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227543 12/18/2013
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 051125 Page 1 of 1 w ONE CIVIC SQUARE ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CHECK AMOUNT: $237.85 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PROCESSING CENTER PO BOX 856680 CHECK NUMBER: 227543 LOUISVILLE KY 40285-6680 CHECK DATE: 12/18/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4350900 60 . 93 03KO121202766 1125 4350900 32 . 60 03KO120095351 1205 4239099 10 . 36 03KO121776199 1701 4239099 17 . 14 13K7220327048 1801 4350900 45 . 90 03KO121975593 2200 4239099 24 . 73 03KO120048525 2201 4238900 46 . 19 13KO117821082 0r ' service.icemountainwater.com Pole ` #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 v 11/01/13- 11/30/13 03KO121202766 0 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ® e FRI- DEC IIIIII IIII'IIIIIII IIIIIII 'll II 0 0121202766 THU- AN 2 MON- FEB 24 TUE- MAR 25 t_y i I C CITY OF CARMEL PARKS DEPARTMENT l^E 0 9 2013 Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 MANDY SPADY Pay your bill online at:service.icemountainwater.com or 1411 E 116TH ST by phone at: 1-800-472-9888.It's freel CARMEL IN 46032-3455 IMf�OR7ANT� Effective Januaryl�st, 2014�, therewill�be a;$0:28 increase:isnour"rronthly�fuel�surhargerates , For details,please visit eservlce icemountamwater.comtwel or call us direCHI, at 1-80;0-47,2=9888. ' e c • w� ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL PARKS DEPT/MONON CENTER,1235 CENTRAL PARK DR EAST,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 72.60 11/10 748953 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -18.28 11/21 821864 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -54.32 11/19 0010051400 4 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 17.16 2 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 6.58 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 4 CHARGED, 5 CREDITED -6.00 0857616619 8 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 34.32 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 8 CHARGED, 8 CREDITED .00 11/30 0860323708 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5624501 RENT 5.99 TOTAL 60.93 DawKINO W Afe R- MCX, 1 Oct 1- 4a 5orl w BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY 1N CASE of ERRORS OR QuESrloNS AsouT vouR aILL,OR FOR FOUR INVOICE-4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND I• Please INFORMATION, CALL 1.800-472-9888 OR WRITE US AT: PLEASE remember payment is due b the" 2. Remember,if you are renting e Y pay by"date noted to ensure the smoothest service. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CO, your first invoice will include a pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month' #216 Y equipment cur rental is charged one month in advance.That means 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 1 Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 if you prefer, your account number on s rental. You can pay your bill online at service.icemountainwater.comr check, Ifyou think your bill is wron 4. Never hesitate to call and do not send cash. a transaction on 9,or if you need more information about US With Comments,questions,your bill,"'Fite us on a separate sheet of or concerns. must hear from you in writing no later than thirty aper We sent you the first bill on which the error or problem$30)days after we telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights Fred.You can give us the following information: Your letter, SAMPLE I N VO I C Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. C The dollar amount of the suspected error. G Describe the error Date range of this invoice and explain if you can,why you believe there is an error, You are obligated to pay the parts ofyour bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being investigated.During the investigation,we cannot report as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in account 1z3as67s90 GENE question. t 00/00/00-00/00/0° Your Account Number 1.Paymentsrece received VOICE)date will THq-OCE Da 123456769 your next invoice.Past due invoices(not paid within MoD-OCr 29 appear on Important WEO-DO91, Watch here for a billing date 30 days of news roE-one may be assessed a late fee as allowed b and a,l M:1{1»gbllttdA«ItIO,LtAL,dFIt!«IhaIAdB C-11 5m, I_So ,,z-9888 erso exceed S20 per month.Additionally, Y law not to P nalized account rate not to xOffers 123..e TnenkyouforuxinB,ttMOUnulnproducls message expenses may be assessed at a rate not to exceed Collection/attorney 100%of the 123 Mate st ,na aam•aa. g unpaid balance or the maximum allowed 5 00000 by law. MdFI!J AL 1a�n16.n«4C«L«444Ld9H 2.Each returned check n subject to a service charge subject to the maximum check return charge allowable in your State, 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown at CURRENT Activity 6xm�e t ACTIVITY, Pay electronically 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lose, sa A since your stolen,dams AccouNT Arnv,Tr m "" Make sure damaged or not returned. last invoice «x •»« «« this 5.In accordance with NW 0eu�eryAaae:::urn"ore n3Mams,�e•c e,vstate 00600 amount has been and Equipment Lease and/orAServme Agreemenioaccount may be �•�°°a�,a"Ce paid in full to subject to minimum monthly purchases and/or earl n, 3ness,aaa+ 5 SWNonNatwalSpnngWatpr xzxx avoid late fees fees.(A complete version ofthecurremT&C may be viewed olnithe /,� B,vass4aM s CeMO°mansc,ocw t�: ;i ,aax website listed below) Upon service discontinuation,rent for the 0911 "'�',4a4 maM°°mam sca, xx.xx 69/,2 3,818380„ w n 9e xx Monthly Oil Leased a9n1 ,660669] qen, `x= t` xzxx Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle t Surcharge,Fuel in which service is discontinued. rorai xzxx 6,You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge, .. Fuel Surcharge or Surcharge or Delivery Delivery Fee as described in your T&C. Only one of these fees _ Fee(see#6 under Will apply to each account. Payment stub .B DO:a NCE .,xMEM MfD+66Rx _ .aYTM' The fee that applies to ACCOUNT SUMMARY x — — M6wR c xzxx � "Genrenrat is stated on the front of the invoice.For Your account w-a----�,_n mg. t Information) o furtheri ...e..a,"r_._o,<E°.,<.o.r.,,_..__._._ visit the website listed below information please center, or contact our customer service � �� ACCOUNT NUMBER PAYBY PAY TMMS%MOUNT 1234562896 w 00 00 7. As a food product, bottled water IS subject to The rules and ,NVO,CE NUMBER KIM DATE MT ENCLOSED regulations 1234562890 oofoo/w Promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration(FDA). 8.