HomeMy WebLinkAbout227214 12/17/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350980 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE VERIZON WIRELESS CHECK AMOUNT: $8,415.67 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P.0.B0X 25505 LEHIGH VALLEY PA 18002-5505 CHECK NUMBER: 227214 CHECK DATE: 12/17/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4344100 9715490714 404 . 61 380889632-00001 1202 4344100 9715490714 381 . 91 380889632-00001 1110 4344100 9715537062 2, 663 . 16 680779348-00001 1192 4344100 9715797645 1, 222 . 57 780779357-00001 1192 4463100 9715797645 774 . 96 780779357-00001 1201 4344100 9716011304 80 . 65 280888621-00001 1205 4344100 9716011304 192 . 53 280888621-00001 601 5023990 9716051980 1, 608 . 95 780888605-00001 651 5023990 9716051980 1, 086 . 33 780888605-00001 �9/��'A�1lwireless P.O.BOX 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number Date Due ACWORTH,GA 30101 MIR' oil Invoice Number 19715797645 Quick Bill Summary Oct 29—Nov 28 40000053 09 SP 2.520 "SNGLP T3 1 6728 46032-258401 1 E MICH2810 IIi iI lI ll I i iln ilrlI li„I„II Illillni„1„11li11 Previous Balance(see back for details) $1,554.88 CITY OF CARMEL DOCS Payment—Thank You —$1,554.88 1 CIVIC SQ Adjustments —$.21 CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Credit Balance —$.21 Monthly Charges $1,189.07 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $.00 Messaging $.00 Data $.00 Equipment Charges $774.96 Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $33.50 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges $1,997.53 Total Charges Due by December 23,20 $1,997.32 o 0 A sa 0 Y o Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web Questions: .: ° ° ° :11 • 1 1 ° ° ° ve'9piniireless Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page ... 9715797645, 780779357' 00001 12/23 132 ofs68 Get Minutes Used Get Data Used Get Balance �r�r�AW ..h.., }; Explanation of Charges Payments and Adjustments Verizon Wireless'Surcharges Previous Balance $1,554.88 Verizon Wireless' Surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge (which helps defray various government charges we pay including Payment—Thank You government number administration and license fees); (ii) a Payment Received 11/22/13 —1,554.88 Federal Universal Service Charge (and, if applicable, a State Universal Service Charge)to recover charges imposed on us by Total Payments —$1,554.88 the government to support universal service; and (iii) an Adjustments Administrative Charge, which helps defray certain expenses we incur, including charges we or our agents pay local telephone Fed Univ Sry Credit on 11/01/13 —.21 companies for delivering calls from our customers to their Total Adjustments 421 customers, fees and assessments on our network facilities and services, and costs and charges associated with proceedings Credit Balance 421 related to cell sites, local number portability, and other government mandates. Please note that these are Verizon Wireless charges,not taxes.These charges,and what's included, are subject to change from time to time. Taxes,Governmental Surcharges and Fees Includes sales, excise and other taxes and governmental surcharges and fees that we are required by law to bill customers. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice. Understanding Your Prorad;(pa ntb Charges Prorated charges occur w ri youatldtnew.saMe,gg ake a change to our existing rvice,in the middle of our�Til c'cle. 9 y � � y y.� Prorated charges are, alculated by determining the daijy�ch,(ge, and then by multiplying.ihe daily charge by the number •day, the service was used �� If a plan change is fie tive as oi.a date during the bill cy e,y ur proration will include}aArkeedit for unused days on the old plan and a charge for the a s Used on your new plan. a � ,Corpoence Address VerizontWirejess`Attu Correspond resnd ence Team PO Box 5029 Wailrngford,CT 06492 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Verizon IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 25505 Leigh Valley, PA 18002-5505 $1,997.53 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 9715797645 43-441.00 $1,222.57 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1192 9715797645 44-631.00 $774.96 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, Decqber/Ij, 2013 V D i recto Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/28/13 9715797645 Monthly cell service $1,222.57 11/28/13 9715797645 New tablets $774.96 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer PveriZAwireless ' ;W, P.O.BOX 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number 1 Date Due ACWORTH,GA 30101 e Invoice Number 9716051980 Quick Bill Summary Nov 04— Dec 03 50000022 BX BOXs 6803 1 E MICH0310 Previous Balance(see back for details) $2,819.00 CITY OF CARMEL-UTILITIES PO BOX 109 No Payment Received $.00 CARMEL,IN 46082-0109 Balance Forward Due Immediately $2,819.00 Monthly Charges $2,578.64 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $5.00 Messaging $1.04 Data $.00 Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $110.60 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges Due by December 29,2013 $2,695.28 Total Amount Due $5,514.28 Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web Questions: VB vergo"wireiess Bill Date December 03,2013 0 Account Number 780888605-00001 1 Invoice Number 9716051980 Rr,,,,..:,, CITY OF CARMEL—UTILITIES Total Amount Due PO BOX 109 CARMEL,IN 46082-0109 Make check payable to slip with Wireless. $55514.28 Please return this remit slip with payment. ® ' ®® —I P.O.BOX 25505 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5505 ❑ Check here and fill out the back of this slip if your billing address has changed or you are adding or changing your email address. 9716051980010780888605000010002695280005514280 VOUCHER # 133652 WARRANT # ALLOWED 00350980 IN SUM OF $ VERIZON WIRELESS (CELL) PO BOX 25506 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5506 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9716051980 01-6360-03 $518.50 9716051980 01-6360-06 $945.55 9716051980 01-6360-07 $65.65 9716051980 01-6360-08 $79.25 5 l Voucher Total $1,608.95 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350980 VERIZON WIRELESS (CELL) Purchase Order No. PO BOX 25506 Terms LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5506 Due Date 12/13/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/13/201: 9716051980 $1,608.95 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer verizopwirefess P.O.BOX 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number Date Due ACWORTH,GA 30101 Invoice Number 9715490714 Quick Bill Summary Oct 24 — Nov 23 40000041 07 SP 2.120 ""SNGLP T2 4 6723 46032-258403 1 E MICH2310 �Illl�llnllrlli���llll��l��nll��ll,I�In�nllll�l�l��ll�l�l�ll Previous Balance(see back for details) $786.58 CITY OF CARMEL/IS DEPARTMENT No Payment Received $.00 C/O TERRY CROCKETT 3 CIVIC SO Adjustments —$.02 CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Balance Forward Due Immediately $786.56 Monthly Charges $760.36 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $.00 Messaging $.06 Ut Data $.00 / Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $26.10 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 9 r A1�C1 Total Current Charges Due by December 18,2013 $786.52 Total Amount Due $1,573.08 Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web v Questions: VB fvePoZnwireless Bill Date November 23, 2013 Account Number 380889632-00001 qC Invoice Number 9715490714 Pioase Rocy::le CITY OF CARMEL/IS DEPARTMENT Total Amount Due C/O TERRY CROCKETT 3 CIVIC SO, Please check payable to Verizon Wireless. �� ���°®� CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Please return this remit slip with payment. y P.O.BOX 25505 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5505 ❑ Check here and fill out the back of this slip if your billing address Illlilli��illl�li�lli'�Il�lllll�ll�i�l'�"lllllllllil�l��llll��l� has changed or you are adding or changing your email address. 97 1 5490714010380889632000010000786520001573083 T/ ` � _!Vwireless Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page p' �- ��� ' ��� .D"e,-,? « =." �,���_- � J` Overview nfShared N��n w uuc^�e Participating Lines Lines Exceeding Shared Shared Shared as o Allowance after Share Allowance Usage Billable Cost Talk-Nationwide for Business Share 13 0 4,600 2,312 0 Overview of Lines VzW Usage Surcharges Taxes, and and Other Governmental Third-Party xmm Page Monthly p"nmuoo svui»motcnumo:unu oonmmo,m uoame: 7nm/ Plan Momxomo Data xo/oo Messaging Data Lines Charges Number nou,nr: nnumox chmoox n,euun and Fees (mmouon7ox) nm,oex oxano 0000 oxuuo nvummu Roaming xvummy '- 317-450-4918 Work Station * $26.21 -- -- *1J3 $.ou -- $27.97 44 -- -- -- -- -- u7-1on-«olo Work Station e n $xo.n* -- -- $1J3 uuo -- $27.97 -- -- -- -- -- -- 317-450-4920 Work Station o $xo.c* -- -- *1J3 *uo -- $27.97 -- -- -- -- -- -- 317-460-6866 Garry Wonov, r $*8.07 -- -- $2.08 $.00 -- $50.15 135 zon 107.715xu -- -- -- 3lr-*oo-77o^Brian Smith /, $*8.07 -- -- *x.00 $.00 -- $50.15 eyy *ox 318.937KD -- -- -- x17-*oo-mon Pam Griffiths /s $58.07 -- -- $2.08 $.on -- $60.15 87 ur 301.458x8 -- -- -- n17-1no-um6 Jun Chen /o 8*9.06 -- -- $2.09 $.00 -- 851.15 nl/ l*c 295.755KB -- -- -- 317-460-8709 Paul ovmwioz 27 $58.07 -- -- $2.08 $.00 -- *60.15 xoo nor uco.y*nxu -- -- -- n/7-sos-zoolMovDriver am $zoyo -- -- $.ox $oo -- $aoul -- -- 7649K8 -- -- -- o17-noo-nw*Terry Crockett xa $ooyo -- -- $ox $oo -- $30u1 -- -- loB -- -- -- 3lr-71n-6l*o Todd m;xuom zf $*8.07 -- -- $208 Q.00 -- $50.15 zlo /.zel 1.293.69*xo -- -- -- 317-7l4-alys Terry Crockett va $58.07 -- -- *zon $.00 -- *so.lo oos zzo 103.906Ko -- -- -- z17-7l*-n1ou Rebecca Chiko fx $58.07 -- -- $2.08 $.00 -- $60.15 1 *o zlu 138.35*xa -- -- -- xlr-71*-xlny James Page on $58.07 -- -- $2.08 $.ou -- $60.15 lyo l*o 1.28*.455xo -- -- -- al7-7e7-oyso Janet xmvno ox **8.07 -- -- $cua $oo -- $50.15 i 102 *ra 289.027xa -- -- -- 3lr-7oo-/o*o City 0|Carmel m xo *uyyo $.u* -- $oe $oo -- $30.05 -- 2 8.170.824xu -- -- -- 3l7-7no-1o^1 City Of Carmel|n ua $29.99 $uc -- $ou $.00 -- $30.03 -- l no.oxxu -- -- -- 317-903-4739 Mifi Tl kmoki $30.01 -- -- 1an -- -- -- Total Current Charges $760.36 $0.06 $ou $26.10 $uo $xm $786.52 | sm/000n1°o00oo'v10Jw00 oL.»xdonoFLo'v1Gwo VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Verizon Wireless IN SUM OF $ PO Box 25505 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5505 $381.91 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR IS Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1202 I 9715490714 I 43-441.00 I $381.91 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday)December 11, 2013 Director , IS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/23/13 9715490714 $381.91 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer , J've !Zonwireless P.O.BOX 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number Date Due { ACWORTH,GA 30101 o e - e :1:::°B 011 o f •. 1 Invoice Number 6051980 Quick Bill Summary Nov 04—Dec 03 50000022 BX BOXS 6803 1 E MICH0310 Previous Balance(see back for details) $2,819.00 CITY OF CARMEL-UTILITIES PO BOX 109 No Payment Received $.00 CARMEL,IN 46082-0109 Balance Forward Due Immediately $2,819.00 Monthly Charges $2,578.64 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $5.00 Messaging $1.04 Data $.00 Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $110.60 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges Due by December 29,2013 $2,695.28 Total Amount Due $5,514.28 Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web Questions: .Veri ®4wireless Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page Get Minutes Used Get Data Used Get Balance Explanation of Charges Payments Verizon Wireless'Surcharges Previous Balance $2,819.00 Verizon Wireless' Surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge (which helps defray various government charges we pay including No Payment Received government number administration and license fees); (ii) a Total Payments $.00 Federal Universal Service Charge (and, if applicable, a State Universal Service Charge)to recover charges imposed on us by Balance Forward Due Immediately $2,819.00 the government to support universal service; and (iii) an Administrative Charge, which helps defray certain expenses we incur, including charges we or our agents pay local telephone companies for delivering calls from our customers to their customers, fees and assessments on our network facilities and services, and costs and charges associated with proceedings related to cell sites, local number portability, and other government mandates. Please note that these are Verizon Wireless charges,not taxes.These charges,and what's included, are subject to change from time to time. Taxes,Governmental Surcharges and Fees Includes sales, excise and other taxes and governmental surcharges and fees that we are required by law to bill customers. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice. Late Fee Information A late payment applies for unpaid balances.The charge is the greater of S5 or 1.5%per month,or as permitted by law. Verizon Wireless'Other Charges and Credits Includes charges for products and services,and credits owing. Co rresnonnpnce'''Address Verizon Wireless Attn Correspondence Team PO Box 5029 Wallingford CT 06492 .e . , �.��,. ._ � _ . ...�. �,�� �,�......�... ..,�1 VOUCHER # 137056 WARRANT # ALLOWED 00350980 IN SUM OF $ VERIZON WIRELESS (CELL) PO BOX 25506 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5506 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code J 9716051980 01-7362-05 $628.50 9716051980 01-7360-07 $39.40 9716051980 01-7360-08 $79.20 9716051980 01-7360-01 $339.23 Voucher Total $1,086.33 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00350980 VERIZON WIRELESS (CELL) Purchase Order No. PO BOX 25506 Terms LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002-5506 Due Date 12/13/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/13/201; 9716051980 $1,086.33 1 j hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and ;orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer v0/efiZo pwireless P.O.Box 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number Date Due ACWORTH,GA 30101 ® - Invoice Number 1 9715490714 Quick Bill Summary Oct 24—Nov 23 40000041 07 SP 2.120 *'SNGLP T2 4 6723 46032-258403 1 E MICH2310 V I I I 1 1 1 11'1'I1111IIII1I1111111I11111 Previous Balance(see back for details) $786.58 CITY OF CARMEL/IS DEPARTMENT No Payment Received $.00 C/O TERRY CROCKETT 3 CIVIC SO Adjustments —$.02 CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Balance Forward Due Immediately $786.56 Monthly Charges $760.36 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $.00 Messaging $.06 Data $.00 Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $26.10 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges Due by December 18,2013 $786.52 Total Amount Due $1,573.08 Pay from wireless Pay on the Web Questions: k,,---`ver1® *pwireiess Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page .