BOT-10-22-02~3H~TES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MTG. 06TOBER 22, 1974 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 9:20 p.m. by President William McFadden, who presided. All board members and Town Manager were present. I~ike Howard, representing Town Attorney, John Pearce, who was ill, was present also. Meeting was held at the Carmel High School, immediately following an essay contest for Jr. High and High School students on Town vs City status, sponsored by the Chamber cf Commerce. Clerk-Treasurer read the minutes of the last regular meeting. No additions or corrections WILFONG STOP WORK ORDER: President McFadden announced the stop work order authorized at last board meeting on the Wil long North Interim Wastewater plant h~d been lifted. CHANNEL 4©: President McFadden read correspondence from Channel 40. HAREY ELLIOTT: MOHAWK PLACE: A letter frc~ Harry C. Elliott requesting a three-way stop sig~ at the entrance to Mohawk Shopping Center and Range Lmne Reada ~ McF~dden stated he had discussed tho stop sign with Police Chief Beard and it was ~he opinion of the Chief that a stop sign was not needed at this time. An alternative solution would be presented at a later date. 234 Speed Limit: President McFadden read reply to Board's request to rednce speed limits on SR 234 from Keystone to Gray Road. ~r. Sadler stated in his letter that speed studies would be schedu2ed soon. McCULLOUGH & ASSOCIATES: President McFadden read proposed letter to McCullough & Asso. authorizing them to provide necessary accountS.ug relating to proposed purchase of Indianapolis Water Co. facilities. Board agreed to content of letter and authorized Town Manager sign it. 1 ~7~ STATE TAX BOARD BUDGET REVIEW: ~. McFadden announced the hearing on the 1975 budget had been set for' October 31, at 2:30 p.m. CAR~L DRIVE & 431: Tc~n Mauager stated the State High~ay Commission had estimated that it would take about one more month to determine the feasibility of stop and go lights at Carmel Drive and 431. BUILD~IG PERMIT FIGURES: Mr. A1 Pickett, Building Commissioner, appeared before the board and presented a ~eport of comparison figures of building permits issue~ in 1 973 and 1974. Report showed a 16.73% decrease for single family dwellings, a 48.74% decrease in apartment builddng construction and a 30.01% decrease in total funds re- ceived by his office. OLD DODQE: T~*n Manager asked board's authorization to dispose of the 1969 Dodge the sewer inspector had been driving. ~,~. Schmeltekop stated the value was approximately ~1 50.00% Board authorized Town Manager sell the car for best price. CO~ITY DEVELOPMENT CONFE~NCE: Town Manager stated that he, George Burrell and Fran Overstreet were going to an all day conference on the new co~mmmity development federal aid program October 23, in Richmond, Indiana. 10/22/?~4. page two AMENDMENT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT FOR WATER LINE AND FOR STANDARD WELL POLLUTION AREA E.ASE~E.NT: Upon the recommendatic~ of i~own Manager and Town Engineer, Trustee Swift ~, :'~' moved to sign the agreement for ~mendment of right-of-way grant for water line and ~ for stand~rd well pollution area easement z*lth Carmel-Clay Schools, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. FIF~ STATION-IO6th & LAKESHORE DRIVE WEST: Resolution //1-102274 was read by Trustee Swift as foll~s: ~emes now the Board of Trustees of the Town of Carmel, Indiana, a~d WHEREAS, it is necessary to execute a letter of intent for delivery to Mr. Donald K. Smith in order that the Town of Carmel, Indiana, for its constituency, obtain additional fire protection, Now, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of the TO~n of Carmel, Indiana, by unanimous vote enter into and sign and execute for delivery to Donald K. Smith that letter of intent, which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. Trustee Stevens moved to adopt resolution, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it. Mr. Howard then read letter of intent. Motion passed u~nimous~y. S~EVE UHRICH: PLUG VALVES: Mr. Steve Uhrich, of Clyde E. Williams & Associates stated plug valves shoed be re-advertised for the November 1 2th meeting. F~GLE VALLEY T1~,~. EXTENSION: June 11, and 120 days was given to c~.,lete the project, which moams the time to com- plete the project ended October 9. Therefore, Clyde E. Williams was asking for a time of extension for the project. Town Manager stated that up until this time, there had been some co~fusion of getting everyone together to try to solve the problem of ex- filtration tests that didn't prove satisfactory. Town Manager stated he recommended the Board assume that as of Friday, Oct. 25, if the intent is there, if it shows dafinately they are moving forward on this problem, at the best speed possible, that the Board waive the $150 per day fine to determine they definetely are proceeding in an orderly manner, but let them pay for the cost of the inspector Clyde E. Williams furnishes, and also hold them to the possibility of being liable for damages should we have high waters and damages in the basement. After two weeks, review it again. Board agreed with that reco~nendation and authorized Town M~uager write letter to Clyde E. Williams and Associates giving them authority to send a copy to contractor, Eagle Valley Construction Co. ~ir. Uhrich stated the contract with Eagle Valley was signed RESOLUTION #2-102274: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee S~ift moved to adopt resolution #2-102274 releasing performance bonds on the curbs, sanitary and storm sewers and h~c~ants in B~iar Creek, Section I, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed ~n~mously. HESOLUTION #3-102274: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved to adopt resolution ~3-102274 releasing performance bonds on the sanitary and storm sewers in Eden Estates Section I, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION #4-102274: Upon the recommendation of Town ~g~neer, Trustee Stevens moved to adopt resolution #h-102274 releasing performance bonds for curbs, storm se~re, water mains & hydrants in Eden Estates Section II, Trustee S~ift seconded it and it passed un~nimouslyo ~.NGINEEKING AID tPPLICANTS: Mr. Hohl discussed the applications he had taken for the position as au engineering aid. Beard instructed Mr. Hohl to look for the most qualified person, someone who could step into the To~ ~er's position, should the need arise. Board instructed To~ Engineer and To~ Manager select t~o or three, submit their resumes to the Board and let the Beard interview them. page three 10/2 2/7L$ ROLLING ACRES: Trustee Swift suggested to Town Manager to have some of the Street Department persor~el do some chuck hole patching in the newly annexed area of Rolling Acres. FOLLOW-UP.: Trustee Stevens suggested a follow-up list he made on the agenda for each meeting to check on suggestions and instructions made at previous meetings. TOWN VS. CITY STATUS: Each Board Member made a statement as to their preference for To~m or City as follows: Stevens-city; Hinshaw-undecided-felt the populas is what makes the community-not the status; Swift-city; McFadden-city, Beach-to~. EDEN FOREST CHANGE 0RD~: Town Engineer presented change order #2 approved at last b'~ard meeting for signature. Amount was changed frc~ $6,330.00 to $6,178.00. CHANGE ORIER NEI~ TREAT~NT PLANT: Upon the recomm2ndation of Town Manager, Board instructed change orde~ for $5,500.00 be made up to be signed at November 1 2th Board meeting for South Plant so a set-up can be put in to get the sewage from the new interceptor line when it is completed, over to the lagoon and be able to treat it. T~re being ne further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. William D. McFadden, President