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on 0429096307 04282712619 090393049 2004 1B delivery,along with an Your firs[ pnnooe Amount due y applicable bottle and account deposits, CpOd yNATER COMVAN redemption fees,and any Mama will reflect charges for water dispenser and dispenser rental,bottle ogseme 00060 charges.All future invoices deposits and credits plus charges for an Wad»a«IfL.r91t.dL.ii GtL•L«b44GAa. {pq CUSTOME0.SERVKE ULL,-B6W1L9999 - Submit your ordered b ❑s,cDwwgree u,o is,9^upRp°'"'°^"�""� `"^Y(iw"9a,OngeerseSW Payment by this Y you. Deliveries are made every three dor[fourlweeksu otr _ date a total of 16-17 deliveries per year.You will only receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. - . service.icemountainwater.com mme A ' #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 11/01/13- 11/30/13 03KO120095351 0 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FRI- DEC 20 0120095351 7, MON- FEB 24 TUE- MAR 25 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC DEPT. 9 2013 Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Pay your bill online at:service.icemountainwater.com or 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 _ by phone at: 1-800-472-9888.It's free! W a ° m�, �:� ..,. ,.�..a . �...- ...g.s.: ,�,,�� , .•fir, --�, . .,. � m�. .�,,: IMPOR,TAPITEfFective ,larivary 1st;201�4, there wlllbe;a$0:28Increase=�nour monthlyfuelsurchar,.ge rates For details, please visit eseruice.ICemouatalnwater:com/fue°I or catl�us�dlrectly,,at 1-80U-472 9858. ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: P CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC DEPT.,1427 E 116TH ST,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 65.03 11/10 748954 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -26.43 11/21 821865 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -38.60 11/20 0857616577 2 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 6.58 4 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 17.16 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 4 CHARGED, 5 CREDITED -6.00 11/30 0860307966 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5538081 RENT 11.98 TOTAL 32.60 `!26-1-13-4-3E50 900 ACCOUNT SUMMARY I PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT Subject to terms on reverse side. IL 65.03 — 65.03 + 32.60 = 32.60 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE-4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL,OR FOR I REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION, PLEASE I• Please remember payment is due b the"pay b " CALL 1-800-472-9888 OR WRITE US AT: y P Y Y date noted t0 ensure the smoothest service. 2. Remember,if you are renting equipment,your equipment rental is charged one month in advance.That means ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CO. your first invoice will include a pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month's rental. 6661 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on our check, 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 If you prefer,you can a LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 pay your bill online at service.ieemountainwater.com and do not send cash. If you think your bill is wrong,or if you need more information about 4. Never hesitate to call US with comments,questions,or concerns. a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet of paper.We must hear from you in writing no later than thirty(30)days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared.You can A telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights.In your letter, SAMPLE INVOICE give us the following information: • Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. The dollar amount of the Suspected error. Date range of this invoice • Describe the error and explain ifyou can,why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts ofyour bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being at investigated.During the investigation,we cannot report your account oor0ol0o-00i00100 123+5e7890 Your Account Number as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. t GENERAL INFORMATION TR-DC a 23+3678 I.Payments received after the billing(INVOICE)date will a AoN oa 2v Watch here for a Important "°NOY" Your next invoice.Past due invoices(not paid within 30 days of news and DEC,e billing date)ma be tkprdNN�Mff1Nd^,ptLlduGarltltl..tla6d,ip. customer Service 1,eown-9eae personalized account Y assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to message exceed$20 Per month.Additionally,third ar offers I"'De ma^R roe m.R,lrgm•MR�°u,^PF^�•<+• P ry collection/attorney 23 MRin S o0011.O d 3e expenses may be assessed at a rate not to exceed 100%of the cn,s,m unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law; udCd4J 96 dt,.;dt;.at9wrr4�u.M.a�a 2.Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the _ maximum check return charge allowable in your state. '� Pay electronically 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT ACTIVITY Activity 4. Equipment replacement costs w stolen,damaged or not returned. ill since Our ev .xv--•^••'^-^°m^'" Make sure this be charged for bottles lost, your ACCOUNT ACTIVITY last invoice a oo9oD amount has been 5.In accordance with N ceB e Aaare:::nnoDoe. 13Ma1^s,r tear paid in full t0 WNA's Terms and Conditions("T&C"),your • PFMOUS BaW^« xxx.xx Equipment Lease and/ Page^, xx avoid late fees Or Service Agreement account may 00/31 WWII sG.1-Nm 1S0�9`A'a,R, x subject to minimum monthl be n, 3neas,w++ s d xxxx y purchases and/or early cancellation rn 3n8BS14aM s s Gal ceao fees.(A complete version of the current T&C may be viewed on the mm 317 Bes,uu s Mw^,RnsGalR x'Ix Monthly Oil website listed below)Upon service discontinuation,rent for the p9�" 3'BZwee„ ' a�sermarge r vn� xxxx 091 fib 0 9 Surcharge,Fuel Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle C4, in which service is discontinued. O AL x Surcharge or Delivery 6.You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge,Fuel Surcharge or Fee(see#6 under Delivery Fee as described in your T&C. Only E�RREmAETNDY _ =AYTM�3N^W"F Genera y one of these fees R W3B w E ...EN 7 0m + — "General will a Payment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY — x -- Information") apply to each account The fee that applies is stated on the front of the invoice.For furtherinformat on pleases xxxx w ,A,,,,1.A,,,,,+o<. oo�>•r•e ara•o•a:or_.—o,c�couc - PAY BY PAY THIS AMOUNT visit the website listed below OC contact our customer service oa:nw RJa+e rtwn wN r^e'wr^u^ 4CCOUM NUMBER xxxx center. F23us7e9O oOi000O INVOICE NUMBER BILLING OATS T ENCLOSED 7. As a food product, burled water is subject to the rules and 123+367890 OOtoN00 regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug 619 000391049 2004 to Administration(FDA). 0420096307 04282712 1 Amount due 8.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first fan^ delivery,along with any applicable bottle and account de ICE MDUNrA1N wArtB COMPANY 123M 055 a"'""aNeaEw•+m""«. .a.�`. c;Fy,s,ace DOOOO redemption fees,and any dispenser charges.All future my suss Submit your FOR CUSTOMER SEPNCE GLLL,d00-<>2-9888 will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental,bottle uaa i a m,,:rfl�s Ik tt I.n`t:�641d«!«tl. ❑�^a,rvcn• o^""`><z"` payment by this deposits and credits plus charges for any additional Cl sG UI"FRE ur n+B,R•w��mD^ xs r date ordered b Products -. •._p s, r„ :.`, _ .. yYou. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks,for a total of I6-17 deliveries per year.You will only receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. ©2008 Ice Mountain attain Spring Water Company,a Division of Nestle ater.com Waters North America Inc. Form No.NW 709 08112 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARM EL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 051125 Ice Mountain Terms P.O. Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285-6680 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO # Amount 12/4/13 3KO121202766 Drinking water& cooler- MCC $ 60.93 12/4/13 3KO120095351 Drinking water& cooler- Maintenance $ 32.60 Total $ 93.53 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20— Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 051125 Ice Mountain Allowed 20 P.O. Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285-6680 In Sum of$ $ 93.53 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General fund/109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1091 3K012120276 4350900 $ 60.93 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 3KO120095351 4350900 $ 32.60 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 12-Dec 2013 Signature $ 93.53 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund service.icemountainwater.com #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 G LOUISVILLE KY 40258 11/01/13- 11/30/13 13K0117821082 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED e II I it l l l III II I I I I� I� TtH AN 16 OU- 0117821082 TUE- FEB 18 WED- MAR 19 Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPATMENT Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. 3400 W 131 ST ST Remember,past due accounts are subject to a late fee. CARMEL IN 46074-8267 Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your III1{{11'11`11{"{'11{III'{'1{I"111'11{11{11{'I{11111"1{"I{"{ convenience,pay online:service.icemountainwater.com. If payment has been made,we thank you. IMPORTANTEffectl�e�Janury 1s2014 there wlll,be a.$0.28 Increase"in our monthly fueucharge=rates . For details;��please��rsit eservice.leemourtainwater�:com/,fuel or,callus�directly a 1=800=47�2�9888 F, .� ' Y ON ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT,3400 W 131TH ST,CARMEL IN 46074 PREVIOUS BALANCE 75.55 11/10 748951 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -38.65 11/13 0856683214 5 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 17.45 5 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT 30.00 3 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 9.87 3 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN -18.00 11/30 0860290949 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5508425 RENT 3.99 TOTAL 83.09 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT Subject to terms on reverse side. 75.55 — 38.65 + 46.19 = 83.09 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY IN CASE A REPORT FONRWAT QUESTIONS ANDg10NFORMAT ON, P EFoE YOUR INVOICE_q WAYS To y HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER CA t-soo-a7z-WA OR QUALITY us AT: 1- Please remember Payment is due b 2. Remember,if Y the"pay by"date noted to ensure the smoothest service. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CO. you are renting a uip #216 Your first invoice will include P ment,your equipment rental is charged one month in advance.That means 6661 DIXIE kWy Pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month's rental. SUITE 4 1 Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 If You prefer, You can pay your bill online at service.icemountainwater,com If you think your bill is wron 4. Never hesitate to call us with a transaction on g=or ifyou need more information about COmmettt5,gUeSilOttS,Or Your bill,write us on a separate sheet of concerns. must hear from you in writing no later than thirty aper.We sent you the first bill on which the error or problem a30)days after we telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights- You can give us the following information: g ts.In Your letter, Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. SAMPLE I��®'�E The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain ifyou can,wh Date range of this invoice an error. y you believe there is You are Obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being investigated,During the investigation,we as delinquent or take an cannot report your account y action to collect the amount oioo oo-ootooroo 1231567890 GENE t in question, Your Account Number GENERAL INFORMATION 1.Payments received after the bill in THB-oa a 123156799 Your next invoice. g(INVOICE)date will appear MoN o zs Past due invoices(not paid within 30 days of Important Y]EO-Nov 2, Watch here for a billing date may Y news and vE-oec+B y be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to tt tF;ittlabNd7tHd.6lIRilddL.;dll4.p•°flddp. cmm s,ro 1-800-47z-9B8a personaliZed account exceed$20 per month.Additionally,third party collection/attorney offers "n^ message expenses may be assessed tz3M sr Thank you br usM9,<e Mw,nWnpmtlum at rate not to exceed 100%of the arys se oo000 ,na,<ma unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law LMdWt "UL..;d6.di�..a1,b6"i.:`t;.t.44d"M 2.Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the maximwn check return charge allowable in your State. 3. Al( bottle and wn+an.�rowa�cwAT�,w ACTIVITY. equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT$+ r �? Pay electronically Activity �� 4. All s. Equipment replacement costs will be charged since your - „ pw,e m,ax, stolen,damaged or not returned. g for bottles lost, ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Make sure this 5.In accordance with NWNA§ last invoice <�wrk..k,a�aN�� k, Equipment Terms and Conditions("T&C" O IN„YAdd.e:.:]°nnOoe,,28Mabs<reeL city,stare 08000 amount has been Lease and/or Service Agreement ),Your R .ealaMe subjsubject o mum account be fiankYOU xx paid in full to ect mini may BB S, 451898 payme^, xxxx monthly purchases and/or early 31]800144H 5 9 WIbn Na115 1 avoid late fees.