECK AMOUNT: $891.25 PO BOX 740523 CHECK NUMBER: 226971 �H G CINCINNATI OH 45274-0523 CHECK DATE: 12/11/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 48 . 99 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1094 4358300 5 . 00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES 1096 4239039 119 . 96 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1125 4343000 631 . 30 TRAVEL FEES & EXPENSE 1125 4355300 86 . 00 ORGANIZATION & MEMBER IR DEC 2 2013 I Fifth Third Bank BV_`_ J ACCOUNT NUMBERXXXX XXXX XXXX 2798 FIFTH THIRD BANK PO BOX 740523 PAYMENT DUE DATE 12-24-13 CINCINNATI OH 45274-0523 AMOUNT DUE $891.25 CURRENT BALANCE $891.25 FIFTH THIRD BANK PO BOX 740523 CINCINNATI OH 45274-0523 AMOUNT Q /� ENCLOSED $ 89 i.25 CARMEL CLAY PARKS & RECR •*T0005907 V CORPORATE BILLING ACCT C/O AUDREY KOSTRZEWA 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 5569260004422798 0000891259 0000891259 Please tear payment coupon at pmtoration. STATEMffN I F�MESSAGES� § , Effective 10/23/13,Fifth Third is introducing a new automated phone system. You will be able to promptly access account information including balances,due dates,and an explanation for declines. To access the new automated phone system,please call 1-800-375-1747 and select Option 1. 3�y5+s. 9 t ': � `r .r ' fin t f. Y. dra' `'" e xtyc., � CORPORATE ACCOUNT SUMMARY, ' T * r CORPORATE ACCOUNT NUMBER XXXXXXXXXXXX2798 CLOSING DATE 11-29-13 PREVIOUS BALANCE 6,176.47 PAYMENT DUE DATE 12-24-13 PURCHASES AND OTHER CHARGES 891.25 CREDIT LIMIT 40,000 CASH ADVANCES .00 AVAILABLE CREDIT 39,109 CREDITS .00 PAYMENTS 6,176.47- FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL: LATE PAYMENT CHARGES .00 1-800-375-1747 CASH ADVANCE FEE .00 SEND BILLING INQUIRIES TO: FINANCE CHARGES .00 FIFTH THIRD BANK NEW BALANCE 891.25 P.O. BOX 630781 CINCINNATI OH 45263-0781 TOTAL PAYMENT DUE 891.25 DISPUTED AMOUNT .00 Page 1 of 2 Fifth Third Vendor Fund 101 Organizati on & General Other General Travel Member Program fees & Program expenses dues supplies licenses Supplies 1125 1125 1081-99 1094 1096-21 _- V#354296 I 4343000 4355300 4239039 43583001 .4239039 10/31/13 Amazon $ 119.96 11/11/13 Amazon $ 4899 11/07/13 Volunteer Adm $ 86.00 11/06/13 The Landing $ - 88.00 11/17/13�Smart Waiver _ �_ _ I $ 5.00 j 11 127T1-31 US Airway _ _ _ $ 543.30 F- -� $ 631.30 $ 86.00 $ 48.99 $ 5.00 $ 119.96 $ 891.25 Organizati on & General Other General Travel Member Program ! fees & Program _ expenses dues su lies licenses Supplies 1 1125 1125 1081-99 1 1094 1096-21 V#3542961 43430001 43553001 42390391 4358300 4239039 ACCT. NUMBER: XXXX XXXX XXXX 2798 CREDIT LIMIT 40,000.00 CASH ADVANCE BALANCE .00 CURRENT BALANCE 891.25 MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE 891.25 AVAILABLE CREDIT 39,108.75 PAYMENT DUE DATE 12-24-13 Q'Q,R P 4 z " A d. CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION TOTAL CORPORATE ACTIVITY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2798 $6,176.47 CR Post Trans Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 11-20 11-20 75569263324000000000396 PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU 6,176.47 PY INDIVIDUAL A R D ED E R�-A C T I V I TT & DAWN R KOEPPER CREDITS PURCHASES CASH ADV TOTAL ACTIVITY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2814 $0.00 $347.95 $0.00 $347.95 Post Trans Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 11-01 10-31 55432863304000513049805 AMAZON.COM AMZN.COMIBILL WA 119.96 11-08 11-07 55429503311849404362422 PAYPAL*COUNCILFORC 4029357733 CA 86.00 11-08 11-06 55541863312072000619349 CROWN PLZ IND AIRPORT INDIANAPOLIS IN 88.00 000005569 ARRIVAL:11-06-13 11-15 11-15 55432863319000270499097 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COMIBILL WA 48.99 11-18 11-17 85180893321980159882840 SMARTWAIVER 541-516-0174 OR 5.00 MICHAEL W KLITZING CREDITS PURCHASES CASH ADV TOTAL ACTIVITY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2421 $0.00 $543.30 $0.00 $543.30 Post Trans Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 11-27 11-25 55499673330642000272860 USAIRWAY 03723366680655 800 A28-4322 AZ 543.30 KLITZINGIMICHAELW Departure Date 01-02-14 IND US S CLT US V IND Page 2 of 2 Amazon.com - Order 104-7486354-6031458 Page 1 of 2 amazOt1_C0m, Final Details for Order #104-7486354-6031458 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: October 29, 2013 Amazon.com order number: 104-7486354-6031458 Order Total: $299.90 Shipped on October 31, 2013 Items Ordered Price 6 of: Supermats Heavy Duty P.V.C. Mat for Cardio- Fitness Products (2.5-Feet$29.99 x 5-Feet) Condition: New Sold by: Amazon.com LLC Shipping Address: Item(s) Subtotal: $179.94 Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Shipping & Handling: $55.59 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E Promotion applied: -$55.59 ATTN MARY EVANS ----- CARMEL, IN 46032-4421 Total before tax: $179.94 United States Sales Tax: $0.00 Shipping Speed: Total for This Shipment:$179.94 FREE Shipping ----- Shipped on October 31, 2013 Items Ordered Price 4 of: Supermats Heavy Duty P.V.C. Mat for Cardio- Fitness Products (2.5-Feet $29.99 x 5-Feet) Condition: New Sold by: Amazon.com LLC Shipping Address: Item(s) Subtotal: $119.96 Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Shipping & Handling: $37.06 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E Promotion applied: -$37.06 ATTN MARY EVANS ----- CARMEL, IN 46032-4421 Total before tax: $119.96 United States Sales Tax: $0.00 Shipping Speed: Total for This Shipment:$119.96 FREE Shipping ----- Payment information Payment Method: Item(s) Subtotal: $299.90 MasterCard I Last digits: 2814 Shipping & Handling: $92.65 Billing address Promotion applied: -$92.65 Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation https://www.amazon.cons/gp/css/summary/print.htnil/ref=oh�i_o00_?ie=UTP8&orderl... 11/11/2013) Amazon.com - Order 104-7486354-6031458 Page 2 of 2 1411 E. 116th Street Total before tax: $299.90 Carmel, IN 46032 Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00 United States Grand Total:$299.90 Credit Card transactions MasterCard ending in 2814: October 31, 2013:$179.94 MasterCard ending in 2814: October 31, 2013:$119.96 To view the status of your order, return to Order Sumrnary. Please note: This is not a VAT invoice. (Conditions of Use I Rrivacy Notice © 1996-2013, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates https://www.amazon.com/gp/ess/summary/print.litml/ref=oh_pi_o00_?ie=UTF8&orderI... 11/11/20 13 Payment Receipt - PayPal F, h Page I of I Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration n 0000 S I ................ Secure payments by Payment Receipt Receipt ID NOV 8 2013 ,'ZG,b-8423 0850 52.`5 Total We'll send a confirmation email to dkoepper@carmelclayparks.com.This transaction will appear on your statement as PayPal *COUNClLFORC. Paid to Shipped to Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration Dawn Koepper ccva@comcast.net 1411 E. 116th Street 804-794-8689 Carmel, IN 46032 United States Your shopping cart Description Price Quantity Amount CVA Textbook $86.00 1 $86.00 Item total $86.00 Tax $0.00 Total $86.00 USD https://www.paypal.coii-t/us/egi-bii-dwebser?ciiid=—flow&SESSION=lh88XIN2jeii9-UeL-A... 11/7/2013 j :L 0 C Dawn Koepper From: auto-confirm @amazon.com Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 2:03 PM To: Dawn Koepper Subject: Amazon.com order of Community Recreation and.... amazon Yoirr i=�econ:r�rendatior,s Your Account Amazon corn Order Confirmation Order#110-70100491-5918622 Hello Dawn, Thank you for shopping with us. We'd like to let you know that_Mary has received your order, and is preparing it for shipment. Your estimated delivery date is below. If ycu would like to view;the status of your order or make any changes to it, please visit Your Orders on Amazon.com. Yout estimated! delivery€y C ae I`: our ordei, `Wh l be went lo< Monday, November 18, 2013 - Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Wednesday, December 4, 2013 ATTN CARA GRAY Your shipping speed,, 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E p '` CARMEL, IN 46032-4421 Standard Shipping United States µCrdIv.