AUTUMN WOOD FARMS_03-30-0987This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060