Letter #3 Erica Hendricks Butler, Bric From:Erica Hendricks <ica4001@gmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, March 20, 2024 6:14 PM To:Butler, Bric Subject:For task force consideration Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Completed Hello Bric, I’m writing to express my thoughts on the future of Carmel development in hopes that someone will listen. It feels like it’s impossible to have our voices heard even with the new task force in which there are more groups represented in the build-it camp than not. It doesn’t feel like it’s starting from a position of objectivity. In a recent Current in Carmel article, the city and Mike Hollabaugh said the dissent for development is coming from loud minority. I think if leaders will stop and listen, this minority is larger than you realize. I also think that many folks, myself included, aren’t completely against continued development for our city. We simply request a more thoughtful outlook on development where space, trees and existing communities are more protected. For example, I find it appalling that the development at 111th and Penn was approved with 95% lot coverage by ONE single hearing officer. How can one person have that much power? This shows zero respect for the land and the existing neighbors surrounding it. Why on earth would the standard lot coverage of 80% not be sufficient to make this a successful development? I think this is an example of what continues to frustrate people. Another example is trying to ram a 5 story hotel into the tiny lot north of the Ritz Charles. The “parking study” provided by the developer was a joke and easily refuted with a boots on the ground tracking of actual parking availability at peak times. Another example is trying to approve a 10,000 sq ft daycare in JG village - this space was meant and promised to that community to be small village style walkable retail and restaurants and not intended for a 10k building. My antenna is up on this too because who approves and builds a daycare without outdoor space for children to enjoy? This feels to me like a long term play for the land where a daycare moves on and something else can go in its place. 3 prime examples of ridiculous and unthoughtful consideration to development in Carmel. Also, the new task force is expected to make their recommendation by the end of July. When will the community survey results be available to them and to the community for viewing? Will it be before the task for makes their final report? I respectfully request that no major decisions are made until the surgery results are available. In closing, the continued over development of retail and apartments puts at risk some of the major reasons we chose to live in Carmel - less traffic and congestion, quieter neighborhoods, better streets without potholes, more homeowners who value and take care of their properties. We chose Carmel because we don’t want to live in overdeveloped vinyl box villages with massive sprawling apartments and retail or unsafe, pothole ridden communities. Please consider a lower density thoughtful approach to keeping the charm that is Carmel. 1 Thank you, Erica Hendricks Erica Hendricks 2