HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence e e Mr. Mark T. Monroe June 23,2005 Guilford Condos-Project Review #1 Page 2 of6 appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 4. T.A.C. Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all Engineering Department and Carmel Utilities issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for [mal approval. We will require a minimum of five-sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and by the Director of Carmel Utilities. One set will be distributed to the Owner/Developer to be maintained on the construction site. Two sets will be retained by the Engineering Department and two-sets will be distributed to Carmel Utilities. If more than one approved/signed set is desired, we will approve a maximum of two additional sets for a total of seven sets. However, the additional sets must be submitted with the required five sets. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City of Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safety. 6. Carmel Utilities/W ater Distribution/W astewater Collection should be provided copies of all drawings and revisions for review of water and sanitary sewer issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues. 7. Carmel Utilities does subscribe to "Holey Moley". "Holey Moley" should be contacted directly for all water and sanitary sewer locations. 8. We are enclosing copies of the following information for your use: . Commercial Project Approval Procedures . Performance Release Procedure . Building Permits . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Water and Sanitary Sewer Fees BONDING REQUIREMENTS 9. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Performance GuaranteeslEngineer's Estimates Individual Performance Guarantees will be required for the following subdivision improvements: . Right of Way Improvements, to include the curb cut, right of way concrete sidewalk/asphalt path, accel/decel/passing blister and all other required right of way improvements. . Water Mains . Sanitary Sewers . Perimeter Monumentation (if platted) It is our assumption that the storm sewers/storm drainage system will be privately owned and maintained. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineers Estimates for each improvement including unit costs, quantities, materials and types of materials, etc. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. Please reference the enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures. e e Mr. Mark T. Monroe June 23, 2005 Guilford Condos-Project Review #1 Page 3 of6 Right of Way Permit and Bonding Any work in the dedicated right of way of Guilford Road will require a Right of Way Permit. If the work is included in the scope of work of a posted Performance Guarantee, no additional bonding will be required. If it is not included, a License & Permit type Right of Way bond will be required in the amount of $2,000.00 per instance of work in the right of way. Any open cut in the pavement of Guilford Row Road will require separate Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 10. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. When construction plans are submitted for review for this development, please provide 2-sets of plans and calculations to allow us to send the extra set to Crossroad to save some time in the review process. If plans and calculations have not been submitted to Crossroads for their review, please do so immediately. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 11. Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability (acreage) Fees The residential lots at 30 and 40 South Guilford are connected to Carmel Utilities. Therefore, additional Availability Fees are not applicable to this townhome development. Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees Connection Fees are paid when the infrastructure has been completed, satisfactory test results obtained and the development has been released for building permits. Based on information on the drawings, the following are tentative Connection Fees for this project based upon 3-bedroom units. If the units to be built are other than 3-bedroom units, these calculations do not apply: 8-Buildings with 37 Total Units @ 1.0 EDU/3-Bedroom Unit = 37.0 EDUs This project will be given credit for the existing residential usage of the property at 1.0 EDU per lot. Therefore, 37.0 EDUs - 2.0 EDDs credit = 35.0 EDUs. Water - 35.0 EDUs @ $1,310.00 Water Connection Fee/EDU = $45,850.00 Sanitary Sewers - 35.0 EDUs (@, $ 795.00 Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee/EDU = $27..825.00 Total 35.0 EDUs @ $2,105.00 $73,675.00 When building permits are pursued, the total Connection Fees will be pro-rated for the 37 units. . If an irrigation system, swimming pool or clubhouse is planned for this development, additional Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees may be assessed based upon the recommendation of the Director of Carmel Utilities. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMENTS 12. Concrete sidewalks in dedicated right of way are required to be 5'0" wide. The asphalt path width must conform to current City of Carmel standards. We defer to the Department of Community Services for this determination. 13. Utility Easements will be required for water mains and sanitary sewers in the townhome area, which is served by private streets. 