HomeMy WebLinkAbout227839 1/8/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363282 Page 1 of 1 `` tiF ONE CIVIC SQUARE TRUCK SERVICE INC � CHECK AMOUNT: $5,663.43 ;:�„ CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ATTN:A/R +, 0„.`0 3140 W MORRIS STREET CHECK NUMBER: 227839 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 CHECK DATE: 1/8/2014 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4351000 61288 1, 734 . 82 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN 1120 4351000 61289 3 , 738 . 18 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN 1120 4351000 61296 10 . 15 AUTO REPAIR & MAINTEN 2201 4237000 I237930 180 . 28 REPAIR PARTS INDIANAPOLIS SPRING INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 12/31/2013 12:0 7 PM i1 R."L%1'EMZj0= 3140 W. MORRIS ST. INVOICE NO. PAGE I237930 1 CLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 CUST MERNO. BRANCH TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE EIE AB.TRUCK SERVICE 317-243-7491 2854 * I 0 WARNER SPRING []HORTON TRUCK SERVICE trksvc.com SOLD CARMEL STREET DEPARTMEN SHIP CARMEL STREET DEPARTMEN TO. 3400 W 131ST STREET TO. 3400 W 131ST STREET WESTFIELD IN 46074 WESTFIELD IN 46074 Tax id: 0031201550-020 REMIT TO: A/R, 3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 CUSTOMER P.O REFERENCE NO TRUCK 200 851635 (317) 733-2001 JS 000/00 000 PRICE/PER EXTENSION *PICKED UP BY CUSTOMER* 2 TH CUSTOM HOSE CUSTOM HOSE 90.14EA 180.28 DOT INSPECTIONS - ARE YOU READY ????? FREIGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUSISTATE I SALES TAX PLEASE PAY 180.28 EXEMPT IN 0.00 180.28 RETOROUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS:NET 10 PROX.Invoices not paid by 10th of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may apply vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/31/13 1237930 $180.28 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Truck Service IN SUM OF$ 3140 W. Morris Street Indianapolis, IN 46241 $180.28 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 1 1237930 1 42-370.001 $180.28 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, December 31, 2013 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund TRUCK SERVICE, INC. INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 2/27/2013 10:34AM INVOICE NO. PAGE 14700 HERRIMAN BLVD N61296 1 CLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CUSTOMER NO. BRANCH EITRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE EAB TRUCK SERVICE 317-776-6464 2873 * N* WARNER SPRING HORTON TRUCK SERVICE rkvom CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CARMEL FIRE DEPT. SOLD SHIP TO: TO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 REMIT TO: A/R, 3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 CUSTOMER P.O. REFERENCE NO 851563 FRI (317) 571-2600 DS 000/00 000 PRICE/PER EXTENSION *PICKED UP BY CUSTOMER* FREIGHT 10.15 TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE APPRECIATES YOUR BUSINESS ! ! ! ! ! FR IGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUS/STATE I SALES TAX PLEASE PAY 10.15 *ZERO* EXEMPT IN 0.00 10.15 RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS:NET 10 PROX. Invoices not paid by 10th of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may appl vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. TRUCK SERVICE, INC. INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 2/20/2013 03:16PM INVOICE NO. PAGE 14700 HERRIMAN BLVD N61288 1 EICLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING NOBLESV I LLE IN 46060 CUSTOMER NO. BRANCH TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE EA B TRUCK SERVICE 317-776-6464 2873 * N* WARNER SPRING HORTON TRUCK SERVICE trksvc.com CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CARMEL FIRE DEPT. SOLD SHIP TO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE T0. 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 REMIT TO: A/R, 3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 092701 (317) 571-2600 DS 000/000 PRICE/PER I EXTENSION COMPLETION DATE: 12/20/2013 UNIT: LADDER 41 YEAR: 2010 MAKE/MODEL: SEAGRAVE SERIAL: 1F9F138T7ACST2010 MILEAGE: 22827 JOB#01 31 140 08 L.O.F. HEAVY DUTY VEHICLE 1 BA BD7154 FILTER $105.28 45.72EA 45.72 1 BA BF1259 M/L FUEL/WATER SEP. S $42 .51 18.47EA 18.47 1 BA PA2721 AIR ELEMENT ASSEMBLY $377.16 163.81EA 163.81 ENGINE 44 32 C4 15W40 12/1 ROTELLA TMG OIL 1 $6 .63 4.59EA 146.88 4 NB 3/4NUT-USS HEX NUT $1.65 0.86EA* 3 .44 1 WE 1869X8 QUICK CONNECT MALE EL $38.25 16.07EA* 16.07 8 NB 1/2X1-1/2USS CAP SCREW $1.29 0.64EA* 5.12 8 NB 1/2LW LOCK WASHER $0.89 0.44EA* 3 .52 1 NS 49666 AIRFILTER. .ORP $221.07 BIL 122.82EA* 122.82 1 NS INV146198 BRASSFIT. .UTT $25.32 BIL 14.07EA* 14.07 PARTS SUBTOTAL 539.92 LABOR SUBTOTAL 226.83 SHOP SUPPLIES 8.85 ** JOB SUBTOTAL 775.60 JOB#03 61 900 00 GENERAL SHOP LABOR PARTS AND LABOR TO REPLACE AIR DRYER CART. 1 RI R950011 "WABCO" REPL CARTRID $267.68 101.39EA* 101.39 PARTS SUBTOTAL 101.39 LABOR SUBTOTAL 45.37 SHOP SUPPLIES 4.40 ** JOB SUBTOTAL 151.16 JOB#04 61 900 00 GENERAL SHOP LABOR PARTS AND LABOR TO INSTALL SHOCK CABLES PER CUST REQUEST 1 NS INV 146021 BOLTS. .UTT $35.49 BIL 19.72EA* 19.72 1 NS 90544904 SHOCKCABLE. .DP BIL 572 .50EA* 572.50 FREIGHT 16.78 PARTS SUBTOTAL 592.22 LABOR SUBTOTAL 181.46 SHOP SUPPLIES 17.60 FREIGHT 16.78 ** JOB SUBTOTAL 808.06 FREIGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUSISTATE I SALES TAX PLEASE PAY *CONTINUED* RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS: NET 10 PROX.Invoices not paid by 10th of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may apply vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. TRUCK SERVICE, INC. INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 2/20/2013 03:16PM GEZM� • ® INVOICE NO. PAGE 14700 HERRIMAN BLVD N61288 2 CLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CUSTOMER NO. BRANCH TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE E A.S.TRUCK SERVICE 317-776-6464 -2873 * N* WARNER SPRING HORTON TRUCK SERVICE rk v CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CARMEL FIRE DEPT. SOLD SHIP TO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE TO. 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 REMIT TO: AIR,3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis,IN 46241 CUSTOMER PO REFERENCE NO 092701 (317) 571-2600 DS 000/000 PRICE/PER EXTENSION *TOTAL PARTS: 1233.53 *TOTAL LABOR: 453.66 *TOTAL SHOP SUPPLIES: 30.85 *TOTAL FREIGHT: 16.78 90 DAY WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOR **RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER 10 DAYS OR 100 MILES** **RETORQUE ALL WHEELS AFTER 50-100 MILES** FREIGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUS/STATE SALES TAX PLEASE PAY 16.78 1718.04 EXEMPT IN 0.00 1734.82 RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS:NET 10 PROX.Invoices not paid by 1 Oth of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may appl vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. I TRUCK SERVICE, INC. INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 2/20/2013 03:31PM MEZM • , • INVOICE NO. PAGE 14700 HERRIMAN BLVD N61289 1 CLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CUSTOMER NO. BRANCH E]TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE E AB.TRUCK SERVICE 317-776-6464 .2873 * N* E]WARNER SPRING HORTON TRUCK SERVICE trksvc.corn CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CARMEL FIRE DEPT. SOLD SHIP TO: TO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 REMIT TO: A/R, 3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 CUSTOMER PO REFERENCE NO 009270 (317) 571-2600 DS 000/000 PRICE/PER EXTENSION COMPLETION DATE: 12/20/2013 UNIT: LADDER 41 YEAR: 2010 MAKE/MODEL: SEAGRAVE SERIAL: 1F9F138T7ACST2010 MILEAGE: 22827 JOB#02 61 900 00 GENERAL SHOP LABOR PARTS AND LABOR TO REPLACE S-CAM BRACKETS AND SUSP. PARTS PER CUST REQUEST ###################################################### PARTS AND LABOR TO REPLACE S-CAM BRACKETS,BUSHINGS, S-CAMS,SEALS,HARDWARE,SHOES,DRUMS,AND WE ALSO ADJUSTED THE PINION ANGLE PER SEAGRAVE AND HOOSIER FIRE REQUEST. . WE HAD TO TRIM OFF PART OF NEW BRAKETS PER SEAGRAVE REQUEST UPON INSTALLING PARTS. . .ALL WORK WAS DONE TO GET TRUCK BACK IN SERVICE. . . .TRUCK WILL COME BACK FOR A ASSESSMENT AND NEW REPAIR AFTER THE FINAL REPAIR IS FIGURED OUT UPON SEAGRAVE/NEWAY/HOOSIER FIRE/AND CARMEL FIRE COME UP WITH A SOLUTION. . . 2 NA 370120A NATIONAL OIL BATH SE $217.03 108.73EA* 217.46 1 NS KIT8883 HARDKIT. . .FP $169.26 BIL 94.03EA* 94.03 1 NS 2210X7538 CAMSFT/RH. .FP $108.84 BIL 60.47EA* 60.47 1 NS 221OY7539 CAMSFT/LH. .FP $108.84 BIL 60.47EA* 60.47 2 NS 66661B BRKDRUM. . .FP $624.09 BIL 312 .05EA* 624.10 1 NS N413299T1554 BRACKET. .FP $408.18 BIL 204.09EA* 204.09 1 NS N413299U1555 BRACKET. .FP BIL 204.09EA* 204.09 4 NS MW504OSDA CAST BRAKE SHOE $92.52 61.99EA 247.96 2 NS KIT9179 HARDWARE KIT $110.43 66.99EA* 133 .98 FREIGHT 31.56 MISC SUBTOTAL 0.00 PARTS SUBTOTAL 1846.65 LABOR SUBTOTAL 1814.60 SHOP SUPPLIES 45.37 FREIGHT 31.56 ** JOB SUBTOTAL 3738.18 *TOTAL PARTS: 1846.65 *TOTAL LABOR: 1814.60 *TOTAL SHOP SUPPLIES: 45.37 FREIGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUS/STATE i SALESTAX PLEASE PAY *CONTINUED* RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS:NET 10 PROX.Invoices not paid by 10th of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the Invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may apply vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. TRUCK SERVICE, INC. INVOICE DATE TRUCK SERVICE, INC. 2/20/2013 03:31PM INVOICE NO. PAGE 14700 HERRIMAN BLVD N61289 2 CLEVELAND SPRING SERVICE INDIANAPOLIS SPRING NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CUSTOMER NO. BRANCH El TRUCK SERVICE NOBLESVILLE E.A.B.TRUCK SERVICE 317-776-6464 -2873 * N* E]WARNER SPRING El HORTON TRUCK SERVICE rk v CARMEL FIRE DEPT. CARMEL FIRE DEPT. SOLD SHIP TO: 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE TO. 2 CARMEL CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 REMIT TO: A/R,3140 W Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46241 CUSTOMERPO. REFERENCE NO 009270 (317) 571-2600 DS 000/000 PRICE/PER EXTENSION *TOTAL FREIGHT: 31.56 90 DAY WARRANTY ON PARTS AND LABOR **RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER 10 DAYS OR 100 MILES** **RETORQUE ALL WHEELS AFTER 50-100 MILES** FREIGHT SUBTOTAL TAX STATUS/STATE I SALES TAX PLEASE PAY 31.56 3706.62 EXEMPT IN 1 0.00 3738.18 RETORQUE U-BOLTS AFTER TERMS: NET 10 PROX. Invoices not paid by 1 Oth of the month following the month of TERMS 10 DAYS OR 500 MILES the invoice date will be considered past due.A late charge of 1 1/2%per month will be assessed on all amounts not paid by the end of the month following the invoice date. (Annual interest rate of 18%). Storage charge of$10.00 per day may appl vehicles not picked up 30 days aftercompletion of work. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 61296 $10.15 61289 $3,738.18 61288 I I $1,734.82 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Truck Service, Inc. IN SUM OF $ 3140 W. Morris Street Indianapolis, IN 46241 $5,483.15 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 61296 43-510.00 $10.15 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 61289 43-510.00 $3,738.18 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 I 61288 I 43-510.00 I $1,734.82 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 6/ An-'AL, z4o I-VI i by Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund