Dept Report 09-18-07 ,J CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION DEPARTMENT REPORT September 18, 2007 8H. Docket No. 07070058 PP: The Legacy (Residential Phase 1) The appl icant seeks primary plat approval for 126 lots on 83.34 acres. The site is located at the 6600 block of E. I 46th St. and is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development. Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwelth & Assoc. for Platinum Properties, LLC. The applicant seeks primary plat approval For 126 lots on 83.34 acres. This is only 83 acres out of 509 acres. The density in this phase is 1.51 units per acre. The layout of this Residential Phase I coordinates and complies with the PUD ordinance Z-50 1-07 for The Legacy. This PUD ordinance can be viewed online at: ,http://coc~ocs.ci.carmeJ.in.us/webJink/DQcVie,-,,,.aspx?iu=229 I 57. The initial rezone for this site came through under Docket No. 06050001 Z. The info packet that went along with that rezone does show photographic examples of the proposed housing in this Suburban Residential Use area of The Legacy. For reference, this large 75 page info packet can be accessed online at: http://cocdocs.ci.carmel.in.us/weblinklDocView.aspx?id=226583. The petitioner should provide the plan commission with the pertinent exhibits from this document to the Plan Commission. DOCS comments/concerns: I. The City Forester is still reviewing lhe landscape plan. He will also need a tree preservation plan. 2. The Engineering Dept is still reviewing the plans, but is fine with the item being sent to Committee for further review. 3. Photo examples, renderings, or color building elevations (all 4 sides) with materials labeled are requested. 4. The developer has responded to DOCS' review letter/email, and there are no outstanding issues. 5. Provide the status of the Hami lton County Highway's approval of the curb cuts onto 146111 Street. 6. Provide the status of the Hami Iton County Surveyor's approval of the drainage. The Department of Community Services recommends the Plan Commission forward this item to the October 2 Subdivision Committee meeting for further review.