Executive Order JB-2012-1 CITY OF CARMEL EXECUTIVE ORDER JB2012 - 1 WHEREAS, due to the efficiency and cost-consciousness exhibited by certain Executive Departments of the City of Carmel, excess funds remain in the 2012 fiscal year Department budgets, and, WHEREAS, it is prudent to return to the General Fund these funds not reasonably necessary for Department operation during the remainder of the 2012 fiscal year, or needed to be encumbered into the 2013 fiscal year, NOW,THEREFORE, I James Brainard, the duly elected Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, pursuant to Indiana Code Section 36-4-7-8, which authorizes me to decrease budget appropriations after the passage of the City's appropriation ordinance, do herby order and direct that the following funds within the Executive Departments indicated be decreased in the amounts shown and from the line items set forth below: GENERAL FUND AMOUNT DECREASED Police Department (1110) 301 Stationary & Printed Material $ 2,000 302 Office Supplies $ 4,000 321 Garage & Motor Supplies $ 1,000 390-10 Ammo & Accessories $ 5,000 390-11 Special Departmental Supplies $ 2,000 404 Consulting Fees $ 1,000 515-01 Maintenance Contracts-Equipment $ 5,000 582 Special Investigation Fees $ 3,000 630 Furniture & Fixtures $ 1,000 640 Office Equipment $ 1,000 650 Cars &Trucks $ 2,000 670-01Task Force Equipment $ 1,000 670-99 Other Equipment $ 2,000 TOTAL: $ 30,000 Fire Department (1120) 440 Telephones $ 13,000 560-01 Uniforms $ 12,000 560-03 Safety $ 3,000 570-03 Instructional Fees— Internal $ 12,000 TOTAL $ 40,000 Law (1180) 530-03 Postage Meter $ 450 TOTAL: $ 450 Board of Public Works (1150) 540-03 2002 Street/Fleet Bond $ 236,543 540-04 2004 Road Bond Payment $ 1,553 TOTAL: $ 238,096 Administration (1205) 350 Building Maintenance $ 1,000 364 Paint $ 300 390-12 Safety Supplies $ 700 390-34 Landscaping Supplies $ 2,000 500 Equipment Repair and Maintenance $ 3,000 504 Grounds Maintenance $ 3,000 635 Grounds Maintenance Equipment $ 5,000 645 Video Equipment $ 2,000 TOTAL $ 17,000 Human Resources (1201) 390-99 Other Miscellaneous $ 200 588 Testing Fees $ 500 640 Office Equipment $ 500 TOTAL $ 1,200 Information Systems (1202) 404 Consulting $ 4,000 404-02 GIS Consulting $ 4,000 419-55 Information Systems Maintenance Contracts $ 2,000 552-05 Subscriptions $ 400 TOTAL $ 10,400 Community Services (1192) 314 Gasoline $ 2,000 400 Legal Fees $ 12,000 450-02 Promotional Printing $ 1,500 509 Other Contracted Services $ 10,000 515-02 Software Maintenance $ 4,000 553 Dues $ 1,000 526 Automobile Lease $ 3,000 TOTAL: $ 33,500 V Brookshire Golf Course (1207) 370 Repair Parts $ 3,000 380 Small Tools & Equipment $ 3,000 450-01 Internal Materials $ 5,000 530-99 Other Rentals & Leases $ 5,000 400 Legal Fees $ 2,000 419-99 Other Professional Fees $ 2,000 630 Furniture & Fixtures $ 5,000 TOTAL: $ 25,000 GENERAL FUNDS TOTAL: $ 395,646 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY FUND Street Department (2201) 100 Full Time Personnel $ 15,000 220 City Share—Health Insurance $ 100,000 TOTAL: $ 115,000 Engineering Department (2200) 401 Engineering Fees $ 12,433 TOTAL $ 12,433 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY TOTAL: $ 127,433 COMBINED GENERAL FUND AND MVHF TOTAL: $ 523,079 '�JJ SO ORDERED THIS ,2(D DAY OF September 2012. j/4/L.,e, limes Brainard, Mayor ATTE. Stephen C. Engelking, Dir tor, Administration