(A complete version oCthe c y cancellation n, a,7ees14aa, s k<Abun=anscalo a^i= a �� fees current may be viewed on the °”" s1788s,4.4a s k°MOUma,nsGalan s xxxx websile listed below asnz S,e:5s98ii ws^+ ,o, w xx Month) Leased Equipment is)c charged through the end of the b fling cycle z E6�°49] a,n `F`to A xxxx y Otl Surcharge in which service is discontinued. ,Fuel roTAt , nl,l 4� -a'd' xxxx Surcharge 6.You will be charged a month) Surcharge, or Delivery Delivery Fee as described in Your Only one of these fees - Fee(see#6 under Will apply to each account. T Payment stub '°"`" YM°"'7"°jUfMf"`+C0 `""''"'"`" _ °"�'"'"MO° ' 'General is stated on the r he fee that applies to your ACCOUNT SUMMARY PPF'"O0 NCE— NT font of the invoice. account ,axx xxxx M olce.For xxxx visit the website listed below Cunher information please •a �"••°'°°°"_ --- ua•°e=�^•�•�"° ! Information") or contact our ----°"'tl` ------------------- °a' ACCOUNr NUMBER n.�7��- deposits BY PAY THIS AMOUNT center. ClIS(Omef service xxxx 234567890 As a food product, bottled water Is subject to ,W.,CENUMBER DATE T,ENCLOSED regulations 1 the rules and z 4s5789a aoo 7. Administration(FDA). by the Federal Food and Drug 8.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first 042009630 0426000391049 zoo4 to delivery,along with arl a ' Amount due Y PPlicable bottle and account deposits, CEMOU N.I ATERCOMrANY redemption fees,and any dispenser charges AI! future invoices aNwln<wide reflect char o 0000 ges for water delivered and dispenser rental,bottle Ldadad..H6„„dL „ mr" x samzEUU,asoo�n-vase Submit your deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products �" a<ordered by you. Deliveries are made every twee or four weeks,for s"'"°`°A`B 11O°"s ucB „«r,o-,B<°<�a<sw< ! payment by this a total of 16-17 deliveries per year.You will only receive invoices date 12 times pet year,so approximately 5 of those in will vo'ces two deliveries. reflect ©2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company,a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. service.icemountain Water.com Form No.NW 709 08112 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT'NO. ALLOWED 20 Ice Mountain IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40285-6680 $46.19 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 113KO117821082 I 42-389.001 $46.19 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Frid Al Dec fiber 1 013 IBRW Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/04/13 13KO117821082 $46.19 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer service.icemountainwater.corn f®rd MJ ' 6 #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 0 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 11/01/13- 11/30/13 03KO121776199 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 39��� IZS TUE- JAN 07 0121776199 II I II I 1 1111 IIII I I III I III 9 11 THU_ FEB 06 MON- MAR 10 TUE- APR 08 CITY OF CARMEL HUMAN RESOURCES Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 JIM SPELLBRING Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. 1 CIVIC SQ Remember,past due accounts are subject to a late fee. CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your IIII�IIIIIIIIII'III'lllllll'I'1'111'lllllllllll"'III��III'llllll convenience,pay online:service.icemountainwater.com. If payment has been made,we thank you. IMPORTANT: Oe-ctive.lamary 1st, 201'4, there will,. e a $0.28 increase in our monthly fuel surcharge rates. For details;please visit eservlce.icemountalnwater com/fuel_or call us directly at 1-800-472-9888. Iry _ avm a � ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL, 1 CIVIC SO, HUMAN RESOURCE DEPT,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 26.68 11/10 748952 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -16.32 11/04 0855317954 1 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 3.49 BOTTLE DEPOSIT: 1 CHARGED, 1 CREDITED .00 11/30 0860355429 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5513471 RENT 3.99 TOTAL _ 20.72 D Q 0 DEC 1 6 2013 1 ay ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT-AC IVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT Subject to terms on reverse side. 26.68 16.32 + ( 10.36 = 20.72 - --- -------- ----------------- ------ --------------------------------------------- ------- BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE-4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL,OR FOR A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION, PLEASE I- Please remember payment is due by the"pay by"date CALL I-800-472-9s88 OR WRITE US AT: 2. Remember,if you are renting equipment,your equipment noted rental ensure s charged one month in advance.That means ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CO. your first invoice will include a pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month's rental. 6266 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed include your account number on 6661 DIXIE HWY.,SUITE 4 Kindly prefer,you can a o LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 Pay Your bill online at service.icemountainwater.comr check, and do not send cash. 4 Ifyou think your bill is wrong,or if you need more information about . Never hesitate to call us with comments,questions,or concerns. a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet of paper.We must hear from you in writing no later than thirty(30)days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared.You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights.In your letter, SAMPLE INVOICE give us the following information: Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. • The dollar amount of the suspected error, Date range of this invoice • Describe the error and explain if you can,why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being as delinquent or take any action E' investigated.During the investigation,we cannot re or[ P Your account 0oworoo-oorooroo 23x662890 your Account Number to collect the amount in question. t GENERAL INFORMATION HR.o o 123'56789 1.Payments received after the billing(INVOICE)date will a MoN 29 appeal on Important 'fiE°N0°�' Watch here for a Your next invoice.Past due invoices(not paid within 30 days of news and uE DEC,e billing date)may be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to IkNa,iO.s{i�fltdllo�IN,61p6adUC"YL,tlddN j Personalized eoD-az.9ees personalized account exceed$20 per month.Additionally, offers nD mankY«'1",usl,glceMWnvinR.na„a. message y,third party collection/attorney a..nlce:. expenses may be assessed at a rate not to exceed 100%of the c��r$td1e 00000 unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law. I.d6d dAb,.;,u»�a4..