- ,:.il:. "ip� Wit.,.i I. ! '.'.c ,..� 1.,,,, •;-�,� C)rder D ? Order#110-7010049-5918622 Placed on Rdonclay, November ".I, `101 ° Community Recreation and People with Disabilities $45.00 Si;hieFCn Stuart J.,Scn c,:=Wn:Rcw, :c1�. Vv , Paperback Sc,,A by _Mary Item Subtotal: $45.00 ��81^"!q-ga3go3q Shipping & Handling: $3.99 -4 S.9 1 Total Before Tax: $48.99 Order Total: $48.99 To learn more about ordering, go to Ordering from Amazon.ccm. If you want more information or need more assistance, go to Help. Thank you for shopping with us. Amazon.com Kindle F1 3a,;,S.r?MOO.(,noted,I_Gii,3'v..iL.:JJ A_ 1 n:._,ti.Co?7;LLl.. t,-,ot.;.;(?C?to tax€'l.>;'(.,.?...,<i;w i?_..i;o tim31..,c,MW,.'1:;POE Rlt:':8'rls6 M MW won I y;,,> War corM No D }.....,WA fMM a SM"OfFer e}I i ,t na<..,s,..;an`_t..' . t nin be;rl.i,.Jem to We Wwai wles tax,de.)eniinq..F',!)the,..iNA business pohow aW W M110n Of Tek T 1 GP3 t:OM LWM nun L1.mut w n Seiw Ln onn'3tion ,y ewai v,zs sent hjrn ti n�,. :'.n- �;�n. ;,an€�,: <;..nr,x.,:,r�rx,<,r°« ,}'!c a ; .f., _�.t:;plv to,tni 5.>r.•-r:_ 2 Smarhvaiver Invoice #43661847 F4h -T Page 1 of 1 NOV 2013 By, .._ � � _ 233 SW Wilson Ave.. Suite I Bend, OR 97702 Phone: 800-277-0265 IH VOice #: 43661847 Email: cs a s"nartwaiver.com Invoice Date: 11/17/2013 Username: monon Service Plan: Smal-twaiver Service Plan Description .............. ............ . Smartwaiver Service Plan Price USD Payment Deceived 1 1/17/2013 (Card: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-281 4) - Thank -- - $5.00 }ou. $5.00 Ending Balance USD: $0.00 VAS a�u s exvcc�,, p4tt 104- 0617900 https://www.smartwaiver.com/m/chargify_paient/sw chargify plain, h P p.sw chargemain... 11/18/20]3 US Airways I Airline tickets, vacations & business flights Page 1 of') I IL$ ,p2. - X343.00 O t �S AI C,, ..,,,.U,c Print Close You're confirmed Date issued : Monday, November 25, 2013 DG4QQ6 = US Airways Scan at any US Airways kiosk to check in. Trip details Depart: Indianapolis, IN - Charlotte, NC Date: Thursday, January 02, 2014 Flight#I Carrier Depart Arrive Travel time Meal Aircraft Cabin Seats 3337 ' _ 5:08 PM IND 6:50 PM CLT 1 h42 E175 Coach(S) 12D Return: Charlotte, NC -4, Indianapolis, IN Date: Saturday, January 04, 2014 Flight#/Carrier Depart Arrive Travel time Meal Aircraft Cabin Seats 4501 —=--sh 2:50 PM CLT 4:36 PM IND 1 h46 -- CRJ Coach(V) 4C =r Operated by PSA Airlines dba _ Operated by Republic Airlines dba Wi-Fi on board($) US Airways Express US Airways Express Provided by GogoTA4 Inflight Internet Passengers Passenger name Frequent flyer#(Airline) Ticket# Special needs Michael W Klitzing, None listed 03723366680655 Day of departure phone: 317-450-1250 Email for receipt: mklitzing @carmelclayparks.com http://shopping.usairways.com/flights/PrintViewDetalls.aspx 11/25/2013 US Airways I Airline tickets, vacations & business flights Page 2 of 3 Cost summary Total travel cost (1 passenger) Your fare(Non-refundable) Adult IND to CLT(SXHUNA2) $175.82 CLT to IND(VXRONA2) $310.70 Taxes and fees $56.78 Subtotal $543.30 Number of passengers x 1 Total by passenger type $543.30 Total fare(All Passengers) $543.30 Travel insurance Not purchased Club day pass Not purchased L►Charged to Michael W Klitzing You paid $543.30 '­­­2421 (MasterCard) Bags Pay for your checked bags when you check in online or at the airport! Read more about bags. Carry ons* Carry-on bag Personal item All flights $0 $0 Checked bags(each way/per person)* 1st bag 2nd bag U.S./Canada/Latin America/Caribbean/Bermuda/South America (except Brazil) $25 $35 Transatlantic $0 $100 Transpacific/Brazil(except Hawaii) $0 $0 http://shopping.usairways.com/flights/PrintViewDetails.aspx 11/25/2013 TUS Airways I Airline tickets, vacations & business flights Page 3 of 3 *Carry-ons can be up to 40 Ibs and up to 45 inches and a personal item is a handbag,briefcase or laptop bag. **1 st&2nd checked bags can be up to 50 Ibs and 62 inches except Brazil where you're allowed up to 70 lbs.Europe fees apply for travel to/from Asia through Europe. Baggage fees are non-refundable. 