HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 01-28-14RLN www.structurepoint.com JCS TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.0270 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-3957 7260 SHADELAND STATION 12/20/2013 RLN www.structurepoint.com JCS TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.0270 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-3957 7260 SHADELAND STATION 12/20/2013 RLN www.structurepoint.com JCS TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.0270 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-3957 7260 SHADELAND STATION 12/20/2013 APP JTS 12/20/2013 buffer required per Chapter 33.05.A Perimeter Bufferyard Table** realignment of West Main Street, foundation plantings in this area North: Parkway- 805 l.f. - Lawn provided, Plants to be added with During the interim period, moveable planters will be used to help (to be installed with the redevelopment of Main Street by East: Parkway - 232 l.f. - Building within 20' of Right of Way. No will be designed and installed with construction of Main Street. Provided: 4 Shade Trees - need to keep view triangle open at Required: 23 shade trees + 15 ornamental trees + 113 shrubs * Due to significant changes taking place for this area with the following an onside evaluation of health of specific trees. This Provided: 13 Shade Trees. - not able to plant within the utility Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (existing condition): 5,285 s.f. Provided: 2 existing trees to remain + 26 Shade Trees + 131 6. up to 157" of existing trees to be saved (this may change Old Meridian - not greater than 8' width along this property. Old Meridian Overlay MU: No more than 50% of front setback shall be paved. Required: 9 shade trees + 6 ornamental trees + 42 shrubs Type A Buffer side buffer: 3 Shade Trees + 2 Ornamental Trees + 15 Shrubs Proposed: 5 existing trees to remain + 4 shade trees + 6 Proposed: See Perimeter Parking Lot Requirement + 15 provided: 21 new trees + 116 shrubs + 4 existing trees Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (after West Main Street INNOVATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGN APPLICATION 5. 75% of trees are to be native to Central Indiana Old Meridian: 232 l.f. 1 Shade Tree/50 l.f. min 3 trees + 10 Shrubs/100 l.f.; planter to be minimum 8' wide soften the foundation and seating areas. Provided: see buffer requirements below Required: 26 shade trees + 131 shrubs Required: 2 Shade Trees + 13 Shrubs Provided: 2 Shade Trees + 14 Shrubs Required: 7 shade trees + 36 shrubs INTERIOR PARKING: 229 SPACES West Main Street: 805 l.f.- future evaluation will occur this spring. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposed: 20 trees + 71 shrubs Required: 19 trees + 65 shrubs required: 23 tree + 115 shrubs ornamental trees + 42 shrubs the upgrading of Main Street intersection and drive access FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 1 tree + 5 shrubs/10 spaces South: multifamily - 751 l.f. West: multifamily - 280 l.f.Required: 16 Shade Trees 4 shade trees + 20 shrubs/100 l.f. Required: 5 Shade Trees Realignment): 9,300 s.f. PERIMETER PARKING MEDIAN PLANTINGS Main Street - 645 l.f. CRC. Shown for intent only) Site Use: Multifamily ornamental trees STREET TREES South: 653 l.f. West: 180 l.f. North: 63 l.f. easements BUFFERS shrubs MATCHLINE: SEE L101MATCHLINE: SEE L101 construction. Refer to Specs. & Planting Details L110. (2) Existing Trees to Remain Protected Root Zone, to be protected throughout (3) Zel-s (15) Pan-x (16) Cle-a Tree Protection Fence (12) Ile-v (10) Cal-x (19) Cha-l (2) Cel-o (3) Pan-x (3) Cra-c (3) Pan-x (14) Vib-x (10) Hyd-q (8) Cle-a (2) Zel-s (12) Phy-o (3) Nys-s (9) Ile-v (17) Cha-l Legend (9) Phy-o (2) Cer-c (1) Gle-t (14) Bux-x (7) Pan-v (1) Gle-t (12) Pan-v (8) Vib-x (1) Ulm-x (10) Pan-v Rootballs shall meet or exceed size standards as set forth in 'American Standards for Nursery Stock'. MAIN LEADERS OF ALL TREES SHALL REMAIN INTACT. All tree locations shall be marked with 2x2" stakes prior to planting for review and approval by the Landscape Architect. Any plant material installed in an incorrect Install all plant material in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Coordinate with the Owner to obtain any required permits necessary to complete work. (1) Cer-c (7) Cha-lThe Contractor shall install and/or amend topsoil in all proposed bed areas to meet Specifications. Contractor shall coordinate quantity and placement of topsoil. Plant counts indicated on drawings are for Landscape Architect's use only. Contractor shall make own plant quantity takeoffs using drawings, specifications, and Remove from the site any plant material that turns brown or defoliates within five (5) days after planting. Replace immediately with approved, specified material. (7) Cha-l plant schedule requirements (i.e., spacing), unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect. Contractor to verify bed measurements and install appropriate quantities as governed by plant spacing per schedule. Plant material quantities shown on plan are minimum quantities. Additional material may be needed to All materials are subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect and Owner at any time. Landscape Architect to inspect all plant locations and plant bed (8) Phy-o (1) Ame-l (24) Cha-l(2) Myr-p Refer to Project Manual for Planting Specifications and Topsoil requirements. Refer to Plant Schedule and Planting Details for additional information. (7) Rhu-a (3) Pan-x The Contractor shall maintain all plant material and lawns until the project is fully accepted by the Landscape Architect, unless otherwise noted. Contractor shall test all tree pits for drainage. Any tree pit that holds water for more than 24 hours shall be installed using tree pit drainage. Landscaper shall verify depth of topsoil prior to plant installation. (Refer to specifications for topsoil source and placement requirements) Tree Protection Fence (2) Existing Trees (2) Lir-t Verify all utility locations in the field prior to beginning work. Repair all damaged utilities to Owner's satisfaction at no additional cost. Seed all areas disturbed by construction activities that are not otherwise noted to receive pavement, planting bed, or sod treatment. (17) Ile-v All workmanship and materials shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of one calendar year after Final Acceptance. (1) Ulm-x (2) Nys-s (1) Ame-x (9) Pan-v (11) Vib-xlocation, by the judgment of the Landscape Architect, shall be reinstalled at the Contractor's expense. (1) Gle-t All plant beds shall receive 3" minimum of shredded hardwood bark mulch (unless otherwise noted). (1) Gle-t (9) Ile-v (11) Jun-v (3) Ame-x (14) Ile-v (7) Existing Trees to Remain (5) Cal-x (8) Vib-x (1) Cel-o Tree Protection Fence (5) Existing trees to remain PLANTING PLAN (11) Jun-v (3) Cer-c Tree Protection Fence(1) Ulm-x (1) Gle-t (3) Ame-x (2) Zel-sconditions prior to installation. On-site adjustments may be required. (2) Zel-s (1) Cer-c(13) Ile-v (1) Lir-t (9) Vib-x (2) Gle-t(1) Lir-t (9) Ile-v Trees shall be matched in groups unless otherwise noted. meet spacing requirements and field conditions. General Landscape & Planting Notes 2.4.6. APP JTS 12/20/2013 buffer required per Chapter 33.05.A Perimeter Bufferyard Table** realignment of West Main Street, foundation plantings in this area North: Parkway- 805 l.f. - Lawn provided, Plants to be added with During the interim period, moveable planters will be used to help (to be installed with the redevelopment of Main Street by East: Parkway - 232 l.f. - Building within 20' of Right of Way. No will be designed and installed with construction of Main Street. Provided: 4 Shade Trees - need to keep view triangle open at Required: 23 shade trees + 15 ornamental trees + 113 shrubs * Due to significant changes taking place for this area with the following an onside evaluation of health of specific trees. This Provided: 13 Shade Trees. - not able to plant within the utility Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (existing condition): 5,285 s.f. Provided: 2 existing trees to remain + 26 Shade Trees + 131 6. up to 157" of existing trees to be saved (this may change Old Meridian - not greater than 8' width along this property. Old Meridian Overlay MU: No more than 50% of front setback shall be paved. Required: 9 shade trees + 6 ornamental trees + 42 shrubs Type A Buffer side buffer: 3 Shade Trees + 2 Ornamental Trees + 15 Shrubs Proposed: 5 existing trees to remain + 4 shade trees + 6 Proposed: See Perimeter Parking Lot Requirement + 15 provided: 21 new trees + 116 shrubs + 4 existing trees Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (after West Main Street INNOVATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGN APPLICATION 5. 75% of trees are to be native to Central Indiana Old Meridian: 232 l.f. 1 Shade Tree/50 l.f. min 3 trees + 10 Shrubs/100 l.f.; planter to be minimum 8' wide soften the foundation and seating areas. Provided: see buffer requirements below Required: 26 shade trees + 131 shrubs Required: 2 Shade Trees + 13 Shrubs Provided: 2 Shade Trees + 14 Shrubs Required: 7 shade trees + 36 shrubs INTERIOR PARKING: 229 SPACES West Main Street: 805 l.f.- future evaluation will occur this spring. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposed: 20 trees + 71 shrubs Required: 19 trees + 65 shrubs required: 23 tree + 115 shrubs ornamental trees + 42 shrubs the upgrading of Main Street intersection and drive access FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 1 tree + 5 shrubs/10 spaces South: multifamily - 751 l.f. West: multifamily - 280 l.f.Required: 16 Shade Trees 4 shade trees + 20 shrubs/100 l.f. Required: 5 Shade Trees Realignment): 9,300 s.f. PERIMETER PARKING MEDIAN PLANTINGS CRC. Shown for intent only) Main Street - 645 l.f. Site Use: Multifamily ornamental trees STREET TREES South: 653 l.f. West: 180 l.f. North: 63 l.f. easements BUFFERS shrubs construction. Refer to Specs. & Planting Details L110. Protected Root Zone, to be protected throughout Legend (5) Bux-x (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x (1) Que-r (6) Bux-x Plantings to buffer parking from plaza Retaining Wall (2) Cer-c (1) Gle-t (2) Cel-o (13) Rhu-a (13) Ile-v (2) Gle-t (11) Pan-v (1) Gle-t (11) Cal-x (2) Pic-o (3) Pla-x (10) Vib-x (5) Myr-p (2) Cel-o (4) Existing Trees to Remain (8) Ite-v Tree Protection Fence (1) Cer-c (2) Ulm-x (16) Cal-x (4) Ile-v (1) Zel-s (5) Cal-x PLANTING PLAN (8) Vib-x (3) Nys-s (1) Cer-c (10) Myr-p (2) Existing Trees to Remain MATCHLINE: SEE L100MATCHLINE: SEE L100 APP JTS 12/20/2013 buffer required per Chapter 33.05.A Perimeter Bufferyard Table** realignment of West Main Street, foundation plantings in this area North: Parkway- 805 l.f. - Lawn provided, Plants to be added with During the interim period, moveable planters will be used to help (to be installed with the redevelopment of Main Street by East: Parkway - 232 l.f. - Building within 20' of Right of Way. No will be designed and installed with construction of Main Street. Provided: 4 Shade Trees - need to keep view triangle open at Required: 23 shade trees + 15 ornamental trees + 113 shrubs * Due to significant changes taking place for this area with the following an onside evaluation of health of specific trees. This Provided: 13 Shade Trees. - not able to plant within the utility Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (existing condition): 5,285 s.f. Provided: 2 existing trees to remain + 26 Shade Trees + 131 6. up to 157" of existing trees to be saved (this may change Old Meridian - not greater than 8' width along this property. Old Meridian Overlay MU: No more than 50% of front setback shall be paved. Required: 9 shade trees + 6 ornamental trees + 42 shrubs Type A Buffer side buffer: 3 Shade Trees + 2 Ornamental Trees + 15 Shrubs Proposed: 5 existing trees to remain + 4 shade trees + 6 Proposed: See Perimeter Parking Lot Requirement + 15 provided: 21 new trees + 116 shrubs + 4 existing trees Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (after West Main Street INNOVATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGN APPLICATION 5. 75% of trees are to be native to Central Indiana Old Meridian: 232 l.f. 1 Shade Tree/50 l.f. min 3 trees + 10 Shrubs/100 l.f.; planter to be minimum 8' wide soften the foundation and seating areas. Provided: see buffer requirements below Required: 26 shade trees + 131 shrubs Required: 2 Shade Trees + 13 Shrubs Provided: 2 Shade Trees + 14 Shrubs Required: 7 shade trees + 36 shrubs INTERIOR PARKING: 229 SPACES West Main Street: 805 l.f.- future evaluation will occur this spring. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposed: 20 trees + 71 shrubs Required: 19 trees + 65 shrubs required: 23 tree + 115 shrubs ornamental trees + 42 shrubs the upgrading of Main Streetintersection and drive access FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 1 tree + 5 shrubs/10 spaces South: multifamily - 751 l.f. West: multifamily - 280 l.f.Required: 16 Shade Trees 4 shade trees + 20 shrubs/100 l.f. Required: 5 Shade Trees Realignment): 9,300 s.f. PERIMETER PARKING MEDIAN PLANTINGS CRC. Shown for intent only) Main Street - 645 l.f. Site Use: Multifamily ornamental trees STREET TREES South: 653 l.f. West: 180 l.f. North: 63 l.f. easements BUFFERS shrubs construction. Refer to Specs. & Planting Details L110. Protected Root Zone, to be protected throughout (4) Que-r(14) Pan-x(10) Myr-p MATCHLINE: SEE L103MATCHLINE: SEE L103 (2) Existing Trees to Remain (3) Zel-s (15) Pan-x (16) Cle-a Tree Protection Fence (12) Ile-v (10) Cal-x (19) Cha-l (2) Cel-o (3) Pan-x (3) Cra-c (3) Pan-x (14) Vib-x (6) Rhu-a Legend (10) Hyd-q (8) Cle-a (2) Zel-s (12) Phy-o (3) Nys-s (9) Ile-v (14) Pan-x (17) Cha-l (3) Hyd-q (9) Phy-o (2) Cer-c (1) Gle-t (14) Bux-x (7) Pan-v (1) Gle-t (11) Pan-x (12) Pan-v (8) Vib-x (1) Ulm-x (7) Rhu-a (1) Cer-c (7) Cha-l (5) Que-r(7) Cha-l (3) Pan-x (3) Pan-x (5) Rhu-a PLANTING PLAN (with Main Street Realignment) (8) Phy-o (1) Ame-l (24) Cha-l(2) Myr-p (7) Rhu-a (3) Pan-x Tree Protection Fence (2) Lir-t(2) Existing Trees (17) Ile-v (1) Ulm-x (2) Nys-s (1) Ame-x (3) Ulm-x (9) Pan-v (11) Vib-x (1) Gle-t (1) Gle-t (9) Ile-v (11) Jun-v (3) Ame-x (14) Ile-v (7) Existing Trees to Remain (5) Cal-x (8) Vib-x (1) Cel-o Tree Protection Fence (5) Existing trees to remain (11) Jun-v (3) Cer-c Tree Protection Fence(1) Ulm-x (1) Gle-t (3) Ame-x (2) Zel-s (2) Zel-s (1) Cer-c(13) Ile-v (1) Lir-t (9) Vib-x (2) Gle-t(1) Lir-t (9) Ile-v APP JTS 12/20/2013 buffer required per Chapter 33.05.A Perimeter Bufferyard Table** realignment of West Main Street, foundation plantings in this area North: Parkway- 805 l.f. - Lawn provided, Plants to be added with During the interim period, moveable planters will be used to help (to be installed with the redevelopment of Main Street by East: Parkway - 232 l.f. - Building within 20' of Right of Way. No will be designed and installed with construction of Main Street. Provided: 4 Shade Trees - need to keep view triangle open at Required: 23 shade trees + 15 ornamental trees + 113 shrubs following an onside evaluation of health of specific trees. This* Due to significant changes taking place for this area with the Provided: 13 Shade Trees. - not able to plant within the utility Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (existing condition): 5,285 s.f. Provided: 2 existing trees to remain + 26 Shade Trees + 131 6. up to 157" of existing trees to be saved (this may change Old Meridian - not greater than 8' width along this property. Old Meridian Overlay MU: No more than 50% of front setback shall be paved. Required: 9 shade trees + 6 ornamental trees + 42 shrubs Type A Buffer side buffer: 3 Shade Trees + 2 Ornamental Trees + 15 Shrubs Proposed: 5 existing trees to remain + 4 shade trees + 6 Proposed: See Perimeter Parking Lot Requirement + 15 provided: 21 new trees + 116 shrubs + 4 existing trees Frontage for Mixed Use Areas (after West Main Street INNOVATIVE LANDSCAPE DESIGN APPLICATION 5. 75% of trees are to be native to Central Indiana Old Meridian: 232 l.f. 1 Shade Tree/50 l.f. min 3 trees + 10 Shrubs/100 l.f.; planter to be minimum 8' wide soften the foundation and seating areas. Provided: see buffer requirements below Required: 26 shade trees + 131 shrubs Required: 2 Shade Trees + 13 Shrubs Provided: 2 Shade Trees + 14 Shrubs Required: 7 shade trees + 36 shrubs INTERIOR PARKING: 229 SPACES West Main Street: 805 l.f.- future evaluation will occur this spring. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS Proposed: 20 trees + 71 shrubs Required: 19 trees + 65 shrubs required: 23 tree + 115 shrubs ornamental trees + 42 shrubs the upgrading of Main Street intersection and drive access FOUNDATION PLANTINGS 1 tree + 5 shrubs/10 spaces South: multifamily - 751 l.f. West: multifamily - 280 l.f.Required: 16 Shade Trees 4 shade trees + 20 shrubs/100 l.f. Required: 5 Shade Trees Realignment): 9,300 s.f. PERIMETER PARKING MEDIAN PLANTINGS Main Street - 645 l.f. CRC. Shown for intent only) Site Use: Multifamily ornamental trees STREET TREES South: 653 l.f. West: 180 l.f. North: 63 l.f. easements BUFFERS shrubs construction. Refer to Specs. & Planting Details L110. Protected Root Zone, to be protected throughout Perennials Perennials Legend Perennials (5) Bux-x (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x Perennials (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x (1) Que-r (12) Bux-x (1) Que-r Ramp down (6) Bux-x to plaza Plantings to buffer parking from plaza Retaining Wall (2) Cer-c (1) Ame-x Steps downto plaza (1) Gle-t (8) Rhu-a (2) Cel-o (13) Rhu-a (13) Ile-v PLANTING PLAN (with Main Street Realignment) (2) Gle-t (11) Pan-v (3) Hyd-q (14) Pan-x (1) Gle-t (11) Cal-x (3) Ame-x (2) Pic-o Future Median Plantings by Others (3) Pla-x (10) Vib-x (5) Myr-p (13) Pan-x (2) Cel-o (8) Rhu-a (4) Existing Trees to Remain (8) Ite-v Tree Protection Fence (1) Cer-c (2) Ulm-x (16) Cal-x (4) Ile-v (13) Pan-x (1) Zel-s (5) Cal-x (3) Hyd-q (8) Vib-x (3) Nys-s (1) Cer-c (10) Myr-p (14) Pan-x (4) Que-r MATCHLINE: SEE L102MATCHLINE: SEE L102 APP JTS 12/20/2013 Refer to Planting Schedule for On-Center Note: All perennial beds shall be planted 12" prepared soil; see specifications 3" shredded hardwood bark mulch using triangular planting scheme. Compacted subgrade planting dimension. Remove container Existing grade. MULTI-STEM TREE PLANTING PERENNIAL PLANTING dia. ofroot ball SPADE EDGE 3" Not to ScaleNot to ScaleNot to Scale 3" 5" 2"