�tt.►�.6^tit,uF.{„tf 2.Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the maximum check return charge allowable in your Slate, ir, 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT ”' a PaY electronically ACTIVITY. Activity 4. Equipment replacement costs will be char ed for since our ` I � •��� `°"«"'°^°""`1d0O4"-'•°' Make sure this g bottles lost, y ACCOUNT AcnvnY ° Make stolen,damaged or not returned. 5.In accordance with NWN last invoice amount has been oer;very Aaa,e+::)0000«.u3 nwm sneeu 006,x,= paid in full to A's Terms and Conditions("T&C"),your e,�,m4,8x1404 xxxx Equipment Lease and/or Service Agreement account may be wmx m kra, avoid �), 461�R xxxx late fees subject to minimum monthly n, )„aes, GoUa,ns 9po fees.(A complete version of he currrent T&C may be l viewed on the n, snses,ew+ s la i xxxx 49/I, ),]88814444 S Ice M....... Monthly Oil website listed below U w"z ;'B2fi3�)' ' R•n, ,xxx pon service discontinuation,rent for the 0911a9z 1 4` t ,i` - Surcharge,Fuel Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle r �'" in which service is discontinued. TOTAL ' Surcharge or Delivery 6.You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge,Fuel Surcharge or Fee(see#6 under Delivery Fee as described in your T&C. Only ne r..MF,m,m9nMF.n+<4x•EN.+�,YD+ _ AY . rMl,xM00H, t Y of these fees „F„0„:aAUA4F_ "General will apply to each account. The fee that applies to Payment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY xxxx xxxx ---- --- ? is stated on the front oft PP your account he invoice.For xx visit the website listed further information please --'--"�---�---�-------� ������ c•eon+d cn aueva rtevn wnn m+e•vn"^' ACCOUNT NUM0.E0. PAYBY 0.'Y THIS AMOUNT below or contact our customer service Ooroora xx center. 1,,,N 890 INVOICE NUMBER BILLING DATE MT.ENCFOSEO 7. As a food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and 113+662890 oorooroo regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration(FDA). 0420096307 04,82712619 000391049 2009 1e 8.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first ? Amount due delivery,along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, .cEoL,NTAwwATERCOMrANV john°°° redemption fees,and any,dispenser charges.All future invoices ,zs M4m sF cc9.st— 00000 will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental,bottle ! submit your LdtL6.dNlM"J) dL tl LR;,F:.64t.Ld�R aOk NBTOME0.8ERVICF CALL 8004)9888 t Am'CNMnOn Revn,xSW '-. payment by this deposits and credits plus charges for any additional products ❑slGnOawRV D, nsn40"wm��OnRM„xve4 ' date ordered b --- y you, Deliveries are made every three or four weeks,for a total of 16-17 deliveries per year.You will only receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. 0_©2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company,a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. service.icemountainwater.com Form No.NW 709 08112 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Ice Mountain IN SUM OF $ PO Box 856680 Louisville, KY 40258 $10.36 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Administration Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 103KO121776199 I 42-390.99 I $10.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, December 16, 2013 Director, Administration Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 12/04/13 03KO121776199 $10.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer service.icemountainwater.com #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 11/01/13- 11/30/13 03K0121975593 / LOUISVILLE KY 40258 ON"OVANVEM ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED — II'I II I'I III II III III I I I I I II I III TIHOU AN 09 0121975593 MON- FEB 10 WED- MAR 12 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISION DON CLEVELAND Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 30 W MAIN STREET Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. SUITE 220 Remember,past due accounts are subject to a late fee. CARMEL IN 46032-1938 Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your I'��' 'III�I'II�II��I' 'IIIIIII�"IIII�III�I"'ll�"'ll�l�ll'I�„ convenience,pay online:service.icemountainwater.com. If payment has been made,we thank you. IMPORTANT: Effective Janua 1st, 2014, the a wlll be a $0 28 increase in our month) fuel urctiar a rates. �. i __For Beta I, please wish a ery a icemo ntainwater com/fuOl r call us directly at;1-800-472-9888. li ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION,30 W MAIN ST STE 220,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 21.98 11/10 748949 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -10.99 11/06 0855604377 3 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 22.74 3 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT 18.00 1 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 3.29 2 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN -12.00 11/30 0860359579 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5586129 RENT 10.99 TOTAL 56.89 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT Subject to terms on reverse side. 21.98 — 10.99 + 45.90 = 56.89 BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY IN A RASE OF ER ORS RRQUAS QUALITY INFORMATION,OR BIL OR ADSR YOUR INVOICE-4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER CALL I-soo-a7z- I. Please remember payment is due b vsas OR WRITE Us AT; y the"pay by"date noted to ensure the smoothest service. ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER CO. z' Remember,if YOU are renting 6661 your first invoice will include a pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month's rental. g equipment,your equipment rental is charged one month in advance.That means 6661 DIXIE Ii WY,SUITE 4 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 If you prefer,you can a Ifyou think your bill is wrong,or ifyou need more information about pay your bill online at serviee.icernountainwater-comr check, and d0 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, not send cash. a transaction on your bill,write us on a se sheet (IUCSIIOnS,Or C must hear from you in writing no later thane thirty(30) of paper.We concerns. sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared,You r we telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights.In your letter, give us the following information; SAMPLE INVOICE • Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe ate range of this invoice be the error and explain ifyou can,why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it investigated.During the investigation, cannot report your account is being we as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in f 00100100-00100/00 1234567890 quesquestion, Your Account Number GENERAL INFORMATION ' 1.Payments received after the billing(INVOICE) NR OCf- 133456789 Your next invoice.Past due invoigces n�ICE)date will a mr,—29 appear on Important W@P21 Watch here for a billing date ma ( paid within 30 days of news 3uF,DEC 0ec�e y be assessed a late fee as allowed y not to and talk`tllh.A6,7t11b1,.,IlO,Lttl4:,ttlq.d..nadu. personalized exceed S20 per month.Additionally,third party b law Crammer Service.i-800./>29888 account expenses may p tycollection/attorney offers pbn0« nmFro",p,",Lament«n�Mproeau message y be assessed at a rate not to exceed 100%of the 123 Mainst � < , unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law, atysaat< 00000 I..la 1,I,.tIL,.,db,d4.it La L LI.LLd d 2.Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the maximum check return charge allowable in your State, 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT H e o mowabu9ao4an y E} .ma oama_ awX�aNL9 ^ ACTIVITY. <. o-akna. x ?°" °° ti e a pay electronically Activity t 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost, I m - stolen,damaged ince your accouNTarnwTr P N .••� 4 w •°•�^ ""�°" Make sure ged or not returned. last invoice a this 5.In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions("T&C" 0<uKryAaa.<a:.bhn09e.IZ3Mams"«E o",S,-o6000 amount has been Equipment Lease and/or Service A ).Your na.4w,a6aiance xx.xx paid in full to subject to minimum month) greement account may be oenl 46,a9e PaYme°`-ma.xrp" xxxx avoid late fees Y Purchases and/or early cancellation m n766suw 5 BWIbn Natmal6pringWato %x%x fees.(Acompiete version of the currentT&C ma m lneaslu44 s meMOwumsWioeros" .... website listed below)U maybe viewed on the o9ni v>ees w s ¢<Aw nmMS Wm<4m - % Upon service discontinuation,rent for the "'"' ;8361881 wdswrna.9 %„.x% Monthly oil Leased Equipment is charged through rvic 09111 1caw.w 4N '1"�` ` in which service is discontinued. the end of the billing cycle Surcharge,Fuel TOTAL X%.N% 6.You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge,Fuel Surcharge or Surcharge Or Delivery Delivery Fee as described in your T&C. Only one of These tees Fee(See#6 under will apPlY to each account. The fee that applies to your account payment stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY S°"`^""— `M'NVAaUO"""'+N""` "C11b = °"•T"�sxxi°:"` "General is stated °f�O° `" on the front of the invoice.For further info _____ n") locxx visit the website listed ______ s,a.nN«mb"an.�Ta�. Informatio below or information please ------------------------------------------------ center. contact our customer service ACCOUM NUMBER PPY BY PAT H15 AMOUM 123456]890 00 00 00 7. As a food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and jw"CE NUMBER Wuwc DATE T.ENaosE0 regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug s67690 ooto6loo Administration(FDA). 8.Your first i"VOice indicates the products delivered on your firs] 0420096307 04262712639 00039]049 2004 16 delivery,along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, i"en 0« Amount due KE MOUNTAIN WATE0.COMPANY 123 Main St redemption fees,and any 'Q•1b" """""°"'""" �` n"s—D0o00 Will reflect charges for watedrtdelivered and dtspeniser rental bottle deposits and credits plus charges for an JL.,ILSt1..LO.L.LULI,a.a OFNSTOMfPSFmKEwadm+>z9aea Submit your ordered b (� cNUPwRFR FAUOP4 9"pRttMrcaO Payment by this y you. Deliveries are made every three or four for date a total of 16-17 deliveries per year.}bu will only receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. ©2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company,a Division of Nestle Waters North America Inc. I$r service.icemountainwater.com Form No.N W 709 08112 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee T (e AqJm, I Purchase Order No. P0. 64, F5(C01 O Terms `"� t'15 yi Ile ; k1V 7��2��� (� Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 1L.-4-13 03KUi21 175593 wAfer Total +-f 5:90 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 T�� �G�i,�11��1�1 l/�j"Ce IN SUM OF $ 9 S K ' L4 z 9 5 600' $ S wU ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR )-50 X00 Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# '+ I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or U0 I 0302-0-75-93 433'090b `h5.� bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except J3_ 201 Sig t re Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund service.icemountainwater.com #215 6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 H 0 LOUISVILLE KY 40258 11/01/13- 11/30/13 03K0120048525 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED e gi TUE- JAN 07 0120048525 THU- FEB 06 MON- MAR 10 TUE- APR 08 CITY OF CARMEL DEPT OF ENGINEERING Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 LISA SCOTT OR JUDY STOHLER Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. 1 CIVIC SQ Remember,past due accounts are subject to a late fee. CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your convenience,pay online:service.icemountainwater.com. If payment has been made,we thank you. Kdd a little sparkle to your Holltlay with our International Brands! Save $2 When you order any case of S Pellegrino Sparkling or AcquaJ a",_Mineral Water Also ave $2 when you buy�two bottles of;NEW Nestea Liquid Water Enhancers.=Call'>1�:800-472-9888 to order now! ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL,1 CIVIC SQ, CITY ENGINEERING DEPT,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 49.46 11110 748950 PAYMENT-THANK YOU -24.73 11/04 0855317913 5 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 17.45 5 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT .00 1 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 5 7$9 7 0 j 7 3.29 4 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN .00 11/30 K5521702 RENT �ry � ��� 3.99 TOTAL DECEIVED '� 49.46 2013 CARMEL CITY ENGINEER c� ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY THIS AMOUNT I Subject to terms on reverse side. 49.46 — 24.73 + 24.73 = 49.46 --------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ - -------------------------------------------Re _,:at,..:,'� _ea.r,. �x _ '=�€r - �r�_ .�.;i mss- �T. . .�.'::'t• �.ki,.�r.�`Y�, BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY YOUR INVOICE-4 WAYS TO HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL,OR FOR A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION, PLEASE I• Please remember payment is due by the"pay by'date noted to ensure the smoothest service. CALL I-800-972-9888 OR WRITE US AT: 2. Remember,if you are renting equipment,your equipment rental is charged one month in advance.That means ICE MOUNTAIN SPRING 1VATER CO. your first invoice will include 6216 a pro-rated fee for the current month,plus the next month's rental.6661 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include your account number on your check, and do not send cash. ►f you prefer,you can a LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 pay your bill online at serviee.icemountainwater.com 1 f you chink your bill is wrong,or ifyou need more information about 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments,questions,or concerns, a transaction on your bill,write us on a separate sheet of paper.We must hear from you in writing no later than thirty(30)days after we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared.You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights.In your letter, SAMPLE give us the following information: LE fN VOICE Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. The dollar amount of the suspected error. Date range of this invoice Describe the error and explain if you can,why you believe there is an error. You are obligated to pay the parts of your bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being as delinquent or take any action to investigated.During the investigation we cannot report your account /00100-001owoo 1234567990 coll ect the amount in question. Your Account Number GENERAL INFORMATION 2156769 MR.00 M I.Payments received after the billing(INVOICE)date will a oN OQ 29 WE[Y NOV 2, Watch here for a your next invoice.Past due invoices(not paid within 30p days of news and t NE DEC 1e billing date)may ha�yn`apbauni„naa,ta�:atta.a naaa c„„m<,YM<:,sow,2-9888 personalized account Y be assessed a late fee as allowed by law not to n,anasq,,aua,n9+ttMw0tdnpod.�eta message exceed S20 per month.Additionally,third party collection attorney, offers ronn D0. 123 Main St ma aeMeer. expenses may be assessed at a rate not to exceed 100%of the c+tYStat<oa000 unpaid balance or the maximum allowed by law. 6�tltllna«���•u6•�^�a�°NL4a�a 2.Each returned check is subject to a service charge subject to the maximum check return charge allowable in your State. f ', euauntem a�m� �, ° R '. Pay electronically 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT d.y eA uearem0w ery0 p0a<"2° ACTIVITY. Activity 4. Equipment replacement costs will be charged for bottles lost, Since our nurk. i Make sure this Y ACCOUNT ACTIVITY damaged or not returned. last invoice amount has been 5.In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions("T&C"),your ONNetyaaarns:20n07we u3MamsueeL c�wstate 00000 >axx paid in full to Equipment Lease and/or Service A PMwTB+aMa payment-1hanEVw °'� avoid late fees Agreement account may be 00131 161098 %% subject to minimum monthly purchases and/or early cancellation n1 3oeesi.ua s swia0Nawla+sP"rewate' - xzxx /Il 31>0B51NH 5 ke alWn[an SGal De,waR -✓' fees.(A complete version ofthe currentT&C may be viewed on the xzx.x. Monthly pit website listed below)Upon service discontinuation,rent for the 2 3 97 n"n °r 09/12 662+97 'A�� 11 'I*t/ Surcharge,Fuel Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle < a x zxxz in which service is discontinued. O A Surcharge or Delivery 6.You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge,Fuel Surcharge or Fee(see#6 under Delivery Fee as described in 1N1Ae,N1aY _ PA.YIPTA.AOORT "General your T&C. Only one of these fees N a/w0a«re n+C4P" — xz Payment Stub ACCOUNT SUMMARY °"L�OUf"uAH"— xx%x xz.Xx is Iapplytoeachaccount. The fee that a lies to ______----m�m«�me __ Information") PP your account ___ ---- .ua< is stated on the front of the invoice,For further information please M _---Ovum Vb maam rtean•wn,w pryrr..u.r. PAY BY PAY MIS AMOUNT visit the website listed below or contact our customer service ACCOUMNUMBEP «xzz 123A567690 w 00 W center. B,vL DATE T.ENCLOSED 7. As a food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and INVOICE NUMBER 1232567690 MINIM regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration(FDA). 0420o96307 24262712619 000391049 200V lb Amount due 8.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on your first oho0Oe delivery,along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, +CEMWNENN WATER COMPANY 123 Ml s1 .lnadmdN•Na uwr.+Nam Rmvka Vic City,State tt0o00 redemption fees,and any dispenser charges.All future invoices Submit your cow cusromr.R sEawcE LLLE 3aw+n.9666 will reflect charges for water delivered and dispenser rental,bottle raab a.m:'n-;.tt..u.ba r.u►LUa.p ❑%M payment by this Anrena�9e.onRe.r><zma. deposits and credits plus charges for any additional srP+o"werREEAUmRAnsq�upReaA�•aaRe.maa 1 date ordered by you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks, a total of I6-!7 deliveries per year.You will only receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. ©2008 Ice Mountain Spring Water Company, a Division of Nestle Waters North America inc. service.icemountainwater.com Form No.NW 709 08/12 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Ice Mountain Purchase Order No. POB 856680 Terms Louisville, KY 40285-6680 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bills) Amount 12/4/2013 03k water cooler $ 24.73 Total $ 24.73 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. ,20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NC WARRANT NO. Ice Mountain ALLOWED 20 POB 856680 IN SUM OF$ Louisville, KY 40285-6680 $ 24.73 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members Po#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITL AMOUNT DEPT# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 0 03k 2200-4239099 $ 24.73 'or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 12/16/2013 Signature City Engineer Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund service.icemountainwateccom Iii ' � #215 6861 DIXIE HWY,SUITE 4 o LOUISVILLE KY 40258 11/01/13- 11/30/13 13K7220327048 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ® B TUE- JAN 07 THU FEB 06 7220327048 MON- MAR 10 TUE- APR 08 CITY OF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE CLERK TREASURER Customer Service: 1-800-472-9888 ANN DAVIS Did you forget about us? Kindly pay upon receipt. 1 CIVIC SO Remember,past due accounts are subject to a late fee. CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Your prompt payment is appreciated. For your ���IIII'I'I.IiI�'ll""'lll�lllllllll�llllll���llll'I'�Ill�l"I'� convenience,pay online:service.icemountainwater.com. If payment has been made,we thank you. IMPORTANT: Effective January 1st, 2014, there wllllie a $0:28 Increase in o°r monthly fuel surcharge rate details, please visit eservlce icemountalnwater.com/fuel or call us directly at 1=800-472-9888. � a _ _. P ACCOUNT ACTIVITY For questions or a report on water quality and information,call 1-800-472-9888 or visit service.icemountainwater.com. Delivery address: CITY OF CARMEL,1 CIVIC SO, CLERK TREASURER OFFICE,CARMEL IN 46032 PREVIOUS BALANCE 13.65 11104 0855318184 2 5 GAL ICE MOUNTAIN DIRK W/HANDLE 6.98 2 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN BOTTLE DEPOSIT .00 1 9 OZ PLASTIC CUP 50C/SLV 3.29 1 5 GALLON ICE MOUNTAIN DEPOSIT RETURN .00 11/30 0860391465 1 OIL/FUEL SURCHARGE 2.88 K5552550 RENT 3.99 TOTAL 30.79 ACCOUNT SUMMARY PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENT/ADJUSTMENT CURRENT ACTIVITY PAY T�30.79 Subject to terms on reverse side. 13.65 — 0.00 17.14 ------------------------------------------ x BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY IN CASE OF ERRORS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL,OR FOR YOUR INVOICE—4 WAYS TO HELP A REPORT ON WATER QUALITY AND INFORMATION PLEASE US SERVE YOU BETTER CALL 1-800-472-9888 OR WRITE US AT: I. Please remember payment is due by the"Pay 2. Remember,if you are renting e ❑i P y by'date noted to ensure the smoothest service. 6661 your first invoice will include a prom ted fee for the rental is Plus the next month's rental.' That means 6661 DIXIE HWY.,SUITE 4 3. Kindly fill in the amount enclosed, include LOUISVILLE,KY 40258 lfyou prefer,you can a your account number on Ifyou think your bill is wrong,or ifyou need more information about Pay your bill online at sions, .icemountainwater.com 4. Never hesitate to call us with comments, Your check, and do not send cash. a transaction on your bill,write us on a questions,or concerns. must hear from yen inµ,riling no later thane thirty(30)days we We sent you the first bill on which the error or problem appeared.You can telephone us,but doing so will not preserve your rights.In your letter, give us the following information: SAMPLE INVOICE • Your name,address,telephone and account numbers. G The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain if you can,wh Date range of this invoice an error. Y you believe there is You are obligated to pay the parts ofyour bill that are not in question. You do not have to pay the disputed amount while it is being investigated.During the investigation,we cannot report your account as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount in question. ' oot0010o-00t00100 1231567890 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Yourgccount Number " 1.Payments received after the billing(INVOICE)date will a 1NR-Da Iz31s6]99 Your next invoice.Past due invoices appear of Important MONO 29 billing date (not paid within 30 days wEO�Nw21 i Watch here may be assessed a late fee as allowed by law net(p news and - tvE-DEC,e i e for a exceed$20 per month.Additional!,third ILA«.AI«AbdAtid„dIAd,N6.,;NA„W,IIddA off�y- Cmtomer SeMce:180°-1]b9888 personalized account ers 21 w Thanky°ubruslgNeMwneinpoeut message expenses may he assessed at a y Party collection/attorney 123 w”S1 aRA.e.Ma,. unpaid balance or the maximum rate allowed exceed 100% urystaFe 00000 of the c id s-,.A4.,dt�d1,(LLA.;L.IdLI•d A 2.Each returned check is subject to a service(charge subject to the maximum check return charge allowable in your State, 3. All bottle and equipment deposits are shown as CURRENT kRw eoapYmSNa y«�ancaNr ro04Awa & �„ t sevka3mr L'us.. Yp r✓RCk:axuzamia++"ew,wie«tvw+R eoumro' -... ACTIVITY. Ray a ectronically Activity g,: , I . 4. Equipment replacement costs will he charged �. stolen,damaged ged for bottles lost, since Your ACCOUNTACTNRY Make sure maged or not returned. tact invoice this 5.In accordance with NWNA's Terms and Conditions T Deli ry�ddress:MMCOe.R3 Mal"Sweet Ciry$tate 000°0� amount has been Equipment Lease and/or Service Agreement account may be "e"pUS�+aRCe %%xx% paid in full to subject to minimum ; monthly Purchases mr3, 1s,e1e PayWe°`-Th*^xr°° xx n, 3,]BRS11111 : sGa+bnNa,ura+spiigvhte' xxxx avoid late fees fees.(AeompleteversionofthecurrentT&C ma early cancellation m 3vees+«H+ s eeAw4Pta+"sca+oeroF;t - - ,�. website listed below ybeviea'edonthe o9n1 'news" s me MOmaRSw;ReNrP %% Upon service discontinuation,rent for the a9+12 31826308,1 wtha,Be Monthly pit Leased Equipment is charged through the end of the billing cycle �]+] ,a6wAB] Re^' in which service is discontinued. Surcharge,Fuel TOTAL %%x% 6.You will be charged a monthly Oil Surcharge,Fuel Surcharge or Surcharge or Delivery Delivery Fee as described in your T&C. Only one of these fees Fee(see#6 under will apply to each account. The fee that Payment stub .RtY�pO.BM.wct PATMtA„ • °° �uRUen A<mm = e1 is stated applies to your account ACCOUNT SUMMARY — + iNOx,"'uex"� Hera! on the front of the invoice % e visit the .Forfurtherinfor „..,.,,,,,.„o,o.__..>.<..^.<eea.,..-- Inform -------- - — ation') websne listed below information please -----------'-"-'-------------- center. or contact our customer service 6R��wMn,rP ACGOUNt NUMeE0. PAY BY PAY THIS 0.MOUM 123abb>890 00 W 00 7. As a food product, bottled water is subject to the rules and NVOKE NUMBER 0'.GORE MT.ENCLOSED regulations promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug 23156]890 00,0 0,00 Administration(FDA). S.Your first invoice indicates the products delivered on 0420096307 0428YA2619 000393044 2004 11 delivery,along with any applicable bottle and account deposits, Amount due your f r5t CE MOUMA N WATER COMPANY °hn Oce redemption fees,and any •oM .2N.,RF+P.��,.�'^A�w'^,. ,23Mams, y charges will reflect charges for water deliver .All future invoices o,ys2ate 00000 ed and dispenser rental,bottle 4,mL,d.Oq..dG.,,i4.,p„6n..4.L4Wd.A FORCUFTOMGFFWKFULL,-BOO�R9BB8 Submit your deposits and credits Plus charges for any ❑nm,%AYCm,vr,°�Re.e,,awe ordered by Y additional products Payment by this y you. Deliveries are made every three or four weeks,for date a total of 16-17 deliveries per year.You will only,receive invoices 12 times per year,so approximately 5 of those invoices will reflect two deliveries. ServlCe.ICemOuntairiWafef CORp_V Utvuwn of NL'Slle Waters North America Inc. Form No.NW 709 08172 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. �Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 17 Iq Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 T IN SUM OF $ 4 795,- $ -� 14 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), l F K- ( or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund