HomeMy WebLinkAbout228603 1/28/2014 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366094 Page 1 of 1 ss1-� ONE CIVIC SQUARE KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIO CHECK AMOUNT: $854.77 . CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 642333 •�,,Hie PITTSBURGH PA 15264-2333 CHECK NUMBER: 228603 CHECK DATE: 1/28/2014 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4353004 59999800 291 . 00 COPIER 1801 4353004 60027097 563 . 77 COPIER Please remember to reference Account Schedule#(s)pertaining to your request(s). Phone#: 800452-1623 Fax: 319-841-6324 Correspondence Only:PO BOX3083 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52406-3083 KONICA MINOLTA PREMIER FINANCE P.O.BOX 642333 Billing ID Number 90136094394 PITTSBURGH PA 15264-2333 Visit MyAccounts At.WWW.CONNECTTOMYACCOUNTS.COM Invoice Number 60027097 10919 1 MB 0.405 Invoice Date 01/05/2014 10919 #BWNHXFZ 49 Due Date: 02/13/2014 #0901 3609 4394 5# CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT Current Items Due: 563.77 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 CARMEL IN 46032-1938 Total Amount Due: 1,127.54 II�IIIIruIIIl�I�nII�nIIII�InIIIIIIIIIIIIII���IIIIIIInnI,II KMPM„P Our Federal Tax Id# 941686094 INVOICE FOR CURRENT ITEMS D UE Account Schedule Due Date Purchase Order Number Line Item Acct/Sched Number Equipment Description Amount Total 7715414-001 _ _ _._ _ F:ONICA. MINOLTA COPIEF. -- MODEL: BIZHUB C452 SERIAL: ADP2011010435 ALLOWANCE: 5,000 563.77 02/131/2014 MINIMUM CHARGES DUE 563.77 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL: BIZHUB C452 SERIAL: AOP2011010435 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT METER READING NOT PROVIDED! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT SCHMULE 7715414-001 TOTAL 563.77 Please include your Billing ID number on all correspondence. All correspondence should be sent to the correspondence onlyaddress,which is indicated on the front of this invoice. Payments: Please detach the remit to portion of this invoice and mail your payment(,s) to ow-payment.processing center using the return envelope provided. Please send only the remir to portion with your payment - retain the top portion of the invoice for your records. Sales, Use, Rental Tax (Tax): The sales, use, or rental tax rate is determined by the location of the leased equipment, when applicable. Equipment location changes are subject to approval. Prior to the equipment:being moved, the lessor is to be notified. Call the Customer Service number on the front of this invoice for instructions for reporting an equipment location change. If you are sales tax exempt, fax a completed, signed exemption certificate, including your account schedule number, to the fax Number oil the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the conespoil den cc only address on the front of the invoice, Attention: Sales Tax Exemption. Personal Property Taxes: Personal Properly 'Fax is assessed on leased equipment as required by the local taxing jurisdiction. 11' the lessor is required to report and pay the tax bill, the lessee will be billed for reimbursement as agreed to in the lease agreement. This may be invoiced separately and/or included in this invoice. If the Lessee paid property taxes directly to the taxing jurisdiction in error,please contact the jurisdiction for instructions to file for a refund and pay the amount on your invoice from the lessor. Taxes are determined by the location of the leased equipment, when applicable. Equipment location changes are subject to approval. Prior to the equipment being moved, the lessor is to be notified. Call the Customer Service Numbed' oil the front of this invoice for instructions for reporting an equipment location change. Purchase Order Number(s): For your convenience we can display your purchase order number on your invoice. However, file contract terms and conditions are not modified in any way by vow purchase order. 1f Vou need Vow•purchase order number to appear on the invoice or if you need to update your purchase order information, fax a copy of the purchase order including your account schedule number(s), the purchase order effective acid expiration elates to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address referenced on the front of this invoice. Late Charges: To avoid late charges, all payments must be received by the due elate. Late charges will be added to your invoice consistent with the terms and conditions of your contract. Insurance: Your contract requires you to provide and maintain insurance covcragc against all risks of loss for your equipment, and provide proof of coverage information. Please be sure we are named as LOSS PAYEE and Additional hlsured and your accoln t schedule number appears on the certificate and fax a copy to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address. Name Changes: Fax a copy of the amendment that was filed with the secretary of state, including vow•account schedule number, to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address. Changes are subject to fees. Acceptable Forms of Payment: We will accept payments in the form of company checks, (or personal checks in the case of sole proprietorships), direct debit, or wires only. Cash and cash equivalents are not acceptable forms of payment and shield forms of payment may delay processing or be returned. Furthermore, only you or your authorized agent as approved may remit payments on these accounts. Disputed Payments: Without prejudice to any of our rights and remedies under your cont]-ad., all written communication concerning disputed amounts, including any check or other payment instrument that (a)' indicates that tate written payment constitutes "payment ill full" or is tendered as full satisfaction of a disputed amount or ?,b) is tendered with other conditions or limitation must be. mailed or delivered to us at the correspondence only address and not to the payment address. STATEMENT OF PREVIOUSLY BILLED ITEMS Riling ID Number. 90136094394 C17Y OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMEA17' Account Schedule Due Date Invoice Number/Description Invoice Line Item Acct/Sched Number Date Amount Total 01/13/2014 59895252/MINIMUM CHARGES DUE 12/08/2013 563.77 ACCOUNT SCHEDULE 7715919-001 TOTAL 563.77 2 10919 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City FormNo.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Kobia Minalh Premier Fina n Ce Purchase Order No. Pp. U ox02-3-33 Terms P� sdur h , P�q ' 52 6 -2333 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) I-S- R 6002-7 Inkier re n 31'77 Total 563,E 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. I ALLOWED 20 KDhI N Aioolh Premier- F;NW IN SUM OF $ PO. QoX 02-333 i-#S ur A , Pfl 1 S26q-2333 $ 563. 