BOT 1927 (01-11 thru 02-01)Bosrd met in r~.ular session ,:ith [~11 members pr~svnt except ~tratton. },~inut,~s cf th~ D~c. m~etin7 wer~ read and ap:2roved. ~ills of; ..... . o _ . LiSht CO.- Lights --oo.~ Till Perry_ salar3, 6~ O0 Fidelity ~%rust Co. Clerk's ~o~d ~0.(0 O~erlease ·Cottin ham Labor 15~.~0 were ~f~o'~edg PAID[. After much dlsol]ssic~l i~ was a~r~ed bs the' Ooard unammnious the To%~n of Carmel had not been re'oresent~d as it colud have bet:r]. outt,,ir.ea il possible,to assist in that a hos~ lmv¢y~¢r should De ' ' the construction of~ drain Ior th~ town. Thc olc~q,: re:ad no~c~ o1 the Courts disposal of the petition of [%.O.Feaster an~ ofF, ers. Together with thc costs of same. Clerk ~'as ordertO to get in touch with lawyer as to 'he payment of said costs. The plat was near enought correct I'oF the G~scription of the lan~~ surrounGing,to annex all plotted and PeooPueO and others again~,t th~ to~n was dismissed The suit of Jc Johnson - by the court,thereby settlelng[ al]~ questions of annexation of The bo~Pd w~s unamlnoue in the ooinion that the Dpooos~d annexa tion was justifiable arid that proper action should come before the meeting oi Jan,20,1927. Citizens St, gte Bank of Carmel suomltted a proposal fCr the State Depositor~y o~ To~':n Funds rith a bond of ~000 Five Thousand Dolla~ ~,bioh ~as acepted. Clerk was ~sked %o hav~ Polls Oriffin,~orney, present at me6tl~, the meeting was qarrled over. Clerk Pres. Jan. ~0,1927 · Bear~ met in S~eeial session at 8.00 P~.~ll members present. Attorneys Hebbs anm Griffin were present. Resolution was pasBe~ UnanAmeus. That the following platte~ a~itions be ineerpm~aAe~ into the town ef Carmel. The Wie~ler addition, Phelps a~ition, The D.W.Kinzer 1st amd 2~ a~itienm ; the F~.Hav;kins a~4itiens. The question of annexing certain ether unplatte~ ter~ery was vtee~ upon,the veto being all favorable. Attorney was ergere~ tc ~raw up petition te the County Commissioners for the sai~ annexation. Bear~ or~ere~ clerk to write Christan anm Waltz netifying~hem ef their ~ismissal a~ town AttorneyS. Clerk was er~ere~ te make a eertifie~ eepF ef the election ~f Ney. 1921.t~ Clerk ef Hamilten Ce. Ne Turther ~u~ines~ ,meeting was earrie~ ever, Clerk P~-es. ~5'~. ~ , Peb._l,19~7. Bo~r,,~ met in' Librsry ~t Ail members exes. pt Feaster present. ~.J.~911ett ~a:s el~:-ete~ prea~nt pro tea. lllnutes of Jan. meeting; read a~d' approvei. Bill~ ~ere rea6 and all~ed ~a foll~s: Till ?erry ........ 60.00 Light Co.- ........... D.$1.Hu/ler --6}e~ks r~port ~.~ Car~el Stmr~tari clerk rept-6~ J'.S.Shanmmn Survey 9~.OO Hamilton Co .Court ee~t~ Haines Automatic Labor 1.50. Att~r~eys Hobbs and Griffin Pre~ent with 5~r. Jehn Fullwil4er with profile cf propese~ drmin. A petttien submitte~ anm signc~ f~r the purpose ef annexatien of ~ert~in adjacent territery ~eseribe~ as fellows; Nr.l~allwll4er submittem his epiniena as to the ~raining of Car.'el. which were ~lmeusse~ at length. ness to come before ~oar~ ,m~eting a~rrie~ over