Minutes RES 10-11-22 • We ask this is continued to the November 1st Residential Committee for further review Committee Comments: Sue: How big is the courtyard area? Brandon Knox,Onyx&East: Approximately 80' x 60'. Christine: What kind of benches and hardscape will you be using?What kind of trees will you be planting in the courtyard?Brandon Knox: We can bring this information to our next meeting. Steve Pittman: We have large boulders to include in our open spaces. Sue: If we discover something during the DP/ADLS review that will make the design of this development better, is there anything that we can propose to change the plans within the PUD?Alexia Lopez: It depends on the severity of the change.If it doesn't change the plan or number of units that are stated in the PUD,we can ask for the change,or we would need the Petitioner to do a PUD Amendment or an amendment to the commitments. Josh: For discussion for the trees,I would want them to do invasive clearing and removing of non-native trees.This would open more space for native,healthier trees.How do we make this the healthiest area for trees for the next 50 years? We need to seek the advice of the Urban Forester. Christine: If parking is not needed, is there a way to keep/preserve trees in the street parking areas?Jon Dobosiewicz: Presented exhibit, we have parking only on the south side of the street that runs along the pond area so more trees can be preserved on the north side of the street. Josh: Have you established any language in how to remove any abandoned parked/locked bikes within this development? Jon Dobosiewicz: We can work on this and bring this to the next Committee meeting. Christine: Can you provide pictures of the proposed dock on the retention pond?Brandon Knox: We are working with our landscape architect on these.We can bring details to the next meeting. Josh: It was brought up at the Plan Commission meeting that there's a concern of guest parking spots becoming long-term parking spots. It was mentioned that the parking signs should not be labeled so it didn't restrict people from parking. Sue: Where is the monument entrance sign going to be located?Will drivers coming down Spring Mill be able to see it? Brandon Knox: It will be on the south side of the entry drive. It will be fairly set back due to the right-of-way. Sue: How big is the proposed dog park?Brandon Knox: 50' x 30' fenced in area. Sue: Has the sound proofing materials for the units that face I-465 looked at?Jon Dobosiewicz: The materials such as the type of windows and installation were added to the PUD. This item will continue to the November IS`Residential Committee Ms. Zoccola recuses herself;Mr. Rider sits in her place. 2. Docket No.PZ-2022-00147 OA: Legacy PUD Amendment. The applicant seeks approval to amend the Legacy PUD text in order to increase the number of permitted units in the PUD and increase the number of apartments permitted. The site is located southwest of 146th Street and Community Drive. It is zoned Legacy PUD Z-501-07 as amended. Filed by Nelson&Frankenberger,LLC on behalf of Advenir Oakley Development,LLC. Petitioner:Jon Dobosiewicz,Nelson&Frankenberger • This was recently reviewed by the PC. Want to walk through items that were brought up during the public hearing and comments from the PC such as traffic,character of area, summary of permitted uses of the PUD and what is being proposed,info received from Cannel schools,and the amenities being proposed. • This project includes a mix of uses.Presented an image of a rendering of the aerial perspective. • The PUD today allows up to a 60-ft maximum building height, 5-story multi-family building throughout area • The amenity location for the 350 homes on the image is identified at top corner of plan. It will include a pool. • Presented Site Plan, includes commercial area,3 apartment buildings with parking lot, 3-bedroom townhomes,2- 2 Residential Committee Minutes 10-11-22 bedroom cottage units,2/3-bedroom cottages with garage,2-bedroom carriage homes,and clubhouse&amenities • 347 dwelling units would be part of our proposed site plan • Presented a by-right density sketch plan, 315 dwellings(153 combined apartments and detached/attached dwellings,and 162 lofts are permitted today by PUD. • We have provided a summary of what is permitted by right in the 3 areas of Legacy—Primary Office Use Block, Village Core Use Block,and Urban Residential Use Block • Carmel Clay Schools(CCS)Associate Superintendent provided us with their capacity and current enrollment. This shows there's more than enough capacity as otherwise stated by the public comments. CCS stated they have no concerns with accommodating the increased student enrollment from this type of development.CCS does not consider Prairie Trace understaffed.We feel this development will not have a negative impact on the schools. • We will provide a completed traffic study at the next meeting. We have provided a draft traffic study. 169 AM peak hour trips and 205 PM peak hour trips were generated for our proposed site plan. 602 AM peak hour trips, and 611 PM peak hour trips were generated of the current(by-right)PUD standards. • Provided amenity sq.ft. comparison of the Legacy Amenity spaces vs. the proposed LEO Living amenity spaces • We are proposing a 1,500 sq. ft. fitness center, 1,200 sq. ft. secondary fitness, 1,500 sq.ft. leasing office,636 sq. ft.pool house, 1,900 sq. ft.,and 10-15k sq. ft.pool deck. This is more than what is currently offered to the Legacy residents. • Presented a 7-page document of the communication received from the Overlook HOA Board of their evaluation of the proposed site plan. The HOA has been in communication with our client and the City. They are in support of our plans. Department Report: Alexia Lopez • We would like to see the Petitioner tighten up the PUD text and imaging.What they are proposing to what is expected. • We are supportive of this amendment. We like the layout,transitions,and connectivity. We think the additional units will help support the current and future businesses within the Legacy. • CCS confirmed with Staff,Council Rider,and the Petitioner they are comfortable with the proposed number of units,and it won't have a negative impact on the local school systems • This has a large variety of housing options. The cottages are a different product than your typical multi-level family unit. • Staff recommends this is continued to the November lst Residential Committee for further review Committee Comments: Kevin: Is any part of your proposal part of what be defined as affordable or subsidized housing?Jon Dobosiewicz: It is not. It's all market rate and above. Josh: Can Staff help me understand how do we start with one plan and why should we accept any of the changes being proposed?Mike Hollibaugh: Ultimately, it's up to the Committee and Council to approve this PUD Amendment.When it was originally approved,this was the best proposal at that time. Since then,a lot of variables have occurred.The same owner/developer are not involved now. There is a process for amending the PUD.Josh: I am less worried about the bureaucracy of this change,but rather the trends in the market you observed to help us understand why they are coming to us now?Mike Hollibaugh: There is a lot of subjectivity. There have been other amendments.Jon Dobosiewicz: In 2006, the level of site planning was not provided(showing zone map,none detailed).In the last years the PC has demanded more detail in the PUD. Mike Hollibaugh: There was no commitment in the PUD to the design.Variables occureed and there was subjectivity built into the PUD. What we thought we were getting;we did not get. Scott Weathers,Advenir: One of the reasons we think this product will work well is that we can provide different types of housing and provide four walls of freedom. There has been a recession and an increase in housing costs. There's a change in the market where people are renters by choice.This gives them the opportunity to have a house and a yard.Kevin: We have approved a number of for rent in the past couple of years,and if we are going to build for rent,I want a different concept,which this Iprovides. Scott Weathers: We consider these as horizontal multi-family. Sue: It's a rental. What makes it different from moving into an apartment?Scott Weathers: The leasing contract is the same,but the type of dwelling is different. It's a single-family home. Sue: These are very small.Josh: The difference between 2-bedroom cottages and apartments,the 3 bedroom is the magic number for families.Two-bedroom products won't produce kids into the school system. Kevin: These rentals will be maintained by the development owner and not the resident. Scott Weathers: 100%I agree. 3 Residential Committee Minutes 10-11-22 Josh: It won't be up to the individual,but the property owner.Jon Dobosiewicz: Correct,these cannot be individually owned.Kevin: The City will use Code Enforcement to enforce any maintenance and property upkeep issues they may occur over time. Josh: I am not in favor of the idea of not having as much retail as we were initially proposed in the original PUD.Can we get more retail in this area?I would like to make this area walkable. I understand the City Engineer had conversations about the site design and encouraging the developer to have a plaza or amenity,midtown plaza like,for the residents in this area.A place where you can have an outdoor concert.Kevin: TIFF would pay for that. Scott Weathers: The location he was requesting for the plaza was here(shows parking lot area on map).Unfortunately,with having the vertical multi- level apartment component,you have to park it.All the parks within the community are open to anyone to use. We modified our site plan so we can add a larger green space and plaza. Josh: Has there been any consideration or site design with the City Engineer about adding raised pedestrian crosswalks along James Dean Drive?Scott Weathers: If we are allowed,we are happy to put them there.Josh:Not speedbumps, raised crosswalks.Alexia:You would need to work with the Engineering Dept. Scott Weathers: These are our neighbors and safety is a major concern for us.If we are permitted,we will add those traffic calming devices.Josh: Please have that conversation with the Engineering Dept. Scott Weathers: Happy to add these to our plans.Josh: Let's see how I can make these street connections slower and safer. Josh: We will have a lot of dog owners. Have plenty of potty stations throughout.Require DNA testing for the dogs,so if droppings are not picked,we can test their droppings and place the blame. Scott Weathers: We will have plenty of dog amenities and all residents will have to register their dog.Josh: When I see a site this large,there's always a large possibility of dog owners leaving their droppings. Sue: Where is the trash pickup?Scott Weathers: We will provide a valet trash pickup 6 days a week. Sue: Where will the mail be picked up? Scott Weathers: Gang mailboxes will be located in 2-3 locations. Sue: We will need you to show and explain that in the PUD. Question from public: I received a flyer in the mail that 1 bedroom,600 sq. ft. cottages will be offered. Scott Weathers: 1-bedroom units will not be included in the LEO Cottage section. 1-bedroom units will be in the vertical multi-family buildings. This item will continue to the November ls`Residential Committee 3. WITHDRAWN Docket No.PZ-2022-00117 PUD: 96th and Haverstick PUD Rezone. • Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. - (our& A iza Shalt/ 1 Recording Secretary Sue Westermeier- Residential Committee Chair 4 Residential Committee Minutes 10-11-22