1st,2nd and 3rd checked bag fees waived • Gold, Platinum and Chairman's Preferred members • Star Alliance Gold status members 1st and 2nd checked bag fees waived • (Overweight/oversize fees still apply) • Confirmed First Class and Envoy passengers • Active U.S.military with ID on personal travel • Active U.S.military with ID and dependents traveling with them on orders • Unaccompanied minors(with US Airways unaccompanied minor paid assistance) 1st checked bag fees waived • (Overweight/oversize fees still apply) • Silver Preferred members • Star Alliance Silver status members Other guidelines: • Overweight/oversize fees and fees for 3 or more bags apply. Read all baggage policies. • If you're traveling with an infant,the child is allowed 1 fully collapsible stroller or 1 child restraint device or car seat(no charge). If you're traveling internationally with an infant in lap,your child is also allowed 1 checked bag (checked bag fees apply-max 62 in/157 cm and 50 Ibs/23 kg). • If one or more of your flights is on a partner airline, please check with the other airline for information on optional fees. Terms & conditions Ticket is non-transferable. Ticket is non-refundable. You must contact US Aimays on or before your scheduled departure to cancel any or all of your flights. If you don't,your entire itinerary will be cancelled and there may be no remaining value to use toward another ticket. Any change to this reservation,including flights,dates,or cities,is subject toa fee per passenger(according to the rules of the original fare).The new itinerary will be priced at the lowest available published fare at the time of change,which may result in a fare increase. Ticket expires one year from original date of issue.Unflown value expires one year from original dab of issue. Read more about all US Airways taxes and fees. You can cancel your reservation for a full refund within 24 hours if you booked 7 days or more prior to scheduled departure.To get a refund,you must call 800-428-4322 or 800-245-2966(TTY). Checked baggage fees may apply. Air transportation on US Airways is subject to the US Airways Contract of Carriage.View this document in PDF format.Air transportation on a partner airline is subject tothat carrier's Contract of Carriage. Security regulations may require us to disclose to government agencies the data you provide to us in connection with this reservation. Changes to the country of origin are not permitted,except for changes between the United States and U.S.territories. Send US your compliments and/or complaints. http://shopping.usairways.com/flights/PrintViewDetails.aspx 11/25/2013 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 00352832 Fifth Third Bank Terms P.O. Box 740523 Cincinnati, OH 45274-0523 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 11/29/13 2798 Travel expenses $ 631.30 11/29/13 2798 Organization & Member dues $ 86.00 - 1-1129113 1 2798 General_program supplies_ _ $ 48.99 11/29/13 2798 Other fees & license $ 5.00 11/29/13 2798 General program supplies $ 119.96 Total $ 891.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 00352832 Fifth Third Bank Allowed 20 P.O. Box 740523 Cincinnati, OH 45274-0523 In Sum of$ $ 891.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General/108 ESE/109 MCC PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1125 2798 4343000 $ 631.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 2798 4355300 $ 86.00 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 1081-99 2798 4239039 $ 48.99 materials or services itemized thereon for 1094 2798 4358300 $ 5.00 which charge is made were ordered and 1096-21 2798 4239039 $ 119.96 received except 5-Dec 2013 / • X�Mlf'l J-k7 rill Signature $ 891.25 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund