BOT 1919 (12-05)Ind., ~)ec. $, 191.~. The board ~%et l~ece~!ber 5, 1919 with the fot]owinf[ ofeicers ~. E. ,~al!, I. J. Bales, Dunnin[~ Hall, John] Lee, an4 Ja~?~s ~futt. The fol!o q3~j~ or~i~ance was ~ntro~uced te th~ Eoarl by the Attorney, L. J. Patty. Upon mot!eh of LTr. ~utt, seconded by ~r. Lee, the ordinance was placed upon it~ T)as~j~e amd was p~sed by the followin:~ Yea ~d ~[ay ~te: E. E. I. J. Bales Dunn~ n.U Hall John Loe Jar~e s 'TTut t Nay 0 ORDI~TANCE An Gr~ina~ce FixinE the Salaries of Certain Elective and Appoint- ive Ofeicers of the To~ of Car- ~.el, in the State of Indiana, Pro- vidir~g How the Sa~e Shall bo lowed and Paid, Declarin~ an Erer- ~ency and RepealinL' All Ordin,~oces in Conflict Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of tb~ Town of Ca,~,~el, ~n the State of Indiana, That the Annual Salaries of the fo!]cwiug officers of said Town be as follows: Trustee ~:it2.0 Clerk-Treasurer ~,120.00; Marshal LS0.a0; Fight Watch~ Health Officer Yl5.00; Attorney '%50.00. Sec. 2. All salaries provided eot in section i of this or:iinance shall be allowed by the Board of Tn~stees in Quarterly installr'ents of one fourth of the annnal salaries, at its last re~Q~,tar in the ~onths o~ ~/~arch, JuDe, ~lepte~ber and ])ece~ber respectively of each year, except the salary of ~ight Watct~qan which ~hall allowed in ~:onthly install~ents o~ ~16.00 each at the last of the Board in each respective ~.onth of the year. Warr~]ts sh~ll drawn by the Clerk-Treasurer for payment of said salaries at ti~,e of allowance thereof. Sec. An erer~ency existinM for the i~r-ediat~ taxiing efeect of thi~ ordi,]~ce, the s~e shall be in ~ll force and effect o~ and after Jannary l, 1920. S~c. 4. All ordinances in conflict with a~y of the p-oviqion~ of this ordinanc~ are hereby repealed. The re! owin~ bills were allowed: Ja~,e~ k[. ~utt, salary ........................ ~: 9.00 John Leew-sa~a~y ............................ 9.00 ;~,. ?. ~-~11, ~aiarl .......................... ~'.00 '])unnin~ Hall, salary ................. ~ 9.00 LeRoy J, Part.V, s,alary ............... /~.~ F, O. H~rshey, sal~xry---~ ............ Thor~s Evans, on,-half ~or~th Ni~t~t %?arch and ons-half ~onth ~arshal--- I. J. Bales; salary and suppiie~ ..... Vgrn9 Patty, salary 4th ~uarter ...... 25.00 L. J. Patty, ~uD~p ~Troun4 p~ivito~elg1920.00 Traction Light & Pow;e~ Co., lishtsNov. 67.50 H o4.~g Road Plans Co,, ro~%4 pl~lne .... 65.00 The r:~eetin~ was continue~! over until ~,~onday evening, for reorF, ani~ation of the Board for the y~ar 1~20. V],]R~z] PATTY, Clerk-Treasurer.