14. The Department assumes that all on-site storm sewers will be private and not maintained by the City. 15. The Department recommends that all on-site sanitary sewer, water main and storm sewers be installed in accordance with the Department of Engineering bedding, haunching, initial and [mal backfill specifications and conform to the minimum cover requirements. If the developer makes the decision to install the on-site utilities to these standards, all general notes, plan notes, details, and specifications should be revised or added to the appropriate sheets to require installation to these standards. 16. Within the limits of the right-of-way, sanitary sewers, water mains and storm'sewers shall be installed in accordance with the Department of Engineering bedding, haunching, initial and final backfill specifications and must conform to the minimum cover requirements. For installation. within the right-of-way, the Department requests that all appropriate general notes, plan notes, e e Mr. Mark T. Monroe June 23, 2005 Guilford Condos-Project Review #1 Page 4 of6 details, and specifications be revised or added to appropriate sheets to to require installation to these standards. 17. Please contact Crossroad Engineers to obtain a drainage review checklist. The Department will expect the design submitted for the development of construction drawings to adhere to this checklist. 18. Sheet C 1 00 - Please change the contact for Streets and Storm Sewer to "Mike McBride/Gary Duncan" and the contact for water to City of Carmel. 19. Sheet C 1 00 - Please remove the disclaimer in the lower right comer of the sheet. The plans will not be approved with this disclaimer. 20. Sheet Cl - What will be done with the perpetual drainage easement shown in the northwest comer of the property? Are same rights being granted on relocated easement? 21. Sheet C 1 - Please identify all the drives intersecting with Guilford Road that are indicated on the plans. 22. Sheet C2 - Is a section of the storm sewer in the northwest comer of the property going to be removed? If so, please indicate for demolition. 23. Sheet CI0l . If the storm sewer in the northeast comer of the property being demolished, should this not be shown on this sheet and Sheet CI02? · Please label existing and proposed utilities, including storm, on this sheet. . Please label drive widths and the curb return radii at each intersection. . Please indicate an easement over the storm sewer pipe that runs along the west edge of the property . · Please show the proposed Main Street Plaza curb cut to the north. · Does the right-of-way meet the Thoroughfare Plan requirements? Please label the right-of- way. If the existing right-of-way is less than that prescribed by the City's 20-year Thoroughfare Plan, the additional right-of-way must be dedicated to the City. · Please indicate widening across the property frontage or to the extents of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater for 12- foot travel lanes on the property side of Guilford Road. Auxiliary lanes shall be measured from the edge of the 12- foot travel lane. Please add a note to the site plan that all existing pavement shall be sawcut to a clean edge where new pavement (for widening or for auxiliary lanes) is to be installed adjacent to existing pavement. Any new pavement placed in the Guilford Road right-of-way for widening, for auxiliary lanes and for each entrance up to the mainline right-of-way limit shall meet the following section: 1.5 inches HMA #11 surface on 2 inches HMA #8 binder on3 inches HMA #5D base on 7 inches #53 stone on 4 inches #2 stone or match existing, whichever is greater. Please delineate this section with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. · The Department requests the addition of pavement on the east side of Guilford Road such that two northbound lanes are created across the property frontage. When the plans are revised to indicate the creation of these lanes, the Department may have further comments related to these lanes, proposed striping, etc. and may require additional improvements when we see the auxiliary lanes. · The City typically requires 1" milling with 1.5" R.A.C. #11 resurfacing for the entire width of the existing roadway across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. The roadway would then also need to be restriped with thermoplastic striping. Please develop a plan for the restriping and for striping of the auxiliary lanes. Please add a note to this plan that all striping shall be thermoplastic. Please delineate the milling and resurfacing areas with hatching on the plans and appropriate reference in the legend. · Please provide an acceleration lane and a deceleration lane at the entrance. The dimensions of these auxiliary lanes should conform to the requirements of the 20 Year Thoroughfare Plan functional classification. · All paving within the existing and proposed City right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of the Department of Engineering. Please add a note to the drawings that the e e Mr. Mark T. Monroe June 23, 2005 Guilford Condos-Project Review #1 Page 5 of6 Contractor shall contact the Department of Engineering to schedule a pre-construction meeting to review the Department's construction requirements, staff notification requirements, required inspections for certain stages of the work and to review the authority of the Department as it relates to work within the existing and proposed City right-of-way. . Where there is no concrete curb, a three-foot wide #73 stone shoulder at a minimum depth of six inches is required across the property frontage or to the limits of the auxiliary lanes, whichever is greater. Subsurface drain is required beneath the gravel shoulder. . Please show existing water main along east side of property. . Please identify all existing drives. There are two on the east side of Guilford - one north of the proposed new entrance and one south of the new proposed entrance. . Please label Guilford Road. . The curb cut for the new entrance requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. · Sidewalk or path meeting the City standards must be installed within the right-of-way along the property frontage. Please confrrm with the Department of Community Services as to the type of installation (concrete sidewalk or asphalt path). . Please provide ADA ramps where the sidewalk or path crosses the proposed entrance. . Please delineate City standard chair back curb and City standard right-of-way pavement for all new pavement within the right-of-way, including up to the right-of-way line at the entrance. · Please add City standard details to Sheet C801 for any construction within the right-of-way. These standard details must be referenced on the site plan if a different installation will occur on the property. . Please indicate the limits of the street cut for the installation of the 8" sanitary line beneath Guilford Road. Please indicate that the pavement shall be saw cut to a clean edge at the limits of the required removal. The plans must indicate restoration in accordance with the Departments Street Cut patch detail. This detail must be added to the detail sheets. This street cut requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. · Please indicate the demolition of the 12" CMP in the southeast comer. 24. Sheet CI02 · Is the storm sewer shown in the northwest comer to be left in place under the building? · Who owns the detention pond? Do you have permission to discharge into it? · Please identify the outfall from the pond and show the piping under Guilford Road. This pipe size shall be confIrmed to be the appropriate size for the upstrea~watershed that drains to the pipe. If the pipe is not adequately sized for the watershed, the Developer must replace this pipe with a pipe or box culvert of the correct size. If the existing pipe is adequately sized, the Department may still require replacement of the pipe if the pipe is in a state of disrepair. · Grading and Drainage-Note 2: change the minimum slope for a swale to 1.00%. · Grading and Drainage Note 8: Please revise to "ANY PART OF STORM SEWER TRENCHES RUNNING UNDER OR WITHIN 5 FEET OF PAVED AREAS WITHIN THE RIGHT -OF - WAY MUST MEET CITY BEDDENG, TRENCHING, HAUNCHING, BACKFILL, AND COVER REQUIREMENTS." · Sheet C401 - Must meet City standard for backfill within the right-of-way (flowable fill per the City standard Street Cut Patch detail is required for the Guilford Road pavement cut; City standard backfill is required for remainder of the installation within the right-of-way). Please indicate this revision on the profiles and in the legend. · Sheet C601 - Must meet City standard for backfill within the right-of-way (structure 111 to structure 112). Please revise Grading and Drainage Note 4 to reflect this requirement. 25. Per the new City Digital Submission Standards, the on-site topography cannot be based on an assumed datum. The topography must be tied to the vertical datum outlined in the Digital Submission Standards. City of Carmel June 21, 2005 Attn: Mark T. Monroe Guilford Real Estate Partners, LLC One Indiana Square, Suite 1800 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 COpy RE: Guilford Road Condominiums Dear Mr. Monroe: This letter is in response to the DP/ADLS application submitted for the proposed Guildford Road Condominiums. Preliminary comments and concerns are as follow: 1. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of buildings for this multi-family project must face a public street (as per 20G.05.02 C (1 )). Only the condos facing Guilford Rd. (2 buildings) are buildings facing a public street. 2. A copy of the landscape plan approval I etter/e-mai I from the Urban Forester is required prior to approval. 3. Please indicate and label all rights of way. 4. Please label streets 5. Show build to line on the site plan, condos must be 4 to 9 feet from build to line (as per 20G.05.02 D (5)). 6. Courtyards should be enclosed with a fence or wall no more than six (6) feet tall (as per 20G.05.02 D (5)). A wrought iron fence would be suggested element to meet the requirement or if necessary another approved material may be used. 7. Please provide rear and side elevations 8. -The facades of the front elevation should include a defined base or foundation, a middle or modulated wall, and a top formed by an articulated cornice, appropriate to the building style (as per 20G.04.01 E) - The stairs represented in the front elevation along with the platform leave an awkward space below that needs to be filled in with some sort of element with more detail to visually "ground" the architectural entity. - The pediment above the "porch" seems to accent or build up a void of a plain brick fal(ade. A window needs to be placed or some other architectural element (s). 9. Please provide a photometric lighting plan wi fixture details. 10. Please indicate how far the parking dividers go out and how wide the parking bays are on the site plan. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417