•o � � 971549071"4 380889632=00001 Past Die 2 of61. . _- Get Minutes Used Get Data Used Get Balance NVw Explanation of Charges Payments and Adjustments Verizon Wireless'Surcharges Previous Balance $786.58 Verizon Wireless' Surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge (which helps defray various government charges we pay including No Payment Received government number administration and license fees); (ii) a Total Payments $.00 Federal Universal Service Charge (and, if applicable, a State Universal Service Charge)to recover charges imposed on us by Adjustments the government to support universal service; and (iii) an Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-460-8703 on 11/01/13 —.02 Administrative Charge, which helps defray certain expenses we incur, including charges we or our agents pay local telephone Total Adjustments 402 companies for delivering calls from our customers to their )t orward Due Immediately ae customers, fees and assessments on our network facilities and Balance y $786.56 services, and costs and charges associated with proceedings related to cell sites, local number portability, and other government mandates. Please note that these are Verizon Wireless charges,not taxes.These charges,and what's included, are subject to change from time to time. Taxes,Governmental Surcharges and Fees Includes sales, excise and other taxes and governmental surcharges and fees that we are required by law to bill customers.These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice. Late Fee Information A late payment applies for unpaid balances.The charge is the greater of$5 or 1.5%per month,or as permitted by law. Verizon Wireless'Other Charges and Credits Includes charges for products and services,and credits owing. CorrespondencetAddress Venzon Wireless Attn CorrespondenceTeam"PO,Box 5029 Wallingford, CT 06492 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Verizon Wireless IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 25505 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5506 f $404.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 I 9715490714 I 43-441.00 I $404.61 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, Dec mber 11, 2013 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/23/13 9715490714 $404.61 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer ��ve zonwireless P.O.BOX 4002 Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details Account Number Date Due ACWORTH,GA 30101 RONO �..: Invoice Number 19716011304 20000277 03 AB 0.631 '"AUTO T3 0 6803 46032-258401 1 E MICH0310 Quick Bill Summary Nov 04—Dec 03 I'll�lll�l�l��lll�llll�l�lll��lll�l��l��ll��ll�lllnll�l�lll�lnl CITY OF CARMEL ADMINISTRATION Previous Balance(see back for details) $272.48 1 CIVIC SO CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Payment—Thank You —$272.48 Balance Forward $.00 Monthly Charges $262.26 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $.00 Messaging $.06 Data $.00 Z7� Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $10.86 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges $273.18 r Total Charges Due by December 29, 2013 $273.18 I� 1 621013 �y ".1, IMIN Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web Questions: ;. verlzopwireless Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page 97 Q 16Q 113Q4� „280$88621 001 `12/29/13 2 'of;20 �. W . ,, ,. . .. Get Minutes Used Get Data Used Get Balance ® Explanation of Charges Payments ® Verizon Wireless'Surcharges Previous Balance $272.48 Verizon Wireless' Surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge ® (which helps defray various government charges we pay including Payment—Thank You government number administration and license tees); (ii) a Payment Received 11/22/13 —272.48 ® Federal Universal Service Charge (and, it applicable, a State Universal Service Charge)to recover charges imposed on us by Total Payments —$272.48 ® the government to support universal service; and (iii) an Balance Forward $.Q� Administrative Charge, which helps defray certain expenses we incur, including charges we or our agents pay local telephone ® companies for delivering calls from our customers to their ® customers, fees and assessments on our network facilities and services, and costs and charges associated with proceedings ® related to cell sites, local number portability, and other ® government mandates. Please note that these are Verizon Wireless charges,not taxes.These charges,and what's included, ® are subject to change from time to time. Taxes,Governmental Surcharges and Fees ®® Includes sales, excise and other taxes and governmental surcharges and fees that we are required by law to bill customers. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice. Late Fee Information A late payment applies for unpaid balances.The charge is the greater of S5 or 1.5%per month,or as permitted by law. Verizon Wireless'Other Charges and Credits Includes charges for products and services,and credits owing. Correspondence"Address Verizon Wireless Attn Correspondence Team PO Box 5029 Wallingford, CT06492' NO -- - __ . -- -- - ._; f VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Verizon IN SUM OF $ PO Box 25505 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5505 $273.18 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Administration Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 9716011304 43-441.00 $192.53 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 9716011304 43-441.00 $80.65 —r'— materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, December 16, 2013 Director, Administration Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 12/03/13 9716011304 GA $192.53 12/03/13 9716011304 HR $80.65 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer \,�ved2vnwireless Manage Your Account&View Your Usage Details f Account Number Date Due P.O.BOX 4002 ACWORTH,GA 30101 e o �e � >: - x n = h v . Invoice Number 9715537062 Quick Bill Summary Oct 24—Nov 23 50000067 BX BOXS 6723 1 E MICH2310 Previous Balance(see back for details) $2,630.17 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE Payment—Thank You —$2,630.17 CARMEL POLICE DEPT 3 CIVIC SQ Adjustments —$1.90 CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 Credit Balance —$1.90 Monthly Charges $2,325.84 Usage and Purchase Charges Voice $10.20 Messaging $.00 Data $.00 Equipment Charges $233.72 Verizon Wireless'Surcharges and Other Charges&Credits $95.30 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges&Fees $.00 Total Current Charges $2,665.06 Total Charges Due by December 18, 2013 $2,663.16 Pay from Wireless Pay on the Web Questions.- V/'vedZo pm ireless Invoice Number Account Number Date Due Page r 9715562 680779348 00001 —12118Y,13-2,- o 370f 239 :, � ,s'x. �. a.,,� .. � .«� w, '.ae..._, .».:... �.. ?t�».x,c.„..;c`. u ?»�..;.. ,....}a, % .,..,w_,,,.t :_ r8 -x.� �,,.. . .. a,..a..,. ✓,. Get Minutes Used Get Data Used Get Balance IM Explanation of Charges Payments and Adjustments Verizon Wireless'Surcharges Previous Balance $2,630.17 Verizon Wireless' Surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge (which helps defray various government charges we pay including Payment—Thank You government number administration and license fees); (ii) a Payment Received 11/22/13 —2,630.17 Federal Universal Service Charge (and, if applicable, a State Universal Service Charge)to recover charges imposed on us by Total Payments —$2,630.17 the government to support universal service; and (iii) an Adjustments Administrative Charge, which helps defray certain expenses we incur, including charges we or our agents pay local telephone Fed Univ Sry Credit on 11/01/13 —.27 companies for delivering calls from our customers to their Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-402-9994 on 11/01/13 —.48 customers, fees and assessments on our network facilities and services, and costs and charges associated with proceedings Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-416-4287 on 11/01/13 —.20 related to cell sites, local number portability, and other Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-460-5786 on 11/01/13 —.24 government mandates. Please note that these are Verizon Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-460-9361 on 11/01/13 —.48 Wireless charges,not taxes.These charges,and what's included, are subject to change from time to time. Fed Univ Sry Credit for 317-670-0110 on 11/01/13 —.23 Total Adjustments —$1.90 Taxes,Governmental Surcharges and Fees Credit Balance -$1.90 Includes sales, excise and other taxes and governmental surcharges and fees that we are required by law to bill customers. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice. Understanding Your Prorated(partial month)Charges Prorated charges occur when you add new service,or make a change to your existing service,in the middle of your bill cycle. Prorated charges are calculated by determining the daily charge, and then by multiplying the daily charge by the number of days the service was used. If a plan change is effective as of a date during the bill cycle,your proration will include a credit for unused days on the old plan, and a charge for the days used on your new plan. CorresprndenceAddress Vernon W1 elessAt nyCo�rrespondence TeamPOBrix 05 29Wa11 ng rd CT06492 r,F b ... - _M., .: �_ .. : VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Verizon Wireless IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 25505 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-5505 $2,663.16 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 ` 9715537062 I 43-441.00 I $2,663.16, 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesds , December 11, 2013 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/23/13 9715537062 monthly payment $2,663.16 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer