RFI (24)�� ' �W�lv �.% IT1; CARMEL I N D I A N REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Request for Records Pursuant to Indiana Access To Public Records Act(I.C. 5-14-3-1, et seq., as amended I hereby request of the City of Carmel, Indiana, the right to inspect and copy the following records: Date 1 /8/2024 First Name Last Name Email* mwalia@hks.harvard.edu Address of Request Street Address 79 John F. Kennedy St. Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Cambridge MA Postal / Zip Code Country 02138 USA Name of Subdivision (If Applicable) Approximate Year of YYYY Construction Please provide the Information you are requesting: Any and all incident reports (including descriptions of the crime) that have been marked or investigated as assaults that occurred on September 9, 2023. Police reports refer to reports produced with notes and narratives, and a description of what happened by the responding officer. Here is an example: https://cdn. muckrock.com/foia_files/2018/03/06/2-28-18_M R49345_RES. pdf We are requesting the reports be provided electronically in PDF format via e-mail. This request is not being made for commercial purposes. The data are being requested for research purposes, and release of them is in the public interest. I am requesting that any associated fees be waived. If fees are not waived, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the total charges, with an itemized cost estimate, in advance of fulfilling my request. NOTE: Please identify records you seek with reasonable particularity. Vague requests, overbroad requests, or requests that contain no time parameters may be denied, delayed, or returned for further clarification. Your records request must be made on this form, not on an attachment to this form. Signature No Text