BOT-12-10-74 ~YJ!~o OF T~[6 BO~qXD OF ~ZUSTEES i~ET~IG The re~o~lar meeting~, of the Board of Trustees ?~as called to order at 7:3~ p.m. by President ~,[illi~ McFadden; ~ho presided. All Board l!embers ~.~re present. Tmna I~Ianager and To~..m Attorney ~.~ere present Trustee Sk~]_ft moved to disper~e ~ith tbs readin4~ of the minutes of the last regular meeting and approve th~u as received. Trustee Beach seconded it~ and it passed unanimously. S~'/~LK~£: President t-~cFadden asked for an est~m..ate on side,,mi_ks from ~ia~_n ~,treet to the Post Office. T~,m Eng~eer stated he did not have it rea¢~y yet. I~,YoTOI~ C~R!.~, ,~R_~E LYGt~$: President IIcFadden stated a letter had been received from the .ndiana Stat~ ?~mg~-~ay Co~.ssion statin~ they had requested their Greenfield District to conduct the necesss~y trs£fic engineering studies to determine conditions are such to ~,zarrsmt the installations of signals. ~YO~2-E{ TR_&~,S FIJtS!iER LIGI-~S: President HcFadden stated he had ta~ed ~tith Dr. Hartmcm to see if tBS school s~tem ~,~ould pay for the flasher lights need at I~foh~k TR~_.TLS ~fl.ez~ntalv School. Dr. t!artman had stated the T~.rn trod paid for flasher lights in the past and he felt they should for these also. Trustee ~,fi.ft moved the Tm.m participate ~.~ith an s~ount of ~1~0.00, Trustee Beach seconded it, smd it passed unanimously. The school system ~tilt be responsible for installs.tim and maintensnce. STEVE C.~J~I~it.L~ CITATION: Police Patrolmrm, ,%eve Cal!~/uan, appesred before the Board at the request of the To~m Bo~d to receive a citation of than/cs for his efforts in apprehending cr~3~inals Nove~foer 12, 197[,. President McFadden read citation then presented it to Patrolman ~%llahan. }~,~ POLIC~.~N: Captain Hol±o~,tay appeared before the Bo~d and intredu, ced ne~ patrol~mn Doug C~,mn and ne,~-~ dispatcher Robe~; Kincaid. POLI~ APPOI!.~Ti~lf£S: Trustee I~_nsha~,; moved th~.t the acting appoJ~atments made at the last meeting be m~.de pernanent. Trustee McFadden seconded it smd it passed unamimeusly. I,~'~ CITY BULLD~,D Slid: The Board discussed the Helen k,~eller property as u pos~.btlity for a new city buildfil~g site. Trustee Iii~haw stated that since the Board's last meeting he had been in contact ~,rith 1Ms. IMeller. Trustee Shrift moved the To~m Atterney be authorized to prepare a proposal to l~s. Helen ~Meller for the purchase of five acres at the S.E. corner of her property on South P2nEe Line Road at the cost of f,~l~O00.O0 per acre cnd that such proposal be sub,rifted to us for ~u~ final concurrence at our ne:~ meeting. ~rustee Hins~s,~ moved to ~msnd the motion to the effect that the T~m t, ttorney, in pre?~ation of this proposal for the Tram Board, get in touch v~lth her attorney~ Hr. TIebb, and the t~.to attorneys together~ br~j the Bos~d a proposal. Trustee ~n~ft seconded the o~en~ent. The s~.~ndment passed three ayes, two nays. Tr~tstees Beach and Stevens voting nuy. President McFadden called for a second to the main motion. Trustee Hinsh,~-t secor~ed the ~z~in motion~ and it passed three ayes two ~.ys, Trustees Beach aud Stevens voting page t'~.~'o t~P~ ZINS~.ISTF~: 1,~. Herb Zins~ister appeared before the Board to discuss the C~rmel ~,'~stfield ~ud Fishers letter received from the State Board of Health re~arding the Regional Study Step I Grsnt Uater Pollution Control Grant Progrs~u. 1ir. Zir~m~ister stated he had been requested by the T~,~n~ I.~.nager to prepare an application in accorda~e with the Bo~mrd of Health's requirements for the Step I Grant. I~. Zinsmeister stated he had completed it sad merely needed signatures. ~. Zinsmeister stated the application covered (1) re-i~bursement to the To~n~ of ~rmel for monies spent to ds~te for the inf_~2tration-iniU, o analysis and related studies. (2) sewer system evaluation for the T~m of Ca~m. ~el. (~) facilities plea preparation f~r the three To~n Regions. l~. Z~ins~ister stated the total amount ~f the application for the eligdble project i~ ~33~,830.00. Portion of the local sb~re ~.ould be borne by tl~ other t:.~ t~.ms. Trustee Stevens moved to approve the au±J~orization of this study, Trustee Ilinsha~,~ seconded it and it passed unanJ~uously. YOUTH CEI~fEE: Four young men ~opeared before the Bosrd to discuss the possibility of ~-~hat the Bosrd could do to put something together for a center for your~ people under 21 to go to for relsxation sad f~n. President McFadden suggested ~ the press that they publicize the need for a youth center ~-u Carmel. I'~L~ AI~},~ PHraSE II: Upon the rec~endation of To~.na EDtoinser ~ad To~m l~ager, T~ustee Hinshaw moved the T~,~n proceed ~-rlth the second p~mse of the street sa~d se~-~er constr~ction of Ne~.mrk ~tuman Lddition as previously planned and outlined by our To~.m Fmooineer. Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed unsaimously. .F.~EBERG,:, PA~ILTON P_~PK RE-ZO~,~]: ,,~r. M. J. Flneburg and .his Attorney, Boug Church, appes~d before the Bo~vd to request a re-zone from R-] to B-3 for ~0 acres of load bet;~men the Cs~l ~Mtel and the new insurance building on U. S. 31. I.~r. Fineburg described his proposed development and presented a prel~_~dmary plat. Several remonstrators e~oressed their reason for opposing the re-zone, namely(1 ) traffic problem (2) inasmuch as ~'~. ~iIfong pla~ued a shopping center in his development, Village Fsi-ms nes~by~ they did not feel the s~ea needed t~o. (3) Land Use Cmmmittee voted 7-1 against petition. _~,Umutes ~¢ere read by President McFadden stating o~ter the 7-1 vote, I.~. ~_neburg had requested petition be tabled for 30 days. ~1~. Church stated the only contingency the L~d Use Committee had was the traffic problems. _~M. Fineberg stated they merely needed to tell I~J_m ~,~hat they ~sated him to do in order to get b~sllding permits. ~.M. Church stated that inasmuch as the proposal did not receive 11 vote majority for or against.,from the Plea CommisBion, the Tram Board should decide to refer it back to the Plan Commission for adS_ition~ action~ or to take the as a favorable recomnend~Y, io~ rather thsa ~a~ unfavorable. ~,solution from Plan Cor~nission reco~en ~ding the re-zone request be denied ~x,,s read by President i~Fadden. Trustee Hiuska~.~ moved to sustain the Ploa~- CommisSion neco~mendntion t~ request be denied, Trustee Beach seconded it~ sad it failed three nays~ t~o ayes. irrustees S~ift, McFadden Stevens voting nay. Trustee S~rlft then noved the Booed re-co,mt the petition to the Plan Commission, informing them the reasons for doing such is ~J~at (1) Bosrd was info,md that a second shopp~_ng center is pL~mued along Gray Road I'~est of U. S. 31 · ]~oard ~-~as not sure if _plsm Commission ~as aware of this (2) Land Use Committee vote sad opinion ~.~as unclear. Petition apparently ~,~ent to co~ttee t~ice. Not certain comm,.tree fozmd especially on its second re~.e~,~. (3) Trs~fic entering U. S. 3~ admitteSiy ~z both sides a problem, t~lan Co~.ssion's op5mion o.~~ suggestions on this ~.s not cles~ to the Board. Trustee Stevens seconded the ruction and it passed three ayes, ~,~o nays. Trustee Beach and }U_usha~ noting nay. Petition to he put on the December ~Tth ~lan CommisRion agenda. Trustee McFadden recessed the meeting at 9:1~ p.m. ~nd left. Vice-President Fred S~_ft re-convened the meeting at 9:2~ p.m. and presided over the balsa~ce of the meeting. pa~e three December 10~ 19711 OD~0INANCE~ ~D-65: Vice-?resident 4~,~ift read proposed ordina'nce i~-63 transferring f~nds within the General~ Town Court, [~.ilding Com'~£~ssion~ Police, ~d ~,~, budgets. Trustee Hinshaw mo~d to adopt Ordinance ~-63 as read. Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed. ~nimously. ~,'~ FI[!I~I~N: Vice-President ,~ift read letter from Fire Chief Donald ~,~ails requesting authorization to hire t~,~o firer,~n~ Stephen C. I~odson and Clifford B. Gray. Trustee Stevens ~oved to authorize the hiring of the firemen, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unsmimously. 1~?~ POLICY S~P2ET: Tram ~ian~,ger submitted a draft of the 197~ e~plo~e policy sheet. ~ard to act on it at the December 30 meeting. FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRM~h T¢~n Attorney stated he was trying to have something ready for the ]~oards action on the flood insurance program at the December 30 meeting. JANNARY 1 ,~ 197% APPOINTMENTS: To~,n~ Attornejf: Trustee Hinshaw moved to retain John Pearce as To~,~n Attorney for 1975, Trustee Stevens seconded it s. nd it passed unandmously. Plan CormUission: Trustee Stevens moved to re-appoint Doug ~tarsh on the Plan Corm~.ssion, Trustee ~nshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. :BOARD OF ZONI~ API~EALS: ~'ustee Hinsha~ moved to re-appoint J~anne Morey and Ralph Stephens to the i~oard of Zoning sppeals for the year 1975, Trustee~Stevens seconded, it and it passed una~ously. POLICE, CO~'H~SSION: Trustee Hinsh~w moved to re-appoint 1]ernie I-bsher on the Police Commission for a period of one year~ Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed 3 ayes, 1 nay~ Trustee ]!~ach casting the nay vote. TO~,¥N ;i~D ~,~E~RS ON PLAN COI~ISSION: Trustee ~ach moved to re-appoint Trustees Hinshm~, Shrift s~nd Stevens to the Plan Commission for one yes~r. Trustee Hin~haw seconded it and it passed unar_imously. SECRETA'~Y TO iVCAN CO~,~,ISSION: Trustee Hin~a~¢ moved to retain Francis Gaskins as the Plau Com~.ssion secretary. Tm~stee ~evens seconded it and it passed unani~ously. TO~'E,f OARD OFFI6~ElqS: Trustee ,~ift moved that I'Yilliam ~,~Fadden be elected as the last President of the Carmel T~n Doard, T~stee ~ns~w seconded it and it passed ~_stee ~..nshaw moved t~.t ~ed ,~,d~ft be elected as the last Vice-~esident of the C~l Town ,O~d~ T~stee Stevens seconded it ¢.nd it passed ~ously. I~UDIAI~S ~;'~A~mER ~l~O~ P~C~E: Vice-~sident ~ift read letter sent by ~,~illiom McFad~n 'offer~g ~[;1,155~000'~b0 fo~ their facilities at ~ay ~ad ~d. 106th Street. ~(.Y ~C~.~IC DIST~CTS: To~ Man2.ger p~sented a prel~u~,~ outl~e of b~da~mes for the ne~-~ ¢_ty ~c~atic Dist~cts. Tm~ &tto~ey to p~pa~ ordinance for ~tu~ bo~d meeting. ~ ~T: ~stee ~.~t stated Judge Correll had stated ~s cou~ room space ~,~as ve~ crm.~ded and ~.~s,s co~ide~ng using the ~eti~ ~ at ~0 E. }~ain as a possibility for a new c~rtroom. REPRESE~ATl~E DONALDSON & 5~I$~TOR DIr¢~LI,: i~oar5 aEreed to request a luncheon meeting with Rspresentative Donaldson and Senator .~vall to discuss the Boards views on 1975 legislation. Clerk-Treas. to confer with P~esident McFadden for possible meeting date on ~Dec. 3Oth. page four 12/10/?1~ E~TENSION OF I,DHA~ffK ROAD: Board discussed ex%ending ~bhawk Road west of Rangeline ~¢ith Toe,In Engineer Fred Hohl. Trustee Hinshaw moved to authorize Fred Hohl to proceed in getting costs~ s~d projections on a preliminary survey on 126th Street from ~,,festfield L~lvd. over the proposed route of 126th Street to old 31. Trustee Swift seconded it smd it passed unanimously. FRED HO~U~: PLOW SNOW: T~*m Engineer stated on occasion the street personnell, when plo¢.~ing snow, ~*lould pl~,F so~ grass and snow blade sometimes m~ins the sod. Nr. Hohl stated he had been asked to replace it. Board agreed to leave the decision up to the departmenT, head. CHRISTI~d~ C~[GRCH PROPERTY: Trustee Hinshaw stated he had been authorized by the Christian Church to convey to the Board they would have four acres for sale for a possible r~w city buildin~ site. IR,~o acres Es, st of present Church and two acres South. Trustee Hinshaw to attend meeting vrlth Ckatrch representatives. There being no further businsss, the meeting adjourned at 10:~0 p.m. WILI,I~2~ D. MOFAD~EN~ PRESIDENT