77 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR W1 /455300 Board Members INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. # I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 1901 6002701053 56177 or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except N-41--20 S1,10ature �ds Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Please remember to reference Account Schedule#(s)pertaining to your request(s). Phone#: 800452-1623 Fax: 319-841-6324 Correspondence Only:PO BOY3083 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 52406-3083 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTI P.O.BOX 642333 Billing ID Number 90136136234 PITTSBURGH PA 15264-2333 Visit MyAccounts At.*WWW.CONNECTTOMYACCOUNTS.COM Invoice Number 59999800 17601 1 MB 0.405 Invoice Date 12/29/2013 17601 #BWNHXFZ e1 Due Date: 02/09/2014 #0901 3613 6234 8# Current Items Due: 291.00 CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION Mi I 1411 Ell 6TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 Total Amount Due: 582.00 �1�11��11��1111'���IIIII'I'�'�1�1111'111"111111���1��'ll�"1'111 KMPSCH Our Federal Tax Id# 941686094 INVOICE FOR CURRENT ITEMS DUE Account Schedule Due Date Purchase Order Number Line Item Acct/Sched Number Equipment Description Amount Total 7725582-001 --- - ----"---0001 -KONICA-MINOLTA-COPIER---- -- - - — - — -----` --_, SERIAL NUMBER AOP1011009876 02/09/2014 PAYMENT/INSTALLMENT DUE 291.00 ACCOUNT SCHEDULE 7725582-001 TOTAL 291.00 Com 5Va�. reb'k� 1 /25-Y- C)2-4L3530UAL J�. S zo9� Please include your Billing ID number on all correspondence. All correspondence should be sent to the correspondence only address,which is indicated on the front of this invoice. Payments: Please detach the remi.r to portion of this invoice and mail your payments) to our payment processing center using the return envelope provided. Please send only the remir to portion with your payment - retain the top portion of the invoice for your records. Sales, Use, Rental Tali (Tai): The sales, use, or rental tax rate is determined by the location of the leased equipment, when applicable. Equipment location changes are subject to approval. Prior to the equipment being moved, the lessor is to be notified. Call the Customer Service number on the front of this invoice for instructions for reporting an equipment location change. If you are sales tax exempt, fax a completed, signed exemption certificate, including your account schedule number,to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address on the front of the invoice,Attention: Sales Tax Exemption. Personal Property Taxes: Personal Property Tax is assessed on leased equipment as required by the local taxing jurisdiction. If the lessor is required to report and pay the tax bill, the lessee will be billed for reimbursement as agreed to in the lease agreement. This may be invoiced separately and/or included in this invoice. If the Lessee paid property taxes directly to the taxing jurisdiction in error,please contact the jurisdiction for instructions to file for a refund and pay the amount on your invoice from the lessor. Taxes are determined by the location of the leased equipment, when applicable. Equipment location changes are subject to approval. Prior to the equipment being moved, the lessor is to be notified. Call the Customer Service number on the front of this invoice for instructions for reporting an equipment location change. Purchase Order Nurnber(s): For your convenience we can display your purchase order number on your invoice. However, the contract tears and conditions are not modified in any way by your purchase order. If you need your purchase order number to appear on the invoice or if you need-to update your purchase order mformatio>1,_fax a copy of the purchase_order including your account schedule number(s),the purchase order effective and expiration dates to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence onlY address referenced on the front of this invoice. Late Charges: To avoid late charges, all payments must be received by the due date. Late charges will be added to your invoice consistent with the terms and conditions of your contract. Insurmice: Your contract requires you to provide and maintain insurance coverage against all risks of loss for your equipment, and provide proof of coverage information. Please be sure we are named as LOSS PAYEE and Additional Insured and your account schedule number appears on die certificate and fax a copy to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address. Name Changes: Fax a copy of the amendment that was filed with the secretary of state, including your account schedule number,to the fax number on the front of the invoice or mail a copy to the correspondence only address. Changes are subject to fees. Acceptable Forms ol"Payment: We will accept.payments in the form of company checks, (or personal checks in the case of sole proprietorships), direct debit, or wires only. Cash and cash equivalents are not :acceptable forms of payment and such forms of payment may delay processing or be returned. Furthermore, only you or your authorized agent as approved may remit payments on these accounts. Disputed Payments: Without prejudice to any of our rights and remedies under your contract, all written communication concerning disputed amounts, including any check or other payment instrument that (a) indicates that the written payment constitutes "payment in full" or is tendered as full satisfaction of a disputed amount or (b) is tendered with other conditions or limitation must be mailed or delivered to us at the correspondence only address and not to the payment address. STATEMENT OF PREVIOUSLY BILLED ITEMS Biling ID Number: 90136136234 CARMEL CLA Y PARKS&RECREATION Account Schedule Due Date Invoice Number/Description Invoice Line Item AcctlSched Number Date Amount Total 01/09/2014 59815211/PAYME,NT/INSTALUIENT DUE 11/27/2013 291.00 ACCOUNT SCHEDULE 7725582-001 TOTAL 291.00 I 2 17601 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 366094 Konica Minolta Business Solutions Terms P.O. Box 642333 Date Due Pittsburgh, PA 15264-2333 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 12/29/13 59999800 Copier lease AO Feb'14 $ 291.00 Total $ 291.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. I 366094 Konica Minolta Business Solutions Allowed 20 P.O. Box 642333 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-2333 In Sum of$ $ 291.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund / 109 - Monon Center r PO#orBoard Members Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITL AMOUNT 1125 59999800 4353004 $ 291.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 21-Jan 2014 Signature $ 291.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund