HomeMy WebLinkAbout227144 12/11/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363028 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE VICTORY SUN INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 199114 CHECK AMOUNT: $99.05 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46219 CHECK NUMBER: 227144 CHECK DATE: 12111/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4359003 2013101 99 . 05 FESTIVAL/COMMUNITY EV H1 VI -CTORY SUN r PR ADVERTISING (EVENTS INVOICE NO. 2013101 INVOICE DATE: 12/5/2013 EXPENSE INVOICE Victory Sun Inc. Vanessa Stiles PO Box 199114 Indianapolis, IN 46219 317.696.7102 INVOICE TO: Melanie Lentz City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 DATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION PRICE Decor and supplies for Carmel October 2013 Oktoberfest at Carmel City Center Oktoberfest 2013 $99.05 NOTE: No mark-up applied. Receipts and detailed expense report attached for verification t7 INVOICE TOTAL $ 99.05 Thank you for choosing Victory Sun. Winning relationships make you THE star. 1 of 1 2013101 City of Carmel Oktoberfest Expense Invoice EXPENSE REPORT PURPOSE: Oktoberfest 2013 at Carmel City Center EMPLOYEE INFORMATION: Name: Victory Sun Inc Position: Independent Contractor PO BOX 199114 Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 SSN/Employee I.D.:Federal ID#20-5029559 Table coverings and October 1,2013 decor for guests $41.73 $41.73 i Supplies for Oktoberfest water and Gatorade for workers, paper towels orange October 2,2013 lights for decor $44.11 $44.11 IR2 CG,,e Batteries for lights Z used by vendors after night fall and bag of ice for water and Gatorade for workers October 4,2013 on site $13.21 $13.21 �j(R ? $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $99.05 Total $99.05 Approved: Notes: C_A.SH A. CAR.R.Y PAPER. CO INC ** INVOICE ** DATE: 10/01/13 914 5 . "NEW �YORK S`I TIME: 10 : 12 : 27 9 _HiDIANAPOLI'S , IN 46202 ORDER: 385554 (317) 632-2651 Fax: (317) 632-2390 TAX #: BILL TO: 000001 SHIP TO: 000 CASH CASH Phone : St Ord Date Shp Date Ship Via Sub Acct Cust Ord # Slsman Clk Terms Cppq 01 10/01/13 10/01/13 1 01 C. O.D . 0101 Ordered 6 Shipped Item Number_ D e s c r i p t i o n Unit Prc Ext. lNVOZCE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE- 1 . 00 1 . 00 BEAD-ORANGE 33 " 7 . 5MM ORANGE BEADS 2 . 20 2 . 20 UN/12 4-19-C-4E N 1 . 00 x. . 00 BEAD-RED 33 " 7 . 5MM RED BEAD 2 . 20 2 . 20 UN/12 4-1.9-D-3B _ _ _ _ _ N —_ 1 . 00: 1 . 00 011131 _ 40"X 1 00 ' CL ASSIC RED ROLL 12 . 55 12 . 55 2-07-E-432 PLASTIC TABLECOVER 2 MIL 1 . 00 1 . 00 1403-TG TANGERINE ROLL PLASTIC TC 22 . 05 22 . 05 RL/l 2- 07-E-1P 40 11x300 ' N Sales Tax mFreight_.__- Misc , CD_ Deposit Cash CD T_OTAI.,��� 39 . 00 2. "73 41 . 73 1 . 00 VTSIT US ON TT,TE WEB AT WWW. CACP . BIZ -- BIG LOTSr y , S/ a. a C'� 1921 S. RANGE LINE RD, CnRMEL, IN BIG LOTS STORES - 91582 (317) 844-2775 WINDERMERE CENTER REG#03 TRN#4139 CSHR4U31662_9 �IIR 486 4 6225 ALLISONVILLE RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220-4543 Helped by CHRISTAL 317-466-0315 ' ""?/2013 9:45:29 ELI C! 61 L5 Store: M ELI 1 CVS MAX ALK AA 12FK 10.99T 1 CVS MAX ALK AA 12PK FREE FWM 10,49 r 001 Ti1I:.iaz: BUY 1, GET 1 FREE ler: 1605554 Sales: 16055E SALE t si zcE 7LB,BAG 7LBS 1 .99"F �--- II�II I I 3 ITEMS Ilil I I��III I Illilllll 111 SUBTOTAL 12.98 0158200161252013100200 IN 7.0% TAX .73 TOTAL. 13.21 - :+ TION WATER 1 L 1 .25 ;; 53.21 ci0196569 1 @ 1 .25 MS N, [ION WATER 1 L 1 .25 CASH BACK 90.00 )196569 1 @ 1 .25 •'�'''2ADE X FACTOR ORANGE 0.70 I !0099698 1 @ 0.70 RADE X FACIOR ORANGE 0.70 10099698 1 @ 0.70 2508 67 ?779 1390 36 !iZRDE X FACTOR ORANGE 0.70 : RETURNS WITH RL-i.! ,;' THRU 1!/03/20 3 , )094698 1 @ 0.70 OCT0P,-R 9, 2013 1(i 5? AM r :BADE BERRY 12 OZ FG 0.50 1 0139042 1 @ 0,50 TRIP SUMMARY: ,r..:!RADE BERRY 12 OZ FG 0.50 ! Today You c-• 'ed 1 0.99 ?10139092 1 @ 0.50 .vJii'RADE bFRRY 12 OZ FG 0.50 )I 39C)12 1 @ 0.50 THANK YOU, OPEN 24 HOURS 7 D1=IY`. A iIEEK oRADE LEMON LIME 12 0 0.50 x0139039 1 @ 0.50 ExtraCare Card balances as of -09/30 ui.RADE OLr�. ,,� G 0.50 ± Fa l i 201 3-Spend-earn 2% back : 68.51 !O139V( Beauty Club Spend `F`30 G(•t T.Fi i; hi': LOTS - i Amount Toward this Pew:a i I 9r ;,_LOTS ' Amorm t Needed 1 o Earn Rewr r r 1 • _ e 11.ON >?i 1.1146569 1 @ 1 .25 'ION WATER 1 L 1 .25 I: 0146569 1 @ 1 .25 IILOWN TWO-TONE LITES 9.00 ;r 3003416 1 @ 4.00 ol[_OWN TWO-TONE LITES 9.00 3003416 1 @ 4.00 _ IOLOWN TWO-TONE LITES 9.00 1 3003416 1 @ 4.00 ; n1LOWN TWO-TONE LITES 9.00 f l CASH CARRV ,PAPER CO 3003416 1 @ 4.00 I 914 E t-jEt�1 YORK ST CRYSTAL ROPE LTS 15.00 IIiIDIANAPO 22651 46202 ••3003652 1 @ 15.00 I 134DOOD1 Total 1ERP11HAL ID,' D0000001294090D N 7% Taxable 36.55 MERCHANT q� !N 7% Tax - - -2:56 SWIPED 1 Sales Tax SALT I �AI N! �UMQ 114U: 1300014 Itrtal �11.; i f Oct 01, 13 10,10 REII' DC) is '4142; AUT H: 77010P MasterCard (S) Account: 1013 Expires: #/ * 00h: 93339P.22285789 (A) Total Tender x_9.1? 1 Change Due 0.00 Loyalty UXXXXXXXXXXXXX293719 CIiS101'I R ll"t'4 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Victory Sun, Inc. Vanessa Stiles IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 199114 Indianapolis, IN 46219 $99.05 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#rrITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1203 I 2013101 I 43-590.03 I $99.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Sunday December 08, 2013 Director, Community Relations/Economic Development Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/05/13 2013101 $99.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer