HomeMy WebLinkAbout227424 12/17/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363109 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICHAEL LEE � , INDIANA 46032 C/O CRC CHECK AMOUNT: $2,330.00 CARMEL CHECK NUMBER: 227424 CHECK DATE: 12/1712013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340303 31332 201311 2 , 330 . 00 FINANCE CONSULT Michael Lee 506 W Smokey Row Rd. Date: 12/1/13 Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice 201311 Date Description of Work Hours 11/1/2013 Input expenditures and revenues from audit trails from October to update forecast. 0.75 Updated Expenditure and Revenue Analysis as of 10/31/13. 0.5 Updated summary page of packet as of 10/31/13. 0.75 Researched 2011A and B Bonds (Lofts)for Umbaugh report. Searched for bond resolutions for Meridian and Main project and 116th and Guilford project. 1.25 Input invoices into approval sheet and prepared claims for processing. 0.5 Prepared for Monday meeting. 0.5 11/4/2013 Meeting with Bill Hammer and Steve Engelking. 0.75 Researched information for Barrington PILOT payment invoice. 0.25 Researched documents RE: Bobby John warehouse acquisition to determine obligations. 0.25 Reviewed Sophia Square Parking Management agreement. 1 Updated monthly forecast. 0.5 Updated summary sheet for monthly packet. 0.25 1115/2013 Searched files for O&M manuals for James Building. 0.5 Contacted appraisers for copies of Shapiro's appraisals. 0.5 Responded to invoice payment inquiries 0.25 Reviewed Redevelopment Department budget and made notes on purchase order changes and transfers that need to be made. 1 Reviewed sub-lease and invoicing with Carmel Utilities. 0.5 11/6/2013 Communicated with vendor to get invoices. 0.25 Phone call with Bob Reynolds to discuss what needs to be done in order to prepare for 2013 audit. 0.25 Researched retainage payments to REI Construction. 0.5 Revised forecast to have all debt together and account for possible expenses in December. 0.5 Created list of anticipated receipts through the rest of 2013. 0.25 11/7/2013 Searched for difference between my balance and Clerk- Treasurer balance. Adjusted forecast and summary accordingly. 1.25 Updated debt pages in packet to reflect promissory note. 0.5 Michael Lee 506 W Smokey Row Rd. Date: 12/1/13 Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice 201311 Looked into budget line items for Nash streetscape for Steve Engelking. 0.25 Looked up Indianapolis Concrete invoice and payment status. 0.25 11/8/2013 Phone conversation with Ben Roeger RE: 4CDC payments. 0.25 Searched for Shapiro's RFP and forwarded documents on. 0.25 Reviewed CRC and Redevelopment Department invoices. 1.5 11/12/2013 Meeting with Steve Engelking to discuss CRC matters. 0.5 Submitted transfer sheet and check to Clerk-Treasurer's office and discussed encumbrance balances with Cindy Sheeks. 0.25 Revised and updated 2013 check register. Checked to make sure all summary pages flowed correctly. 2 Helped coordinate moving of files and cabinets from storage to new CRC space. 1 Reviewed Redevelopment Department invoices. Prepared claims and purchase orders. 2 11/1312013 Reviewed CRC invoices. Prepared claims and purchase orders. 3.5 Sent email to Shaun Cofer RE: additional service letters needed. 0.25 Input invoices into approval sheets for meeting. 0.5 Updated 2013 revised budget tabs. 1 Updated forecast for Thursday meeting. 0.75 Updated 2014 forecast. 0.25 11/14/2013 Meeting with Dave Bowers, Jim Higgins, Bob Reynolds and Steve Engelking. 2.5 Contacted representatives for each CRC project to get updates for the meeting as per Mr. Hammer's request. 0.5 Updated Commissioners Notes for November meeting. 0.5 Revised 2013 forecast. 0.75 Contacted Ben Roeger RE: 4CDC meeting and grant to CRC. 0.25 11/15/2013 Updated sheets in financial information packet as of 10/31/13 and prepared packet for commissioners. 2.5 Reviewed invoices with Steve Engelking. 0.25 Prepped invoices and purchase orders to be submitted. 1.25 Reviewed emails RE: brokers for Shapiro's building. 0.5 Michael Lee 506 W Smokey Row Rd. Date: 12/1/13 Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice 201311 11/18/2013 Meeting with Tony Birkla, Shaun Cofer and Ross Nixon RE: the Mezz project. 0.75 Revised 2013 budget and sent to Dave Bowers and Jim Higgins. 0.5 Created motions for change orders and reserve transfers for CRC meeting. 0.25 Replied to emails RE: Legacy TIF in 2013 and bond payments. 0.5 Contacted Law Department RE: Barnes &Thornburg contracts and sent purchase orders for American Structurepoint. 0.5 11/19/2013 Looked into WSH invoices for Cindy Sheeks. 0.25 Gathered all CRC 902 fund monthly balances from December 2012 to October 2013 for Bob Reynolds. 0.25 Organized CRC files from move. 2.5 Discussed revised budget with Dave Bowers. 0.25 11/20/2013 Reviewed audit trails from January through October. Made notes on when corrections were made. Sent audit trails and notes to Bob Reynolds. 1.5 Responded to vendor RE: invoice submitted and payment. 0.25 Organized more files in CRC office. 0.75 11/21/2013 Phone conversations with Bill Hammer, Jim Higgins and Dave Bowers RE: information for monthly CRC meeting. 0.5 Prepared documents for meeting. 0.5 Reviewed documents and notes to prepare for meeting. 1 Attended CRC monthly meeting. 2 11/22/2013 Responded to emails RE: vendor payments and upcoming meetings. 0.5 Emailed CRC monthly forecast and financial information packet to City Council. 0.25 11/25/2013 Attended meeting with Bill Hammer, Mike McBride and Steve Engelking RE: the Mezz status and Nash status. 0.75 Researched Legacy TIF for 2013 and 2014 allocations. 0.75 Reviewed Sophia Square invoice with agreement. Researched property taxes for garage. 1.5 Researched bollard information for Parcel 13 OTS. 0.25 Reviewed sheet provided by Pedcor RE: $1 M reserve. 0.5 Michael Lee 506 W Smokey Row Rd. Date: 12/1/13 Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice 201311 11126/2013 Responded to emails from Cindy Sheeks RE: CRC cash balance. 0.25 Reviewed CRC invoices. 0.5 Reviewed esimated Legacy TIF for 2013 0.5 Telephone conversation with Jim Higgins and Bob Reynolds RE: Legacy TIF. 1.25 11/27/2013 Attended CRC Finance Committee meeting. 1.75 Prepared claims for Redevelopment Department invoices. 0.25 Total Hours 58.25 Total Fee $2,330.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. RoLy ": Terms TA/ 460 32— Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) !-1-143 -2- 01,31) '`V e mlie 'In S(� 'c 2 33 1 °� Total 00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Aichol Le IN SUM OF $ 506' V 5mok(lY Rove RJ 4r-m F 1, 1 41 460-32— $ ?, '3v at ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR ash D2/LfY*)3U" Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 3 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except /.,-- 201'5 -Sign tur Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund